Wednesday 28 September 2011

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday 121

Hmmm.  I'll try to be brief.  The better question should be 'what isn't on your work desk'   

As you can see, I've got Christmas going on, and a 2012 calendar page  and 2 notebooks.  That's not a good sign.  It's like having two diaries - means you 're constantly feeling like you should be somewhere but you don't know why.  Two notebooks will eventually make me panic because I've missed some major project off some list.  Note to self: fix that! You can only see one pair of scissors and the basket for dirty stamps is filled with glitters, an ATG gun and a get-gunk-off-anything type cleaning pad - only three stamps; and they need to be put away, for they are as clean as they're ever going to be. See, occasionally I do use a baby wipe and clean-as-I-use.  It's a mood thing.

Now get in the mood to show us your desk huh....nice big picture, quick explanation - then we've got time to visit loads...ta.  Upload a pic to your blog and link here.  Easy.  See you at your place.  Get the kettle on.  Mind, if it's after 6pm, mines a G&T.


voodoo vixen said...

Yup... that's a pretty messy desk!! I couldn't handle two notebooks either... I can just about remember to keep the calendar on my computer updated and then its in my face all day!!

Hels Sheridan said...

ooh loving that calendar... makes me want to make one now... I bought one of those "decorate your own" jobbies in 2008... but I never got around to it... wondering how long til the days are the same as they were then so I can just scratch off the year lol

Carola Bartz said...

I agree, there is a lot on your desk... but is that a bad thing?
And of course it reminds me that I should make calendars...!

jude said...

I have lots going on but mainly mess this week.Absolutely love your calendar page the colou=r combo page is fab!Have good wedensday and happy Creative week
hugs judex 13

Morti said...

LOL - desk looks fairly normal for you Julia - but I love those October pages! I got back here finally....

sandra de said...

October pages .... yikes. I love how you multitask christmas/october and still manage to clean and make notes in two books.

Bubbles said...

YAY! Christmas!
It's a brave woman who leaves glitter unattended... I don't do glitter - it hates me *lol*
Have a wonderful WOYWW Julia!

RosA said...

How organised you must be to be doing Christmas stuff. It's only October, hehe!

ScrappnBee said...

Love that page! What isn't on my work desk! Been travelling, but still made it up! Glad to see you busy! -Amanda

Sarah said...

How funny - chose the same title too! Major chaos on my desk alert this week. That's a dinky little owl and I'm trying to read the notes on the other one...I was so beat yesterday I had my first 'basket of stamps to clean' thing - which I deemed okay at 2am in the morning as I've seen you haven't been shot by the stamp fairies for doing the same...loving WOYWW more than ever. Thanks Julia...big thanks.

Ohhh Snap said...

Love those reindeer! I hesitate to tell you I keep 3 1/2 notebooks going. well probably like an 1/8th, as it was my garden notebook and I wrote only a couple of days, because I'm a messy gardener (quelle surprise I know lol), and the notebooks tend to get... weathered. I made it on Mr. Linky before the triple digits, it's the little things lol. I don't see your glasses today though, fingers crossed they are within reach :D.

A Hovel to Home said...

Loving that calendar page

Sue from Oregon said...

oh my ...that little reindeer hiding in all that is just so cute!

Susan said...

Oooh Julia two notebooks doesn't sound too bad, I've got 4 in front of me as I type. I think its an age thing, I've found as I get older I need to write more things down. Those calender pages look really interesting, I've tried to read the name on them but can't - who makes them I'd like to have a go? Your desk looks interesting as usual thanks for WOYWW I love Wednesdays xx

Marjo said...

Maybe when I am finally finished with all my Halloween cards I will get started on my Christmas

xoxo Marjo

Helen said...

You have followed the "pile it high" method this week for sure! Love the October page of your calendar. I haven't even thought about Christmas yet....

donnalouiserodgers said...

Note book? Notebook? surely one is a journal...(and don't call me Shirley...)
my desk is messier - not that it is a competition mind you- and my notes are far from brief, still I have a decent variety of gin if you do pass my way after the sun has passed the yard arm... ]

are those the super sharp westcott scissors i lost last week?

Lunch Lady Jan said...

I don't have any notebooks!! Means that I occasionally forget something - but on the other hand, what you don't remember, you don't miss!! I'll have a G&T too pretty please :) xx


I can see a vision of my future in your desk - at the moment blank canvas soon lots of started things and not sure where to go next!

Kate said...

There's so much going on my head hurts! And making a 2012 calendar already. so does that make you organised and disorganised together, see you give me brain ache and it's not 8am yet!!

** Kate **

Cindy said...

Lots going on - love the vast amount of space you've got left to actually work in lol!! I have those self same Christmas characters but they are still in their packet. I'm glad it's not just me with the two notebook thing - I have yet to find a record system that actually works bu have started a new one that is supposed to have everything in - when I remember to add it of course! Have a good WOYWW!!

Angela said...

Would love to be working on Christmas already! Those deer are so cute! Glad I'm not the only one being brief this week... I'm such a list maker. Maybe if the lists actually made it into my planner I might be able to check a few more things off the list!

Have a great week!


Cathy said...

Lots going on this week Julia, love all the busyness, by 2012 calendars, please!!!! ... and 2 notebooks is definitely a BAD idea!!!!
Cathy xx

Jennie said...

Mine's a V & T please! am a little late this morning... but still here nevertheless! Love your page...and only 2 notebooks.. you are slipping.. I have 3 on the go and run 2 diaries, plus a phone diary! must get organised! LOL
Enjoy your day! xx

Annie said...

Hi Julia, I'm here but rather fragile as yet so doubt I shall be blog hopping today. I just couldn't resist joining in the Wednesday fun and really wanted to thank all my wonderful blogging friends for their support during the worst week of my life.
Thanks for being there Julia.
Annie x

karen said...

I love your calendar page and the xmas card!! Although, there is not a whole lot of room to work there! But somehow you always manage to make the nicest things!
Please come visit and enter my giveaway if you like!
xoxo Karen #44

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I fell asleep and only woke after everyone had joined today. So I'm really running late this week. Story of my life lately.

You and I are having the same heat wave, too. Mid 90s today. Yuk! Again!

I looked high and low for that "get gunk off" pad and didn't see it. Guess it's like the eye glasses, only this time I don't see it at all. Enlarging the photo didn't even help.

I'm like LL Jan. I don't keep a notebook. And although I used to make lists, I won't do that anymore, either. But starting that 2012 calendar is a very organized affair. And making Christmas cards puts you right up there with the organized people. So what if the desk is a bit of a mess!

Have a great Wednesday. I think I'm heading back to bed, since it's heading for dark-thirty here and I'm STILL late.

Karen said...

Hello Kitty notepad is sweet. I'm also a big list maker, it's the only way things get done now. Christmas cards being made, must add those to my list of 'things to do'!!! Enjoy WOYWW!

Glenda said...

I don't think my comment came must out "There" somewhere, whirling around, lost forever. My goodness what a desk you have going on this week! And two notebooks! Love the Christmas card at the top! Have a great week!

jodpea said...

All this talk of alcohol this early in the morning! If I started this early I'd curled up next to Elizabeth before 10am! How nice of everyone to pat u on the back for making a calendar but are you actually ready for your calendar class.. altho I can't actually remember when that is cos I haven't written it down!!! Jodpea

April said...

Oooh lots going on! Cute xmas creation up top, and love the calendar page x

Ann B said...

Loving the calendar Julia and I don't thing your desk is at all messy - well not compared to mine, even after I have tidied it up a bit for the photo.
Notebooks - I have three but can never find them so make notes on bits of paper which I then lose. Maybe that's why I have 'twicers' of some things.
Note to self 'must get organised'.

Angie said...

So much there in that small area that we can see... wow you are so creatively busy and it all looks amazing wonder you have no time to clean stamps. I too have problems if I have more than one diary lol. xx

Jane said...

Oh it has been sooo long since I joined in the fun!!
Love those little reindeer!!!

kissinia said...

hi Julia! Love your owl today :) Thanks for such a great fun - to join and share some little secrets :) kissinia

Di said...

I write everything down - then lose the list! Can I have ice and lemon in my G&T please? Di xx

Fuchsia said...

Lovely desk Julia !
that Calender is really good love what you have done .
have a lovely week xx

Neil said...

Great desk, loving the look of the calender page. I'm feeling pretty smug as I only have two more pages to do on my 2012 calender (Can't quite believe it myself really, i'm never usually this organised!) Have a fab week!

Lisa-Jane said...

Liking that calendar page a LOT! A messy desk is a happy desk I feel. I think I might have to cut my Wednesday posts down as I get carried away!

Unknown said...

That isn't messy, it is busy! Two notebooks sounds a lot more organised than my scraps of paper and post it notes that fall off my laptop!

Cardarian said...

Yes, yes, notebooks, lists, - you will still forget things - even if you have all the mind crutches in the world! he, he....
Lots of hugs,

Shoshi said...

Hmmm... I know that feeling, when you forget what colour the surface of your desk is. Never mind - it shows industry! The results will be great, I am sure. I've had a great week with lots to report!!

Bridget Larsen said...

I thought I was the only one crazy enough to photograph my desk, mess and all. I am so glad I found likeminded people. Enjoy my productive, messy desk

Angela Toucan said...

That calendar page is fabulous! I want one (grin).

I spy Hello Kitty there, TJ got some Hello Kitty stuff for her birthday last week.

Blessings to you, from Angela

Heather said...

my desk looks very similiar at the moment!

Elizabeth said...

Messy desk, yes, but no doubt productive. It's the two notebooks that would concern me - wouldn't work for me at all. As ever, Julia, I enjoyed reading your post. Happy WOYWW and hope you have a great week ahead. Elizabeth x #74

artangel said...

This is my first time taking part in this, hope I've done it right!

You have been busy - you deserve that G&T! Loving the calendar - your little owl is adorable.

I've been working on Christmas stuff since August - quite surreal whilst the sun is shining outside! :)

SueH said...

Yah, I managed to get in the first twenty this morning……….guess that’s what happens when you have a sleepless night! Mind you, blogger is being a grumpy as I was first thing because he won’t let me leave my comments.

Loving the calendar, just look at that cute little owl……so sweet!
Happy Crafting!

MrsC.x said...

that is what my desk usually looks like! lol.xx

Craft Addicts - Tracy Evans said...

Love your calendar page Julia especially the owl. I think it's quite normal to have two notebooks, I have several, that says a lot LOL. A creative desk as always. Tracy x

J.A. Martin said...

Ooh, looks like you have lots of irons in the fire! I love your calendar page - Happy WOYWW! :-)

famfa said...

Plenty to do. Love your purple owl and those reindeer are so sweet.

Dotty A said...

Your work/play world is starting to close in on you a little.... but love seeing all you have happeing... Good luck!!

Joni Nickrent said...

You've definitely got a lot going on...loving that owl calendar page! Fun stuff! Thanks for sharing and for the link up!

Polly Polkadot said...

That is a good reminder - I must cut down how much I write. Your desk looks a cheerful place to work this week.

Kim said...

Cute calendar page! G&T; yes please! Oh, wait, my pick is showing a Mike's Hard Lemonade! LOL! Have a great week.

Sarah said...

Wow, busy desk!! My desk is a tidy one this week!! Right, I've got my cuppa I'm off around as many desks as I can before the school run!! x

Deb said...

I am sure it is as it should be, a busy desk for a busy bee, love that you are working on Halloween and Christmas!
have a great day,
happy crafting, Debxx

Made by Mandy said...

Hi Julia, this is my 1st time here. I've seen loads of my blog buddies doing it but never had the guts to show my messy space. I try to tidy but it soon messes back up again :)

Love Mandy xxx

Kathryn said...

Gosh! You're on Christmas already and I'm still on Halloween and Fall/Thanksgiving. This is the busiest time of year! I know what you mean about multiple lists LOL!
Have a great week!

Sarah said...

I have notebooks, I just don't use them, and I really should because my head doesn't work like it used to - I blame the meds.
That calendar page looks really interesting, the owl is so cute

Bugged Designs said...

Lots going on again this week Julia. Love the calendar and yikes to Christmas stuff, I'd better get started on that, it will be here before we know it. Only 2 notebooks? I had loads of books, then decided to buy a project book to try and organise everything a bit more (didn't work either!), I think I shall always remain the queen of post-it notes, it's just a matter of finding where I stuck the last one.... thanks for sharing!

The Crafty Elf said...

The sign of a good hostess is one that makes her guests feel welcome and comfortable. have a knack for that. I personally don't feel that I need to have an organized desk, super tidy and all because if the hostess is showing her stuff....everyone does too! Makes for a great fun, relaxing time. Thanks for the visit.

fairyrocks said...

Hello Julia and fellow desk junkies...well maybe its just my desk thats always junky...Your calendar looks interesting and how appropriate 'October' already, Where did the time go?
Thanks for hosting this weekely event.

Macpurp said...

I love the wee owl on the tree! I am in denile about christmas still.....will not work well in my favour!
love teen x

Unknown said...

wow this is getting really popular ! Im feeling like Scarlett O'Hara today for some reason...

Unknown said...

It's hard for me to think about Christmas, but your calendar looks good.
I am painting fabric today, finally, it has been on my desk for 2 Wednesdays!

Dotty Jo said...

Your desks always look so much fun! TFS, Jo x

Jennibellie said...

LOVE the calender, so cute :) I keep about 20-30 books - notebooks, diaries and art, idea & writing journals lol if you're lost with two no wonder I'm so scatty lol jenny

Darcy Marshall said...

pfft....3rd attempt..

Love the desk all piled up, when mine gets like that i feel all creative, but it does make me panic slightly haha

Gorgeous calender page, i wouldnt want to put anything over it lol

Unknown said...

I love your page and that owl is so cute. I also love the desk piled up makes me feel at home.

Unknown said...

Julia! I raced down here to this comment box to tell you that separate journals or diaries or notes or anything is NOT, repeat NOT a good idea. Speaking from experience anyway. I inevitably leave the one book containing the info. I need behind. Your projects look so exciting to me! *smiles* Norma

Mrs A. said...

Are you doing the Craft Barn Calendar too? Hopefully. The one calendar will st me having bits of paper stuck everywhere and I will only be looking under my nose in the one place for all my info. (Well in theory it wil work.) Hugs Mrs A.

bebebubu said...

i love your desk this week, especially the hello kitty note book. Big fan of hello kitty

fairy thoughts said...

two notebooks dunnit, sounds like a 'also known as'. also sounds like an accident waiting to happen. like the look of the reindeer but cannot get my head in gear to start Christmas!

MaggieC (Silvercrafter) said...

Calendars, notebooks, shopping list pads - must add those to one of my lists for Christmas. I don't think I could cope with two notebooks. My brain cannot cope with that confusion.

lisa said...

Only two notebooks, I have loads but never write the right things in any of them!!!!
You have loads going on here this week, Julia. You are putting the rest of us to shame with your productivity!!
Hugs Lisax

Sarah Anderson said...

Lol, my desk has waaaaaaaaay too much on it, dumped there really so shown a different desk ;)

Anne said...

Don't know how you manage to do so much. Sorry but I am photo heavy this week and a lot of chat, will try and do better next week. Anne x

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

Will try again..4th X Blogger please work.
Love your Owl and Reindeer projects. Your photo is a tiny size today..means there has to be more desk, bet that's the part that is spic and span. Enjoy WOYWW.

KatzElbows said...

Superb! What's not on your work desk! So much easier to list than what is! Great desk today. One that makes me feel normal instead of inadequate! Thank you for that.

debby4000 said...

Two notebooks that sounds like trouble!!!

misteejay said...

A lot going ain't kidding LOL.

2 Notebooks could be a recipe for confusion.

Toni xx

Whimcees said...


I'm SO late this week - but I made it!

Love your blog! Wishing you a great day!

Barbara Diane

MadeByKarla said...

Ah! look at all your holiday stuff already oh no...I'm so behind! thanks for your visit ;)

Scrapcollectr said...

I know the two notebook feeling! I'm trying to keep up with Becky Higgins' Project Life (where you take daily photo and journal about it) and I found a cute little Five year diary that I make entries to. Over documentation, I think! These obligations are interfering with catching up on Game of Thrones! Lol. Enjoy your pre holiday prepping! *smile*

Sunshine Girl said...

Lovely busy desk as usual - couldnt comment yesterday as blogger was giving me grief! nice to see you starting on Christmas cards - I havent designed any yet and am supposed to be doing some workshops soon (where does the time go???) I am with you with the box under the table for the glimmer spray I have an old nappy box (empty of course) which I use but that was upstairs and I was downstairs - you get the picture! have a fab week.

Kirsty.A said...

I just managed to post before bedtime on Wednesfay but am only now visiting. Love your October calendar page. Kirsty No118

Bellaidea said...

I just have one project there and it`s ready :)

Serendipity Stamping said...

Thanks for your kind words and your visit! I am hoping at least I can comment to you as I cannot get most of the blogs to accept my comments and obviously not computer savvy to know how to fix, LOL. I for one appreciate the time you put into doing WOYWW and enjoy seeing everyone's creations. Enjoy the rest of the week.

Jacqueline said...

Hi Julia,

Thank you for your lovely welcome and for the wonderful comments you left on my blog!

So you spotted that big letter " C" then! It's actually a work in progress and it's for my 'metalhead' 17 year old son! It's his initial (Cameron is his name). Last year I took him to see his favourite band Trivium, a friend of mine had a spare ticket for a 'meet and greet' with the band so I was going to decorate that letter with the photos he had taken with the band! A great idea! IF and WHEN I ever get around to finishing the thing! all the bits ready just need to sit down and get on with it!!

I don't know if you know or not but if you click on the photos on my blog you can enlarge them, if that doesn't work then - press " Ctrl + " on your keyboard and that should zoom in !

Take care and I'm looking forward to having some serious fun joining in with you all.

Jackie x

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