I took these pics yesterday evening..sun soaking various parts of my tiny but lovely room. Mr Dunnit was minding his own biz, playing cards on the PC whilst waiting for tea. I remembered a domestic priority - the green bin needs to be brought from the back garden to the front for emptying..and while it's dry and sunny, it's a good time to drag it through the workroom - so I went to the trouble of moving the desk and Mr D did everything else! See, my desk sits against the barn door to the garden...the whole room was built on the back of the garage (and you can see that door from this pic - no idea why I'm bothering you with this!) So we had to be a bit smart in fitting the workroom. Well, Mr Dunnit did. I chose the paint colour. My desk is on humongous casters so in theory it can be swung around and out of the way with ease. But of course, it's so cluttered that it takes a little more than 'ease'. Still, on the bright side, I did at least sweep the floor!
The first shot is taken standing outside through the door that you normally see as a window above my desk. The long shot is from the left end of my desk ; pen pot and scrap box really dominate. But you can see the printer and compuer which aren't actually on my desk..that's a whole other worktop to fill up! But, some clearing and levelling will begin. It has to, I have loads to do and it is finally driving me mad. Yeah right, watch this space!
And talking of space - share yours will ya? Photo it, upload it to your blog and use Mr Linky here to show us where - easy. Doesn't have to be papercrafts and it doesn't have to be a desk - just show us what you're working on, it satisfies a deep and extraordinary need in all of us, really. But mostly me I expect!
OMG Julia a different view, oh I so wish I had a different view!! and I'm early for once but very late for work, back later!!
Morning Julia, great views of your workspace this week! Love all of the creativity thats going on here. My hubs is always on his pc, we only communicate that way now, me on mine, him on his, lol! We send each other messages, normally get me a cup of coffee, lol!
Have a super week, hugs Heidi xx
Oh for a wooden floor that I could sweep clean. Mine is carpetted and has to be hoovered daily to remove all my threads.
A x
Oh, what great pics today! Love th sun shining through the window. Is that really a big bag of ribbons against the wall?
Fab pic, I love the evening sun pouring in! x
Wow what a wonderful view of your work room this morning Julia. A very creative space and what a fantastic idea having the table on big casters so that it can be moved about. I would only remember to think about that once the desk was full and I couldn't move it and would then have to empty it all LOL. I have had a good old nose this morning, had my nose to the computer LOL. Have a great day, Tracy Evans x
always nice to see a busy desk!
Great photo Julia, although I am confused as to where I am now! lol btw sent you back an email, and hoping you got it??? did it go into hyperspace?? If it did can you call me? number on my website...
Hugs and thank you for yet another fab woyww
So does this mean you'll be cleaning the desk, too? Just joking of course. I love the desk with the casters and the white legs, but most of all, I love those hardwood floors. I would give anything to get rid of my ugly carpet that I've covered with anti-static mats to avoid spills on said carpet and replace the whole mess with hardwood.
And I really want to know what a "Green Bin" is. Happy WOYWW53, and the start of a new chapter in this saga.
Looks fabulous in this light!!! Love your craft space Chanelle
Lots on your desk today and a great look around your room
Oh I saw a pickky on the wall so sweet and lots of yummyness, our bin is safely out (not the green one for us though today lol) I have four coloured bins for recyling I think every one should be made to have them as it's still only volentry!
Love Dawn xx
Hi Julia
great piccie of ya craftroom, nice clean floor can't see mine! lol. sue.x
now you have confused me (doesn't take much) so used to seeing the window behind your desk. There isn't room to swing the proverbial cat in my room so guess I wont be asking OH to put castors on my desk.
Have a good week.
Julia , fabby .. love seeing the piles of stuff, you always want that litlle thing at the bottom , lol .. TIMBER!
I have the recycle bins ( mine always seem to be over flowing to the neighbours).. isd that a good or bad thing :{
That is my video recorder in the shot (yes, still got a video, no dvd yet....) but I normally have the TV on and quite often 5 Live Sport on the radio too...... well, I have 2 ears, don't I! Can't get to the stereo, one week I'll embarrass myself with a shot the other way down the room.....
Fab pics today great view of the whole room and lots of lovely stash on that desk!
I've sent you an email, hope you've received it!
Ooooh a different angle to snoop from, what fun :-D
That big pot with all the ribbons hanging out looks interesting - I had my nose to the screen peering at that!
I love my wooden floors, just a whoosh with the broom and hey presto its read for another avalanche of bits and in my sons case - mud!
but I have a question, cant you leave the bin at the front?
wow you actually had sun... we've had rain the past 2 days!!!! LOL. i love your room, it's really lovely. hope you're well.... congrats on the success of last week, here's to another year xxx
WOW loving your workroom. I want to come in and play with all the goodies you have if only we could jump in via the computer screen we could all visit each other without the hassle of distance and traffic.
OMG - I thought it was a whole other room at first! Can you send some of that sun my way please, had the light on all day yesterday, and not much better today. My green bin day today too.
Great idea with the castors on the table legs.
xoxo Sioux
So it was you that pinched all the sun ...its has been so dark and wet up here ...'drecht' is the word.
I am a little confused by the oriantation of the room ...but then it takes so little to confuse me xx
I loved this post! Your room is fabulous and all that lovely natural light! For some reason when you've done your swings to the right and left I thought your room was really big!
P.s Please give LL Jan a massive squishy bear hug from me please :)
Morning - off today - fab...love the desk and spied a Laura Ashley holder that I have...you have pens in it...good idea...off hopping
I too am getting to the point where it's just going to have to be sorted. But I wouldn't hold your breath!!
** Kate **
ooo what a great idea! I wonder if casters would work on the "new" table I'm getting once we move?? By new, I mean I'm inheriting our old kitchen table, as we got a new one lol
I would love casters on my workroom so I could take it outside on a sunny day lol.
Joanne xx
Julia I've also given you an award over on my blog.
You so deserve it.
Lovely room! Nice to have lots of space to move things around...x
lovely to know this about your workspace - I love barns style doors. Tish'a cot is on wheels and sits infront of my bedroom cupboard.
Oh I love these type of photos, I can imagine the whole room next week when you're back to normal!
Good morning Missie Julia....fab pics....wish we had a share of your sunshine! It's only 10am, I'm hoping to see more desks than I did last week....I knew I had a curious streak (or should I say nosey)so I'm loving this window into everyone's little crafting world.
See you same time, same place next week!!
P.S. Of course I remember meeting you!
Lovely room. I sent you an E.Mail. Hope you received it. Can you send some sunshine my way please? Kathleen x
Wow love how the sunlight hits your desk - beautiful! I like the idea of a table on giant castors - may have to give this one some consideration! I've finally managed to add myself to the list - but be warned you need a cuppa if you're going to see mine through to the end - it's not for the fainthearted!
My first time doing the WOYWW posting...Hope it's ok to just join in?
loving the arty workdesk shots!!
and if you pop over to my space today...to make up for me missing last week's anniversary...you just might win a prize!!
I Julia, this is my first time joining in. what a brilliant craft space you have, everything at hand...I have to keep getting up and down to get what I need, I am desperate for a craft room :0)
*hugs* Heather x
I was wondering where the window was! It's great having a totally different view, love the idea of the castors even if at the mo' there's far tooooo much stuff on to make them really viable hehe.
Have a good day ;o)
Anne xx
finally back in the land of cyberspace and hoping to join back in with woyww very soon, i've missed everyones spaces :)
Notice how you don't see much of the floor in my pics......lol
Love your room, the table on casters is a great idea. thanks for showing us.
Aha Castors-a subject close to my heart at the moment. Is there a crafting wavelength that we all tune in to? I too have swung around and shown a different view and discussed castors-which I have yet to order. I did order from QVC yesterday-daren't even switch it on today-way too many "must have's for my liking. Have a great day. Love BettyXXX
Lovely picture today, what I wouldn't give for a wooden floor! I don't envy you the task of clearing and levelling, when I did it I found I had way more stuff than I thought!
A very different view on your workspace this week mine however looks much the same as ever!
Love the table on big casters--brilliant idea, even if the theory doesn't always translate to reality!
Thanks so much for providing the forum for this fun, mad Wednesday Julia!
Have loved going around looking at everyones spaces, but have never had the guts to before to upload, so here it is lol, "my me space" - off to have a nosy xx
Hi first post but have visited lots of times :)
Hi Julia, great view. I wish I had room to move stuff around, just for a change now and then, but its all jammed in tight lol we have wooden floors too and boy do they get dusty, i guess you dont notice it with carpets.
Your pal Jan left a comment on my blog with no way to contact her, can you pls tell her the Bow Bag is a commercial paattern avaialable from The Fat Quarter quilting shop in Gateshead.
hi sweetie so sorry I am late god what a day loveing your work space hun and really love that table of yours,its great see you are busy creating,hun just it lots love hugs cheryl xxxxxxx
You know what caught my eye? The painting above your desk! Is that your family? What a busy place! Loads to do!
Hiya Julia
WOW what a genuis idea to have castors on the bottom of your desk, wish I had thought of that lol, I love the little beams of sun, nice to see an overview of your room
Gosh it's only 8:20 am for me, and 78 links already ???
long post for me ladies.. but running now to start packing. Will check the links etc. when I come back next week ;)
Isa x
how fantastic to have wheels on the craft table, I'd have it all over the house =)
Love your ribbon bin
Lovely sun drenched desk...and I notice a broom in the corner, so tidy too :)
Very interesting to have a new angle to look at, and castors on the desk sound like a brilliant idea! Off to link mine in now - computer was having one of those "not responding" moments earlier.
Lovely pics - something magical about evening sunlight - well it suits me cos the dust doesn't show up so much - lol. Not that you need to worry - yours looks spotless!!
This is so much fun, why didn't I join in sooner! xx
Still no pictures, but I did post :)
Love the sunlight, I get mid afternoon in my craft room.
Good morning Julia! I hope all is art-filled for you this wonderful Wednesday morning *smiles*
Love your workspace and all its goodness.
oh great to see from an other view! I really wish we had a wooden floor in the office, would make cleaning up a whole lot easier, especially when the cat decides to go exploring and pushes my rubbish basket with all those wee fiddly bits which always ends up all over the carpet!
Yayy, first time I have ever managed to do it , on the right day, lol.x
This is such a fun idea, I´m glad now I get to join...have a great day everybody!!!
wow this had grown a bit from the last time I took part!!!! you all look very busy and much better at keeping blogs up to date than me!!! LOL
I have posted my desk on the blog at ...
To work there could be very pleasant ! :-)
I wish i had a whole room just for my crafting! My desk is in my bedroom so theres nowhere near as much room as you seem to have. Lots of lovely crafty stuff on your desk, I'd love to have a rummage :) xx
Love that time of day! Wonderful to have a different peek into your room this time. I have wood floors in my room but, I don't see them much for all the junk covering them. I really need to get that cleaned out, its cramping my creative style! Maybe next week...
A desk on wheels ... what a fab idea and how handy Mr Dunnit is! The evening sunshine would be welcome this evening here ... but sadly me thinks it is unlikely to stop raining!
number 101 and it is only 8:15 am in Ca US!
Good morning!
Fabulous desk on casters!!!
love the banner on the wall!
Off to do some visiting!!
I like the alternate view of your room, it's like discovering a whole new place! Loving those casters on your desk legs. xxx
Great pics...nice to see your room from a different angle!
Well..my second week on WOYWW and I am definately hooked, love seeing everyone's spaces...and I too am a bit of a show off!!
Thanks for the new views of your workspace. Looks very cosy.
Fab pics Julia what a fab space !
i did pop by earlier but I was up with the larks this morning too eager to collect my Sarahs cards parcel from the post office before work :) I love how inventive Mr D is :) a desk with wheels on and garden room to craft in :) us girls with clever hubby's are so lucky :)
You have sunshine?! Wah, I want some, haven't seen it since Saturday! We now have mushrooms growing on our new turf it's been so wet :-( Thanks for the tour of your craft space, my new one is finally over on my blog for this week's post :-)
Floor space? floor space! you clearly haven't got enough stash! lol
Love the view. Super sunlight.
Lovely to see your sunny room Julia! x
Lovely photos Julia. Looks lovely and sunny. :-) S xx
I didn't recognise your room this week, looks so different from another angle. I love the sun pouring in on your desk.
You guys are great, I'm back for another fun week of sharing messy desks.
Oh my word - imagine having to move your stash to get to the bin!!! I'd have to have a new door built somewhere more convenient!
i made 2 pictures from my space small and i have to many stuff need more space(lol)
greetings cristel
What a day!! sorry I was sooo quick this morning but you know how it is...very slow days suddenky zooms by as soon as you sit at a computer!!(sorry about any mistakes as I'm typing in the dark as I'm too darn lazy to get up and turn the light on!! I have a little Award for your blog (if you're in to them, some aren't) please chose on you'd like, Its seems that only the first one has rules (Or I've just forgotten)
You can find it
(L(:yn_ damit, must tyrn the flippif light on!!
you see, if my desk was on wheels I'd be riding it from one side of the room to another - kinda big chair effect - ohhh ohhh- add some wings and pretend its a plane - I'd be so busy playing with my wheeled toy I'd never get a single craft thing done,.... lay upon it and demand SOMEONE ANYONE push me to the sunshine outside, for I have lost the use of my legs.......feeding me grapes along the way....hahahha
Love the way your photos have turned out, really artistic.
I know how it feels to have to move everything too! My workdesk is the living room so cant leave anything out for too long! Still doesnt help with being organised lol
Rach xx
Ok so sweep all that craft stuff onto the floor and just whizz up and down the room on your table. Arms our tummy down and wheeeeeeeeeee ( you must do this wearing one's crown BTW). I have to get a desk with wheels too now! Then we can zoom together. That would make a great piccie for next week !!
sorry didnt get to join in today....blast the real life thing that gets in the way. :0)
Can i ask if you emailed me? i had a message go to my junk mail?
great pictures.
Kate x
Blimey!!! Great arty shots of your desk! Love the zinc pen holder thingy on the stand! WOW you have a whole room to yourself!!! Lucky as well as a very talented one!!! See you next week!!!
Fabulous workspace ,,, all cluttered with fabby bits and bobs ,,, going for a more in depth inspection now :-)
Lols x x x
Not sure how to e-mail you from blogger so here is my e-mail addy patriciacrafts@fsmail.net
The beads are a £1 chafrity shop find to demolish! Caught my magpie eye, very shiney!Its a great idea this challenge! Love it! c u next week!
Good luck with the de-clutter Julia!
I love the way you and Mr D share the load, much the same as DH and I...I choose what I want and he does the work LOL!
Promise my space will be much messier next week.
Bloomin' heck I'm so behind, stealing 5 mins now as my guests have just gone to bed!!! Lovin the pictures of you desk so great to see it all from another angle. Hugs Pam xx
What Fun!! I never posted my messy scrap area before!
I didn't get to play this week Julia :-( some nasty meanie stole my week away. But I just had to come and have a look at your desk while I was checking up on your blog.
Are you saying that you have to move your desk every time you get your green bin emptied? <>
Maybe you should put casters on the bottom of the legs - the sort with "brakes" as we wouldn't want it whooshing across the room every time you pressed on a stamp
Sorry I missed the fun again. My camera is broken and has gone to heaven. Pooh!!!!
Love the idea of casters they make things so much easier when we need a change.
The joiner who put up my smmer house had put one up at an Old Peoples Home with caster on it so they could move it round in the sun!! Hope they had brakes though!!
Thanks for hosting again. Hope to join in again once the new camera arrives! Hazelxox
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