I'm charged with this as a title for a workshop. That's fine; there's always someone who could refresh their basic techniques (me) or back pedal a bit and appreciate some of the products that we used to use a lot. (me). Here's one: Vellum. I have about a ream of it, in plain and coloured and it's lovely. Using it this week felt like I was tripping back to shoulder pads and big hair. It's been ages, and I cannot imagine why. Could it be that there are soooooooo many other paper products crowding my attention zone? And most of them printed to save me the trouble of big and multiple stamping. Lazy tart.One of my 'collections' is Cuttlebug embossing folders. At the time of the Cuttlebug launch, I was a demonstrator for the wholesaler and the demo team were given a bug and a bunch of folders. I'm pretty sure that they are now my least used folders. You kinda use them to death really, huh! Well, in this workshop sample ma

king mode and revelling in the reminiscing through my stash, I found the folder shown on the card. Seriously, I've had it for at least 4 years and after I stopped being a demonstrator, I didn't need to use it, so I didn't. But isn't it gorgeous! And run it through with a piece of vellum clamped into it's little plastic fold; it's just lovely! Well, I like it.
And don't you wish I could photograph just one card straight for a change!
So this weekend, when the beautiful British weather turns back to being entirely March like and seasonally sensible, how about looking out some of your neglected stuff....after all it's not far away - probably just buried under all the 'new' stuff of the last 3 years!
Have a lovely weekend. And if you're reading this Sissy - happy happy birthday. I did post it, but I'm confident that you won't receive it today - but you already knew that really!
Lovely cards Julia. Never thought of trying embossing vellum. But then I only just got a Big Shot two weeks ago so I am still putting every random paper scrap through it wondering what I'll do with 50,000 paper scrap butterflies ;0) I'm inspired to look through some old stash this weekend. xx
Fab cards Julia. Now please pop over the the blog shop and get your name down in the BIG draw and please tell all your friends to go over there too. It will be drawn on April 4th so please don't miss out on the fun.
A x
ps thanks for the really special card
Love the cards, will have to have a rummage through the old drawers this weekend!
Lovely cards and yes you are right we keep on going for new stuff and forgetting the lovely old stuff we have! I finally got my mojo back so I guess I can give my old stuff a go!
Have a lovely weekend and enjoy crafting or whatever you will be doing - I will be visiting my mom as it is Mothers day here in Slovenia!
OOH Julia . . . THAT'S a good idea . . . I'm going to find a stamp (or 2) that I haven't used in a while and get making something with it. Thanks for the inspiration.
Hugs, Sandra
Yes, I do things like that too!! I have LOADS of vellum - it was always such a pain attaching it invisibly - but hey, now I'm into grunge I won't care! Will see what I can do at the weekend.
I know exactly what you mean about not photographing things straight. I do not know what I would do without Roxio 2011 to help me straighten and crop every one of my pictures. Even when I scan, I still manage to get them slightly wonky. My camera does have a setting where you can have a grid across the screen to help to straighten things up, but I can still get the sea running downhill.
I really like that embossed vellum, and I am off upstairs to have a go with my bug and some of my new folders (I don't have any old ones as I have only just got my bug and not had time to play). Thanks for sharing that idea with us.
Hi Julia - back to basics, sometimes don't think I've got much beyond :( But I love your cards so, like Maggie, I'm going to have a go embossing vellum today. Thanks for this. Elizabeth x
Julia love the simple beauty in these bot of them.. and by the bye you are always welcome here down under next month or next year.. I smiled when you said that about Monkey..and visiting rellies next month...
Love Shaz in oz.x
I love your cards, particularily the top top one! So elegant! So true about vellum, It used to be on every card--haven't used it in years! LOL! Never occured to me to run it through the texture folders!! Thanks for giving me something to work on this weekend!
These are so pretty!!!
That IS a beautiful folder and I bet its not available any more is it?
Gorgeous cards, I love the images. I agree with you too we do neglect some wonderful well used older products and it is always refreshing to revisit some of them or use the old with the new. Tracy Evansx
It took me most of the morning (my morning) to catch up on your blog. It's been fun reading about this latest adventure with vellum and dies you haven't used in years, as well as some of the older posts, especially the touching one about you and Mr. Dunnit and his new venture. I also liked the post about the ribbon. Much to laugh about there.
I agree that we often buy or get something and before we realize it, we are onto something else that catches our fancy. I agree that back to basics is a perfect way to spend the day because some of us don't even have those basics.
And thank you SO MUCH for caring enough to check on me. I promise to be back next week and appreciate how you care.
Love both of the cards - that embossing is beautiful. It is easy to get carried away with new stuff but we should take a look at some of our older goodies from time to time.
Toni :o)
gorgeous card Julia, really effective.
you know, you have inspired me to get out my bug folders and take a second look. I love the idea of running the vellum through in them. Hmmmm...I've got me a Christmas card idea now.....
Aaaah but some of us were late getting in on the Bug bandwagon... I have only had mine about 2 years but agree... it is under-used (well, until I got the Sir Tim dies... its had a few runs since then! LOL Never having been a card maker I am not sure I have vellum in my supplies... will have to see what I can use to get a similar effect as your cards have turned out fabby!!
Lovely cards-very simple and very effective. I've been trying to use some old stuff then I get overwhelmed at how much stuff I have!
Julia...what a beautiful card. You've given me some inspiration for this morning. Off I go to dust off my vellum...wait...first I have to find it! I've got to admit, I love it when I find my "old friends" and dig them out to play. Have a great weekend.
what a beautiful folder it makes an stunning card effortlessly
Well I am definitely going to re-visit this technique...I have lots of velum just lying in wait. Have a great rest of the weekend!
Yes it is a beautiful embossing folder and beautiful cards too Julia :-)
Anne xx
Julia . . . it's now Sunday night . . . and following my earlier response to this post . . . I've made a card using 2 old stamps. But it has been STRESSFUL! Take a look if you dare!
Hugs, Sandra
Morning Julia . . . thanks for commenting on my post! I am nice n calm this morning and am even starting to like the card now! LOL!
GREAT idea about splitting up the words on the Hero Arts stamp . . . thanks for that!
Thanks for challenging me! xxx
The cards look great, Julia - sometimes it's good to revisit the stuff in the corners of our craft spaces!
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