Wednesday 25 September 2013

WOYWW? What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday 225

Go here for info and here for info on how to join us.  Then join in, it's free, and above all friendly.  
Now then.  I recall saying that I wouldn't be showing much of the Year In A Day Calendar workshop samples - well, I kinda have no choice.  If I don't show you what I'm currently doing, I won't have a desk to show.  I haven't covered it all up - for the same reason...there'd be damn all to talk about and hmmmm, talking about myself and my stuff is about the biggest skill I have.  So here's a distance shot.

Loads of rubbish everywhere...half a tub of brads emptied whilst looking for a particular one...(like the old needle in a haystack thing...).  You don't often see my little clipboard (on the right) - I use it hold snips and notes of what I have to buy for kitting as I make up the samples...and then try to take it with me when I go to the shop.  It's supposed to help me focus.  The ipad stand is being used to hold packets of gems.  I can't bring myself to put them away yet.  Or open them and use them.  So they wait. Currently the moustache tape is ever present - I've done a lot of shipping over the last month!
And here's a pic I thought would make you brass-ists son-from-another-mother (Miss Dunnit's current squeeze) was staying...and I smiled every time I saw him. He's such a nice polite boy that coming from him this is radical!  He plays trumpet, see.  Need to get one made up for LLJ so she can erm, trump his shirt!

Anyway, please join in - now I have internet, don't leave me lonely!


Create With Joy said...

Love the view - love the paper - love that shirt!

Happy WOYWW to you Julia! Cringing at the thought of the brad explosion. Even at your house, I worry about my cats eating them up!

Create With Joy - #2

Brenda B said...

A clipboard! My God Julia, you;ll have us all believing you're organised, which I suspect is the whole point of it anyway! Whether you really are or not is one of life's little mysteries! Love the tshirt, Jan would definitely identify with that!

Brenda No1 this week!

Nan G said...

Love the view out your window! I know...I say every week. :) cool shirt! Oh yea, tasty rid bits those brads...then the girls carry em off and leave for me to step on! Happy WOYWW! Nan #7

Deb said...

isn't that always the way with brads? although eyelets are the worst!
love the t shirt, I am sure Jan will appreciate one!

famfa said...

Fabulous shirt. Great looking desk
Famfa 3 thanks to Brenda b

Unknown said...

Love the paper you are using. His shirt is too cute. happy crafting #5

sandra de said...

Brilliant T... You are truly very organised to have a little clipboard with a list of your kitting needs. I tried the list but still buy exactly what I don't need. Because it's is all soooo pretty. Have a lovely week.
Sandra de @12

Robyn said...

Oh I'm lucky 13!
i wanted to play the French Horn when I was young and they told me girls didn't play the French horn and gave me a flute!
It didn't take.
Thanks for the snoop around!
Robyn 13

Kelly said...

You know it's hard to keep secrets around here, Julia. We have pretty good eyesight when we want ;-)

Sneaking in on Tuesday night as my desk will not change tomorrow. Last day of MIL's visit. Creative Blessings! ~Kelly

Sharon Madson said...

Love the T-shirt sentiment!! Nothing against flutes, just think it is cute. :)

Unknown said...

it's lovely to have your workdesk face the yard. happy creating! alpha shanahan 18

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Not playing this week, but stopped by and was shocked at how few had already signed up. Of course, I also had to snoop out your back window into the garden, too.

My friend Joseph used to play both drum set AND steel drums. He finally gave up the drums and now focuses only on steel drums. But while he was living in Wichita, I often acted as his "roadie." Do you have any idea how many drum cases, drum stands, cymbals, etc. are needed when playing? Add to that his steel drums and stands, and I often told him to give it all up and play the flute. So, Miss D.s boyfriend's tee brought a big laugh tonight. Loved it!!

Unknown said...

Julia I LOVE your view from your desk...ahh I wish I had one, my corner is on the dark side and I look onto a wall unit lol!! But shouldn't complain as I do have and art/craft space and many others don't even have that. Love the t-shirt!! And I don't care if your desk is messy...I love it!! Happy WOYWW.
Janene #17

Heather{Our Life In a Click} said...

What a pretty view! Love that t-shirt!

April said...

So much going on at your desk. The weather must be lovely as you're able to craft with the door open. Cute shirt. :-) April #21

Lynn McAuley said...

Look at you growing beautiful roses in your back yard! Love the view from your desk!

Many band nerds in my family would appreciate the t-shirt!

Thanks for another Wonderful Wednesday!!

Lynn #20

Darnell said...

Julia, it's so good to be able to stop by on this lovely early fall day with the garden looking green and inviting and the breeze just fluttering in through the window. Gentle so's not to send everything asp over teakettle.

I got a howl out of the trumpet boy's shirt. There's a few of us who could always go partners on a side venture of T-shirt witticisms - or full venture when the knuckles knarl. Well, heavens, that brought the party down.

Have a flute-free week, my friend! Hugs from a very young #22, Darnell

voodoo vixen said...

You must have a lovely day because your door is open to the garden! I'm melting... you will find a small grease spot on the kitchen tiles before the day is over! LOL
Your desk actually looks organised, love the little flags on the LO in the middle and I laughed at the brad... how many times have I spent ages looking for exactly the right shade or shape of brad and wondered if anybody actually notices them?

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

Cute shirt, now that I've posted so early I can sleep in a little later and not jump out of bed so hurriedly to do it. Just love your creative view, and your desk looks used. Here the nights are cool and the birds are flying south.

Sue from Oregon said...

I loose clip boards...I stick a sticky note on me and try to remember it's there...not sure how many times I walked around a store forgetting I had a sticky stuck to my shirt...oh my I am getting old LOL!!!

shazsilverwolf said...

Morning Julia- I am not at all impressed with having to be up at 4.30! I'll be back & visiting later on. Have a great week, Hugs Shaz #27 xx

BJ said...

Bradaroonie, loving the bunting. BJ#26

Lindsay Weirich said...

LOL! @ the shirt! My twins just started band this week, I have one flue and a saxophonist joining the drummer, yikes! And the one playing flute is the toughest of the bunch!

Eliza said...

That made me giggle, get one for her it will be a good laugh, oh don't forget to make her model it and take a photo too. Great creative desk.

Eliza & Yoda 30

Claire Grantham said...

Love the t-shirt..your desk looks reasonably tidy today, unlike my hovel of a desk. I too leave out things that I should use, want to use, can't bring myself to use...I also have a 'focus' list..when will I learn that doesn't work Cx #32

Lunch Lady Jan said...

I always associate flutes with wispy, dreamy types.... I was born to play a brass instrument!! In an orchestra, guess who's always first to the bar? Lol

Hugs, LLJ 33 xx

Julie Lee said...

I now own one pack of brads and I've used two of them already! No danger of me not being able to find the one I want! I still envy you having lots to choose from! Have a great WOYWW! Julie Ann xx

Cardarian said...

I will be joining in later with Jo, currently staying at my DBFs, love your workshop "sneek peeks" and "adopted" sons T shirt!
Lots of hugs,

VonnyK said...

Looks like you're having weather as beautiful as us. Gorgeous roses. You are very brave having all that loose paper on your desk with the door open, around here it would be at the other end of the house by now. Love that T shirt, I can just imagine what LLJ would have on hers (he he). Thanks again for the u tube you sent, still haven't had a chance to sit down with Little Miss yet but we will have a go.
Have a great day.
Von # 41

Andrea said...

I know what you mean about brads it the same with me its usually buttons everywhere mainly the floor!... you did make me LOL about the gems.. why is it when we get something new we have to look at it for while .. I'm the same however big or small and dont dare even think of using it yet! have fab week and thank you for another Wednesday blog hop of delight. Andrea x #42 if not moved

Candace said...

Very busy desk as usual Julia. Love what you have done with the calendar and so love the spring like colours.

Have a great week.

Hugs Candace

Christine said...

Coming in early....... different bed to sleep in means haphazard sleeping so I may as well make use of the awake time!!!
Love that shirt! Does it apply to Clarinet players as well?
Have a great WOYWW day.

Bishopsmate #45

The Taming of the Glue said...

I just love that T-shirt, really made me chuckle. Hugs. Pam x

Helen said...

Love that you can still have the door open, how I would love to come play at your desk again! How's the trolley standing up to workshops so far? Have a great week. Helen 14

Jackie said...

It's nice weather at the moment and so lovely to be able to leave your door open for a gentle breeze i am doing the same at the moment
Jackie 44

misteejay said...

You are so lucky being able to face the garden and have the door open when the weather is good.

Great t-shirt.

Toni xx

Maisie Moonshine said...

I dropped a box of Words To Go yesterday - wish I'd got a funny yet intelligent comment to make about it but it is way to early and I can only focus on going to scavenge for some breakfast!

Great T shirt, made me laugh too. MMx #48 (Early this week!)

Annie said...

A clip board for forward planning for the trip to the shops?....God girl you are so organised :-)
A x

fairy thoughts said...

Hehe entertaining as ever, the calendars are looking good I wish I had signed up now never mind. Love the thought of a shirt for LLJ what would it say I wonder
Have a great week
Janet @48

Donna Wheat said...

great view from your desk, how lovely Donna #53

Unknown said...

My son also played the trumpet...for a while... Anyway I see you also like to look at things for a while before actually using them....I usually wait till the craze is over...then again I am slightly dizzy!!
12 wednesdays left till Christmas!
zeffy #48

Kath Stewart said...

yeehaa I'm back...have so missed my snoops into your crafty the view out your window...your busy desk and that cute guy with the cool T shirt...happy WOYWW from Kath 53 xxx

Lynn Holland said...

It's nice to be able to work with the windows and doors open isn't it Julia.

lisa said...

Love the fact you have your door open at the end of September. What's this about a clipboard, that's frighteningly organised, I have scraps of paper scribbled on a pushed in my pocket when I go shopping!! Mmmm says a lot.
Fab t-shirt.
It's lovely to be back amongst you
Hugs Lisax x58

glitterandglue said...

Busy desk this morning, Julia - fabulous stuff to play with. Just love the T-shirt - but I have to say Daughter number 2 would disagree - she plays flute, and would probably love a musical T-shirt!
Have a great week.
Margaret #56

catherine said...

Looks like a lot of creativity at your desk just now Julia. Love the t-shirt
x catherine

Anne said...

Comment #2 :-) lost first one. Hi and Happy WOYWW. Great view from yr desk! Brill t shirt! My DS played trombone . I buy brads just cos I like look of em - sad I know. I try keeping lists but alwaalways end up losing em!! Anne # 56

john-w said...

What lovely weather to have the door wide open! Had the 'season of mists and mellow fruitfulness' start here. Sorry, no picture on my blog today, but hey, it's good to see others. You are very busy by the look of things. Have a great WOYWW, & thanks for hosting this, it's such fun! Kind regards, John W #63.

Victoria said...

Love the t-shirt. Busy desk. Those papers look lovely, especially the one on the left. (repeat to self, I will not buy new paper until I have reduced current stash, I will not buy new paper.....). Happy Wednesday! Victoria no.64

Erika said...

Happy WOYWW, dear Julia! And a big warm thank you and hug for this wonderful party!

Lisa-Jane said...

LOL! Fab shirt! I can see LLJ in one now... Calendars are coming along nicely, well done you!

My name is Cindy said...

Morning Julia - love your 'almost in the garden' desk! Now do you actually remember to take the list with you when you go to the shop? That's (one of) the point at which my organisational planning usually fails. Have a good WednesdY!! cINDY

Winnie said...

Lots of fun happening on that desk! I am loving all the papers!! I spent a few days looking for a button I was looking for the other day, so I know the needle in the haystack thing! Love the shirt! Made me laugh as my niece (8) is starting to play the flute, but her little sister is always contrary and at age 5 said " No flute for me, I want a Saxophone when I am big!" Winnie#72

Neet said...

Didn't waken until 8.50 so was glad I had done a trip in the night (wink wink). Love that bunting on your desk - is it cut out or printed on the paper?
Like the idea of a small clipboard - now to maybe make one?
Can't stop, all this viewing makes me want to get in and craft - after breakfast of course.
Hugs, Neet 11 xx

Geri Meftah Art said...

Hi Julia,

I am rather new on your weblog. This morning I was looking to it and, o shock, there is only one place left. O dear, it is allready wednesday I was hurrying like crazy to put the photo's on my blog.

But later I realised there is always ""one place"" because I see at least 5 persons after me. :-)

Greetings from Geri

Glenda said...

I realize my participating has been very spotty lately, but please don't give up on this old girl! I've had back problems and sitting is so painful so my computer time has been very limited! Love your desk today and as always love the view out your window!

Unknown said...

Can't believe it's been 7 weeks since I last posted on WOYWW. That's what a decent summer does for you!

Glad to see you've all carried on without me :-)

Dead jealous of the view to the garden from you desk Julia. I work in the attic which has no outside view at all.

Have a fun week!

ike said...

Great busy desk - I am like you will not wanting to open and use things :-D

Great T shirt hahaha LoL


IKE in Greece #75 xxxx

Marit said...

I never thought of it, but now that I see it: I NEED a clipboard too ;)
and *tehee* I love that t-shirt... Happy woyww, Marit #76

The House of Bears said...

We were looking at the view from the window, then the open window, then the lovely big jar of buttons by the open window.....

Dianne said...

It actually looks like a nice cloudy, your desk always looks so much fun and busy:),love the T shirt. Hope you have a wonderful day. Happy woyww Dianne #79

Jan said...

Great workspace Julia TFS xx Jan

Whimcees said...


Busy, busy lady! I love the window - how wonderful that would be! Wishing you a great day!


Barbara Diane

Kate Hadfield said...

I'm jumping in and joining in for the first time this week! Such a fun thing to see everyone's workspaces and projects - I wish my desk had a view like yours! :) Thanks for all the inspiration!

Unknown said...

What a fun shirt!!! And I love the busyness of your desk. Your calendar pages are coming along beautifully! I enjoy seeing the little snippets you show. Hope you have a great day!
Carol N #87

HeARTworks said...

Oh look, your windows open! Can't resist asking if things fall off into the garden- I'm sure if my window was open at the edge of my desk all sorts of things would fall! I am always having to stop and fetch some odd thing from the other side of my desk! Happy WOYWW, Julia, and thanks for the visit and your lovely comments!

Laura said...

Happy WOYWW! Glad you've had nice weather to open the windows. Even though it's a pain to clean up, sometimes you've just got dump things out! I like the papers you're using for your calendar. Looks like banners and pinwheels to decorate this page? Very cheerful.

I almost took the flute . . . was planning to choose it and play the same instrument as my bff at the time. But then I saw and heard the trombone and went in a different direction. I'm glad your Internet is back, Julia. I'd be the same way if ours was out. Aside from such things as WOYWW, I'm also slightly addicted to Words With Friends (Scrabble game.)

Keren Howell said...

That shirt is brilliant. As a former clarinetist, I agree with the sentiment! Glad you've got the internet back! xxx Keren

betsy (pharmgirl) said...

oh Julia! that view! and i so love the calendar page you have on your desk - i'm so going to lift that banner with the pinwheels. awesome!

CraftygasheadZo said...

Finally here! I've been good and had a quiet day, actually acted as a guinea pig for my neighbour to practise her nail art on so I was relaxing and now have pretty nails!! Keagan is ok, got his colour back and all's good! Phew. Love that you have the door open. Fab things to see as always. Take care Zo xx 95

505whimsygirl said...

Hi there Julia,

I do love the view from your desk. Oh, and love the view OF your desk also. You made me laugh about the comment of your clipboard. I have a feeling the list of supplies needed doesn't really help keep you focused...... I get distracted in about every aisle!

I promised myself I wouldn't buy any more stamps and walked into Michael's to see if they had a particular magazine and there it was - a sign saying "Buy two stamps and get the third one free." Well, I got weak in the knees and yep, came home with three more stamps. Oh, but needed some special paper for my new stamps....

Love the shirt.

Kay (25)

Unknown said...

Love that t-shirt! I always played violin, so I can just imagine a shirt like that with a cello!! There's loads of my rubbish on my desk too because I'm working on my dollhouse, so all the paint and scraps are currently deposited on my desk. Happy WOYWW! Sandy Leigh #88

Annmakes said...

Ha ha ha, cute t-shirt! Is that jar of buttons over flowing? Gosh it is incredible that we can still find our desks, isn't it? Love to see what you are up to every week and I enjoy reading about your going ons. Take care.

Princess Judy Palmer said...

I see the brads spilled all willy nilly on your desk and think to myself, 'now there's a lady who doesn't have a cat.' Because if there were my desk, there would be brads over the entire house and probably a few in a kitty belly as well. Love the flutes are wimpy shirt.

Carole said...

I'm so eager to start my snoop about but I had to say hey...thanks...this is fun and I've learned a few things too! Love the T for Tuesday post...tut tut um...Carry on then. Carole I haven't posted yet so I don't know my # Be well Carole

Mrs.D said...

Love the Tshirt! I have a similar problem with brads that others have. The cat knocks them all over the place, so I have to make sure I put them away.
How organised with the notebook, I only manage to do that in the week before I go to a show. Getting to a real live shop is not easy.
Chris #47

Art Joy of Sharing with Peg and Shel said...

Julia I always love your desk. You have such a lovely view.I work in the basement so no view there. The shirt does put a smile on my face. ttfn Peg R #99

Laura said...

Outrageous t shirt...
totally offended...
obviously, I won't do anything about it because
I'm a wimp!
Laura 102

Caro said...

I love your view and the fact that the weather has been so nice you can have the door open. Your desk is looking great as ever. Thanks for hosting. Happy WOYWW. Caro x (#68)

Sarah Leonard said...

As a fellow brass player (I play Euphonium) I defintely approve of the t-shirt :)

Linking up some jewellery I've had on my desk lately - thanks for hosting!

Sarah @ A Cat-Like Curiosity

Craft Paper said...

I love the doors and the lovely view you have while sitting at your desk!

Nancy #101

Sarah Keerie said...

I have missed a few weeks, but getting back in the swing :) Sarah <3

Craftychris said...

At last I have managed to join in! Its been ages! Your desk is so busy as always! xx

Craftychris said...

Forgot to leave my number, its #107 sorry!

Lea.H said...

You have a lovely view fromyour craft area, i stare at...another wall :/ or the exercise bike. I prefer the blank wall LOL. Lx

Angie said...

I haven't posted a WOYWW in a while, got a new Great Dane puppy and he's been taking up my time. I so love your post though and love reading about the goings on in your life. Feel free to talk about yourself I love reading it!

Unknown said...

Cute shirt! Those teens are such fun!

Marissa said...

I love your desk and all the light, but I SWEAR I would constantly be shoving things off the front/back of it into the open air!

Claire said...

Ahhh, Saint Julia, 'tis a tardis tin... Thx for visiting :)
Love the t-shirt, and as always, your desk overflowing with crafty goodness :)
Happy WOYWW, a ted late!
no. 46

BJ said...

Julia, just wondering HOW you intend to use micro beads for embroidery as I doubt they have holes they are so small, do you mean seed beads perchance? BJ#26

Nikki said...

Hey Julia I love all those little brads they are one thing I just love so much to collect, and I do try to use them but hate to see them go lol. Oh and my sister doesn't live close to me at all she's in alberta I mail things to her back and forth. We send things between xmas and birthdays, plus it's fun to lend her stuff :)
hugs Nikki (late this time around)

Bridget Larsen said...

I never get tired of that window view of yours. Must find myself an ipad stand, have never seen one around here
Bridget #78