Show and tell then gentle desker, we want to see what lockdown is doing for your creativity. If it’s a big fat nothing, don’t worry...we’d like to see your ‘desk of intention’! Please put WOYWW in your post title, it really helps those of us who visit late. (Me!)
Wednesday, 8 April 2020
What’s On Your Workdesk Wednesday 566
I really hope that you’re all well. To improve your week, here’s my desk from the right hand end.
Ya see, I got involved with the idea of using scraps to make up some cards. Then I realised that I should be using some of the scrapbooking stuff that I likely won’t use on pages too. Cue all the boxes and balancing. There’s a die cut flamingo peeking out of the tub at right of the cutter. I’ve done a few cards with multiple layered die cuts on them. Actually it’s all a bit of a lie...I’m making card fronts, there aren’t many that are actually made up onto proper foldy cards yet. I need to stop and do that otherwise they will be UFOs and I can just guess they’ll turn into a chore of a job, like adding inserts! Ages ago I bought a book of snarky comment stickers from the Tim Holtz range and I’ve been able to use one or two. Most of them though, although amusing, are a bit too snarky to send on a card in my opinion; it wasn’t my most cost effective purchase!
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just eating breakfast (toasted hot cross bun for the interested) Your desk shows lots more intention than mine, but with the Easter weekend coming, who knows..... thanks for hosting as always and stay safe! Helen x
Up and walking about with a sore hip (new to blog but an old wound) at 6.38 so I was waiting for you this morning. Distracted by syrupless recipes I popped back and you were up with a busy busy desk. Love triple plus diecuts, so effective so am looking forward to seeing what you have ended up with - triple carrots in multiples like Cindy's card to me?
Stay safe and well mi' dear.
Hugs, Neet 2 xx
Morning Julia. I'm loving the piles all balanced there - looks like my desk when I have a crafty frenzy! I never, ever thought of simply making things into a card front... I always make them straight into cards - that's a revolutionary idea as far as I'm concerned... need to go feed the grey cells and have a cooked breakfast! It was so good to chat last week. Glad you are keeping so well.
Take care of yourselves. God bless.
Margaret #4
Up and around ready to visit desks and get some tags and a card made Julia. Shaz seems to be the expert at using up UFOs lol. Happy WOYWW. Sarah #5
I'm glad to see normal service has resumed desk wise, lol! It looks like you've been having a lot of fun but pure right, if you don't make the cards now, the fronts will linger on!
Hugs LLJ 6 xx
Ooh off the look up the sarky sticker book bit out of touch with new products over the past couple years (unless shaz or Helen have posted and made them!!)
Stay safe
Are you buried under that lot Julia haha.
Thank you so much for your lovely words last week on the passing of my Auntie Gladys. Everyone has been so kind. It’s her funeral tomorrow which will be sad but also happy at the same time. There’s been some wonderful tributes about her and I’m only sorry that people won’t be there to here them. I may do a blog post about them as some are hysterical. If I say 50 shades of grey, you’ll get my drift.
Stay safe dear friend and thank you for allowing me to post random stuff
Lynn xxx
Nice to see you're well, Julia, and found your mojo in lock-down. I might have a "desk-of-intention" to share so I'll be back to link up later (hopefully)! xx zsuzsa
Morning, piles of stuff on the desk is awfully familiar, and those cards, though not very clearly displayed for our perusal, are looking good.
We all have drawers full of those impulse buys that we subsequently think we will never use!
Thanks for sharing
Chris #8
I am so glad it not just me, I start cards for challenges and just do the front and them its takes ages for me to do the rest as I always have to many.
Thank you for doing this every week at least we know what day it is lol
Stay well and safe
Lilian B #11
I love the balancing act. It's such a familiar way of crafting - often end up having to move the "pile" before I can get down to sewing. Take care - keep safe. xx Jo
Just about to take the dogs out while everything is quiet though to be honest it's usually quiet here we might pass the odd runner in the park or dog walker and that's it. Your desk looks so exciting this morning whereas mine is a bit boring due to furniture shifting. The one advantage of all this moving stuff I now know how much stuff I have that had got forgotten....Oh dear. Have a lovely productive woyww, Angela x15x
Wow I am impressed at your intentions. I was looking at my room last night and realized that while i have been busy and enjoying my crafting, my room is looking like something from the tv show "hoarders" !! I think i need to hire a skip after Easter and have a BIG clear out. Have a good week Take care and Keep safe . Soojay #18
I suffer from the UFO syndrome, too, Julia - if I don’t get on with it while the iron is still hot, it’s curtains for the project. I hate the way that something when you start it is full of excitement and creativity, and finishing it turns into a chore! I can also identify fully with the balancing act. I am definitely not the tidiest of workers and my studio (and the kitchen when I’m up to my ears in food pep) is usually a mess!
Keep safe and well, and happy WOYWW,
Shoshi #17
Hi Julia, I'm BACK! Emailed Jan last week (see blog) and she wondered if I'd ever come back so here I am. Missed you all and missed the desks and totally drawn to the pencil end paper in your pile! Nothing wrong with making toppers for cards in readyness, just need a topper basket! My card making is just as and when required at the moment but I'm determined to catch up at least one of the two years I'm behind in the scrapping during this lockdown. Lovely to be back BJ #19
I’m late I’m late for a very important me I do have a good reason. Looks like you have been busy this week.
Annie x
Creating cards from left over scraps... that's exactly what I did last week! It's fun Julia, continue! I wave to you from my little balcony and send you a big hug. Stay healthy and safe dear! Marit #23
Morning Julia, i'm ambling again.. Wow your desk looks very busy, my kitchen table is twin to this as my Daughter is now back in my main crafty space. I spotted the flamingo as well as the empty glass.. hope that was orange juice this morning hee hee!! We all have so many scraps we could put to good use it's probably one of the most satisfying things I do at present.
I agree about those snarky stickers, it maybe my British upper lip that makes me think twice about using some of them..
Take care & thanks for keeping us regimented!! Tracey #24
p.s sorry this comment is late posting, a very needy dog & an unexpected call from my MIL on What'sapp... << made everything stop still for a moment :/
Hi Julia, I have an X-Cut guillotine too, and love it. Must have had it for 10-15 years now, and still cuts as well as when it was new. I *think* I bought those Snarky comments too, must have a look for them. Stay safe, Love & Hugs to you both, Shaz #10 XxXxXx
Back in my usual place!!!
Love the desk, bet there are a lot like that this week!! such fun!
Mine is not too bad 'cos I've been painting. couldn't be bothered to get out the gelli plate so used my work top.... that was fun!
Christine #25
Hello there Julia, at least this situation has made me carve out a bit of time for WOYWW - though everything else seems to be one step forward two back. I am trying the one touch method - if I pick something up I have to finish it or file (bin) it. I'm drowning on bits and bobs I've set aside to 'do' something with. Don't think Lockdown will be long enough.... Stay home, stay safe, stay well, Happy WOYWW Cindy #26
Hi Julia, your desk does look a hive of activity. I have to keep on top of mine, particularly at the moment, since I'm down to one area. I love the idea of the snarky comments, but I would be stuck as to when to use them. A lot would be inappropriate- or I could maybe use them for journaling (which I don't do - yet!!). I'm pretty good at using things as I make them, hence leaving my works of art out on my desk, so my next crafty session will be turning them into cards. I do have a tiny UFO box - mainly things that I was working on before grandchildren arrive for a sleepover and I have to pack them away ... and they never get finished as you say. Have a lovely week and stay safe, hugs Heather xx #27
Good morning! I thought I was cute and scheduled my post. So after making breakfast for everyone, I waltz over to my computer to gloat at my post and what did I find? Nothing. Just last week's post. In my process of making the time conversions, I was off by an hour! One day I will get it right.
It's a cloudy raining day today but I am not complaining because my grass and plants need the water. Yesterday was glorious so I don't mind sharing a day on and off with rain. Your desk looks like lots happening. I could open a museum of UFOs in my craft room. I am not proud of it but I get the mood and then something distracts me. :) I am glad you are well. We are hanging in there. I am definitely stressing about the unknown but trying to balance it with gratitude. Sending you a big hug across the pond.
Belinda #29
HI Julia, yep I am grinning and nodding along because, I bought some of those stickers and nope, I have not used much of them at all either. I think that they tend to end up on things that get hauled to the school to be sold or donated as I think other people find it easier to give them out if they are really out there with what they say. I do have a circle of friends that like things like that but, I think I tend to send more serious and or nature type things that I mail out for me. ~Stacy #30
hi Julia! Your desk looks fabulous - nice and crafty! It's great to get card toppers done, and then when your mojo has a break you can make them into full cards! I know what you mean about the snarky stamps, I didn't buy them because although funny, I would never want to insult anyone like that! But they would go well with the cat stamps...! Have a great week, play hard and stay safe! Lindart #29
Happy WOYWW. Lots of very good stacks going on there. My craft room is currently taken over by boxes, packing tape, printed out labels etc. Once I have commented on a few blogs, then I must get it all sorted and get my clear tables back. I struggle with clutter even more nowadays. Hope you are enjoying this sunshine. Ali x #32
Wow that's one busy desk and no where to work. Hope you have a productive week. Ani #12
Apologies for being late-we are decorating the kitchen and I was needed! I love using up scraps of fabric and card but often get lost in the sorting process and end up with nothing actually made. Keep safe.
Loving the busy desk and the piles everywhere. I hope you are staying well and safe. Happy WOYWW. With love and God bless, Caro xxx (#20)
Done it yippee.
Your desk is nice and busy. Mine was when I took my picture yesterday, but today, not so much. I found a big basket of scraps that I should do something with, but not today.
Hope you have a great week and a blessed Easter!
Carol N #28
It does seem like one project leads to another UFO. LOL. I can relate for sure. Dorlene #33
I have been trying off and on all day to get on your site. I ended up using my daughter’s internet. Then my son suggested I work off my mobile phone and bingo it works! We think we might have a faulty hub, although why it should pick on your site I have no idea. I had my post already to go this morning! Angela #35
Hi Julia
Lovely desky share sorry I’m late... again... 😁 loving the angle this week, yes mine is like that when pull out an inordinately large amount of goodies or make card! Inability to decide on direction of creation often the culprit .. looking at your flamingo die made think how sometimes thendie looks nicer that the die cut! When I visited my friend in Florida. I remember being told by store lady that flamingoes weren’t found in Qld only in captivity, which I thought so sad! Keep on snippet busting!
Thanks for being a blessing, and may God bless you too, this Easter, especially in these troubled times, may we look up in faith! Praying you’re all kept well too!
Hugs, Shaz in Oz.x 😊 #23 I think
{Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
{Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}
Thanks for your visit, Julia, and I'm glad you like my mandalas! I am more pleased with them now than I was at the beginning. They are now all coloured and complete. I made one of the large ones into a card which has now been sent off - photos next time. I am now back on the Celtic knots with another batch. Very relaxing and therapeutic to do on the recliner! With this lot, I didn't make the mistake of making it impossible to lift the colour off where I wanted, and the result is a lot better. I love using the computer and/or iPad and Apple Pencil for creative work, and also my cutting machine, of course, which is connected to my iMac in the studio. It's all grist to the mill!
I hope you are continuing to survive the lockdown.
Shoshi #17
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