Now then, (as the Yorkshire branch of my lovely family often say, to start a conversation) there’s a lorra business to be done this morning, please bear with.My desk has seen no tidying, but some action. I had a lovely video chat with Lunch Lady Jan and whilst she made woolly balls, so I started on my cards for May. Safe to show this, the recipient probably doesn’t even know I have a blog, also safe to say that this is how I left it after Jan and I finished chatting, and I haven’t been back to it yet. That’s part of today’s plan. Darnell will be pleased with me though, this stamp is an age old NBUS!
In other news, it’s the 13th anniversary of WOYWW on May 18th. I know that’s only 3 weeks away and I’ve dropped the ball in terms of giving notice, sorry. But, if you’re up to it, I’d like to do the ATC swap. Usual details, which I’ll describe in a separate post to save repetitive reading for many of you! I’d like to propose a theme, just to throw a loop in the ribbon. CONNECTION. Connect, connecting. Apart from the crafting, it’s something we do rather well, huh! Now, whilst you absorb all the horror of a themed ATC swap, please show and tell about your desk. It’ll help. I’m almost positive!
Only 3 weeks to the 13th anniversary Julia - how fabulous and thanks for all your hard work over the years. Not sure I will manage ATCs but will still be celebrating on the day. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #2
Well I'm definitely up for a swap, will get my thinking cap on - fast! Have a very boring workspace to share this week I am afraid. Happy WOYWW
Dear Julia Queen of Desks, yes am back in quick few weeks..
And not a month or two. Trying my best to join more often because it dies my heart much good, do read your posts in interim and some others too, as time permits. Your very been much in my thoughts and prayers these last few months.
Mmm a themed ATC now that’s really stretching it.. it may shock you but the only time I make ATCs is for WOYWW anniversary. I’d like to try .. and keep all the balls of life in motion as well, but we’ll see if that ball stays in the air to be done or vanishes out on sight and good intentions. Will know in a week as they take ages to do for this duffer.
Thanks for Sharing so faithfully each week, God bless and keep you safe, and all those you love,
Giant prayer hugs, Shaz in Oz.x
{Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
{Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}
I like a challenge so when it is a better hour for me to think I will do so. Three weeks to think about an ATC will do me good. Maybe I can find an NBUS on the way and use it, you just never know.
Hope the number 13 is good for everyone - now maybe a black cat could connect somewhere.
Hugs, Neet 6 xx
Well! You know I like a challenge don’t you? I’m chuckling cos it’s ‘one of those days’ for me when I really don’t know where to start 😂😂😂 I won’t be making ATCs today lol I will put my thinking cap on though and hopefully I will come up with something.
Annie x
Sounds like a plan though as yet I have no ideas but sure I'll think of something. Thanks Julia for forcing my brain to keep working on new stuff. Happy WOYWW with hugs, Angela x9x
💕🥰 Gooood morning Julia, loving a peek at your desk 😘 Wednesdays have rapidly come to be my favourite day of the week ... thank yooou 💕💛 I would love to join in the celebrations with an ATC swap please 😊 Wishing you all good things,much love and hugs Tracy #10 xxxxxx
Good morning Julia, I can’t believe I completely forgot! I will be posting as soon as I am up and dressed 🙃🙃
Good morning Julia, its a quick drop in for me today before I carry on with the business of Mum’s impending move to her retirement flat on Saturday. I’m hoping normal service will be resumed by next week but who knows with all that moving and selling houses entails.
Take care
Lynn xx
Morning Julia, lovely crafting going on, and made all the lovelier chatting to Jan I'm sure. The ATC theme is a great idea and I'm already exercising my brain in trying to come up with an idea - this will keep me occupied for quite a while I'm sure!
Hope you have a great week,
Diana xx #12
Good morning! I think having a them for the ATCs is a great idea, especially in the shortened time frame. Have to get the old thinking cap on now! Well done on using the NBUS from your stash, you’ll be getting a gold star soon!
Hugs LLJ 4 xx
Good morning, Julia. I’d love to take part in the ATC swap please.
I am definitely up for a swap!
Just about to write up my blog...
Ooh 13 years as queen of desks, fabulous. Great you had a desk catch up with the ever productive Jan, her charity makes are brilliant. ATC connection, ooh will get my thinking cap on
Kyla #15
Congratulations, Julia, on thirteen years of blog hosting!
It’s a fantastic feat.
Take care and happy WOYWW
Lynnecrafts 5
Finally posted! The ATC swap is a great idea and I am looking forward to joining in. Off to get dressed now :) After my coffee that is :)
Good afternoon Julia, Its hard to believe its 13 years, only seems like yesterday it was 12 year lol
Take care and stay safe
Lilian B #13
Thanks Julia for a fun post, like the car commercial says "It's so You" I'd say we all just appreciate what you do to make these 13 years rock. You're in charge and we will be excited about the fun things you inspire us with. I thing "Connecting, Connection, is a great idea. I'm in, it's one thing I enjoy in my crafting "ATC's" or "TinY" projects. Have a great week.
Wow! 13 years, quite an accomplishment! Kudos to you, Julia for keeping this going for so long! It is something I look forward to every week, and I feel I have friends all over the world now!
Your desk looks nice and busy, glad you had a chance to gab with LLJ!
Have a great week, Lindart #19
Good morning, Miss Julia!
I think a themed swap is a lovely idea. My desk looks worse than yours if you dare a peek. LOL Scary stuff!
Hugs & Creative Blessings! ~Kelly
It has been a bit chilly here but that sun has been shining through...really must get out into the garden before everything overgrows! ATC's sound brilliant, will get my thinking cap on...although nothings coming through my brain waves for connection...I'll sleep on it! I'm very have a 'good rest' of the week Happy WOYWW, ((Lyn))#22
even tho I have sucked on posting this year YES! ti the swap! on the calendar and looking forward to it!
I love the idea of the swap so count me in! sorry not for joining in these past few weeks I have been having dental issues and not felt well enough for anything. Hoping second lot of emergency treatment has worked... not convinced yet. Caro xxx
Sorry I'm so late! I thought I'd been! Yes, I'd love a swap! So count me in too! Oh! I have been! just seen myself!
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