Wednesday 2 October 2013

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday 226

I don't know which surprises me more - that you're still with me for number 226 or that it's Wednesday already!  There are explanations and how to join in notes to be found in the right margin of this very blog.  Join in won't you - it's cathartic.  Specially if your current crafting surface is like mine....
It's a shambles.  And despite some ridiculous plans and deadlines, I'm loving it!  You can see I'm playing a bit fast and slightly grungy with a Christmas card idea and you can also see very clearly that I have failed to transfer the buttons to their new home yet, and failed to file the new in the way and cluttering up my desktop deckchair.  Silly huh.  The tin at left is full of cut n dry foam in pieces and I think everything else is self explanatory.  It's horribly dark because the photo was taken at about 10pm on Tuesday evening.  Which is why the glasses are prominent....I'm bad enough without them in daylight, but really useless without them at night, even with a kerjillion watt daylight bulb. 
There must be more interesting desks out there - show me do!  Please put WOYWW in your post title and mention your link list number when commenting on your visits - it helps ensure a reciprocal visit.  And that's friendly.


Unknown said...

I love the blues you are using. No need to file the buttons or the gems, they're just fine where they are. Happy crafting #4

HeARTworks said...

What a pretty, cool card! I love bird designs and have been practicing drawing birds for the past year! I am getting pretty good at it ehem! Patsy

sandysewin said...

It seems to me that most of the clutter on our desks consists of either a)stuff we haven't bothered to put away yet, or b) stuff we have no idea what the heck to do with.

Of course, sometimes the bestest ideas come out of creative chaos, so why worry about it? :-D

Happy Woyww,

Sandy #1 (whoop, whoop, first time being first!)

Create With Joy said...

My word, Julia, that is quite a jar of buttons you have! Love those blues! You mentioned Christmas but that looks like a butterfly to me on the blue card!

Create With Joy #7

Unknown said...

Julia, you sound a little in having the distress ink laying around is quite fitting! No really though, I can tell you are having a great Christmas card ideas are still in my head though. My desk is a big ole mess because I'm slaving away on the dollhouse project. Very strange because I'm never linked up this early--must be my wonderful spaghetti dinner that gave me all this energy! Happy WOYWW! Sandy Leigh #3

Brenda B said...

Good intentions are a waste of crafting time, don't worry about it. Although things must be "interesting" on your end to make you pull out the Distress Inks! Take a deep breath and think of Espania!


Unknown said...

Happy to be back!!

Darnell said...

Oh, my, what a lucky day for me! I have never been this early in the queue before! I might even get a lemon scone when I get up to the window!

Not putting the gems and buttons away just means you've had another busy week of fun! But was it all fun, I have to ask? Is that a torn-up letter I see? A disgruntled lover perhaps?

(Haven't you always wondered what a gruntled person looks like? I'm guessing they look serene, of course. I believe I must start using gruntled on my site and see if we can't bring that into the ol' lexicube, as it were. Join me, won't you?)

Okay, okay, I'm off. You've tons of reading to do. Thank you, dear Julia, for hostessing us yet again! Have a delightful couple of weeks until we meet again!! Darnell #TEN!!

Arnoldo L. Romero, MLA said...

Creating is a messy business, but it's so much fun. Blessings!

Belinda said...

Julia if desks could be twins then our desks are because 'in shambles part 2 is sitting in my house. I can't get motivated to clean it. I need to hop right in and just play but I get overwhelmed and push it aside again! I hope you have a blessed day! I just wanted to say hi before I go to bed! Catch everyone else tomorrow!

Belinda (11)

Deb said...

Your christmas card idea is fabulous, love the dove! I find it amazing that some things stay on my desk week after week and not be put away, I think I only notice them when I photograph the desk for WOYWW!

April said...

I can totally relate to the messy desk. Kudos to you for starting your Christmas cards early. I work better under pressure. ;-) April #17

Lynn McAuley said...

Beautiful work with your Christmas dove! I, too, am getting serious about Christmas cards. I will be at a shoebox swap with friends this weekend. It will be fun to see the designs they come up with. I should be coming home with at least a baker's dozen.

There seems to me to be no point in putting some things up only to turn around and drag them out again!

I love visiting you on Wednesday!

Lynn #19

Fida said...

wow! very messy yet inspiring ♥♥

Nikki said...

Have fun making those grungy xmas cards love those non traditional type :) I'm sure your stash will eventually find places to be tucked away
hgus Nikki 21

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

Workspace looks great to me. I clutter as I go and don't take time to declutter. Love the blue..bird. Trying to get Oct 31st done, then maybe I can start thinking Dec..Enjoy your WOYWW and I'm #24 this week.

RosA said...

Your desk usually looks fine to me :) But where are you going to put those buttons? I do like them in the big glass jar but I suppose they ARE overflowing, aren't they? :)
RosA # 28

Art Joy of Sharing with Peg and Shel said...

Your desk looks like it is in my craft space. We could swap and be right at home. I am loving the blue and metallics. Happy WOYWW Peg R 29

Claire Grantham said...

Julia - where else would we be? I love WOYWW, it's the best thing about my week. I am jealous of your craftily chaotic desk...mine is empty because we still have visitors here in NYC and I find it's rude to take myself off to another room and make stuff....Cx #32

MiamiKel said...

Looks wonderful!! That just means you are super creative! :) SUPER excited to be here again this week! It's big time FUN!! :)
Kelly #30

Unknown said...

Ooh I just love making christmas cards and yours is fab. Don't worry about the hasn't stopped you being your usual creative self! I'm off back to bed now for another hour before it's time to get up for work!
Hugs Lynda B #30

roffeycreations said...

Hi Julia, woohoo I am early in the day too - #33 at the moment which is my all time favourite number LOL!! Loving your chrissy card activities - am hoping to get more done myself... Have a great week - Mxx #33

Helen said...

I think you desk looks just fine, though I worry about those buttons, they look in danger of exploding- how do you get to one that isn't on the very top without them all falling everywhere....Helen 14

Sandy said...

Wow did you get more buttons I thought it was looking a bit empty the other week and now its overflowing again.. You will have to do a new project to use some up soon.
That blue bird is so pretty what an awesome card that will be when its all done..
Sandy :)

Sue from Oregon said...

I have to tell you-WOYWW has become my time to check out what you have been posting the rest of the your 'made' up-ish words and wonderful, witty writing...that's what keeps us all coming back girlie!

Andrea said...

It wouldn't be the same if you put the buttons away!....loving the dove and blue hues - my favourite colour and thanks for amusing us once again with your wit and humour have a fab week Andrea x #38

BJ said...

Gosh what am I doing up in the early hours writing my post! But what better to do when you can't sleep! Loving your blue dove, must get my dove die out and have a go. BJ#39

Lunch Lady Jan said...

That's a beautiful card...I'd buy that to send to peeps, just my style :-). hope your busy day goes smoothly today.
Hugs, LLJ 45 xx

Maisie Moonshine said...

Mornin' Missus! Liking your fast and slightly grungy Christmas card - and believe me your desk is looking way tidier than mine! MMx #47

Donna Wheat said...

if you haven't got time to clear up its because you are being creative, that's my excuse anyway, Donna x

Eliza said...

Hi Julia,

Looks like you are prepping for Christmas, good for you and that desks looks super creative, but the button jar is overflowing.

Happy Wednesday
Eliza & Yoda 20

KatzElbows said...

My crafting desk is still my living room so I'm getting my crafting fix from your desk. It's very satisfying cos your desk looks great. I'm glad you're enjoying it. I'm also glad to see your amazing button jar just as it.

Happy WOYWW.
Love Rachel.

The Taming of the Glue said...

Love the look of the card. How I'd love to rummage in that big jar of buttons! Hugs. Pam#41

Annie said...

The offer is still there to find a new home for those gorgeous buttons [and between you and me I do mean NEW home....I hope to know today].
A x

Elizabeth said...

Hi Julia, it's good to be pop in and see your desk again. With those buttons it must be one of the most recognisable desks in craftdom :) I'd offer to sort them out for you but I rather think it would be one for you and two for me if you let me loose on them :)) I know you're busy clearing your to-do list to go off on a jolly (somewhere warm? ) so I hope you get everything done and today goes well for you. Hugs, Elizabeth x #49 ... I'm always totally delighted when I find I'm early enough linking to be in the first 50! :))

Mrs.D said...

Morning Julia, your desk looks like a well used space. Love the colour of the Christmas card.
Don't beat yourself up about not tidying the buttons and bling. If you put them away you will be wanting them immediately after.
Chris #50

Mrs.D said...

Morning Julia, your desk looks like a well used space. Love the colour of the Christmas card.
Don't beat yourself up about not tidying the buttons and bling. If you put them away you will be wanting them immediately after.
Chris #50

misteejay said...

Beautiful colours on your card 'idea'.

I think I would miss the buttons if you did actually "rehome" them.

Toni xx

Kate Hadfield said...

Oh that cards looks lovely, such gorgeous colours! I'm looking forward to seeing the finished article! Your button jar has me green with envy too :)

Anonymous said...

Happy WOYWW. My aim is to have a button jar as full as your's. Mine is only about half full at the moment - good excuse to buy some more! Xmas cards - I will be making 2 today at least (if I keep typing it, then it will come true!). Ali x #52

Belinda Basson said...

I am having a speed wobble right now...not coping with the fact that it is October or Wednesday...I am off to hang pictures my students have painted as donations to the Red Cross Children's Hospital today, so not participating here which makes it feel odd...Just not enough hours in a day, but had to stop by and say hello.

Jackie said...

The card you have been working on looks great!
I understand .. We set ourselves these time goals to do jobs but it doesn't always work does it .... Looking forward to seeing what you do with your button storage as mine is at the same point as yours!
Jackie 40

Julie Lee said...

I have a messy desk this week too and I'm becoming increasingly dependent on those specs! Although they don't figure in my picture because I'm always mislaying them!!! I usually find I'm wearing them like a headband - much to my kids' mirth! Great to know that your happy in your lovely, creative chaos! Happy WOYWW! Julie Ann #56

Bernice said...

A great card Julia - looks like you're having fun with those distress inks.
Bernice #58

fairy thoughts said...

Hi Julia
Your desk looks more interesting when you leave stuff out... It shows you have been playing. Do you have plans for the button jar. ' coz you ain't getting anymore in there gal.
Have a great Wednesday, I hope to get to play for a bit today
Janet 57... had a lay in

Unknown said...

Love the pretty jar of buttons, I think it is in just the right place!
Karen #60

lisa said...

Loving all your inky chaos, Julia, I think I would be very happy at your desk. The blues are gorgeous and your card is looking great. The only fly in the ointment is that button jar, I couldn't cope with that!!!! No buttons are allowed anywhere near me!
Have fun
Hugs Lisax #59

Christine said...

So sorry...... away from the desk again this week ... not even a scheduled post to offer. . ..but your desk looks productive to me.... happy WOYWW
Bishopsmate #to allocated later.....much later!

Erika said...

Oh, I love work desks in the night. So full of power and magic stuff. Wonderful!
Hugs and happy WOYWW

Anne said...

Desk is just great as it is! Love the dove. I think I'm more creative when my space is messy. Anne x #61

CraftygasheadZo said...

I love your busy desks, so full of creativity and a spot of realism. Glasses there, ink there and then that button jar to entice. Love the look of that card! Take care Zo xx 65

Lisa-Jane said...

I'm thoroughly intrigued by that blue birdy card - it looks glorious! I think we need a close up and some more details ;-) Have a wonderful week missus. #53

Uniflame said...

I love the messy desk :) I really have to get some distress inks myself :) They sound like so much fun :)
Uniflame - 66

sandra de said...

A grungy Xmas card sounds perfect and I never mind a busy desk leads to lots of surprises. Have a lovely week.'Sandra @ 68

Carole Z said...

Loving your busy desk! Lots of intrigue going on! It's the first time in a few months I've had the chance to share what's on mine..happy WOYWW all, Carole Z X #69

Annie Claxton said...

hehe I think our workdesks were Separated At Birth! But I don't mind how messy it gets, as long as it's productive ... eventually!
Beautiful blue bird, love it :o)xxx
Annie #71

Ali said...

I win! My desk is messier than yours! :)

But then, when is it ever not? :D


The House of Bears said...

You have a whole sliver of desk to work on there, wow! ;)

Marit said...

Hi Julia, a short comment as it is my special b'day... I won't be able to visit blogs today but I hope to 'do a round' later this week... hope you have a great day!

Dianne said...

Hello Miss Julia, your desk always looks so busy, love the grunge card, and as soon as I put things away I need it:),and my glasses have to stay on my face or I can't see LOL, have a wonderful day...

Sarah said...

Love your jar of buttons - don't put them away .... they look pretty there!! :) sarah x #78

pearshapedcrafting said...

Oh! I don't feel so bad now - no offence meant! Love being in the middle of making! Chris 77

Angie said...

I see distress inks and stains, I've just gotten some of the latter and when I do find my desk top I will be playing with them too! As well as my new colors of inks and stamps and whatever else is buried on my desk lol!

Sarah Leonard said...

I love the look of your blue dove - it's gorgeous! Your desk is always so busy. I always clear mine off after each venture (I am a little OCD).

Thanks for hosting - linking up some new jewellery this week!

Sarah @ A Cat-Like Curiosity

Kim said...

I'm lovin' the look of that grungy card!! Happy Wednesday.
-Kim #83

Unknown said...

I'm not only struggling that it's Wednesday already but October! Anyway, I love what I can see of your blue Christmas card. I love blues! And my glasses are at the computer. Happy WOYWW!
Carol N #84

Bridget Larsen said...

Love those scissors, could sneak over and steal them one night when you arent looking lol I have a scissors fetish
Bridget #16

betsy (pharmgirl) said...

gosh Julia - that dove is so beautiful - what a great idea!
betsy #87

Robin said...

Hi Julia! I think your desk looks better than my art area! You cardmakers/stampers are just so imaginative and artistic! And all the cool stuff you get to play with. Good thing I don't have money or I might just be swayed your way. Big Hugs on a beautiful WOYWW! Rasz

Robin said...

Hi Julia! I am #89 today! Hugs!

Carole said...

Thanks for the visit Julie.
I'm not sure what I'll do with the remote control parts...but the little springs that secure and connect to the batteries are fun, and so are the tiny light bulbs.
Carole #79

Caro said...

Loving the look of that Christmas card! Thanks for hosting as ever. Happy WOYWW. Caro x (#63)

Princess Judy Palmer said...

I smiled at your comment that it was a shambles and you love it. That's important. It does like you have been having a fabulous time. Don't sweat the buttons and the gems. They'll find their proper home at some point.

Unknown said...

I like the Christmas card idea.
I'm glad you forgot to put the buttons away because I missed them last time. You are going to have fun with those!

Christine said...

Im here!
Going visiting - deskhopping - better late than never ..............

Bishopsmate #97

Sharon Madson said...

Love your bird and the blue ink pad.
I guess I am late to the party! LOL
Anyway thank you so much for this fun event every week! :)

Sharon Madson said...

Forgot to say I am # 98

Annmakes said...

Looks like a cool project. I just got to my desk and it is almost 4 o clock in the afternoon here! If I took a picture of my work desk today it would be of my car or my shoes and my cell phone! I have been out and about all day so I only got around to woyww now. Just wanted to stop by and say hi and I will try to play along next week. Happy woyww.

Lea.H said...

Oh my gosh, I am totally in envy of your massive button stash!!! I loveeee buttons :) Lx

peggy aplSEEDS said...

Hello, Julia, glad to know that the ATC I sent you arrived safely! Yes, I am constantly surprised that it is Wednesday again. WOYWW seems to be the only thing that keeps me blogging these days, the week seems to whiz by! Thank you for your visit and your prayers for my mom!

Kate said...

Liking the bling supply. What you keeping in the plant pot/mug on the far left??


SandyD said...

For once everything on my workspace is actually for the job in hand. Normally I've got allsorts left over from all different projects.

Neet said...

A desk full of loveliness is how I would describe what is above here. So your buttons haven't been moved - well I love the jar they are in - looks so good.
Hope you got a good night's rest - my eyes suffer late at night and in a morning so mid-day is the only time I see what I am doing.
Hugs, Neet 23 xx

Rita said...

I love a busy, in-the-midst-of-it-all desk. :)

Queen Lightwell said...

Oops! I am so out of practice that I forgot to leave a comment when I entered my link! Thanks for hostessing this hop and just keeping it going for us to pop into every week or when we have the time...your desk at least looks like you have been getting to play at it. Mine? Just a disaster! No playing in for-ev-er! Hugs, Deeyll #43

BJ said...

An Autumnal change to the background of your blog I see, gave me quite a start when I logged on, thought I'd gone back to the 70's LOL BJ#39

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

hullo there Julia, am at last lobbing in to say hi, if rather belatedly!! things have been full on or have been away hence the absence and yes smiled at the post above of your ten minute face lift for your blog.
It sounds like me, as do the button sort-out, have lots of those "Gunna's" (gunna do it one day soon) but love the blue card - not really grungy, beautiful! happy WOYWW, Shaz in Oz.x #106

Gill Edwards said...

youve got the exact same glasses as me, i wondered where i left them!
Gill x