There is nothing new on my desk. In fact, there has been no change on my desk since last week - except that the iced bun is missing. Obviously.So I thought, whilst clearing stuff up yesterday in preparation for more dust and building, you might like to see my proper workroom. It’s a bit gloomy without the glazed stable door.
So my desk was sitting comfortably on the right, where you can now see the back of a stud wall. All the ‘stuff’ that was stored under my desk is piled up, and the blue bag is actually the start of a clear out. Because the stable door is going to be put back. Which means daylight and access from garage to garden without walking through the whole house. This time though, the hole for the door is going to be made in the wall where the cupboards, worktop and cutting station are currently doing a great job, minding their own business and it must be said, in a relatively dust free manner! There was a rumour swirling around this house that we might do it this week, but the weather forecast has caused a stay. Slightly grateful, to be honest. But it has to be done, so I think I need to clear out and just grit my teeth! I had a lovely cup of tea last week with Desker Sarah when she and her husband put Salisbury on their last minute holiday itinerary. I have a nasty feeling that she’ll post a photo, so I won’t. It’s barely stopped raining since, Sarah - please if you can, come back and stop it!Join us wont you, show and tell, all as usual. Thank you!
It's good to see a wider shot of your room (and the family portrait on the wall) Good luck with the hole for the door when it happens.. it has indeed been dreadful weather this week! I'll be hoping for some crafting time at the weekend or i'll be thrown out of school! Helen #1
Hi Julia, It will be so nice when it is all done.
Hope you have a nice day.
It's not much better at home although we had glorious weather last Thursday when we visited Bristol - I even caught the sun! Thanks for meeting us for a cuppa Julia, it made my holiday! I will have to watch the Salisbury Poisonings again having visited. Especially as it turns out that the actor playing Sergei Skripal is a former colleague of my husband. Hope the weather improves enough to sort the doors out! Stay safe and happy WOYWW Sarah #4
The weather here in Melbourne has been pretty bad for the last few days too - lots of torrential rain - but the sky is blue at the moment!
Good luck with the renovations - it is going to be great when it's done!
Happy WOYWW! Stay safe and keep well. Susan #9
Hope the new door goes in will be like pulling a plaster off, the quicker the better 😀 The funny thing will be that a month after it’s been done it will be like it’s always been there. Just think of all the new light in your creative space ...not all the dust that’s got to come first.
How lovely to meet up with Sarah.
Annie x
Plenty of dust sheets to cover all your stuff - that dust gets everywhere - I am still hoovering after having windows changed last week! It will be a fab working space so hope it all goes well for you. xx Jo #13
Interesting, I don't remember that view before but guess everything looks a bit different at the moment and I bet you'll be pleased when it;s all finished. It's raining here too and it was really windy yesterday so much so that I had to put all the Bonsai on the ground to stop them blowing over and it's ages since I had to do that. Anyway the rain is a good excuse to stay in and craft I guess. Have a lovely woyww and hugs, Angela x12x
What, you ate the bun? Shocking! I'm sure your room will be lovely when finished, but the required sorting out is a bit of a pain. I find it hard to let go, prefer to just pack it all away more tidily. Equally satisfying in my book. Love the family photo on the wall. Stay well, stay safe, Cindy #14
It's all going to look fab when it's done, and it won't last long I'm sure, I just don't envy you the building dust and chaos in the meantime!
So glad you had a lovely time meeting up with Sarah,
Enjoy your week,
Diana xx #15
I hope you get the work done and there isnt to much mess. Have a great week.
I'm so glad you didn't go knocking gurt great holes in your walls this week! I know it'll make a huge difference when it's done though. Now you see what I had to put up with my brothers growing up - it was Eric this time, they're both devils..... ;-) But both excellent at growing tomatoes!!
Hugs LLJ xxx
Nice to see a different view, Julia. You have my sympathy, living with building works and dust! I hope it will soon be over and you can enjoy your room with a nice glazed door again. Thank you for your visit. I am with you on the subject of kale - I have to work really hard to like it! I had pretty much given up on it until I discovered the black kale which is certainly a lot nicer. Baby spinach is a good substitute though - dark green leafy veggies are the best for health. We eat raw spinach most days with salad.
Happy WOYWW,
Shoshi #8
I don't think I've ever seen this corner before - is that a family portrait on the wall? Would love to see it closer up - then again you must have posted it before, I just missed it. My space could do with a clear out as well - I keep putting it off! Happy #586, Julia! Enjoy your week! zsuzsa #20
Oh, the upheaval, Julia! You seemed to have been living with it for such a long time. Hope you are seeing an end to the dust soon. Coincidentally, I'm having to move stuff about to accommodate an upcoming visit from my grandson and the thought of shifting stuff about is not filling me joy. The grandson's visit, on the other hand, is. Love the portrait on your wall of you three - it looks fun. Have a great week. Hugs, Elizabeth x #20 (I think)
Hi Julia, I do sympathise, having to sort and pack loads of stuff away, ready for the mess you know is coming isn't my idea of fun either. Just remember to keep repeating the mantra-' it'll look lovely when it's finished!'. But the new access will be a godsend, especially if it's wet and horrible outside, after all, this is the UK. I did start having a bit of a sort of stuff to bring to the Crop earlier in the year, fortunately it was a bit half hearted at the time, so not got an enormous box, but I will have by the next one! Stay safe and I hope you are all keeping well, Love and hugs to you both, Shaz #3 XxXxXx
into each life some dust must fall. Hopefully not on your wet ink! its remarkable your sanity has survived the renovations!
Robyn 2
I love to see another corner of your studio - and a lovely painting on the wall! I hope the renovation goes smoothly and you can return to create in a lovely, light space! Happy woyww, have a good week and keep safe. Hug from Holland. Marit #18
I've remembered to link up today, only because I am having to take things easy! I post then forget to link . . . . .
Look forward to seeing the end result, it will be marvellous . . . once the dust is gone . . .
Take care
Christine #22
Terrific renovation project ~ We are in the same dusty mess here in VA. I have my craft room to escape to, but most of the downstairs is in a state of chaos. Enjoy the week
I do love a good clear out, especially in my craft cave. I find all-sorts of "lost" stash🙈 This afternoon I've been ruthless with my clothes & now have a pile for the charity shop.
I'm sure it will all be worthwhile.
Cyber hugs, Sue. #17
I am feeling your pain Julia, remodeling is the pits. So, the way I am understanding this is, you are not getting a doorway where the studs are exposed you are getting a door on the wall where the art is hung?
( its early here) I love that you can see all the supplies on the shelves though and they are not hiding you know what I mean? ( I tend to play with things I can see so, for me that looks very handy) Hope you do not lose too much storage from the new door. ~Stacy #24
Hello, my faraway friend! I am inspired by your remodeling. I have wall to wall carpeting in my craft room that needs to be changed and I dread the day I have to move all of my stuff. But I know it will be the only time I really purge and I need it. I have too much stuff. I can't wait to see your final reveal. The weather here is crazy. The last few days have been unbearably hot and then this morning the temperature dropped 30 degrees and it's rather fall-like out there. I am so happy to have a break from AC. I am a windows open fan kind of girl so this is working for me. Just came back from walking with my husband and boys on the track (our 3 times a week exercise) and thought I would get my post out before showering. I hope the weather cooperates so you can continue with your renovations. Stay well, my friend.
Belinda #26 (ooo I made it into the 20s this week!!)
Glad I visited Sarah first as I got to see the photo. Had she not said it was you I would not have known, you look so different with longer hair. I like it. Guess it is going to come off after lockdown and all that.
It was good to see your proper workroom and the painting of the family on the wall.
I don't know how these terrible rumours start but how did anyone think they could do alterations on a Wednesday? So glad it has been postponed and here's hoping you get time to clear some stuff out before they begin - dust, building dust everywhere. Ouch!
Hugs sent to try to calm you down a bit my lovely
Neet 7 xx
Hi, Julia!
Sorry but no post from me again. We have a leak in our basement and have been trying to track it down. Moving everything and even ripping up some carpet! Hint: don’t use empty paper boxes for storage (in case of flood everything is wet and moldy and must be tossed!)
Anyway, I’m tired and we haven’t found the source yet!
Are you having withdrawals from not crafting?
Happy Wednesday!
Having the light back in your craft room will be amazing when it is all finished and nice but the chaos in the meantime less so. I'm glad you didnt have a hole in your wall during all these gales and rain. Happy WOYWW. Take care and stay safe, with love and God Bless, Caro xx (#11)
Hi Julia, renovating is like a trip to the dentist, you hate going through it and you are pleased when it's done :) Hope the weather co-operates next time x Angela #29
Happy WOYWW. It was lovely to have a dry and calm day today, and get some outside jobs done. I am exhausted and in more pain now, so perhaps it is good that the rain is due back tomorrow! Hope you can get your stable door put in soon. Ali x. #30
You are a brave one doing all this remodeling. I still have to find some one to dry wall and paint the is always something around here that keeps me from being able to do so. Looking forward to seeing what you get done! Vickie #30
Hi Julia, can you remove no.16 Elaine G, it's doing some very strange things and not linking to her blog. Thanks, Angela x
I hope all the remodeling goes fast. And hope all the purging works. I come across stuff and then want to play!
You can send some of that rain to our area, we're hot and very dry.
Have a great week!
Carol N #23
What a lovely portrait on the wall! I was just thinking how nice it is to be able to take a peek at what's around the desk and there you go and share a look! Can't wait to see your remodel finished. I'm purging and organizing right now. One tends to forget just how much stuff they have until it's time to organize it all! Happy Wednesday! (Although it's probably Thursday those of you on the other side of the pond!)
Inky hugs!
#33 Angela
I am also STILL having a clear out lol. I pick at a thread in on area and before you know it the entire garment has come apart and has to be redone. My stacking skills are quite famous as you may recall from my early days in WOYWW, I just excavated my nightstand and found it had been 3 years since a through job had been done. On the plus side I found $42 lurking in the midst of the scrapbook ephemera to be. May the Force Be With Us all : D.
Hi Julia... a clear out oh to have time to do that, and now I’ve just had a friend drop in an extra bag to go through and give/ keep! Will be interested to see how it all goes with the cut out for stable door as can’t quite imagine where it is all going... time will tell. Good to be back but very behind cos unwell for so long, hence not commenting as would like.
Lovely desky share sorry I’m late... again... 😁
Thanks for being a blessing, and may God bless you too, especially in these unusual times, a blessing to rest simply in Him! Praying you’re all kept well too!
Hugs, Shaz in Oz.x 😊 #6
{Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
{Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}
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