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I've taken over the surfaces in the house. On Tuesday, I had a lovely day of chat and craft at my house with Jan and Fiona and so had embarked upon some sorting of photos and scrapbook paper. And naturally, now I'm into it, it has to stay on the dining table because I need my desk, right!

You can see how well it's all arranged. And you can just glimpse my scrap box at back.
Shocking. I would sort it out but I'm busy.
wow a table for you to craft on, love that basket on your desk
Bridget #9
You have everything organized and ready to go. That's a nice stack of paper. Happy Crafting #2
Now that is a lovely big table to expand onto... hope the family don't ever want it again.. lol!! Couldn't see any scrap box on your desk no matter how hard I looked, maybe it's so empty(cough) I missed it... Have a great day, stay safe!
It looks a great place, ready for action to me, Julia - but then you probably haven't looked at mine yet - chaosville!! Have a great day, and stay safe if the winds are as blustery as yesterday - well, stay safe anyway, and have a great WOYWW. Hugs Chris # 3
Good thing you are an experienced van driver. I used to drive a large truck with a huge camper on the back. It's not fun in wind, especially on overpasses. Even worse on ice, though.
Have a FUN day (she says shaking her head) and we'll see you when you get home. BTW, my anal self really likes the looks of your desk.
Sounds like you are trying for world domination like me. It starts with taking over the table and before you know it you've got the bedroom and kitchen (mwa ha ha). I love that cute little basket on your desk. It's blowing a gale here as well, must be windy all around the world today. Have a great week, in and out of the house.
Von #13
Ooh how lovely, I can think of nothing better than a dedicated craft day :-)
Kyla #11
That's not messy and sorting stuff is really important, gosh you have to know what you have before using it, or planning it's use. I did try and look for the deck chair to make sure it was your post. Also lovely to catch up with friends, I hope you had a great day.
Hugs Eliza, Yoda & Flat Susan.
I think craft has viral capacity spreading everywhere. Loved the previous pics of you holiday and yes I can see why you would love Spain.
Sandra de @15
Cricut cutting mat????
It's good to know someone else takes over the other surfaces in their house too. Good luck with the photo and paper sorting!
So glad you were able to have crafty time with friends. I find having friends over actually helps me stay tidy. Well at least until they are gone. he-he. Peg R #20
So everything is ready, so all that's needed is the kick up the b**t to get your started:)
Hope you have a lovely day.
Sue #17
Great pile of paper you have there. I always find it handy to sort through your stash every once in a while it refreshes you on what you own happy woyww hugs Nikki 14
Going to take a while to use that stack of paper Julia. Happy woyww Jill
I do hope you don't get blown off the road! I saw the weather warnings. Here it's still warm and sunny. (Oh I shouldn't have said that...)
Wow that scrap box is enormous! I can see it needs sorting out, but who has time for that?
Have a good week,
ahh, I see I was looking in the wrong photo for the scraps box.... have found it now - lol!!
Sounds like you had some lovely crafting time with friends ..... I have done the same this week!
Crafting does tend to take over the house - when you run out of space in your craft room, it's always useful to have the dining room table!
Bernice #37
Oh yes...the scrap box....I forgot I'd said that I'd sort that out for you....cough.....
Thanks for hosting a lovely day with a scrummy lunch. Hope the van driving goes smoothly....
Hugs, LLJ 21 xx
It's a lovely day here in Yorkshire today, Julia, so I hope it is for you too. Life is definitely to short to be sorting out scrap boxes!!! I wouldn't worry about it.
Hugs Lisax #37
Jan, there's nothing wrong with the basket, why sort what isn't causing any problems.
Sounds like you had a great time. Dining at the table is so over rated LOL much better to use it for crafting.
Toni xx
Who needs a dining table anyway, it deserves more use and that's exactly what you're giving it.
Happy crafty week, Angela x
Hi Julia, very tidy! You are brave having your scraps out on show, mine are hidden in a drawer, lol. Seems for every one I use, I add 3, think I've got the system wrong somehow. Have a great wee, hugs, Shaz xxx
To me the dining table looks like the perfect crafting station - make a permanent takeover bid ;)
Stay safe in the winds x
It sounds like you had a lovely crafty visit! Just look at that stack of paper! I'd love to sit and thumb through that!
Glenda #46
Very tidy - I love the little Knitted? basket. x Jo
You have a lot of scissors on your desk - do you have a favourite? I have 2 pairs which are my all time favourite and when I misplaced the one I use the most it was like missing a part of me - sad I know but true. Good to hear you enjoyed your crafty visit. It's always nice to meet up have a proper face to face conversation. Anita
I'm all for taking over surfaces sweetie ;D
It's a must and I'm getting to be an expert!
I'm contemplating going outside too but I think the fire and a comfy seat might win.
Is that a wee bottle of gin I see hiding at the back of your desk Julie? I've a huge one on mine today
Thanks for hosting, stay safe and enjoy your Wednesday xoxo
I have already seen the photos of your crafty get together. A great record of a lovely day. I hope you are not having too much trouble with the winds today. It has calmed right down here at the moment. Have a good week. xx Maggie #38
All looking very organised Julia, until I spied the scrap box hehehe I had one exactly like that!! Take care out in that blustery weather today. Happy WOYWW :o)Annie C #52
My scrap box is fairly large and it never seems to get emptied -- rather more is added daily. Every now and then I try to sort it but it's an ongoing battle. If you manage to visit my blog, I left the Northern Lights painting on the craft table just for you to see, Julia. I actually dug it out of the recycle bin. LOL Not happy with that project. Thanks for sharing your workspaces. (Funny how dining rooms are taken over as craft spaces, isn't it? Ahem!!!) Nann # 49
I was very confused by that first picture, after reading it made a lot more sense. What a fun way to spend the day. It took me a really long time to see your scrapbox lol. I always say if you want to hide something from me,put it in plain sight : D.
Love that crocheted basket. Have a wonderful WOYWW! #56
Oh I am loving that button bag! Lots of creative fun there! I love the before shots before the creating begins and after! Have a fun day! Winnie #44
The storm is over in my area of the Netherlands, I do hope England is 'quieter' too today... drive safely! And *ohmy* that scrapbox... good luck sorting it out and happy woyww, hug from rainy Holland, Marit #59
Would you like one of my empty boxes? I wish my paper looked so well stacked .....
Thank you for hosting again.
Bishopsmate #60
Hi Julia, So lovely to craft with friends, I enjoyed my Saturday with Vikki too. Cool stack of papers = have you sorted them in colours or themes - I find all the sorting ends up mixed again. I'm also just noting how we share our climate and the changes here on WOYWW, take care in the van RobynO#35
Good AM...windy must be world wide, even my son in Germany has it..Your time with Jan and your vacation photos were awesome. Have fun with all the papers and that new die. I've piled up new things I can't wait to try.
Enjoy the weekend.
Loved your story. I volunteer for Hospice. For the last few weeks I have not been able to find my NEW YORK Starbucks mug at the office. Who would take my mug? I searched everywhere. Until... I was eyeing the silent auction baskets for our
annual Gala. There behind the clear cellophane was my mug! Happy to have my mug back. monica :)
I've just sorted through my 12X12 papers myself. It was quite nice looking at all those patterns! A treat in itself, really. Hope you had an enjoyable day out and about. Thanks for visiting my blog last week! I really appreciate it! zsuzsa @ InkyDinkyDoodle #45
Ahh...the Remnants of the Day. (I love that movie) Oh I saw the pics of you lovely crafters -- you all look busy and having a great time! My favorite thing is that little guillotine trimmer Jan is using - cute! It is always better to craft with friends. Hugs! Sandy Leigh
room to craft AND sort. I'm impressed. I keep looking at all of my stuff wondering how I'm going to get through the next 2 months. Your space looks great. Be careful out there! Creative Blessings! ~Kelly #61ish
It all looks remarkably calm and organised to me - hope your van driving was uneventful!! Hugs, Cindy
Haha, if you visited my studio, you'd see what "Messy" really means!
I love the busy atmosphere of your desk - and would have loved to have been with you all yesterday, it sounds like fun.
And who Needs a dining table anyway? ;-)
Van driving!! Be careful out there!! Christmas is everywhere right now here in the US, alongside Halloween - I'm feeling a bit bah humbug. The scrap box made me smile..that used to be me :) Cx #65
I keep saying I'm going to get some scrapbooking done, and now you've gone and made me feel guilty all over again....LOL
Of course the dinning room table is THE only place to scrapbook. It is usually the ONLY space, available, that is large enough to accommodate the supplies. Around here, it is only used during the holidays anyway!!
Why bother sorting the box of scraps? It just fills up and looks the same in a matter of moments....grin
Drive with care!
Well of course you had to leave it there! Happy WOYWW Julia, love the crochet basket, I should make some of those.
Carol #66
Oh my oh my How tidy it is looking - I love that - occupying the whole house? - Lovely !!! ...
Kind regards
How lovely to have a mid week crafty day - hope it was fun.
KraftyKaren #69
Hope you've had a good van driving day, sans wind. We've been mopping up the mess the storm left in its trail. That's an enviable stack of 12x12 on your 'new' craft desk. Have a great week. Hugs, Elizabeth x #68
I love your view! Wish I had a window I could see out of. Did you know that the noises you hear at night comes from all of your "stuff" reproducing? So obviously there is just no keeping up with it. LOL
Busy, busy lady! I always love your window! Wishing you a happy day!
Barbara Diane
Funny to think I was sitting at that table yesterday and standing in front of the world famous desk! Thanks again for hosting xx
Oh, my goodness, I am so late, you already have another post up! Your scrap box looks like my scraps, only they are just piled on the table, not even in a box! :) Love your Spain cup: looked at the post before this, too.
Thanks Julia for another WOYWW!
Hi there I thought I had commented this morning on the train....not sure where it went ...hey ho
love it that you can spread yourself about all over the place .... have fun with the sorting .... its a dirty job but it has to be done
janet #22
Deer Julias, I wik your desk in da window. I cood take a nice nap there on your papers. I will do that if I eber come visits you crost the pond! I wik scraps! You can bite them den sort them by number of bite marks. It is good organizations that way. Love, Dio. #79
Hey, I think you sent your weather over our way. We've got a Nor'easter happening here in southeast Mass. Indeed, it's a good day to stay in.
Love your shoe card above, btw. :-)
Happy Woyww,
Sandy #27
At first I thought your dining table was your desk and it was soooo clean! But thank goodness I was wrong. :-)
April #70
Lots of tables for crafting on in your house, dining on any of them must surely be a secondary occupation yes??
Brenda 54
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