Wednesday 6 March 2013

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday 196

An explanation and 'how to' for WOYWW can be found here. Browse the other pages too, there's stuff about WOYWW4 and WOYWW The Crop. Go on, you want to know, even if you don't join in!'s gone from being an 'unload and dump from crop' type desk to being a proper craft desk in the last 24 hours, and what you see there is preparation for a workshop on Thursday. You can't help but notice the 'bubble wrap' stamp...I used white Stazon on it and didn't clean it.  It's slutty, but the actual image hasn't been damaged, so I have a hard time feeling guilt over it.  Actually, I'm not sure why it's there, it doesn't feature on the card I'm preparing!  It was ever thus.  No ipad - charging elsewhere. Instead, the deckchair holds cards for future workshops and a scrap of paper with names on it. Naturally, because it's a scrap of paper,  It's important and I need it to be front and centre of my line of vision until I've dealt with it.  You understand.  
Show us what you're up to then won't you? It would be nice.  I'll try really hard not to delete the entire Link list and visit loads more than I managed over the last week.  You try to be patient with me and it should all work out.  Please put WOYWW in your post title and link here.  Job's a good 'un.


Nan G said...

Not bad #3 this week. I do like the bubble wrap stamp and lurves the ipad chair! Happy WOYWW!

Helen said...

morning Julia. won't the stamp clean off with stazon cleaner now? still, as you say, the stamping quality isn't affected. I like all the stars, wondering what happens next.... have a great day. Helen, 8ish!

MvM-design said...

Good Morning Julia,

Love that stamp!
And have fun at your workshop!!

Have a great day .
Hugs Marleen #7

okienurse said...

WOW I can relate to a dump and find desk! I am looking forward to seeing my desk again for crafting! Have a great week! Vickie #11

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

Stars are in my next few minutes. And yours have me wondering, I'm early but will be gone very early most of Wed and looks like icy roads. Huge snow drifts around the house. I popped by your kit post, great idea and pretty design. #3 this week. Have a good one. Happy WOYWW off to lala land.

Claire said...

oooh! you are naughty - not cleaning your stamp!! hey, if the image is still clear, what the heck :) every week, i think i'll do an 'action' shot, then i lose my bottle and tidy up before taking it... yet i love seeing others' busy, messy desks... go figure!
happy WOYWW, dear julia - the hostess with the mostest :)

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

ah Julia just wandered in from doing the block walk necessary for health and then lo!! it was time to link up!
.. so my day has been,etc. etc.

at least made the right link today not like last week so easy to do it wrongly must download that linky cleaner-upper!! or invest in better set of brains

.. no crafting but going to check out lots of craftiness .. did chuckle at your post again... "it was ever thus'..
am sure it was ever thus here too.

Super cute images on the left there too - near a pair of scissors of the orange variety.
Happy WOYWW Shaz in Oz.x #17

Jackie said...

I to have that bubble wrap stamp it's very useful
I am also guilty of using white staz on this week on a stamp and not cleaning it !!!! Good luck with your stars and workshop prep
Jackie 10

Gabrielle said...

I am creeping in at the back of class hoping no one will notice me as I've been MIA for ages...! Sorry Julia, I just don't seem to be able to organise myself at the mo x

Love the potential that those stars hold and as for being slutty I think it makes you just like me... And if that means I'm slutty too then I think we hold our heads high and tough it out! Strength in numbers!

Anonymous said...

Happy WOYWW. Bubble-wrap stamp. Love it. Will go and see if I can find a similar effect on my extensive digi collection. Ali x #22

Neil said...

Did I hit my head, I'm seeing stars. Great desk, loving the stamp. Hope you have a great day.
Neil #23

Chrysalis said...

Morning Mrs D - looks like you're as busy a flutterby as me at the mo. Have a great week and enjoy your workshop tomorrow. Chris xx

Andrea said...

morning that is a lot of layers of stars and they look interesting would like to see how and what they become.That bubble wrap stamp is massive and looks fun to use.since I'm up early off on a little hop around and see what everyone is up to have a fab day and enjoy the workshop on Thursday... hope it goes well Andrea#14 x

Unknown said...

Hi Julia
A really busy desk this week. I love the stamp
Have a happy week!
Lynda B #26

Kath Stewart said...

oh starry starry night is flying round my head now...busy desk this week...have fun at your workshop...hugs kath xxx

Elizabeth said...

Morning Julia, it's uncanny! White ink features on my desk today too ... love that huge bubble wrap stamp. Can see your up to your eyes preparing for the workshop. Happy WOYWW, have great week. Elizabeth x #26 - can you believe it - the cat jumped on me at this ungodly hour so here I am nice and early :)

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Well, you have been busy! Like the slutty bubble wrap image...have you ever used the real thing?
LLJ 32 xx

Sandy said...

The stars look interesting and like those stamps on the left looks like a birdhouse. I am very fond of birdhouse stamps.. Goodluck with the workshops.
Sandy :)

Julie said...

Hi Julia, I just love your deckchair...what a good many times do you have your half finished project lying around and it gets ink onit or glue...I have even dropped a fully inked stamp on my card before now!!!
Have a great week
Julie (Paperpathway)32

ria gall said...

this is a great looking desk this morning I am liking the look of those stars and wow what a lovely big stamp I see backgrounds with that.
What is it with us and bits of paper we end up with so many bits and half have been actioned but still sit on our desk.
Have a great WOYWW thank you for sharing your workspace today
Ria #39

Annie said...

Morning Julia.....your desk is looking very good this morning so tidy and organised. Have a great day and enjoy the workshops

Annie x

Lynn Holland said...

Hi Julia
We have similar uses of things on our desks. My iPad stand,which is really a wooden book holder, is used to hold notes, cards, bits of paper and anything that i think I might need that or I don't know where else to put.
My scissors are in a basket along with jars of pencils and pens.
Hope you have a good week with all your preparations

Neet said...

Lovin' that tidiness about your desk Julia. Didn't know there was a bubble wrap stamp so you are one up on me cleaned or not. (What the heck, doesn't matter, the "stars of stamping" don't waste time cleaning. Obviously I am not a "star" as I tend to clean although I must confess my "Happy Birthday" stamp is rarely cleaned.)Good idea to use the deck chair for cards and things you want to use and not lose.
Happy WOYWW!
Hugs, Neet xx

Almo said...

Morning Julia, nice to see someone elses desk full of die-cuts and not mine for once. Why is it we always have things on our desk that we are not even using? ie your bubblewrap stamp, I did that last week with a bag of promarkers. Have a great day Hugs Mo x

Annie said...

Hi Julia.
Thanks for leaving the top off the button jar....I had a good rummage through :-)
A x

Gibby Frogett said...

Morning Julia - great desk, love that bubblewrap stamp..someone needs to invent a 'self cleaning' stamp - if only.....Happy WOYWW Gill x #45

Twiglet said...

A star stamper - even if she has slutty tendencies!! x Jo

Unknown said...

Lol Julia you crack me up, it was a good read and I love your sense of humour! Your desk looks great I just love to see messy workings on peoples desks hehe, it means that we are full of wonderful creativeness (is that a word)? any way happy WOYWW!
Janene #46

Unknown said...

Good morning Julia, I will not mention the stamp too much, we all do it at some time. Everything loks very organised with the stamps laid out like that. Have a good day.
Carol.x #46

Darnell said...

You're looking positively neat and tidy, Julia. Who doesn't love whitely inked and slutty bubble wrap?! Have a super week and a wonderful workshop tomorrow! Darnell #50

Queenie Jeannie said...

Happy Wednesday, love!! Curious what you're using all those lovely stars for! And yes, those pesky scraps of paper are OH SO important and have a nasty way of disappearing, darn them!

Have a fabby week! :)

JoZart Designs said...

Isn't it fascinating how the state of our desks goes in waves of mess? Tidy, active, neglected and back again? There are very few can stay neat all the time. Lots of us are always crazy busy so end up in near chaos.
No matter what your desk reflects your lifestyle and moods but you are always, without doubt, fun and cheerful!
love Jo x

The Scrapbook Lady UK said...

I like the stars on your desk. I spotted the bubble wrap stamp too.And I like the collection of hangers on the window handle. I am in a liking kind of mood today. Thanks for hosting, happy woyww jenx

Ann B said...

Afraid I'm obsessive about cleaning my stamps but then make up for it by throwing the cleaned ones into overstuffed boxes and denting the mounting foam.
Not joining in this week as I haven't done any crafting at all, back next week though.
Ann B

Hettie said...

Ooooooo! A proper crafting desk! I am impressed.
Loving those stars there and who cares if your stamp is dirty, as long as the results are fine!

lisa said...

You look very productive there, Julia. Are we all getting a gold star for being good!!
I'm a bit OCD about cleaning stamps..sad really! Thats's a cute little mouse i see peeking out there.
Hugs Lisax #55

Heathers Inspiration said...

love the beautiful stars in production and lots to see.
Have a wonderful week Julia
Happy WOYWW Heather #59

SusanLotus said...

Thank you Julia for organizing this very inspiring event each week!

Happy creativity and sunshine to you
from Sweden.

Susan, nr 60

Unknown said...

How great to own up to sluttiness - we all do it sometimes, don't we?!!! Have a great week and thanks for WOYWW. X

sandra de said...

Tidy desk and good to see the deck chair multiskilling. The scrap of paper with essential information is a necessity for any a work desk.
Sandra @61

Anne said...

Have been slutty with stamps as well. great desk and I too am curious re the stars. Have a great week. Anne x # 64

Cardarian said...

Naughty, slutty girl, not cleaning your stamp and that is Stazon!!! My Lord!!! Ha, ha...I see you are a busy girl the desk and the bit of paper with things to deal with looks like my desk!Ehh!
Lots of hugs,

Queen Lightwell said...

Hmmm, stars are a theme I haven't seen much of lately so I'm eager to see what you have planned for them. I'm sure it'll be fabulous! :) Thanks for hostessing us and look how early I am this week! Woohoo! I made it in before 100! :) But now its 3:25 in the a.m. here...just about my bedtime! Night owl, whooo? Me? :) Thanks again and I hope you get to have a good visit around and have a great workshop, too. My town doesn't have any workshops and I've been thinking about doing some at the one(1!) craft store we have...any advice? Thanks, in advance, if you have any and as always many many thanks for hostessing this linky party. :) Deeyll #68

BJ said...

Hi Julia, I'm a bit late and still under the weather this week. Hope your workshop goes well tomorrow. BJ

Antonia said...

Very busy desk today as usual, What happened to the ribbon pegs? Love your stars will we see the finished project?
Happy woyww

fairy thoughts said...

good morning Julia
Wow that is a busy.... yet strangly organised desk today. What is it with important pieces of scrap paper I am the same with phone numbers!! The button jar is looking very nearly full... did you see the button stall at make it.... to die for
have a good week
janet #43

Winnie said...

Good morning! Loving all those stars, I can't wait to see what you do with them! I spy a bear colored as well. i am loving the bubble wrap stamp, I have never seen one. I am sorry yours is damaged. How frustrating for you..Happy WOYWW! Winnie#78

Glenda said...

I do like the new look of your desk. You always look so organized. Don't feel bad about your stamp, I too have a bad habit of not cleaning my stamps. However, I seldom use Stazon and they usually clean right up when I finially decide to do a cleaning job. Have a great week!
Glenda #76

The House of Bears said...

We're rather liking the look of the bubble wrap stamp, we're banned from purchases til after the birthday though!

Erika said...

Oooh love your big jar of buttons, what happens if you want one from the bottom? LOL. Another busy desk Julia sorry I've been absent, missed the fun of desk hopping, have a great Wednesday, hugs Erika.

Stitching Lady said...
Am I at all at the right place - as I am no stamper but a "stitcher" a "sewer" - ??
Here is my WOYWW No.196
I am also sometimes dyeing!

Jaki Morris said...

'Slutty' I love that word! Life's too short for excessive cleaning, don't you think?

I am so excited as I think I can actually make it to the crop this year.
I'll try not to be too slutty.

Take care
Jakix #85

Karen said...

Wow, a craft desk being used as a craft desk, that's a different concept! LOL!!! :-))) Happy WOYWW! Karen 85 x

SueH said...

You look busy as always Julia, working so hard you’re seeing stars, Lol. OK, not that funny.
Have you tried a proper Staz-On ink remover? I fund it usually works fairly well when ink has been left on the stamp……might be worth a try if you’ve not already.

Happy Crafting!
Sue @86

C said...

Ultra Clean should clean that bubble wrap stamp right up, Julia. Love to know where all those krafty stars are going.

Lisa-Jane said...

I'm intrigued by what you are doing with the stars and I hope you can show us soon! I haven't unpacked anything from the weekend yet so well done you!

CraftygasheadZo said...

Morning lovely! Desk is looking good, I love your bubble wrap stamp and am wondering about the stars. You have some cute images/stamps there on the right hand side wonder what you're doing with them! Enjoy your workshop. Take care, enjoy desk dashing this week. Zo xx 92

Laura said...

I too am intrigued by the stars...
Happy Wednesday

pearshapedcrafting said...

Stayzon is a necessary evil! Carry on stamping!! Stars look good - surely can't be for Christmas?!

SMYLING said...

just popped by to say hello. your desk looks very productive. stars are a catchy theme, rescued some from my hoard for file decoration so i will be seeing them at my house too!

Marit said...

I LOVE the big bubble plastic, such fantastic stuff to work with! The deckchair seems like an amazing 'tool' - I use a box to throw scraps and such in, but that is not working - ha, I knew that on forehand but had nothing else handy. Hope you have a lovely week and enjoy your workshop!

Maisie Moonshine said...

I spy a gorgeous looking birdhouse image hiding under that little mound of stamps - I do so love a birdhouse. Have a happy week. MM x #99

Di said...

Ha, I thought the buttons were sweeties for us to help ourselves to. Deffo. need specs here.

Love that bubble wrap stamp! And am certainly up for a meet up session :))

Happy WOYWW Julia, hugs, Di xx

Deb's Pen Pot said...

Hi Julia, I know exactly what you mean about scraps of paper! Being a writer with a passion for notebooks and journals, you'd think I'd've graduated from random jottings...oh no. Ideas and snippets get written on scraps which then get tucked, stapled or paperclipped into said journal...and if they're really lucky, they get written up! Best wishes, Deb's Pen Pot # 100

Claire Grantham said...

Ha ha a friend and I were discussing how well or not we clean our stamps recently...I clean mine better than she does..LOL!! I like a dump and find desk..mine isn't too bad this week. Cx #100

Craftychris said...

ooh loving the bubble wrap stamp - the ink stain adds character! If a stamp can have character?? I am wondering what all the stars are for - hopefully you will show us soon! xx

Brenda B said...

Now that's on "in use" desk this week. The lid os off the buttons, does that mean they're in use again or just more slutty behaviour as you can't be arsed to keep it shut, lol!!

Brenda 105

Christine said...

Glad you're keeping busy - hope you'll share some of the results of your workshop.
Bishopsmate #108

Bridget Larsen said...

Check out that huge jar of buttons
Bridget #109

Becky said...

It's amazing what a difference 24 hours can make :) I don't think I've ever seen a bubble wrap stamp, I love it!!!

Lori said...

LOL. All my stamps look like that.

Hope you get a chance to check out my blog.
Lori #107

Karen K said...

Love the Mouse stamp on the left... like the bubble wrap stamp with it's stazon on it LOL. Happy WOYWW, not sure if I will get to show today as I am finally ready to get on with my quilt....will see how I go.


Minxy said...

Finally i'm back to comment and i'm star struck lol
Love the bubble wrap stamp {even in that state lol} is it the kaisercraft one?
Hugz Minxy #76

Katie said...

How funny there's a bubble wrap stamp :) If you have to buy it, it kinda defeats the purpose!

Robin said...

I sure understand this week, what you mean about keeping something in front of you, until you deal with it. I kept that dean weaving card in front of me....took it with me every where I went and finally got out my big scissors and cut it up, ribbon and all. I never want to see it again! HA. I was humming Kenny Rogers song, ya gotta know when to fold them with a grin on my face. Off on another project after I I go visiting!

Pallavi said...

Hi Julia happy woyww! I'm loving the stars and he bubble wrap stamp!! xoxo

Unknown said...

I'm seeing stars! Interesting. And I just love that bubble wrap stamp. Your desk looks very "neat" today. Happy WOYWW!
Carol N #101

Jules said...

Your desk looks great! I am happy to be back after a bit of a hiatus....this is such a fun link up!

Katie said...

I love all of the stars on your desk!

505whimsygirl said...

Hello Julia,

Oh you crack me up! Slutty indeed.... haaa Your desk looks very organized and tidy today.

Not joining in just want to come over and visit a few of my favorite people IN THE WORLD.


Sharon said...

The bubble stamp looks very useful, have lots of ideas for using it, if only I had one! I think I have linked correctly first time this week.


Ohhh Snap said...

Great bubble wrap stamp! Stains don't matter as long as it works : D. I swear I don't see half the things on my desk until I take a picture, especially when I'm looking for them. Your desk chair is very versatile! I do understand about the important papers being front and center lol. #113.

PS SHINee has a new album out : D.

Monica said...

Here we are driving east on I 10 homeward bound. The first grey day though not a rain cloud in store. Will try to read all the comments. Oh I have the wrong # for the post and was unable to change it.

Unknown said...

I love your proper craft desk! Is the bubble wrap stamp a clear stamp? I am going to find some clear stamps--I'd love to have a whole collection. Now I'm going to look into the ATC swap info--that is going to be fun! AND, this week, I even used the word "bloke" in my blog. I'm getting good. Happy WOYWW! Sandy Leigh #106

Krisha said...

Hi Julia,
OH MY STARS! great looking desk this week. I too had a good rummage through your buttons, so if there is one loose on the desk top it was probably a spill from my rummage.
Krisha #126

famfa said...

Lovely craftable stuff. Great stars.
Famfa 105

Carole Z said...

Fab looking desk goodies! Carole Z #129

Lisa said...

Woo-hoo I loves that bubble wrap stamp!! wants one precious! anyway I've been and blogged and waffled on but hopefully no-one realise and skip on... lovely to be back in WOYWW land again


Rossella said...

Happy WOYWW Julia.
I love that bubble wrap stamp and the stars look very interesting,
Have a great week
Rosie x

Victoria said... all those festive many treasures to play and create with..looks fun and inspiring! beautiful post!

My first time playing..thanks for hosting!
Wishing you a sparkling day and creative week!

trisha too said...

Well that's a fun stamp! Okay, don't tell, but I don't clean my stamps. Pretty much ever, unless what's dried on them is darker than the next stamp pad I want to use them on. Or if it's acrylic paint.

So nope, don't feel guilty!


Angela said...

Hi Julia, lovely busy desk. Good luck with the workshops. Have fun with the stars. Thank u for hosting :)

AngelGreetings xx

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

Oh my goodness! I just want to dive right in to that big jar of buttons!

Heather M said...

The bubble stamp caught my eye right away. I've heard that Tim Holtz doesn't clean his stamps, so why should you? ;-) So sorry about adding my link to Mr. Linky twice, I really need a caffeine IV today.
HeatherM #136 (and #137)

Keren Howell said...

Whew, glad the Linky thing is working this week. I don't clean my stamps after taking Tim Holtz's Creative Chemistry class and they don't seem to have come to any harm! Great "working" desk! Happy WOYWW xxx Keren

Mary said...

I'm glad to see someone else didn't clean her stamp right away. I am so very guilty of that. Your desk looks busy as usual...and that's a good thing! Have a crafty week!

mamapez5 said...

the bubble-wrap stamp is interesting. I wonder where you are going with all those stars. I would love a pound, (or should that be euro), for every piece of scrap paper in my room with a random phone number or message on it, but if you took away a pound for every one I cannot identify, I wouldn't have much left! Kate x #57

Unknown said...

Looks like someone is putting together a fun workshop. I would love to see the finished product. Have a great time.

Sarah Leonard said...

Linking up my sketches and some handmade packages from my desktop this week.

Thanks for hosting :)

Sarah @ A Cat-Like Curiosity

Debbie Frost said...

Isn't it great when you have happy creative accidents like this!

Unknown said...

good afternoon Im moving mighty slow today snow day (no schools are open) here in the middle of the USA. I have been reading a lot lately besides my art stuff I recommend a book called "You Before Me" ....its a real page turner, for me anyway. Happy Wednesday (humpday) #145 KAT

Unknown said...

Hi Julia, Love the bubble wrap stamp, it always looks good, wherever you put it! I love your stars too ... they look like cookies! Have a great week and thanks for sharing Liz at 147 x

Unknown said...

I love that stamp!

Liz B said...

I love your layered stars- Happy Wednesday!

hollybeary creations said...

Those stars are looking good and I love the look of that cute bubble wrap stamp. I've been MIA for a while. I'm back and joining in the fun with WOYWDW. I missed you guys!

Kyla said...

Hurrah, just made it!!! (about 13 hrs later than usual!).


Anonymous said...

Happy WOYWW! Great desk, I'm loving the stars!

Lauren x

Anonymous said...

Your desk is alway busy Julia, that's great!!! I almost made it, better late than never ;)

Have a great day!

dix said...

Julia, I hear the "front and center" part loud and clear! But seems about 150 items remain front and center on my work desk. Thanks for hosting us! dix---

Unknown said...

So many stars - a hive of activity again.

Kelly said...

Good afternoon, everyone. I've not been here in a very long time. But I'm trying to become more accountable so here I am. I can't set up my Mr LInky right now because my mail server is down :-( Hopefully by next week. Off to check out a few others while on break. Creative Blessings!

Kim said...

Swooning at that bubble wrap stamp - I always drool over other people's desks - it can't be healthy!! lol Happy WOYWW! Kim #155

Unknown said...

Everything's looking pretty neat and grand I'd say Julia!!! I can see desk surface here, art friend. Love the dirty bubble wrap. Awesome work you're up to these days...and YES scrap paper rules the world in my opinion. Hugs, Norma, x

Jo Austin said...

Here's the link to mine... look at your peril.

Love looking at everyones desks... keep up the good work everyone!

Jo x

Lisa Richards said...

Bubble wrap! Who'd of thunk!
Have a great WOYWW!

peggy aplSEEDS said...

how interesting that there is actually a bubble wrap stamp! i guess its would help crafters not keep all the bubble wrap they come across, just one stamp.

Anna said...

Love the bubble wrap stamp! I love making stamps out of unusual things. I have a big giant tire tread stamp that I made out of a piece of truck tire that I picked off off the road! LOL! It makes a great background!

Jeanna said...

I love your jar of buttons! I don't have nearly that many buttons to fill a jar. So jealous!
Thanks for hosting WOYWW :)

Have a great week,

misteejay said...

Lovely busy desk Julia - that bubble wrap stamp really does look super.

Toni xx

Stitching Lady said...

Julia, with my DH I have to take care when boxes are around - he spills the tea, he will spill the coffee, no matter what is around him. His hands are so large. Thanks for commenting so funny.

Caro said...

Running late this week! Love that mahoosive bubble wrap stamp. Interesting things on your desk. Thanks for hosting and visiting me. Caro xx

Gill Edwards said...

im a bit late this week but got here at last. i love the bubble wrap stamp, its amazing what things we have lying around we can put to good use eh

have a good week

Gill x

MaggieC (Silvercrafter) said...

I started to leave a message yesterday, but the battery on the Kindle Fire died - I was still in bed at the time. Now back on pc power. I am waiting to see what you do with all those stars. It just shows how addicted we are to our Wednesday blog fix, we all went to pieces when our list vanished. It was very impressive to see that you managed to get it back intact though. Thank you for your visit and I am off now to get the bread out of the oven. Have a good week. xx Maggie #37

April said...

A bubblewrap stamp? Awesome! That stazon can be some tough stuff. Glad to see your desk is no longer boring. ;-) April #145

Bridget Larsen said...

I use 2 guillotines very easily Julia, one is very new and is very sharp but it seems to bend the cardstock so I use it for very thick cs and the other I use for daily use for other cs
Bridget #109

Unknown said...

What Glorious fun! Not linking up this week as I haven't crafted and my desk is too clean lOL!

Stampin Boots said...

Excited for my first WOYWW. Thank you for organising I will be back again!! xxx