Monday 19 October 2015


Remember that Baker Ross sent me a bunch of bits form their 'naturals' range? Well, I've been walking around one or two of them, trying to get into the head of someone who lives by the sea. Seashells, see, were part of the treasure. I've done the obvious, I'm nothing if not predictable, and I shall show that some other time. 
What I really wanted to do was use the Shells for Christmas, and therefore make them easy to use. In my free non-crafting time, I've been doing a bit of life laundry and discovered that my lovely Miss Dunnit has left her massive nail varnish collection at home. Ooh err, cue an idea! Christmas tree decorations!

So easy. Of course, this is me. I painted each shell with one or two coats of brightly coloured nail varnish. I put them on wax paper so that I could pick 'em up without getting the colour every where. One of the advantages of using Nail Varnish is the drying time - most satisfactory for a gal that uses tape over glue because of the drying time!
And you can see, the detail wasn't lost either, which is fab. A glue gun and a bit of twine and they were fixed as hangers. Really very satisfying. I shall enjoy these jewel bright shells on my Christmas tree. I may even make up stories about which beaches I was lucky enough to find them on. They really do look like treasure don't they!


Barb said...

They do look like treasures Julia. I do wonder though what Miss Dunnit will say when she looks for her nail polish. Barbxx

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

Nifty !! Like how you finished them. Have a fun week

Helen said...

they look fabulous... hope Miss D doesn't suddenly need those colours..

Elizabeth said...

What a difference you have wrought on those shells - they look very festive. In fact, I think these shells are not just for Christmas, they look good for all year round :) Hugs, Elizabeth xx

Linda said...

What a fabulous idea! They will certainly look like little jewels on your Christmas tree! Popping in as part of my blog comment challenge 300 in 30 days!

misteejay said...

What a fabulous collection of jewel tones - they will look super on your tree.
Thank you for your comment - not sure where the name "One Tree Hill" came from as there is a lot of dense woodland. The park has been there since Saxon times so perhaps there were fewer trees at that time.
Toni xx

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

What bright cheery colors you have created for your Christmas tree. To me, nail polish takes so long because of the small brush. I hope you found something a bit larger to spread it with. Other than that, I think they are wonderful.

peggy gatto said...

Great fun idea!!

Sofie V said...

What a great idea to use the sea shells as Christmas decorations. They look very cute with a layer of nail polish!

Greetings, Sofie

Sue said...

What a brilliant idea. Next time I walk the girls along the beach I think I will need a bag:)

Hope you have a lovely day. Sue

Neet said...

They look fab but am wondering how Miss D will react to her nail varnish being used in such quantities. Or have I got the size wrong?
Hugs, Neet xx

Princess Judy Palmer said...

Wow! Such bright shells! They are looking way cool.

Lynn Holland said...

What a clever idea. Must store that one away for future use 👍

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

Brilliant idea to use nail varnish on these! They look lovely hanging like that! Will Miss Dunnit not mind that her nail varnish collection has been depleted, I wonder?