Ooherrr, time moves us on and here we are at 599 already. I’ve done some moving myself in the last week. Look, I have a new view!
There’s always a story. When we did the electrical planning for the extension (the kitchen is one end of the new bit), I made a big thing about siting a socket in a particular place for the Christmas tree. It’s been the plug in point for my heat gun for months and months, but of course, the advent of December means that my desk has to move. And I can’t move back into the proper room because there’s still no daylight, and I can’t go a whole month without access to a bit of crafting! So I’ve set up on the boundary between old and new house. Good thing is that I can just wheel the whole show into its original room when Christmas sets in for real. And look, I’ve even started a scrapbook page. I cropped with some friends online at the weekend and this is the last of four challenges we had....and the easiest, because it’s just a sketch to interpret. So.....I expect you have a more productive desk, let’s face it, this week and next we really should be writing if not making our cards!
Report in please, link your WOYWW titled blog post here and put the kettle on. It may take days, but there will be visits!
I like the new view Julia. Handy for refreshments too. So looking forward to our virtual get together. Stay safe and happy WOYWW. Sarah #2
Lol! Desk on wheels? Sounds a bit scary, but practical I guess. Maddie is already hounding me about putting up the tree and it’s not even Thanksgiving! Dear me.
Looking forward to “seeing” everyone next week!
Happy Woyww!
Mary Anne
how exciting to see the new kitchen bit, even if we're meant to be looking at your desk! I did smile at your "we should be writing our cards" -not quite at that stage yet (I always wait till I've got enough made first) Great idea to have your desk on wheels though. Still not downloaded Zoom really must do that soon! Helen #3
Morning Julia. Great new view. So good to chat yesterday. All tasks we talked about now done - just awaiting the approval! Enjoy your new view for as long as it is able to last...
Take care. God bless.
Margaret #4
#599, how can that be Julia?
I’m simply not ready. One month till the day, maybe more ready by then. In spite of my best intentions I mailed the last of my overseas cards today and started on Oz mail.. some how lost last few days. But made some headway today which was a relief!
Thanks for sharing, and God bless, Shaz in Oz.x #5 or six can’t recall..
{Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
{Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}
Oh gosh, what a difference that view makes. How handy to to have a sink so close by - almost an extension for your craft room (and not the other way tee hee)
Don't mention the Christmas cards, I have not touched them since last Wednesday/Thursday and need to at least get the ones to go abroad out - sorry I mean "made". Guess I will later today - well, maybe.
Hugs, Neet 11 xx
Its always nice to have a view and as others have said so handy for the sink,
Lilian B #13
Hi Julie only about half a dozen attempts to link today 😁 yippee. Great to see a new view! Please do not mention cards. Some are done but I can't get into it all for some reason. Hope to get on to Zoom next Zoom for Virtual Crop. Take care Anne x
Oh Julia it's like a what goes on behind the scenes view, isn't it looking lovely. How clever to think of the Christmas Tree in your plans way back when. Now you have me wondering if you can also see the Tree from where your mobile table sits.. A very worthy table to have a room all of it's own.
Happy WoywW Tracey 12 xx
I rather like the new view. Love the kitchen now. Well done you for making plans for Christmas already....I can’t plan from one day to another just yet.
Annie x
Ah, so that’s where you are now! Do you ever sit at the island and use it as a breakfast bar at all? The old lounge/new dining room is a multi purpose space, lol! You won’t want to go back to the old craft room at this rate ;-). Lovely to catch up on MOnday, glad all is well xx
Hugs LLJ 7 xxx
Interesting view and useful for making the odd cuppa or getting someone else to pass you one Lol! I've started my C. cards....well ages ago and just kept getting distracted and now I need at least another 30 so better get my finger out. Still haven't worked out the zoom thing either so might have to ask for a link. Have a lovely woyww, Angela xXx
Sorry that Angela x17x
I’m so not crafting Julia that I’m going to turn my space into an extra sitting room where, like in the olden day’s the women can retire to while the men are in another room talking football and the like. There’ll be no smoking of cigars or quaffing brandy after dinner for the chaps though, just a few beers.
Ooh new view and handy for drinks too, chin chin!! Fair play on the virtual coven crop and starting a new scrapbook page too, very productive. Yes your point about making and also writing cards is so true, i need to write and post my overseas ones!
So good to hear you’ve got your priorities right and sorted a plug for the Christmas tree. We’ve been doing our BoJo walk counting trees this week. There are some very early birds this year, I love it. Your desk looks very industrious again. How lovely to meet with mates online. When it works tech is great isn’t it... Take care with hugs from Sue #20
Wow, what a gorgeous view - your kitchen is looking quite stunning and I love the deep red - definitely a colour I would choose. I'm impressed that you thought far enough ahead about the socket for tree lights - we have several yards of extension lead draped around the house and stuffed partly under furniture each year!
I've made one Christmas pressie so far, finished it yesterday afternoon and am starting a second one today so if I was a betting person I'd say my cards are going to be made at the last minute in a state of panic!
Hope you have a great week,
Diana xx #21
HI Julia, love your new surroundings, every kitchen should have a crafting island! Was it the GoGo crop challenges that you were doing over the weekend? I'm hoping to pop in and say hello on the 5th - if I can face my technophobia and the Demon of Zoom :D - I'm in awe of you for takig on the organising of it all! Have a great week. Annie C #22
I really thought I would have an earlier number today :) Christmas always seem to creep up slowly then race the last month. You are quite right about writing the cards, but I think I will finish my journals first. It is lovely to see your new kitchen and lucky that you can move your craft table about :) I shall go and put the kettle on and await my visitors - Happy WOYWW, love Angela #25
Your kitchen is stunning and the view is so warm and welcoming. I am now crafting in the kitchen, my craft room, the dining toom and the living room ( so I could watch Bake Off). Happy crafting.
Oh wow your new kitchen view is great, it's going to be all so fabulous when it's really and completely finished! I'm feeling really jealous! if those men that came and measured and did what they do (they put in our new windows brilliantly) and had emailed back the price of adding on our new extension, we'd have it all finished by now. Never mind, fate has it's reasons! Your desk looks, as ever, very busy but then, you are the busiess crafter I know. Stay well!
It's always a good idea to put the craft desk near the kitchen to keep an eye on boiling pots etc. Yours is in the perfect position for that, you don't even need to get up to check things! I can not tell you how many time I burned stuff in the oven and overboiled eggs and pasta! Happy crafting throughout December from your new vantage point, Julia! I'm so late today - I've been sidetracked and haven't even written my post. I'd better get on it, don't want to miss an impressive number like #599, eeeks! xx
Hi Julia, cool new viewpoint! Well done on the thinking ahead to plugging in the Christmas lights. Hadn't considered the coffee irritant, must give that some thought. I'm going to start on the Lemon Barley water- My Moms nurse recommended a glassful a day when she was getting a lot of UTI's, and it seems to work for her. Apparently, they don't recommend the cranberry juice like they used to, probably just as well, as I can't stand the stuff,lol. Writing Christmas cards is on this weeks to do list- I have the box of cards, addy book etc to hand, just need to find my 'be asked'! Love and hugs to you both, stay safe, Hugs, Shaz #10 XxXxXx
Re your comment. I dont usually stick the pages onto my journal , it was a one off cos I used different paper so you missed nothing before niemallt work direct on the journal xx
Why is it all year long we think Christmas is coming then 1 month before we're thinking... OMG it's almost here!
Great view. Cool that your desk is on wheels.
Have a wonderful week!
Carol N #28
Hi, Julia!
The new camp site is inspiring! I would soon have encroached into the kitchen, taking over that island!
Will you be sending the Zoom invite by email?
I was able to use Zoom last week, yay, wonky internet!
Hope to see you soon.
Stay safe and Happy Wednesday
Ohh a portable craft station, that sounds fun! I spy some lovely patterned paper pads on the left, I have far too many haha.
Have a good week and enjoy your new crafty location, close to the kettle for a cuppa.
Ellie #31
Your set up all looks amazing, Julia, and there's lots of light. Always handy to have running water close by - I am so fortunate to have a sink in my studio. You made me smile - talk about priorities - thinking of a special plug for the Christmas tree lol lol!! That's really funny! I remember when we were having our kitchen done, the thing I was most anxious about was that they incorporated somewhere for me to store my trays. Little things always take on huge importance, don't they!
Thanks for your visit - unfortunately you know me too well. I can see myself filling that Ottoman and never getting round to painting it... The two tatty cabinets beside it are a real eyesore and I've been looking at them for years and saying "I really must paint those..." Haha! And YES, I've spent time at my actual desk! I have been in and out of the studio getting stuff but not sat at the desk for ages. The whole room is an utter tip and needs a serious blitz. So glad you like the final needle book! I'm now really keen to move on to something else and I can hear my crochet hooks rattling in anticipation of being used again!
Happy WOYWW,
Shoshi #9
Hi Julia, At least you can now see when the kettle boils:)
Glad you got some LOs done on the online crop.
Time marches on! WE are moving deeper into lockdown, just in time for the holidays- I'm looking forward to zooming with y'all next week!
I made it! Thanks for this fun engagement!
Lovely new view! And so important to have the proper place for the Christmas tree!
Great new view Julia! I wonder if you’ll be tempted to stay there? Looking forward to seeing you at the crop!
Take care, stay safe and happy belated WOYWW! Lynnecrafts 8
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