Wednesday 27 March 2013

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday 199

We are moving rather alarmingly, to the fourth anniversary of this nonsense.  See here for how we're going to mark it, and here for what WOYWW is all about.  I thank you.

Oh yesterday I bragged that my desk was too boring to photograph as it was covered in book-keeping.  Well hello!
I was side-tracked.  My Papa, bless him, thought that ringing me for advice was a great way to solve his problem with email and printer.  Hmm, I utterly love his faith in me.  I'm not overly flattered by it - I figure he rings his geek chap first...and if he doesn't answer, I'm next.  Anyway, after discussion, I gently reminded him that Wednesday is Mama's birthday. He has never needed reminding, I have to admit.  Ad he didn't need reminding today...but when I suggested I'd like to drop in and visit, he put me off.  He was trying not to say too much, so I don't know why, suffice it was to be a surprise and I didn't want to blow it!  BUT, and here's the real meant I had to very quickly gather myself and rush to the Post Office with her card and present.  It's only a ten minute stroll and the weather forced me to do it at quite a pace.  And then I bumped into someone I haven't get it.  The day was over and the books are still there.  Argh.  

It won't be so by Wednesday afternoon at the latest.  My teeth are itchy for the lack of paper crafting!  Share with us do, the work desk/surface that's making you happy today..put WOYWW in your post ttile and pop back here to link.  That's lovely of you.


Create With Joy said...

Oh happy day - I have new stash to share! Come by for a peek!

Happy WOYWW to you!

Create With Joy

P.S. Is that an Autumn Leaves calendar card I spotted in the background?

SandeeNC said...

Don't ya just hate itchy teeth? lol waving hi from the hills of North Carolina ♥

Jackie said...

Morning.......i have days like that!
It just seems to run away with you and very little gets done esp crafting!

Jackie 2

Spyder said...

I missed last week, I was up to my elbows in dogs... and mud, fell over had to shove my coat in the washing machine and.... dah dah da da!! My mobile phone was in the shame...just when I remembered the number car's exhaust fell off.. and my Mum's ceiling fell in... all mended now... what a week... so your crafty-mess is looking very inviting, mine? well... it's all gone to the dogs really. Happy WOYWW!! was #9 as in K9?


Sandy said...

I am sure it was lovely to catch up with your friend. Some days just seem to rush by in a blur and you look back and think what did I get done today.. I always have this list in my head of things to do everyday. I am happy if I get most of it done if not there is always tomorrow..
Sandy :)

Neet said...

Well, on my usual T stroll this morning I decided to peek and no you weren't there. Looking at the clock I thought I only had minutes to wait and so here I am. Got the name bit wrong though - doh!
Explanations over - Happy Birthday to your mum! Hope the surprise works out well for your dad. Got me intrigued now - do tell as soon as.
I too am itching to get some crafting done, not that I have not been doing any but I want to do something that is fun for me. Shall I abandon everything and "play"?
Have a lovely mum's birthday day.
Hugs, neet xx

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Mm, Julia, it is funny how things happen. It will be interesting to see why Papa did not want you to visit.

.. and yes just did the meet someone you have not seen for ages and chat thing myslef out the front of my place so know what you mean there - and yes am feeling for you with the lack of movement on bookwork..

I could say the same here but trying not to look :D

Happy WOYWW Julia. do enjoy your itchy finger crafting play when time permits! Shaz in Oz.x #14

Queenie Jeannie said...

Happy Birthday to your Mum!!! I hope you get back to crafting very, very soon. Itchy teeth are nothing to take lightly, lol!

Ohhh Snap said...

It's amazing how quickly a day can scarper away lol. And dang, 208? already? I remember 104 lol. And for the first time in a long while, I'm not in the caboose section : D. #13 or as the Bloggess calls it The Library.

Anonymous said...

I had a great time checking out everyones desks last week so as promised I am back!

MvM-design said...

Good morning Julia.
Have a great Wednesday!!
Hugs Marleen #20

The Taming of the Glue said...

Finally back in "Blogland" and have missed my fix of WOYWW. Here's my usual mess!!

KatzElbows said...

Now we all want to know why your dad didn't want you to go over there! I hope you get make something soon. It's horrible when you can't.

Hope you keep warm today,
Rachel #23

MiniOwner said...

Happy birthday Julia's mum. I wonder what surprise you have in store?
Sue x (MiniOwner@29)

scrappymo! said...

You will have to fill us in next week...we are all sleuthing about trying to solve the riddle for you...tried to get one of the Brit detective shows on to it...but they wouldn't bite...Dang!

Redanne said...

Ooh I am intrigued by what your Dad has planned now........hope you get the books done by this afternoon so that you get some time to craft. Happy WOYWW, Julia. Hugs, Anne x #33

Ann B said...

Happy birthday to your Mum, hope she enjoys her surprise and you get a bit more playtime today.
Ann B

Words and Pictures said...

I've been missing in action for a few weeks - so happy to be back!! Sorry to see the papers flooding the desk - but getting your Mama's birthday things to her is a worthy cause!! Happy WOYWW all...
Alison x

Lynn Holland said...

Lucky me can shut the door on our office but not on our workshop as burglars smashed the roller shutter yesterday and stole all the copper wiring. Then the garage door at hoe came off the rails and landed on hubby's van and as it comes in threes the key fob for y car stopped working and I couldn't get in.
Today is another day, lets open the door on it.
Have a good week Julia and let us know your dads surprise for mum

Cestina said...

Book-keeping? Arrgh! Hope you get to cover it up with crafting very soon. And A Happy Birthday to your mother...

Lucy said...

Since we got our cats, I know all about the way the day goes. Had them nearly a week now and am now trying to get them used to the fact that I need to go to my room for an hour or so here and there. Proving tricky! Have a great week and thanks for sharing! Lucy #37 x

Darnell said...

Oh, now your Dad has us all intrigued! Do you think they are coming to your place? Can't wait to hear!

Thanks, as always, Julia, and I hope you get the dastardly books done soon so you can properly scratch your teeth!!

Annie said...

At least you're honest could have just move it off and thrown some crafty stash in it's place :-)
A x

The Scrapbook Lady UK said...

Busy with books... hmmm I need to stop avoiding that one. I keep doing the cropping and the crafting and not getting round to the books... should be the other way round. Happy woyww, jenx

fairy thoughts said...

ah birthdays. . . I never forget them, well this year I have forgotten 4 already, must be my age. If I forget my Mums in May I'M DEAD. good luck getting back to your paper and scissors.
Ps thanks for the beady kit I have finished it

MrsC.x said...

happy birthday to your mum hope she has a lovely day and your dads surprise goes without a hitch :)

Hope you can get to your crafting later

happy woyww tfs
Mrs.C #42

Helen said...

Hope your mum has a lovely birthday!! I also hope you get the books done today and back to some crafty business. Have a good one. Helen, 12

Elizabeth said...

Morning Julia, I wonder what kind of birthday surprise is in store for your mother ...! And as for the accounts, hope you get them out of the way PDQ so you can get back to proper paper crafting once more. Me, I'm painting this week - not exactly paper crafting but good fun all the same :) Have a lovely day. Hugs, Elizabeth x #45

Twiglet said...

Just chuckling cos the brooch I made you came up on your "you might also like" spot - forgotten I hade made that!! Happy Wednesday x Jo

froebelsternchen said...

oh you are busy Julia!
Happy easter...

family is always something to wonder about! LOL!
and we are so similiar to our parents, aren´t we?

Gill Edwards said...

hope you can get back to it real soon and thanks for putting up with us all for 4 years.

have a good week
Gill x

Di said...

I'm baaaaack, after missing the fun of WOYWW for a few weeks. Now your Daddy seems to have everyone intrigued - wouldn't he tell you in case you blabbed then? I can't tell Len 'nice surprise secrets' as he's sure to let the cat outta the bag, without meaning to.

Hope you get those books finished and some crafty time today!

Hugs, and I owe you an email, Di xx

lisa said...

It's funny how the days just disappear all by themselves, isn't it, Julia. I hope you get back to your fun paper very soon.
Happy Birthday wishes to your Mum too.
Hugs Lisax #60

Anonymous said...

Happy WOYWW. Paperwork - that sometimes gets in the way for me too! Even had to go to meetings with our solicitor and bank manager yesterday! Oh well, real life has to come first sometimes. Although I would prefer just to shut myself away in my craft room. Ali x #53

pearshapedcrafting said...

Look forward to finding what the surprise is! Hope you get time to craft soon ! Chris 61

Almo said...

Hi Julia, and a very happy birthday to your Mum. Good luck with the books have a great day.
Hugs Mo x

Kyla said...

"IT help desk" is how I answer the phone when its my dad! Love them :-)

ATC swap is a great idea

Kyla #63

Andrea said...

happy WOYWW hope you get your craft fix and itchy teeth lol that is a new one on me!.I hope your mum had a fab birthday and isn't it sweet that your dad still has surprises up his sleeve, I hope my HB is the same when we get to a ripe old age (hopefully). good luck with the books and that you get them done( not so much fun !) hugs #64Andrea X

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Happy birthday to your Mama, whatever for the surprise takes! Hope you have a good day too...all that paperwork gives me the shivers, brrrrrrrrrr. That's the stuff of nightmares for me :)
See ya tomorrow, looking forward to it :)
Hugs, LLJ 59 xxxx

Unknown said...

Ah paperwork ... the bane of any artist's life! Love the papers to the left though, they look pretty! Thanks for sharing and Happy Woyww Liz @ 69

Claudia N. said...

Hope you will soon get the chance to cure your itching teeth, Julia!

Your idea with the WOYWW4-anniversary event is absolutely great! I will try to prepare some for that special day!!!!

I know days like yours too *lol.
Have a wonderful WW!!!

die amelie # er...don't know.

Minxy said...

Morning lovely lady, sorry you desk is lacking in crafty things but that 'real life' stuff does have a way of making it's mark now and then.
I'm sure you'll find some crafty time very soon xo Have a great day xo
Hugz Minxy #72

BJ said...

Life just has a way sometimes doesn't it? BJ #67

susibee said...

Happy Birthday to your Mum - I hope she (and you) have a great day:)

Susi #74

Gibby Frogett said...

The sun is shining and its Wednesday -Yipee! happy WOYWW Julia, hope your mum has a lovely birthday too... Gill x #75

Winnie said...

Happy WOYWW Julia! Your dad sounds so sweet! Love that he likes to surprise your mom! I smiled when read about him calling you for tech help, as my lifeline is my brother who is in computers. I type my posts and put up my pics but when an issue arrives I call him and he lives in Ohio which is not nearby at all. He is good natured. I need for him to show me show of the stuff I have him do, seems like time is always an issue so he just magically does what he does. Happy birthday to your mom! Winnie #78

Francesca said...

In my world its called multitasking, but try doing less boring stuff Ha Ha. Birthday do have a habit of creeping up, mine is soon too. Have a good day Francesca #79

Anne said...

Ooooohhh I like surprises - well the nice sort :-) have those sorts of days as well. Have a feeling today may be one of them as it's not gone to plan yet. Happy WOYWW. Anne x #82 (at the moment :-)

Caro said...

My desk looked like yours yesterday...tons of paperwork all over it and then some crafting things dumped on top...I put the paperwork away by the evening though and was able to play again! Thanks for hosting. Have a great day. Caro xx #73

Bridget Larsen said...

I thought you'd lost the comment link, its barely .1point font lol. I know the feeling of the day going by with all good intentions and yes that is how I choose my photos to scrap, I failed to mention that each section was for a different layout lol, I didnt take long to decide, some photos just jump out at you
Bridget #46
Thanks for the congratulations, I am overly excited

Lisa-Jane said...

Sometimes time seems on an alternate plane doesn't it?! I hope you get the book-keeping bits done and can get back to your crafting xx

April said...

Oooh wonder what the surprise is??!! Not had much chance to Blog lately, but I'm here! Hope you get shut of the paperwork and get some crafting done soon! x April #89

Debs Willis said...

sounds like someone has crafty withdrawal - itchy teeth forsooth!! try changing the toothpaste lol!! :-)

happy woyww

Debs x #88

Heathers Inspiration said...

Have a Wonderful Easter and hope your Mum has a great birthday too.
Your desk looks to be bursting with things to do :o)
Happy WOYWW heather #86

glitterandglue said...

Hi Julia,
Well I made it - managed to link up - golly, I must be more computer savvy than I glad to have done it - I have looked at your blog each week for months, and so enjoyed it, thought I'd have a go..
Margaret (glitterandglue #92)

Marit said...

Well it does sound like good reasons to why your desk is as it is today... happy woyww! Marit #85

Ginger said...

Not had time for this for ages, Have been wandering round the desks but not posting myself. and nearly 4 years, wow. Carol #95

dottielottie said...

Never mind the bookkeeping paraphernalia Julia, your Friday post of the beautiful butterflies more than compensates. I am in love with them and must try this. Hope you manage to get some more crafty goodness on your desk soon.
Hugs Lottie #79

The House of Bears said...

We have days like that too, every intention of finishing things but lots of side tracking stopping us. Happy birthday to your Mum. X

Janet said...

Still can't reach my table because of boxes of bathroom tiles and other items. I have managed a bit of beading on a tray - I may photograph that later. Janet.

Unknown said...

Finally I have posted my desk pictures after many weeks travelling aroung looking at everyone's work Such fun!

Karen 96

SueH said...

Paperwork is never fun Julia but it has to be done. Just think of the guilt feel fun you can have after it’s finished thought, crafting till your heart’s content.
Such intrigue surrounding your mum’s birthday, I wonder what the surprise is? I’m sure she’ll have a wonderful day whatever it is.

Happy Crafting!
Sue @ 101

Roudi said...

A very happy birthday to your mum! Finish those books quickly and get some crafting done, girl!
Hugs from Egypt. xx


Uniflame said...

I found this meme through Create with Joy which I met during Bloggiesta last weekend. Lovely idea this, so I signed up :)

Unknown said...

Now we are all desperate to find out about mum's surprise, do let us know. Hope you get your paperwork sorted today.
Carol.x #103

Spyder said...

No! I crumpled into bed about 7.30...woke up coz Jinx the lodger cat decided hubby's half of the bed (he left for work at 5, hubby not the cat) wasn't big enough for him, and then, the phone rings...My mum talking about how she needs a dozen or so seahorses by... April.... why? oh, she's loony too! Yes, the Xyron, I had a create and craft one, and they stopped doing the refills and I see this 'real' one in a craft table thingy, the lady only wanted 50p for it and it was new!Bought loads from her! Oh well, I'd better go and sort these sea horses... One of my digi's is in a mag tomorrow, so that's really why I was up so long, a few of my numbers in my 'store' have umm... doubled up! oops....and I'm already getting customers from their early subscribers, nice! Fame at last...sort of...zzzzzz ((Lyn))

Angie said...

I guess there is an out break of itchy teeth! I was in dire need of inky fingers after having spent too much time otherwise occupied! Have a great day!
Angie (currently sitting at 109)

Barb King said...

Busy day! All for good, though. Check out my new (to me) technique!
Barb forgot my # , 107 perhaps.

Lindsay Weirich said...

Happy WOYWW! wow, almost 4 years, awesome! Have a great celebration with your mom if you get to see her, it sounds like your dad is going to whisk her away somewhere!
Hugs, Lindsay #109ish

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

Happy WOYWW and Happy Birthday to your mother. Hope you all have a great time with whatever is planned. Paperwork is a dread for me, and I too NEED to get to creating, it helps me forget whatever seems to be the problem at the time.
It's 6AM and we have a huge full moon, can't wait til light arrives a little earlier. Possibly I'm #112 enjoy the week

CraftygasheadZo said...

Well there was me thinking that paperwork was looking pretty with the pretty paper on top! Hope your mum had a lovely day whatever the surprise! I'm just about getting in with a morning post, not long got up. The joy of Easter school holidays!! Take care lovely Zo xx 117

Carole Z said...

Hope your Mum has a lovely birthday! And hope you and yours have a wonderful Easter too..and fellow WOYWWers....back to my craft desk now! Carole Z #116

Nan G said...

Looks like you're havin fun! I absolutely love the water color cards a few posts earlier!! Happy Easter and Happy WOYWW! Nan #115

famfa said...

Sounds intriguing wonder what he has planned. Funny how one thing leads to another and another until that day has gone.
Famfa 111

Unknown said...

Happy birthday to your Mum. I hope your able to get some crafting done soon. Those itchy teeth can be so annoying..LOL #98

Louise B said...

Hope your mum has a great birthday and great to see your dad remembered her birthday and was organised for it. Hope you get some crafting done soon.

Becky said...

I do hope you'll shabout your mom's surprise! :) itchy teeth, that's a new one, but I totally get it with relation to crafting! Ha!

Sarah Leonard said...

Linking up some art and a new rug I am making - none of which are pictured on my actual desk (in the midst of moving house - forgive me?!) But they are definitely what has been on my workdesk this week. Honest.

Thanks for hosting :)

Sarah @ A Cat-Like Curiosity

Whimcees said...


Catching up on all that you have been doing - you are a busy woman! Love all of your new projects and hope to see more! Wishing you a happy weekend!


Barbara Diane

Zoe said...

My first time at WOYWW! Looking forward to visiting some new blogs!

Christine said...

oooh! poor you having to go out in the cold brrrr!
Wish Mom a happy day from me.
"Just remember the sooner you finish the sooner you can go play" - that was my Mom talking!!! lol
Happy days!
Bishopsmate #126

Sharon said...

Hope you can craft soon , Happy Birthday to your Mum x

Jaki Morris said...

Itchy teeth? That's a new one on me!
I think I may have an itchy brain from grammar confusion overload!

Distractions? What life's all about really.
Take care and happy birthday to your mama

Jakix #129

Deb said...

well at least it looks like you have some sparkly stuff on top of the book keeping, that makes it more interesting. I am guessing wrapping paper for your Mama's birthday present?

Claire Grantham said...

Ha ha, I hear you on the itchy teeth...I have had to concentrate on packing and not crafting :) Obviously the craft room will be the LAST thing I pack. Cx #132

Anonymous said...

Distractions do have a way of causing itchy crafty teeth. =/ Hope you get to scratch soon! :)
Happy Wednesday. SueC#137

Katie said...

That sounds about right when something needs to be done...always distractions :)

Thanks for hosting!

Katie (138)


G'day Julia
I'm a WOYWW virgin LOL but I joined on in this evening!!!

Unknown said...

Oh, it is good to be back. Also good to get my hands all sticky with gel medium, and to fluff through all those collage papers. Can't wait to see what is going on!

ria gall said...

oh my days life sure does have a habit of getting in the way of our crafting. Stamp your feet make a noise and let life know you need/want/have to have some time to craft.
Wishing you a very Happy Easter and a great day today

Unknown said...

Shared my mess of a space! Thanks for hosting this. love peaking around.

Craft Donkey

Unknown said...

I see you are working it all out with that paperwork! So glad your parents are doing well--I feel blessed to still have my 86-year-old mom around with her sharp wits! Happy WOYWW! Sandy Leigh #28

Maisie Moonshine said...

At least you are working Julia - I've read two and a half volumes of The Hunger Games since Saturday to put off starting work! MMx #141 P.S. Thanks for those winning tickets - brilliant day out AND yummy new stash!

Sparkly Engineer said...

Itchy teeth - how horrid. lol.

Do let us know what your papa had planned.

Stitching Lady said...
Knitting and crocheting nothing else - a magazine or two to enjoy -
that's it.

Lisa'sLettersandLace said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lisa'sLettersandLace said...

Wow, this link list has really grown..I had to delete my last didn't come out right! Come see some pretty paper on my desk for some immediate cheer!

JoelMcBride said...

No paperwork is allowed in a crafting space...that's what a kitchen table is for!


Victoria said...

Hi Julia..lovely post..aww..your dad sounds incredibly sweet..and Happy B-day to your mom..cheers! I love those silvery magical stars on paper that I can see on your desk...stunning! Fabulous! Happy WOYWW
Thanks for hosting

Serendipity Stamping said...

You have been very busy lately and I love that you are working with yarn. Tried to e-mail you to take off the first #151, but could not find your address. Sorry! Keep on being your wonderful self. #151

Heather M said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Heather M said...

Happy Birthday to your mom! I'm sure you'll be able to get the non-crafty things off of your desk and be back to creating soon. :-)
HeatherM #154

Debbie Frost said...

I finally got around to it Julia hope I've done good!

Kelly said...

I understand the 'itching teeth', Judith. It felt so good to just be gluing something this morning! Creative Blessings on a great week! Kelly #(not seeing me LOL)

Mary said...

I thought I was the only one with itchy teeth when I'm not crafting. I'm already stressing with what shall I do when I am away for a month. I'm thinking zentangles here I come. Nothing sharp for the TSA folk to take away. I'm off to write my post, I'll link later today. Happy WOYWW....

Lizzie said...

Hey, account books! Yes...I'll have to get started on mine soon too...I'm pretending it's not happening just now, but if I don't want a repeat of last year's tax return panic, I need to get on with it really. Hope you've got the table cleared now and you're having some fun with crafts instead!

Happy birthday to your mum also.

My post is about Books again... but there are some pretty photos to look at ;-)

I will try to get round quite a few of this week's entries over the next few days. I promise to try hard! X

Lizzie - #160

Robyn said...

Just linked to WOYWW for the first time.
Now I can never say that again!

Anonymous said...

I'm afraid my desk has been for work purposes too this week! Although it was to create a portfolio so it wasn't entirely boring....happy woyww!

Lauren #155

Lori said...

I have only participated 1 time before and now here I am again. Thought I would share my new loot and will try to do this more often. So much fun and thank you Julia. Hugs Lori

Hettie said...

Hmmmn! Your desk has many uses!! Very versatile. Bet you have a settee to sit on though!! Can I borrow yours as the floor, though carpeted, is not very comfy!! How Helen crafts on her floor I will never know!

MaggieC (Silvercrafter) said...

I am sure you could find something to blame Shaz for, my DH does regularly. We can't be too rude though as her DH is our IT doctor when we can't solve the problem. I hope you managed to get some crafting in today and relieved the itchy teeth. Thank you for your visit and I hope you have a good week, not too cold and white. xx Maggie #17

Pallavi said...

We all have days like that at some point..hope u get more done tomorrow..and gf you are not hiding that buttons jar are u?? I am getting a ski mask to steal it tonight! LOL
or maybe not b/c if I get caught I can't participate in WOYWW anymore..hmm gotta really think about this now..

HeARTworks said...

WOW! 171 participants! Amazing! and yes, Julia, my remote is wrapped in plastic. My husband's doing, because he knows everything on my desk gets slapped with paint, even my laptop and Ipad!!!! Well, book keeping's gotta be done! It might as well be where you're comfortable!
Patsy from

Lisa Richards said...

Your mom's birthday is excuse enough to get sidetracked! :) Now, go do some crafting so your teeth will stop itching! lol!

Tricia @ Daring Hue said...

What a great linkup! I just found you this morning, and have had fun clicking around and seeing lots of workspaces.

Kelly said...

Hey Julia - Karen #99.. her link goes to YOUR page :-)

Arnoldo L. Romero, MLA said...

Have a blessed week, Julia!

Judys Lace Creations said...

Gosh Julia, you have so many comments.I just wanted to say thanks for visiting my blog, and yes, I love those H2O'S.So versatile.I've used them on fabric too for a bit of shimmer.
Judy #15

Becky said...

Heyla Julia! It's been ages (and ages and ages!)since I posted, or blogged or done anything crafty enough to be worth blogging or posting about! Hopefully Spring will get me back on track and I will get back to the good old internets. :)At least card and pressie were ready to be sent- I'd have been in a right pother if that had happened to me!

April said...

Thanks so much for stopping by my space. Housework? Really? I hope your mojo comes back soon - that is serious business when you consider housework over crafting! LOL
April #175

Robyn said...

Thanks for the kind words, visiting my space and welcoming me to yours!
The draws are storage, and the best thing- I'll show it next week is how my light pad fits on arms right under the glass top.
Looking forward to the ATC exchange.
I'll be back!!!
Robyn 164

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