Yesterday was a doing day, and I took this photo at about 5pm. I tidied! I had to, been putting kits together for some Christmas cards which has required a level of space and organisation that just wasn’t possible without a tidy up. Unlike a ‘normal, pre-pandemic’ workshop, a kit has to include all the stamped images as well, so that’s what I’ve been up to at the desk. Away from the desk, I spent yesterday afternoon grouting. Yep. We now have tiles in the kitchen. Hurrah!
Last week, quite a few of you suggested that if your desk was as untidy as mine, stuff would simply drop off the back. Well, my bone idle genius was present at the design stage of my desk, and I had him include the most fantastic design feature.....
Enough history, let’s see what you’re up to please! Link your WOYWW post here and standby...!
Love the upstand around the back and sides of your desk Julia. A design brain wave indeed. Hope you manage to get all the kits sorted. Stay safe and happy WOYWW. Sarah #1
Brave girl, trying to move THAT desk without clearing it off! Congrats on the tiles. We redid our revolting kitchen last summer and they are nearly my favourite part. They are small inch squares in a very pop art style. Anyway, my desk always faces a wall of some kind so no need for an upstandi. Still, clever Mr Dunnit for thinking of it. All hail The Bart!
Happy Woyww
Mary Anne
Good job you have a bone idle genius on hand! great idea to build the upstand round your desk; and I am impressed with your forward-thinking!! I am seriously behind on Christmas cards and am really not in the mood to make them either.. I must devote some Saturdays not at Kew to card making though!
Stay safe. Happy WOYWW Helen #4
Hi Julia. Happy WOYWW!
And that's a lovely blue sky in the image of your upstand desk... well done, brilliant design feature.
Would need the same if had your sort of desk.
Wonderful forethought. Well done on tidying for kits organisation too.
Re week 600 zoom session on Sat 5th, I realised last night that is the evening here (6am there is 5pm here) of my first Christmas do, and I won't be able to join as usually home late-ish and ready for bed.
Pity that..
Thanks for sharing, and may God bless and keep you and all whom you love safe and well.
Prayer hugs, Shaz in Oz. X
{Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
{Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}
Hi Julia, good design feature! I spent much of my working life trying to convince other engineers that good, safe design is far better and more cost effective than having to make late changes.
Take care, stay safe and happy WOYWW hugs
Lynnecrafts 10
Godne Morgen Julia, now that's clever clever desk, although I think i'd still need an upstand 2ft high hee hee.. Nice peep at that sweet Christmas card, I so need to get a jog on. Happy news about the tiles, getting ever closer to that grand reveal of your lovely kitchen. The space you have around your mobile craft table is fab, i'd be wheeling it into the garden if it was mine.
Happy WoywW Hugs Tracey xx
Ooh the upstand is a brilliant idea reminds me of monty dons potting table, genius. Glad you got the tiles sorted too, bet its going to look lovely when finished.
Hi Julie. I am now tidying up the aftermath of the kit making lol. Clever idea re the desk! Can't wait to see new kitchen! Anne x 12
What a good idea to have the upstand!
Love the picture of the windows too...
I love your upstand...what a brilliant idea. The disadvantage of lockdown is that I make lots of mess and don’t keep my sewing room customers coming in to see it so why would I? My desks fill with crafty goodies (boxes full of them) and it all ends up falling on the floor. I need an upstand 😀😀😀
Annie x
Hi Julia, nice desk view. An Upstand sound like a good idea but maybe you should have it all the way round then put everything on wheels and hubby can just push you and desk around whenever he feels the need Hee! HEE! though he might push you outside so maybe not such a good idea. Have a lovely woyww and great crafty week, Angela x15x
Hello Julia, I’ve beaten my record to gain 18th place today. Yabadabadoooo!
I tried to change the default font size and actually thought I’d managed it for you. But I can’t see that it has changed so I’ll have another go.
Love to see you get your OH involved in your craft creations. The board looks a great help for your mobile desk. Now I’ll go and see if I can spot all your bikes to prove I’m not a robot ( I am in fact a unicorn🦄 ) Take care, hugs from Sue. #18 xx
It’s a very fine upstanding upstand and does the trick perfectly. Clever idea!! How lovely you’ve been doing a kit - I take it it’s just for doling out not actually sitting in KraftCrazy. Great to have a bit of normality going on!
Hugs LLJ 7 xxx
My workroom is built from recycled kitchen units and we left the upstands on them. No more crawling about with a brush to retrieve fallen items. You’ve been a busy crafter this week-I like a bit of colouring but yours is beautiful. Mine is still the standard of those i fants I once taught. Happy crafting!
Love it, as always. I don't need an 'upstand' as my bench is just about stuck to the wall, but the little bit on the end the L bit, there's alway something slidding down the back, that's because the wall's, slightly wonky. Tiles yes, they can make such a difference. We had our bathroom done, men came and did it. Heaven. The old bathroom gone. I did the tiles in our kitchen, hubby came home and tilted his head slightly to the left, and a bit more...So they came down and I started again. Years later, they are still there. as is our old kitchen. An exstendtion was arranged last June...they never came. Good luck with all your packaging up, have a good week. Stay Safe Happy WOYWW ((Lyn)) #20
Good morning Julia,
The upstand is a great idea to keep all your creative gubbins safe - very forward thinking of you!
Hope you have a great week,
Diana xx #22
It must be fun putting together kits, but I do see how it requires a certain amount of organisation - not my forte at home, but I'm surprisingly good at it at work! I guess that means I can make the effort if I have to. My desk is pushed into a corner so plenty of push-back space on two sides - hard to believe we used to eat at that table with all my stuff on it at the same time! Happy #597, Julia! Hope your week goes well! xx zsuzsa #21
Morning Julia, and I'm sat here amazed at your forward thinking! Love the 'backstop' around the desk! Thats real crafting genius there. I expect many of us who don't go to, or do, workshops fail to realise the amount of time and work involved from the organisers point of view. Well done on getting the grouting done, always a messy job, I find. But you're probably way better at it than me, lol. Stay safe, love & hugs to you both, Shaz #6 XxXxXx
HI Julia, I'm so impressed with your organisation and the genius idea of the upstand - I think mine would need to be about two feet high though! It must be very satisfying to have all those card kits sorted and packed - do you ever leave bits out? I'm sure I would :) Have a great week, Annie C #24
Soorry, if its possible to delete Spyder at goes tothe wrong link again! The right one is 21..
upstanding! brilliant! If I ever see my desk surface again, I'll look at upgrading.
robyn 26
Love that desk design, very clever, Stuff just mounts up on mine. Have a look at my post, my desk isn't visible below the stuff today.
Have a good day
Hi Jan, That is a good idea, but me thinks you may have to add a layer or two:) LOL
Happy WOYWW. Sue
The upstand was a great idea. I would love to craft in front of a large window, although the sun does cause problems sometimes. I would probably spend more times watching the birds :) Angela # 29
Forgot to say Happy WOYWW x Angela #29
Loving the upstand, a very genius idea.
I think we should be treated to a view of your tiles and grouting! I still have mine to do, but first I need to paint some tiles, and before that cut out the template for the design I'm painting, so got a bit of work to do. At least the template is drawn, so that's a start!
Good afternoon Julia! It's nearly 2 and I have only just managed to get to my desk - I fear I won't be linking up today as I don't have time to play catch up this week. Where does the time go? Been a hectic week as hubby has been laid up with a bad back and it appears I am not very good at maintaining order here on my own. Spent about 2 hours dealing with the washing, recycling and rubbish never mind doing any actual cleaning which is desperately needed. Your stopper at the back of the desk is absolute genius!! Good to hear you are preparing your card packs, trying to get up some enthusiasm to do the same but so far its not happenning!! Have a good week, see you next Wednesday in all our Christmassy glory!! Cindy xx
Ha, I totally love the back side view of your desk Julia, that is so smart :) I love the colors you have going on for your angel a great deal too. ~Stacy #30
HI Julia! Lovely creative desk as usual! I love the upstand - I really need one of those, but I have a plastic folding table, so it wouldn't work :-( Have fun with all your stamping! Have a wonderful week, Lindart #31
Hi Julia, I'm just sitting here marveling at your upstand, and I've got to admit to just being a teensy weensy bit envious ... every desk should have an upstand fitted! Good news about the tiling too. Not such good news about the extra work needed to put your card kits together - often the stamping is the most fun part of making cards - but good to hear your workshops continue despite everything. Have a great week. Hugs, Elizabeth x #32
I was wondering about the back of your desk... great "upstand"! Definitely a necessity! Like the busyness!
Have a wonderful week!
Carol N #28
Good morning, Julia!
My dad wanted to invent something like that to go on top of my dresser that would make the top come to a point so I couldn’t put anything on top! I never learned!
I have Zoom loaded hope to join in. Let me know if you will need my email and where I should send it.
Stay well and Happy Wednesday
Happy, and very late, WOYWW. That upstand is definitely very useful. I do sometimes lose a few things over the back of my table, but these folding plastic tables are quite wide so there is plenty of room. Ali x #33
great looking desk and I like that upstaged idea...I need to borrow that one. Still working on stuff around here too whenever everyone is up and able. Have a great week Julia...I will be back! Vickie #36
The upstand on the back of your desk is a brilliant idea, Julia. It must make all the difference. I hope your house renovations are continuing smoothly - I can't wait to see your kitchen finished!
Thank you for your visit and for your kind words about my brother-in-law. I hadn't thought about that, regarding funerals - you are right, before Covid we wouldn't have had the computer version if we couldn't go in person, so there is something to be said for that. It's the absence of physical gathering and having hugs that is so hard, I think.
Don't worry about me and my thermals! The layers on top are pretty thin, and once I get into my winter woollies proper, I may not even need the thermals! As for the socks, when the weather is very cold I've got some Ugg-type boots that I wear indoors, and I've also got my embroidered slippers which are nice and warm and come up my ankles.
Happy WOYWW,
Shoshi #23
Happy Belated WOYWDW
looks like a really busy desk Julia, and what a lovely sight out of the window, Blue skies,
Take care and stay safe,
Lilian # 9
Only MrD would think of an upstand!! brilliant.
Tiles in the kitchen . . . most of us would like at least a kettle . . . just saying . . . .
Have a good week
Christine #34 I think
Hi Julia, sorry for the late visit, but I figured better late than never! Love the 'up stand' what a great way of ensuring that everything doesn't fall off the back. Happy Belated WOYWW. Take care and stay safe. With love & God Bless, Caro xxx (#14)
Hi Julia - wow I didn't realise this was still going - I recently had to comment on a blog as a Design Team member and she mentioned you and I was delighted to see the WOYWW is still going strong - I hope all is well with you and I'm delighted to be able to join in again. Take care xx
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