My real Workdesk, gentle reader, is piled high with files and month end paraphernalia and stuff that got dumped on it whilst I had family staying last week. Because the work-room has a door on it and is too small to use for any other reason, people stayed out of it and I was able to close the door and walk away from it. I did too. Packed a bag and as I write, I’m in Spain. 
It’s been chilly, very windy and rainy since we got here. We’ve dodged showers and been out and about, a bit of food shopping and some wonderful squally beach walks that soaked us from sea, wind and rain…loved it. Yesterday I caved in a paid for a rain hat. Within an hour, the skies had cleared and we spent all afternoon sitting in the sun. So sorry, if I’d known that it was just about me buying a waterproof hat, I’d have done it on Sunday morning! Most bizarre weather, but the change is very welcome! Today’s plan is to return to the village where we took this photo and sit on the beach, one of our favourites on this particular Costa. Thank you all for your messages and comments about Mum’s funeral. It was hard, but lovely; there was a lot of love floating around and your messages were a big help to me. I have since crashed and burned, but am now revelling in the memories as they pop up. And they do…sometimes they hit you like a wave, and sometimes, they creep into a conversation. I love them and they are not making reel anymore, which is a positive that I’m grateful for.
I am utterly distracted by the sunshine, so please only expect me at your place if you see me. The Internet at this resort is good, so I make no excuses other than…well, sunshine!