Of course, you have to studiously ignore Mr Dunnit's photo-bomb. He wishes y'all Happy New Year with his knobbly fingers gesture. I think. Funny how after 438 weeks he feels the need to appear!
Far left you can see the scratch paper and a piece of card with sponged ink all over it. The image on the card by my glasses is a cactus and I'd just finished trimming it on that very trimmer when I finished last night. It was a good place to stop because I'm experiencing a colour dilemma now! I thought I'd have a go at a card or two to appeal to men. We'll see. At right you can see another bottle of spray ink that fails to spray anymore. And the trusty anti-static bag. I find this particularly useful for card that's been sitting about in the old scraps box, I guess it's just hoovering up environmental static! So I have nothing solid to show, but it's a positive outlook! What are you up to? Show and tell please. Link your WOYWW blog post here and we'll trot round.
I'm not sure about bombing, and I am curious about the little tidy tray. I've always wanted one of those. does the glitter stick to it and other mysteries of life?
Robyn (who appears to be )1
We're all getting creative in the new year! I have un-finished journal pages on mine..
I love Mr Dunnit photo-bombing the picture!! Wish him a happy new year back. Helen xx
Morning Julia - and Mr Dunnit... Good to meet hubby after 448 chapters:-) Good to see your activity going on. It's a slow start to crafting for many of us this year, isn't it? I've actually produced something as well...
Take care, girl. Enjoy your colour dilemnas. God bless.
Margaret #3
Happy New Year to the elusive Mr Dunnit lol. Great to see you've had some time to actually use your desk for crafting this week. Good luck choosing the right coloured paper; it often takes me almost as long to do that as create a topper in the first place. Sarah #? Ready to link later.
Tell Mr. Dunnit he should photobomb more!
Ha ha!! Love it! Besides, I have a soft spot for him and his woodworking!
:^) patsy
Now we only have your work that is Mr D. Cactus and man card together mmmm. Have a good week and keep up the good work. Ani #6
Happy WOYWW - to you and hubby. Whenever my hubby ventures into my craft room he always comments on the range of trimmers I have (5, I think!). Jealousy at my ability to trim any piece of card or paper? I have had a good start to 2018 with my production of ATCs - 9 since the weekend - but I think I will be slowing down again now. Ali x #7
Happy New Year to Mr D...I had a nice chat with him when I called on Monday! Hope the cactuseses are good and spiky 😉
Hugs LLJ 8 xxx
Happy New Year to Mr. D. who has a handsome hand lol! - and to you, of course, Julia! I wish I was in the enviable position you are, with some activity on my desk but sadly, no... Hope you can get that spray bottle going again. Sometimes it just needs a soak in water.
Happy WOYWW to you both,
Shoshi #9
Oh what is Mr D like? Great to see some action in the craft space definitely tops my empty desk. Bit more prepared this week, got a shot of my desk just gone midnight and did my post before bed. I never bought an anti static bag, just made one with some old stretch tube bandage filled with baby powder! Not sure this is exactly like the real thing but sure smells good! BJ#10
Hello Mr Dunnit. It’s good to see him putting in an appearance. Lovely to see you’ve been busy on your desk. It can often take a week or two to feel like being creative after the Christmas break.
Have a great week.
Annie x
Hello Julia, don't you just hate it when spraybottles don't spray anymore? I do. Happy WOYW, Vicky
LOL at Mr. Dunnit's photobomb and YAY for you for putting things into gear! Whenever I hit a colour dilemma, I just use whatever paint happens to fall into my hands and just go with that. Perhaps not the best course of action but I'm trying to avoid dilemmas - otherwise I will spend ages agonizing over choices! Happy WOYWW, Julia! I will link up later! xx
Hi Julia, colours do my head in as I give them too much thought. Has Mr Dunnit not got enough to do Lol! Nice to see you busy at your desk with crafting. I'm with Shoshi, a soaking (warm water is best) with the spray and a couple of pushes on the top might just do the trick but be careful cos the colour that's in the top will squirt out and I don't want to get blamed for you getting covered in ink. Have a great woyww, Angela x13x
Well good morning to you both!!! :-) Made me smile which is a good thing at the moment!! Hope you get the spray bottle to work! Well done on having something creative on your desk. You are doing better than I !! Anne x #14
Happy New Year to Mr Dunnit!
Like your 'desk in action' photo.... mine is a pile of magazines, yep! finally sorting and chuckin'!!!
Look forward to seeing your finished male card - always a shortage and yet when I went to a 'Male Cards' workshop there was only two of us there!!!
Have a crafting good week
Christine #19
Cheers to your DH...it must be evening, he's around and dark in your window. My grand daughter now has a Cactus themed bedroom. Anxious to see it. I guess it's the rage. It's the only living plant I can grow. Glad to see you have time to be creative. I am hoping to do a few challenges once again. My only way to have MoJo I guess. Enjoy a great week.
Action shot-love it!!
I had forgotten all about anti static bags, good idea on the scraps box offcuts, will oik mine out.
Hi Julia, Lovely to see you in mid project.
If you can unscrew the spray bottle and put the top in water, that might clear it. You could also push a pin into the spray bit, but be careful bnot to make the hole bigger, as the spray will not be as fine.
Sue #24
Happy New Year to you & Mr D. Lovely to see work in progress (not much going on in my house at the moment other than knitting).
I need a mojo in-plant to get me going again with my paper crafting LOL
Toni xx
happy new year to you both, love the fun photo bomb, i had never heard that term, you are an inspiration and sound ready for action!!
Totally fun photo bomb! :)
oh yes, I like the colors on that inked panel so, that looks like it could go outdoorsy really easy Julia.
I think you have more to look at today than I do.
~Stacy #27
love the creative desk and the photo bombing
Happy New Year to Mr Dunnit too. Those fingers look full of character - I'm sure a palmist would make much of them! Your desk does look the picture of industry today. I'm sorry to say I find cards for men the most testing to make. Well, almost the most testing - sympathy cards rate higher. After that cheery thought I wish you a great week ahead. Hugs, Elizabeth x #25
Happy New Year Mr D. Good to see you joining in with our WOYWW - why don't you show us what you are up to?!! xx Jo
We are twinsies this week Julia, my desk is also in action!! I think the poor desk must be in shock at how much action its had recently. Love the finger photo bomb from Mr D..I must see if my Mr wants to photobomb.. Claire #30
Ha Ha that made me laugh, good on you Mr D and Happy New Year. Hope you are a regular feature!!
Blocked spray bottles are such a nuisance aren't they. I end up decanting them into a new water bottle, which usually does the trick.
Lovely to be back with you.
Hugs Lisax #16
What a treat to see Mr. Dunnit after all these years! Perhaps his artistic carpentry fingers are starting to itch for something more inky? (I saw your lovely yellowish blended card!) Perhaps he wants to ease into helping you make cards? Perhaps he's thinking about starting his own blog? Oh, the possibilities are endless!! He could ask us our opinions? Wouldn't that be something to drive any man up the wall ~ a hunnert women giving "advice" instead of just the one, haha!! Hugs, Darnell
Completely forgot about Wednesday so a late post for me. Hi to Mr D and I think I might have to paint a cactus. Have a great week.
sandra de @33
Those are definitely knobbly fingers!! :o) Your desk looks like you've just popped off to get a coffee and it's all ready to spring into action when you get back. MY DH only comes into my craft room to hoover the square foot of free floor space or look for a gift bag or bring me a G&T! Happy WOYWWday :o) Annie C #17
I completely missed yesterday possibly as Xochitl went missing overnight and next morning. Chris found her in the enclosed space under the house. We do not know how she got in but she has not left my side since. She even slept tight up against me with head on pillow and paws over me
Happy New Year to YOU and Mr. Dunnit Julia! Let me say once again, how thankful I am to you....and Mr. Dunnit.....for taking the time to take us on this weekly journey! It has been so much fun and I have met so many talented crafty new friends! Blessings for you in this new year! Don't you just hate when the spray bottles decide not to spray...ugghhhh! :) Felicia, #26
Hello Mr Dunnit! Your dsk looks nice and busy today! Glad you are having fun!I'm willing to bet the spray is green. I have had that happen to both of my green bottles.I wonder why? Have a wonderful week! Lindart #31
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