Tuesday 29 November 2011

Dithering nicely, thanks

Made mostly with DO's new Urban stamps..a Paper Artsy and a Magenta image too
I had a brainwave on Sunday afternoon, that I would switch around the way I do stuff at home during the day. Make the most of the daylight so that I can fulfill my manifesto pledges and get my Christmas crafting done...and even save my poor declining eyesight!  No biggie huh.   I like a routine, and although I don't do the same jobs on the same day of week or anything quite so well organised, I do always do household stuff and work stuff before I set foot in front of my crafty desk, or before I park my bottom in front of this 'ere computer. Which means that on an average day, I get to play at my craft desk by about 2.30, 3 o,clock-ish.  I know this represents a lot of time and I know how lucky I am...let's not dwell there.  Mostly because my output doesn't reflect these hours! But in the Northern Hemisphere, it means the light's getting bad and by about 4pm there's no natural light at all.  The brainwave seems long overdue then, huh?  Hold on though.  Yesterday was day one and it wasn't as easy as it sounds.  As every day, my family had left the house by 8am,  and as everyday, they had left the kitchen in the standard whirlwind someone-else-will-clear-this-up state, and as usual, it was combined with the evening's detritus.  I'm a bit of a slut about cleaning up after an evening meal if I'm going to be at home the next day...see how bad habits form if you don't go out to work!  Now I don't know about you, but I can't turn my back on the kitchen...it has to be clean and tidy before I can do anything else.  And yesterday turned into recycling, empty the bin and therefore clean the floor day.  Not because it was Monday, but because every job you do knocks onto another, doesn't it.... the washing machine had finished so then upstairs to sort out laundry and while I was there, emptied bins and straightened up the beds...you know.   So it was after eleven before I got to my desk, but the daylight was great and I must say, it does make a difference.  Mr Dunnit came home for lunch about an hour later which involves lunch, tidying and business talk...maybe even some business work...that's OK.  It's what I'm here for really.  But it uses up daylight!  It was about 3pm before I got back to my work desk..and nearly dark.  And because I had been at my desk during the morning, when it did get dark, I sort of felt obliged to leave it in favour of the ironing - after all I did say I'd do the chores when the daylight faded.  So I sat at my desk all evening instead, making up for not managing to do very much at it yesterday.  And here I am, blogging in daylight...any minute now I'm going to turn my chair to face the desk and get on.  I hope.  Gosh, isn't it complicated, this hobby!


Helen said...

I think what you need is a light with a daylight bulb in it then you can craft into the wee small hours.... Personally I never mind leaving housework or cleaning for another day but there is only one of me and I don't make much mess (yeh, right!) and dust never killed you.... well I'm not allergic anyhow...
BTW your card is GORGEOUS.

Simple homemade living said...

Well at least you can craft completley guilt free!! I know what you mean about one job leading to another it happens all the time here.

Looking forward to seeing you on Saturday oh and totally agree with Helen about a daylight bulb x x x

Morti said...

And then there are the occasions where pre-teen stroppiness just saps all your mojo and you find yourself playing computer games on your phone when you really ought to be making stuff or even checking emails, but can't do that either because OH has crashed in bed at an early hour and you can't get to the PC..... (sigh).....

Love the card! Sod the daylight lamp - buy a small dog and strap the hoover to it.

Bellaidea said...

wow, very nice card!

Jingle said...

Your card is so beautiful!

Sue said...

Hi Julia, Oh you did make me laugh :0))))))))
I used to be a domestic goddess before crafting took over my life, now I am a house slut too!!! oh dear sometimes
hubby comes home from work and I am where he left me in my dressing gown in my craft room! IS THAT WRONG? don't tell anyone! if someone knocks on the door, well!
I am trying to get everything done before 10 like you and spend longer in my craft room! you may want to take my Housework is Evil and must be stopped sign! here's to structure of our days, Yeah! by the way your card is FAB! Happy Crafting, Sue xx

Angie said...

Fantastic card .... I know what you mean about light, jobs and time etc ... by 3pm its gone. I always mean to get organized but some how me,light,and mojo never seem to gel. I get mojo at midnight but am as blind as a bat at that time ..how I hate growing old lol xx

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

And even more complicated when you join blog hops that eat up all your daylight as well as your night time hours, and then into the night, too. I can relate to a clean kitchen before ANYTHING else. Of course, I'm a bit anal when it comes to housework, especially my kitchen. Your card is quite cute.

misteejay said...

Love the card - great colours.

I have to say I had all good intentions of spending Saturday tidying up and crafting...ended up a PJ day and I snoozed most of it on the sofa LOL

Toni xx

Ann B said...

I've never been a domestic goddess but am a creature of habit, or routine but I try not to be hidebound by it, especially if I have a crafting 'task' to do. Usually try to get the dog out for a walk and home by 11:00, dash round with the vacuum cleaner then in for a play. Love the card Julia.

Sunshine Girl said...

Yes I favour the craft in the daylight and worry about the housework later but sometimes I get too tired to do the housework - our work is never done is it! Love your scrapping story on the previous post - I usually always scrap memories and moments - never been much for posed photos me! Have a great day :)

voodoo vixen said...

I'm with you on the kitchen front... but your on your if you find last nights dishes in the morning because I wouldn't be able to go to bed if they weren't done... or hidden in the dish washer!! ;)
Love the card, stamping, inking and heat embossing too!!

jude said...

Gorgeous card ,and yes im abit like that alothough i do manage to do dishes on evening could know more leave them till morning !Have enough left after kiddos leave for school.Get yourself daylight bulb works wonders doesnt matter what time you craft .although prefer normal light to take piccies!

kyla said...

Dishes, kitchen cleaning.....paper plates are the answer to more crafting time! Never will you see a gravestone with the inscription 'she kept a clean house' ...and I agree with sue, I often don't get past the craft room in my pj's-but glossy accents is a Bugger to try and get off them!

fairy thoughts said...

you domestic godess you!. I have just done my post for tomorrow and well ditto!
I wish I could turn my back on the kitchen too, but I cannot either.

JoZart Designs said...

Decisions, decisions, decisions.... how do we cope? I too was going to suggest a daylight lamp but I'm beaten to it!
Lv JoZarty xxx

Fuchsia said...

Beautiful card Julia love the stamps