Monday 16 January 2012

Is it just me?

I did this LO at the Crop, the weekend before last.  (Originally, I typed that sentence as 'I CREATED this LO'.... and when I read it, couldn't believe how pompous it sounded dahling..) 
over exposed...only good light in the conservatory this morning and it's absolutely freezing in there.  I actually moved fast!
Anyway, until this morning, I hadn't done any more than unpack and set it onto the work surface behind my desk.  My 'pending' pile, I think we could politely call it.  The other LOs I did at that same crop were immediately put into the album.  Note to self: you need more page protectors.  Now here's the question:  Is this LO (of me and that Lunch Lady Jan) in the pending pile because I've run out page protectors, or is it, as I rather worryingly suspect, waiting to be finished?  Damned if I can remember, but feel rather sure that I'd have doubled up in the album for now rather than have it hanging what had I intended to do?   If you don't know and I can't remember, how am I going to get on with the rest of the day? Argh, makes me so cross with myself!  But the biggest question remains - is it just me? 


Glenda said...

If you don't know and can't remember, I'd call it "Finished"! Very cute layout my friend!

Dee in N.H. said...

Looks finished to me too! It's beautiful!

Helen said...

I'd say it's finished!! and of course you CREATED it!!!

Di said...

Looks fine Julia - made me smile here. I just hopped downstairs for something and forgot what I was doing down there :) Hey, ho - comes to us all......but I still say it looks finished! Di xx

KatzElbows said...

It's so not just you. Some days it's all I can do to remember my name!

Belinda Basson said...

Just you? Not a chance, all the way over here in South Africa at my desk all the same things are going on...My mom used to tell me that I had my head in the clouds as a child, well nothing's changed and I am a supposed to be a "grown up"!

misteejay said...

What was the question? LOL

No it's not just you - I spent nearly an hour looking for my colouring pencils last night only to find them right by my chair where I had placed them ready to do some colouring.

Lovely colours on your LO and it looks finished to me - nothing to stop you adding to it at a later date if inspiration strikes.

Toni xx

Debbie Rock said...

You create away! Us crafters work bloomin' hard dahling so credit where credit it due ok! I think your layout looks fab just the way it is and love the colours you have used. Understand your freezing conservatory perfectly ... just nipped out to mine and very, very quickly nipped right back in again! D x

Danielle said...

Nope, not just you! I am always sitting at my desk with a dazed look trying to remember what I was going to do next or what I was looking for.

Krisha said...

Your LO looks great.....put in your album and see if it looks finished there. Sometimes I am in the same jam and actually putting it in the album helps get a better perspective.

Lisa said...

Nope, not just you. I'm at work typing on a word document, except I seem to have been distracted by several shiny things, a stray email and a "must do that before I forget" moment, and I ended up here. No idea what the "must do" was........

Craftychris said...

Definitely not just you! The layout looks good to me, its a very 'happy' page xx

fairy thoughts said...

great LO, If you can't remember it must be finished. And it's not just you! I have a pile of stuff I can't remember why I brought it or what I was going to make with it LOL

Scrapcat 1 said...

It's not just you I have things lying about that I'm sure I was going to do something with if only I could remember what! I like the layout but I would perhaps have some embellishment in the corners but if you can't remember then it's lovely as is.

Hettie said...


Hettie said...

LOL! I think we all have what Terry Wogan used to call "Senior moments" - gosh I miss him in the mornings!
Nice layout though! Do you think you two could take the parasol with you when we meet up so I may recognise you!!

Annie said...

Think it's an age thing :-) Some days I can't remember my own name :-)
A x

Bethan said...

blimey, thought for a minute you were both pole dancing!!! Dahling...its an age thing,all this forgetting buisness...comes to us all in good time, some before already there!!!

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

aha ha! I so laughed at this, Julia -as my friend, Joyce Across the Pond, from my post last week said when she came over here - "Julia's is a hoot" - yep! not just you, and yes you are a hoot! and think it is finished myself, love it! Shaz in oz.x

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

It's not just you, Julia. I suspect you had a reason for keeping this LO out, but since I'm not a scrapbooker, I have no idea what it would be. I suspect many of us have those senior moments, which are often brought on due to stress.

Princess Judy Palmer said...

Wait? Are you asking us what YOU were planning to do? Baby, I can hardly keep track of what I'm doing let alone what I'm planning to do... I think the page feels a little unfinished to me too. Maybe it needs something in the lower left corner, something sort of largish. A circular saying, a flower, a heart... ? I'm not sure but maybe that will do it.

RosA said...

Er, no, it's not just you. But if you can't remember why you left it out, whatever is missing (and then again maybe it's not, missing, that is) ... er, I forgot where that was going. Looks OK to me.

Well, that was helpful, wasn't it?