These items to be found on a desk very, very near to this computer. Do not be afraid, I'm not going over to the dark side. Or indeed the seven shades of wee wee side. I mean, now that the Distress Inks come in actual colours, they're really very nice. No, I'm not going to become an alterer or steampunk artist overnight; mostly because I can't do it - it's a style I can merely aspire to. I can, however, appreciate a good product. And very often do. The ticket shaped die has my name on it - some people know that anything vaguely stationery related will eventually end up in my stash and I can see this getting a lorra lorra use. The bird and cage die are bigger than I thought they'd be, and I don't really know why I had to have it, but there. I did. Embossing folders because, well, Mr Dunnit thinks it's my mission to own them all, and a gal should never disappoint her husband, huh. I was also taken with another die from the range - the idea of being able to cut a key hole shape in anything..but as far as I can tell from the packaging, I can't - the keyhole die will only work if fitted magnetically inside Sizzix's specific shaped dies (sold seperately of course). Please put me right if I've misunderstood this. Because of course, if I have understood correctly, what's the point of the trio of hole dies that are for sale at a price that makes a Big Bite or other long reach punch a really viable option? What have I missed here; I know I'm really late to look this range over so I know it's safe to ask here - someone will explain. Or do I just live with that creeping feeling that Sizzix thinks we're all zipped up the back and stuffed with dollar bills?
I think you should be able to use the keyhole die Julia. It's just advertised to go in the middle of those other dies. It might be a bit fiddly but i think it should be ok?
I have the birdie die too. Not used it yet mind, but I have it and ooo at the cracked glass, it looks nicer on your desk than on websites xxx
I have the caged bird die too Julia, I love it and have used it quite frequently. But I don't have the ticket one yet, it does look yummy and now you got me thinking that I need it, maybe later LOL. I wondered about the keyhole dies, think I will wait for you to report back when you have used that one. I do think some of the suppliers think we have a money tree growing in the back garden but then again crafters just can't help themselves we always find a way to have that must have/need product LOL, or is that just me. Have a good day, Tracy Evans x
Ooh these look delectable! I don't currently own any die cut machines - I'm currently trying to decide whether I want/need one and if so which one - but all those options give me a headache!
Which one are you using and are you happy with it?
I am pretty sure you have to buy the shape and the keyhole separately, I seem to remember seeing a video about it on Sir Tims page. i really want to get the gears die and the hardware findings one oh and maybe the tattered flowers one lol will be putting them on my xmas list.
did you get my email or did it disappear into cyber space?
Don't they say that the greatest minds think alike??? Also, found on my desk this morning; the birdcage, the file tab and the heart dies, along with ... two packs of Texture Fades...Julia hun, come on over to the dark side, tis a lot of fun trying to explain to everyone why ones fingers are bright red/blue/orange/brown ROFL Enjoy!! xx
Hi Julia, I have the Caged Bird too, I think it's the most popular die (speaking of birds where is she?) I'm a little worried now that you don't want to parade her :-(
If you'd got the die with the hinge, key and keyhole, you could've used that alone but I think you have the other one and you do need one of the other dies, such as the Ornamental. Though you would think you could use the keyhole ones alone, after all they do have a cutting edge. I think though the main thing is they are magnetic so they cling to the inside base of the other dies so can go through a diecutter easily, not sure how you would keep them in place if you tried to use them alone. I think you'll find that the caged bird will be fine for cards. I do love the 'cracked' embossing folder, that's one of my must-haves. Have fun ;-)
Anne xx
Well I am even further behind you on these things so cannot advise, in fact only just found out about them when someone had them on their WOYWW yesterday. They look fab though.
ohoo fabulous crafty things, keep seeing that lovely bord cage, lucky ol' you!! well done
Had a look at these when I was in a real life store the other week. Thought it was a bit cheeky as the packet shows a lovely key hole in a shaped ornate plate but the plate and the 'hole' are 2 different dies. I think you could cut the 'hole' on it's own in black and then stick it where you like, as it were! To summarise, yes Sizzix think we are all fools with lots of money.
** Kate **
I am so so wanting the caged bird.
LOOK!!!! Fixed the comment problem - just needed a new browser.
Must make time this weekend to visit all the WOYWWers to leave lots of comments - can't wait x
Oh, you have to buy 2 sets of dies to make the prety keyholes? I didn't know that :( I have resisted so far on the bigz dies but I did buy the vintage market alpha. Looking forward to seeing what you do with them, I'm only just trying out the whole distressing thing!
By the way, thanks for the shrink plastic tip, I considered punching it first but thought I knew better and was going to drill it after shrinking, all I can say is upon reflection I am in fact an idiot!
Go Julia ... I will make a convert out of you yet :0)
I have the ticket die - it's fab, I use it with some ticket stamps by Autumn Leaves which are great too.
Sizzix definitely think we are stuffed with money.
I've not gone for the keyholes (yet!) yes, I think you do have to have the base die too, cos I understand it's magnetic and holds the "holes" in place while you cut them. There are some videos on Tim's website, check them out (they're good fun, but as you know I'm a bit of a fan!) Have just ordered my first Tim embossing folder (and one of the other dies) today....
OOooo I like the look of those embossing folders!
looks like fab stash Julia, I like the embossing folders but I am being good or trying to anyway, have fun with them.
I dont do paper crafts so have no idea sorry but I shall happily watch on from the wings to see what you do with it all :-) That is if Ernest will behave for a few minutes to allow me to use the computer :-)
Wondering who Ernest is? then please check out my blog :-)
A x
As you saw from my cage- some things Tim just have to be had - even if you feel 'had' buying them (my mother would have a pink fit at the price I paid for what is essentially a glorified safety pin...) - I fear I have become addicted to your blog...
eeer you succumbed!! afraid to say I have them all..but then I HAVE to try them all out to make sure they all work!!! *hides in corner* yes you do sadly need the magnetics to make the keyholes, and vice versa otherwise the card/paper gets stuck in the magentic dies, but Sizzix are doing a little magentic block for theses, and this is FREE!!! lol I think?
btw sent you another email.. hopefully you got it.. if not please call me
I have the tattered florals and haven't used them as much as i thought i would - but i do struggle getting them through the cuttlebug - nothing to do with the equipment - its my shoulder - the bigz dies need a bit of weight to hold the bug down (only a crafter would understand that sentence)!!! Loving the texture plates which i might get in the longterm - but i have bought far too much recently... i'll see what the fabby 'alterers' do with them all...
Paula x x x
I never thought I'd see the day! I do love that bird cage!
omg, i neeeeeeed the ticket die!!!!! hugs lou xx
fabulous dies,I do love the birdcage :-) I did watch a video on Tim's blog and he said you have to use other dies with the key holes ! :-/
you asked if it was fog through my window ,,, no ,,, was very bright sunlight !! ,, it was glare :-)
awesome hun, I just got a set of texure fades last week, the bingo and patchwork and really like them, the ones you got look awesome!
and I love the look of the ticket stubs and bird cage!!
I am so behind!! I need to go to some desks n catch up!!!
Just when I get a Sizzix (the old original red one), they come out with new dies that won't even fit in the original die machine. This makes me mad. When they improve or expand on a design, they should make some for the older models, too. Since I got my Sizzix, they have made POSSIBLY three upgrades (at least two, but I'm thinking three with the new Tim Machine). Every time I see a new line, there's that tag that says "use dies specifically made for this machine." As for the dies, I see "use with the XX model only."
You bring a good point about Sizzix taking our money, BUT, I wonder what all these people who own older machines are thinking. Will they invest in a newer one, or keep their older model? How long before the newer model becomes obsolete and you won't be able to buy dies for it, either? I guess where there's a market, as they say . . . .
Blog award from you will be posted on Saturday unless I fall on a banana peel before then (grin).
oh how much fun....... nothing like seeing a fabulous picture of all those goodies. I got my package last week and can't wait till after this graduation party to play.
Omg .....love the ticket fie !Been thinking about it you may have just swung me round hun!Yes i agree Sizzix think were made of money!
hugs judex
Oh no, you didn't, Jules, tell me you didn't??? *stands with hands on hips*
Not only DID you, but you just HAD to go post evidence. JUST as I had finally calmed myself enough not to rush out and buy all the new dies and embossing folders... *slumps in chair*
The only way you will be able to show your face in the Honeypip Household again is if you woman-up and take it on the chin whilst accepting the blame that it is TOTALLY YOUR FAULT that I just HAD to have them as well!
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