Wednesday 4 January 2012

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday 135

Well. Loads of shhhtuff.  Waiting to be organised.  After my mugs made me want to do something, I made a calendar page for January.  And got it into my head that the clear stamps and Christmas stamps should be put away properly to make some room.  Which involved emptying the shelf that they were on.  Which involved cluttering up the desk with stuff that I've been shoving onto the shelf for the want of somewhere to put it.  My bad.  So today you can see detritus.  Some very large Heidi Swapp playing cards (boxed, under the CD), a blank canvas (there's a joke there somewhere) a bag of souvenir postcards and tickets from Tenerife. (A year ago this month, that holiday!) and then the usual suspects too.  Even Jan's desk bin has been unceremoniously shoved aside to let me at the clear stamps.  Man if I didn't love the images, truly, I would dump the lot.  Instead, they are on the floor in the lounge.  
I thought that perhaps if I watched some catch-up tv it would make organising them a bit easier.  Not so.  Uh uh.  Gave me pins and needles. Couldn't see the small images properly to sort them.  Couldn't get some clean enough to make 'em clingy.  Lost the will to live.  Time to compromise! Sorted the Christmas from the others, filed those with the Christmas wood mounts and have squashed the others back onto their original shelf.  There has to be a better way.  Part of my day was spent modelling today.  Man, I have such a varied life.  This is a scheduled off to the Dentist again; 3rd time this holiday. I may be some time!

So, post and brag, do.  Please show us your work surface and what you're up to; upload a pic to your blog, put WOYWW in the title and link it here.  People will visit - reciprocal visits are plenty, and please: no blatant advertising, this is about sharing what you're doing, what you've got and where you do it.  Don't be the spoiler.  


Create With Joy said...

Happy New Year to you Julia! Love the new look of your blog - it's almost like you coordinated it with your workspace this week! :-)


Electra said...

Oh Julia, do I EVER know about starting to do one little thing which runs into another and another. Look like you and I have had the same Workdesk experience this week! LOL

Neet said...

Must share my "mucky" stamp. Last week found a stamp that had been used with Brilliance many many moons ago (think years). Not one of mine I hasten to add. The ink was like a crust on the rubber. I used Stazon cleaner but didn't shift the ink. Used Simple Green and some came off. Must have decided to leave it to soak in a plastic container with SG. Found it yesterday when tidying the utility room and lo and behold, it came off so easily, hardly had to rub it. So SG is great - for rubber.
Don't you just hate it when the clear stamps get totally engraved with black ink?

peggy aplSEEDS said...

aha, it looks like I'm not the only one with stuff on the floor! What do you mean modelling?

Anonymous said...

Oh honestly. Who spells their own name wrong!? Me, obviously. Stupid iPad appeared to know this and autocorrect then...didn't. Desk is wery wery interestink, Fearless Leader. I have some huge paying cards as well, A4 size, from the local cheap shop. AND I actually used some of them. Wonder what you'll do with them?You remind me I really must get me a tabletop crop bin.

Happy woyww, m'dear.

Mary Anne. :)

jude said...

The image of you modelling in a nude art class comes to luck the dentist i have to ring ake opd today as due for check up.Happy New year!
hugs judex

Candace said...

Happy New Year Julia. Loving the new look blog x

sandra de said...

Ohhhh Julia, I do know that feeling of starting one thing to move on to the next just because you need the room and then stopping altogether because it is so traumatic. Would love to hear what you do with those Xlarge playing cards. I am not 100% convinced by clear stamps. I have some TH stamps that are quite tacky no matter how often I clean. Good luck with the stamp sorting.

voodoo vixen said...

Happy New Year to you and yours, Julia... hope the dentist wasn't traumatic... 3 times in one holiday would be 3 times too many for me!!

VonnyK said...

What a big job you have there, looks like fun :) I love those cherries in the picture.
Can't stay, little miss Audrey is in the pool and I just snuck in to post. Will try to do a look around tomorrow.

Joanne said...

Just glad it's the dentist you're off to, I got worried after spying that ladder in the garden. Hope he sorts your peggy this time.
Hugs Joanne xx #17

Morti said...

Morning Julia! Good luck at the dentist today - my turn tomorrow, worse luck... :-(

All the best with the desk tidying and wtg for getting your mojo into action this New Year.

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

Happy New Year or is it? Looks and Reads of your desk frustrations kinda on the downside of Happy for now. Never enough room, stuff, stuff and more stuff just takes over. Out of no where an idea will hit and things will be back to normal. Hope upon your return from the dentist your idea will pop up. Have Fun..

Gabrielle said...

Eek! A New Year trip to the dentist is my idea of hell! Hope the rest of 2012 is much, much kinder to you!

Kyla said...

Happy new year....good luck at the dentist!

shazsilverwolf said...

Happy New Year- and love the Zebra stripes! Reminds me that somewhere I have same animal print tissue paper- must find that stuff now. Happpy WOYWW, see you later. Hugs, Shaz

Debs said...

Happpy New Year Julia and all WOYWWers, wishing you all a mojo packed year!
ohhh gosh, crafty sorting out is fatal, it does lead to mess and more mess!!

Debs said...

Can I just say, those with multiple blogs, it would be helpful if you stated which blog your WOYWW is on, so we don't have to wade through them all to find it - there are a lot of participants and it eats into bloghopping time, we can't all do everyones blogs when there's such a huge response and it would be helpful.

Yes, sorry I can't get to see everyone's blog, I work long hours and I randomly pick blogs to visit, I wish I could see them all but time evades me, so to help me, where a participant has multiple blogs, I move on to the next participant. Sorry if this sounds harsh, but it is human nature. but if you put in the comments which blog is your WOYWW one then I will visit, you just paste the URL again or type the blog title, it would be a great help.

Debs said...

Mine is on Debs Altered Minds
I will be bloghopping this evening as I am off to work now.
Have a great day x

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

ah the bane of our life is organistaion am quite sure if Julia - I hate the way to make something you have to get all your stash out then to focus again you have to put it all away! and tend to agree with unmounted stamps but dont have as many as you and they go in a folder in categories so that kind of helps!

So sad to hear of dentist woes and as I am sucking on a clove (a whole clove on sore tooth works wonders for me) in an effort to heel a gum inflammation along with slat water gargle no sweets and constant tooth hygiene I can so relate to it - pray it all goes well for you. Happy WOYWW! Love, Shaz in Oz. x #24

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

PS meant to say love your blog look too, I did the same with mine, I gave it a facelift but not as obvious as yours - you should have Queen of WOYWW up top, although Queen of the trend does quite well as tend to think we are a trendy lot on WOYWW, huh? Shaz.x

ScrappnBee said...

You are too funny! Goodness! a little soapy water in a dish should (should says the gal whom Murph has made his best friend) get the stick back...although those made in China clear stamps are rather rubbish. :)...:( Anyways, food luck with the dentist. I have wisdom teeth pulling in my future...but not until Feb/ March at the earliest, so can almost feel your pain! -Amanda 28

Whimcees said...


You are SO busy! With all of those options you certainly are never bored! Wishing you a good week and I hope your daughter continues to improve! I will keep her in my prayers!


Barbara Diane

A Hovel to Home said...

Loving the blog facelift.

Happy New Year to you and the remaining "D" Crowd.


Deanne said...

my studio gets carpeted on thurs so omg i so cannnot wait to join in with woyww again :) x

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Hello my ol' mucker! Good luck at the dentist, three times is not fun :(. Let's hope it gets sorted out this time.... Good to see ya yesterday!
Hugs, LLJ #33 xx

fairy thoughts said...

agh! all this tidying stuff is over-rated dont do it girl, plenty of space on the floor lol
oh notime to go to work trains dont wait will have to run now .... that's over rated too
have a good day... that's me getting into shop mode!

Annie said...

Hehehe clearing up and tidying and it appears all it's done is spread the mess :-) Keep up the good work Julia. Love it.
Really hope all goes well at the dentist.
A x

Helen said...

Ooh, what a busy desk.... It always seems such a good idea, this clear up malarkey! then as you discover, one things leads to another.. good luck getting it sorted. Once I de-clutter my non crafty stuff, maybe I will have room to do that... if I still have the will to live! good luck at the dentist.

donnalouiserodgers said...

i too tided up and it still looks like a dumping ground, at one point the desk was clear - Yes I do mean clear, and I just sat and stared at the space and got paralysed, so I dumped stuff again and then felt much more comfortable - new years resolution - i wont try to be someone I am not, for any reason,


Ann B said...

My desk was completely cleared a couple of days ago and now, like yours, it's back to its original state of activity. Hope all goes well at the dentists for you Julia - what a way to start 2012

nerllybird said...


Kath Stewart said...

happy new year julia...those organising jobs always seem like a good idea...but inevitably take longer than you think...good luck. wishing you and your family a very happy 2012...hugs kath xxx

Tuire Flemming said...

The organising can cause a domino effect - chaos that lasts for weeks... be careful ;)
Happy 1012!
Tuire #44

Cathy said...

Happy New Year Julia, and hope the trip to the dentist wasn't too bad (I havbe that to look forward to next week!). Having to share my craft room with OH means I have to be quite organised ... but I hate tidying up!!!
Cathy xx

Di said...

Eeek, trying to organise stamps here too. Losing the will to live - will blog hop for a while instead :))

Hope the dentist goes well Julia! Happy 2012!



Ooooh clearing up...... I dumped everything in the upstairs front room (the original intended crafting area) and now I can't find half the things I want to get me started this new year! But I do have neat new crafting storage system downstairs :) I hate it when the things I've ignored finally catch up with me and I have to lecture myself that if I had just done it in small stages in the first place..........yeh yeh yeh......... Happy New year of course you could always throw out the stubborn stamps and invest in some more cooperative ones.,,,,,,,,,

Spyder said...

ohooo no...I have the dentist sometime this month too! (nearly typed mouth then) well, it's just an n upside down.
I WILL tidy this year...promise. Good luck with yours!

Angie said...

Hope your dentist visit is not too bad ... you are my inspitation to pull my fimger out and tidy properly ...trouble is I get side tracked so easily.xx

karen said...

Your new look is great! And your post had me giggling! And then I thought about how I should try and organize my stamps one of these days and I stopped laughing immediately!
Happy New Year!
xoxo Karen #51

Twiglet said...

Happy New Year Julia - hope the dentist did a good job. x Jo

Debbie Rock said...

Happy New Year Julia ... good luck with all your sorting! Debbie #58 xXx

May said...

Love the new look, al the best 2012 x x x Hugs May

Lisa-Jane said...

Really hope your gnashers are sorted now - that doesn't sound good. I suspect, if it had been me sorting those stamps, that I would have said a few swear words.... Once its done it will be okay and you will feel wonderful... yes indeed... ;-) xx

Shoshi said...

Cor... cool new background!! Nice messy desk with lots of lovely New Year sorting!! Happy New Year, Julia, and everyone else on WOYWW,


Carmen said...

I played! I played! I played!

Sorry to read about the dentist, ooh. Owch. Hope it's nothing to bad :(

Elizabeth said...

Happy New Year (and good luck with the dentist!) :)

Kate said...

Looks like everyone is on a new year tidy!

** Kate **

Erika Price said...

LOL - I just got back from the dentist, so guess I now need to go tidy up....!

Emma E said...

I love your desk - its always got plenty on it to nose at! And that is a serious amount of stamps to have got sorted ...! Hope the dentist went well ... and Happy New Year! x

Peggy said...

looking forward to another year of WOYWW. thanks Peggy C

Elizabeth said...

Hi Julia, hope the trip to the dentist isn't too much of a pain. Like the new look to your blog ... queen of trends seems quite an appropriate designation to apply to you :) And good luck with the organisation, time-consuming as it is. Elizabeth x #60

MaggieC (Silvercrafter) said...

Poor you, not a good start to the year with all those dental visits. Hope it is better after today. I do love reading your posts, you have such a talent for making life such fun. this post is no exception. I started sorting some of my stamps, but lost the will to live, so all I did was to put the Christmas type ones in with the rest of the Christmas stash. Everything else is just waiting for inspiration (probsbly never, then). Maggie #73

Glenda said...

I love seeing your desk each week. Good idea to put Christmas away. I did, but didn't really organize! That will have to be later!

Tammy said...

Love to see your desk and what you are up too. That's a big organizing job but sometimes I like the organizing and tidying up just as much as I like the creating. Good luck! :)

Anonymous said...

It has to get worse before it can get better, not sure if that's true of dentists, but it certainly is of desks!


Jo.C said...

Story of my life - glad I'm not the only one :0)

l00pyscraftcreations said...

Ouch, must admit, I lost a filling just before Christmas, but its on a tooth with all the nerves deliberately destroyed by an incompetent dentist, so it can wait for another couple of months before I have to go for my check up, lol, coward arent I? but I am resistant to the numbing agent, so its understandable that I dont like to go lol



Katie said...

Your desk looks like mine today! I'm also in the middle of organizing, which seems to have made a bigger mess than anything else!

Good luck at the dentist today, I hope everything goes well :)

JB said...

I love cherries so I like seeing anything with them on! Thanks for sharing. I'm really enjoying WOYWW, I hope I can continue to regularly participate this year.

Hettie said...

Happy New Year Julia. I tried to post a comment earlier but my laptop died - battery!
There definately seems to be something in the air at the moment, so many of us have been tidying and sorting!
Love your new look of your blog!
Have fun with the sorting!

Fiona@staring at the sea said...

Tidying up is never a good idea, it only leads to trouble! It's good to be back this week, even if I can't show my desk!

April said...

Happy New Year! Oh the never ending task of trying to "put things away" it's really a great idea until you want to do something then it all gets messed up again anyways! Loving the new blog styleee x

Scrapcollectr said...

Happy New Year, Julia. I'm similarly facing the I-don't-feel-like-cleaning-up tantrum coming on. Lol. I think it's Post Partum Holiday. We'll get thru, eventually. Happy to be back to WOYWW! (Is it just me or are Valentine motifs popping up everywhere already?) *smile*

Jingle said...

Don't you just love how organizing manages to cause such a mess! LOL! It looks like you are making headway, though!

505whimsygirl said...

Hello Miss Julia,

I hope your dental appointment goes well. I finished my wreath and posted a couple of photos of it. I'm happy how it came out.

Happy New Year!

Ursula Smith said...

Luv'd this idea!! I have been meaning to post about my craft space for a while, but posting about my office was quicker!! Thanks for the great idea!!

SueH said...

Oh Julia, poor you having to go to the dentist tree times over the holidays ….that’s not nice.
Hope it’s all sorted now thought and you don’t have to go back again for at least six months.

I was in The Range this morning and picked up a little folder thinking it might do to sort some of my uncounted stamps into but by the time I got to the checkout I had talked myself out of it and put it back on the shelf. Think I’ll wait until I do a spot of Spring Cleaning now, Lol!

Happy Crafting !
And a Happy New Year.

Unknown said...

wow lots to look at this Wednesday !
- KAT -

Craftychris said...

Sorting is never ending! I've been trying to do some myself. I have clear stamps 'filed' in various places but can still never find the one I want. They just hide to annoy me!! I hope the dentist was not too nasty xx

Debs Willis said...

Hi Julia! Happy New Year, and liking the new blog design - very stylish! Sorry about the dentist, rotten start to the year, hope you get it all sorted

debs x #98

Kerry said...

Happy new year.

If I had a desk it wouldn't be anywhere near as tidy. Loving the cherry fabric project at the front.

mamapez5 said...

I can't quite agree with Shaz's comment. For some of us, occasional organisation is very important. I know I work better in a sort-of organised room. See my comment on Di's blog (Pixie's crafty workshop) to read how I deal with all my stamps. It took me a long time to do, just before I moved to Spain and knew my mounted stamps were taking up too much space, but it was worth it, and the system is easy to add to when I can't resist 'just one more stamp!' Kate x

Unknown said...

Hope the dentist wasn't too bad and the multiple visits stop soon!
I have decided that it is impossible to tidy one thing away without having to get another out to make room for it. I think the best we can hope for is a rotating system of mess!

peggy gatto said...

Happy 2012!!!
I am showing pictures of my giveaway!
Hope you can come by and play too!!

B.................. said...

Love this idea, very happy to be joining in. Off to visit others now!

Sue said...

I had a big go at storing my clear stamps and i don't even have that many. I got some double thick CD cases and stuck them in them and then typed up a strip of what was inside to go down the spine of the CD. If I could have afforded it I would have used DVD cases as you can keep the stamps pretty much as they come off the strip. Anyway, enough of my looking at everyone's desk and seeing what they get up to.

Sarah said...

Happy New Year!! Your sorting, tidying, reorganising seems to be similar to mine!! Hope the dentist wasn't too bad1 x

Princess Judy Palmer said...

I'm sorry you lost the will to live. I get it; I've been there, and like you it was over trying to Get It Together. Although a 3rd dentist appointment in a short space of time is a good reason too.

Unknown said...

You have quite a thing going there. It is fun to see what everyone is up to this year. Good luck at the dentist.

lisa said...

Tidying and organising always seems such a good idea before you start doesn't it but the reality is usually a nightmare. I know the feeling!!!
Hope the dentist went well. Doesn't sound a fun way to spend your Christmas.
Lovely to start a new year with WOYWW
Hugs Lisax #112

Jacqui Chimes said...

Its looking good

Shelley said...

Was excited about sharing this week as I got a proper work area now!! yay!! Not sure how my project will turn out though as I cracked a bone in my wrist yesterday falling over at work :( i'm such a clutz

Robin Panzer Art said...

Oh that's way too much time at the dentist (unless he's really, really soap opera cute...LOL.) Looks like you have a lot of interesting projects going on. A varied life, now that's a good thing! Happy WOYWW! Can't thank you enough for this wonderful blog hop!

Unknown said...

I have been to the dentist too as my crown fell out on Saturday evening onto my craft desk. Note - Emergency Dentists do not do crowns. It has been recemented now.
I have so much stuff to tidy away + the kitchen where I was teaching my little GD to stamp.
Happy 2012 WOYWW

DW Peot said...

Fabulous Julia! I just could not make myself take a picture of my desk! I can't see my desk, nor find it! I'm starting to think the gnomes have come in and hidden all art supplies, desk, and my uncomfortable chair! I promised myself that I would straighten up my Art Studio, but I can not even open the door to take a peek!
Happy New Year! Hugs!

Hazel said...

Happy New Year, Julia - hope the dental visits weren't too bad (not my favourite place to go). You can't make an omelette without cracking eggs and you can't get organised without making a mess! (Hazel, WOYWW 108) x

Diane said...

Hi Julia,
I'm finally joining in again after seeing this project for many, many weeks.
Organising always seems to create an even bigger and bigger mess until you arrive at the pivotal moment - pivotal because it's the moment when you so want to give up because it's just getting worse but if you plough through at that moment, everything comes together miraculously all of a sudden. Or at least that's how it's working for me most of the time (*if* I get past that horrible moment).
Hope your visit to the dentist wasn't too horrible and you were home faster than you thought you'd be.

Anne said...

Hi Julia I've had a go at tidying my desk today, first time since christmas. Then decided to start thankyou cards etc. It's all a mess again. I had to go to dentist on Thursday before Christmas, again today and am back there again a week on Friday (the 13th) have to have a crown. Aaarrrrggghhhh! Happy New Year. Anne x

Julia said...

Love the new look on the blog! Happy New Year x

yoursartfully said...

Hey Julia, it's been a while since I played the blog/desk snooping game and I find you have a fabby new look to your blog......very nice. I sympathise with the pain of tidying stuff away.....I know only too well what that's like.....I've just tidied away a whole shop full of stuff!!! I hope to be able to joing you guys on a more regular basis now that I have some time on my hands.


Raven's Rest Studio, Jennifer Conway said...

Hi Julia! This is my first time joining in - how fun! My mom has been a big fan of WOYWW for a while now (Norma - "Fairyyellowbug"). The Christmas craziness took its toll on my workspace too - hoping to sort and organize sometime soon. Good luck at the dentist....

Happy New Year! *smiles* ~Jen

Crafty Kitty said...

This is my first WOYWW too - and its so exciting to see other people's work!

I really empathise with you about your work space - every time I go to sort out, it just looks more messy. I think I might be inspired to have another bash at it now though!

Nicky said...

Happy New Year - Hope the dentist wasnt too bad - I believe to tidy you have to be able to make more mess first before it gets sorted - I have ordered some new storage boxes to sort mine lol

Julie said...

Lots and lots of Participants today!! yay!!! I will try once again to make it around to everyone! Thanks Julia!!

Unknown said...

Well lead the charge art friend! Cleaning and sorting and creating; cleaning and sorting and creating; cleaning and sorting and creating. You go girl!! *smiles* Norma

fairy thoughts said...

opps I linked my blog again instead of leaving another comment..... well it has been along day.
anyway, The local craft store I like to visit is down near hamble, you might like to check it out if you are down that way... it is called pickwell farm, they have a web site so just google it for directions, it is part of a farm shop .... they have a sale on at the moment ££££££

misteejay said...

Hope all went well at the dentist.

Love the new blog look.

Funny how we all seem to start the year with good intentions as far as tidying is concerned LOL

Toni xx

JoZart Designs said...

Thanks for the year WOYWWing Julia! Loved your ramble and it really made me laugh as the words could have been directly from my lips!! We never stay the way we want to be and it takes so much time and effort to get there for a fleeting moment... are we butterflies?, are we human or are we dancin'?????
Happy Creative 2012 whatever state we are in!

Unknown said...

My very first woyww! I can't wait to peruse the other artist benches!

Sue from Oregon said...

AHHH Julia...I am sure there is a method to your madness girl! The storm before the calm and all that jazz...My room has been hit by a tornado, but I have been "deep" cleaning the drawers etc, so the stuff that shows will come later!(except my desktop) And to answer your question, No I do not usually do the background of a card first, but I was making multiples of this card to send to diehard DUCK fans, and maybe to Nike even! Who knows..........

Katie said...

Good luck with the organizing (and at the dentist). The darn dentist has taken a lot more of money than I would have liked this year :( So I feel your pain there. I wish I could transport myself places to help with organizing craft rooms because I LOVE IT! I love reorganizing my craft room! Thanks for hosting!

okienurse said...

I am sure we are sisters in spirit if not in blood! Nahnahanahanah my desk is messier then your desk! I started to clean it up and just made it worse and the most horrible thing of all it kept me from posting my link on WOYWW and I forgot all about it till now. Oh well better late then never. Hope the week gets less hectic! Vickie #139...see last!!

famfa said...

It may be cluttered but there are so many lovely things on your desk. Have missed you posts lately, will go and catch up now. Happy new year x

Michelle (aka Meechelle) said...

Sounds like when I try to clean up. Have to really tear things up to get it organised properly, which just means more work than you originally set out to do, lol! Love that big jar of buttons you have sitting back there. Happy WOYWW! Meechelle #140

Mynn xx said...

Okay, this is my first link, please don't judge! ;) I'm not the cleanest of crafters...

Lisa said...

This is my first ever WOYWW!! I'm soo excited to finally be participating!!

I'm so sorry that I accidentally clicked enter too soon on #142 and it kept my giveaway promo message before I could change it!! You can remove it if you'd like!!

Thanks so much for hosting!! I'll be back next week!!

SandeeNC said...

oh man you make me chuckle.."lost the will to live"...I just cracked up, I also hate cleaning and sorting and storing my stamps....I've lost some because I didn't put them up right away! Well I didn't do a WOYWD today but had to check in and see what's on yours!

Sandie said...

This looks and sounds like the side of my workdesk that I did not show because I was busy on the other side making something that you have on your desk!

JaneH said...

Oops, I'm a day late but hope it's okay to add my name to the list. Just love this idea, Julia, and it's fascinating to read so many lovely blogs.

Mary said...

I think your desk and mine are twins. My craft room became a dumping ground during the holidays and tomorrow is my day to get back to some form of organization....Happy New Year and I'm excited to see what everyone creates in 2012. Thank you for giving all of us a place to share.

Leslie Hanna said...

HA! This is how I operate. When I attempt to clean up or put stuff away, I often make a bigger mess that what I started with. :/

Toni said...

Lost the will to live i know that one today :)

Jovita @ Inky Impressions said...

Don't give up Julie one day you'll have everything organized and put where you like it :)

Thanks for the smile this morning and love the new blog look... it's so wild!

Kim said...

Love the new blog look! I do hate that aspect of organizing; makes such a mess! And then it goes viral to other locations in the house...sometimes its better to just leave well enough alone! Well, separating the Christmas stamps from the others is probably ok...

THERESA said...

Good luck with the dentist, yuk, hate going!!
My 1st time doing this, hope they don't get too scared,lol
lotsa luv

Anonymous said...

I have some stamps they are very cheesy, There are many times I clean. Good luck with the classification stamp.

custom album

Bridget Larsen said...

Wow love your new website, thought I'd got the wrong link, looks like some great goodies you have there.
Bridget #151

Peggy said...

Hey I really like the new look of your website! sorry I'm just getting to your desk! thanks for stopping by mine! means a lot to get visitors and comments thanks for doing the WOYWW I love it

Anonymous said...

Happy Saturday! I think the organizing bug hits us all from time to time and it's a messy process sometimes! :)

Kezzy said...

Wow I so know how that feels, loosing the will to live while trying to sort something that doesn't want to be sorted lol, mind you I am getting there with the stamps, I have nearly all of my clear and rubber on laminating sheets in files on a book shelf, I really love how they look and its fab as I have one file that has all my stamps that I stamped on sheets for reference, this way I get to browse them all and not leave others out. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, I was able with your help to sort out how to schedule a post so I didn't need to do it at 5am!!! Thank you so much for the advise as well, I do think I was slightly having a bit of a panic trying to get my DT first card looking the best of the best, but I have taken the advice and chilled more about it now, and I really enjoyed doing my showcase card for the DT showcase that will be a Wednesday, two posts now on a Wednesday with woyww lol. Thanks again, hope your mojo is getting back into the swing of it. Mine has been quite good (sshhh he might here) lol. Take care Happy New Year and may 2012 bring you great health and happiness. Kezzy xxx

Heather Henry said...

I can totally relate to this. I am not an organized person by nature. So I tend to let things pile up, until I have leaning towers all over the place. I just reorganized my workspace and as I look at it, I feel like I need to still do a bit more. I'm thinking some magic totes or something, would be rather helpful. haha!
Happy Wednesday!