Wednesday, 14 September 2011

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday 119

 Oh it's been a hideous mess for the last couple of days.  But it's OK, I got so sick of it that I took time to tidy the working part of it.  And while I was doing that, I realised I must sort out the scraps box...that's dominating and taking up room and making the desk feel small.  It's back to discipline - don't just shove it in the appropriate colour section - make sure it fits!! So I haven't shown that today, it's  too much.  Yes it is.  Instead, just a shot of the immediate work area, dappled with the sunshine of early autumn.  Oh yeah.  Poetry.  Because five minutes from now it'll be throwing sheets of rain down again.  Strange, tail-end-of-a-hurricane-weather this is.  
There's no good angle this week! Behind the tape dispenser is an envelope from Snapfish.  To remind me to prepare for this weekend's Ludgershall Crop.  Yeah, like I'm doing that already!  Under that is a plastic box filled with little pots of glitter in different shapes and colours.  To remind me to use it now and then.  Yep, I haven't done that wither.  I see 2 pairs of scissors and two pairs of tweezers...this is quite good for me.  But I've finished the card I was working on, and decided I had to tidy up a's not inspiring, a desk that looks like a rubbish tip.  So......I did.  No polish or cleaning, just tidying.  Baby steps!
(Photos are from Tues afternoon...there is no sunlight at this time...if Mr D wasn't getting up and going to work at this ridiculous hour, there would be no WOYWW either!!)

So I've enlarged photos and told my Wednesday story....tell us yours now please, and highlight with wonderful pictures.  Post to your blog and link here.  Job's a good 'un. 


voodoo vixen said...

Last few days of summer... hope the tail end hurricane weather doesn't hit too bad!! The desk looks fairly good actually... you must have cropped it like mad!! :)

Carola Bartz said...

You know, my table sometimes looks like this. It's okay, really it is!
I love the little card with the bird cage.

Neet said...

Well those cards you are showing us are "good 'uns". I especially like the one with the birdcage on but have to confess I am deffo into that type of image at the moment. So elegant.
What's to the left of the jug please? Cannot make it out. Ah well, back to bed - thanks for sharing your desk today. Hugs, Neet x

Dragon said...

Well it's not that tidy is it??? So that's ok... I have been trying to sort my stamps a bit and get better at putting away, but it's a loosing battle... never mind!! Don't forget to post your birdy cage on my blog

peggy aplSEEDS said...

wow, i'm impressed, Julia!

Sandy said...

Oh what a wonderful messy place.
Great Julia.

RosA said...

Love the bird card on the right with the interesting background. Was so excited to do WOYWW this week but couldn't even remember my own blog address correctly, sorry. Our weather is strange here too. Went skiing last week and this weekend has predictions of 31 deg temp! (The snow is about 5 hours south by car.)

Sarah said...

loving the birdy business on show. Can't remember seeing that wooden surface in such a naked or sun-spattered mood for a while. Your desk is looking very kosher to me and way more organised than you may feel.Snooze away...Sounds like the best plan of the day...

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I have been watching the hurricane and see it has more or less blown over you. Far better outcome than I expected. And I had to laugh that this has been the coldest summer in over a decade in England, while it's been my city's hottest summer on record. We can't get it to even out, can we. So that burst of sunlight is very enjoyable for you, as are the signs of autumn. I'm still in hot summer mode, but hoping my desk will cool off soon like yours appears to have cooled. And remember: glitter is good!

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

H Julia, my desk is quite often that way too! that is what is like when you are making lovely cards like you have in the second pickie. I am itching to do cards and be outside in garden at present so I am in a dither! Happy WOYWW Shaz in oz.x
PS commiserations on the early hour over there too tis 3.00pm here in Oz, very reasonable. :D

sandra de said...

Oh what sweet birdy cards. I think baby steps are fine when cleaning otherwise we can scare mojo right out of the room.

Scrapcollectr said...

Just finished preparing a walking tour of Princeton University for some exchange students tomorrow. Now for 4 hours of sleep! Too bad that I finished Day 8 of my illustrated lists but I can't post it until I can photograph it. Please give me a day then come visit! *smile*
Cindy #24

Jennie -The Artistic Stamper said...

A very creative mess, sorry desk, ( fingers slipped on the keyboard!) .. love the sun pattern.. just wish there was more of it.. sun that is..
Have a great day

A Hovel to Home said...

Them thar cards are lovely sweetie ... your desk looks lovely and tidy compared to mine.



kyla said...

NO....if your gonna clear your desk then the sickness may spread!! ;-)

and as for coloured separation of scraps.....sick! Shove it all in a box....bury it under new stamp purchases...problem solved!! ;)


From great mess comes great creativity and look at all those things you have to do still - never a dull moment hey and it's always sensible to leave one or 2 things to the last minute to keep the adrenalin pumping ;)

Twiglet said...

I'm too ashamed to show my untidy mess today - been too busy making frocks and taxi-ing M. from maternity hosp to tidy up! Love your birdie cards Julia. Have a great day. x Jo

Sue from Oregon said...

I thought the same thing tonight when I looked at my desk...all those scraps are taking over my desk...wish I was better at filing! Fun creations on your desk this morning!

Hettie said...

I spy some pretty cards on your desk today Julia. Don't talk to me about scraps but I have used a fair few lately but the pile does not seem to go down!
I have a friend joining me today!! I hope you don't mind me not being able to go round desks until tomorrow but I could not NOT join in anymore now could I?

Spyder said...

oh dear! it won't let me comment! I don't have permission! Your crafty mess isn't, messy at all... light in my new crafty space is different too, chillier that my old space. Love the bird cage, will use mine more.
Have a good day

Annie said...

I like the way Twiglet blames M for her mess :-)
Mine is mostly Twiglet's from her cutting out all these dresses but do I blame her? hehehehe
Have a great week.
A x

Kezzy said...

I love the messy desks as there is loads of inspiration to look at lol. Love the birdy cards their fab. Kezzy x

Glenda said...

Well all I can say about your desk is I love the way the light comes through your window and look how creative you are being. We just need "stuff" around us when we play...It is what it is!

Helen said...

Love the shaft of sunlight across your desk - and the cards you've been making. Have a good day - mine is to be spent back at work (boooo) after my week off. Already seems a long time ago!

Sunshine Girl said...

Looks tidy to me! love the cards you are making.

Minxy said...

Loving the birdy cards, my fav is the last one, hope your well, happy Wednesday sweetie x

Tuire Flemming said...

Looks great! My tidying project goes on for third week, I guess...
The remnants of hurricane Katia have reached now Finland! So it´s windy and rainy here, too.

Kate said...

I'm liking those bird cards very much.

** Kate **

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Greetings from a bleary eyed LLJ this morning! Great desk, your usual magnificent mayhem :D xx

donnalouiserodgers said...

shame of shames I DID tidy and clean, and when my beloved sister in law, came, as usual, for her Sunday dinner (we take it in turns) she remarked - Good GOD what happened to your room?

I raced in thinking I had burned it to the ground with my new dremel soldering iron, only to find she meant that she hadn't seen the furniture for stash coverage in about a whole year...

the shame...


Anonymous said...

Your tidying makes it look all neat and organised - love the birdie cards

famfa said...

Lovely productive desk. What time do you get up? Lovely to work in sunshine it puts a lovely light on our desks.

Angie said...

Tried to get a closer look at your cards ...with no luck ...they look great but I want to see more the bird theme that is running through them.I think I need to take your lead and put things back from where they came and release some crafting space. lol xx

JoZart Designs said...

I must admit I was expecting to see the bigger picture around your desk... I think you've only tidied 2 foot square !! I was expecting to be really shamed into doing mine once again after seeing your's but I can cope with what I see.
Lovely cards too.
Love JoZarty x

Neil said...

Great cards today, and the desk is not too untidy! Have a lovely week!

Lisa-Jane said...

Bleurgh to this changeable weather! I like those birds on your cards there but I'm twitching (geddit?!) about the scraps box as I've done mine recently... all better now :-)

Di said...

Love the birdies cage - and so long as you have a little space to craft, and can move your elbows out a little bit, mess is good! Err, I gather this is after some tidying? :) Ooops!! Di xx

Sarn said...

Fab desk pictures Julia.

Hugs, Sandra

April said...

Great tidy up job! I'm half way through reorganising :o( problem is I'm halfway through (the bit where the whole spare room is upside down) and can't find the time to finish!! oh well. Love those birdie themed cards! x

shazsilverwolf said...

I have been having a tidy too- and I was having problems with the sun taking the photos! You're desk always looks so creative, and the cards are looking really good.

Lizzybobs said...

lovely cards - thanks for sharing your crafty space ;o)

Karen said...

We've had the tail end bit here already, you could see flags flying vertically - that was different!!!! Was all prepared for WOYWW and then forgot to add in the link - sorry! Your messy desk is quite tidy really!!!

Angela Toucan said...

I still wish I could leave stuff out on my desk like that.

Gret projects Julia
blessings to you from Angela

SueH said...

I seem to get further and further done this list each week. Lol!
I love the ‘dappled’ desk shot Julia but I think it’s you sneaky attempt to stop us seeing what’s really on there.
Happy WOYWW!


Charlene said...

Nice shot of your "fowl" cards, Julia. I don't think I have a single bird in my stash of stamps...can you imagine?

sarah lawrence said...

i hope that I have not posted 47 comments ! .. glad to be back with woyww.
but I have pressed all the buttons to post several times and so this is why you may have mulitple comments !

Mrs A. said...

Did you tidy your glasses away too cos I can't see them!! Hugs Mrs A.

Mummylade said...

baby steps - I like it!

Šolanje na domu-Waldorf said...

I gues Mr D will be getting lots of Thank You cards. :) Good for you to be tidying up. Lots of space for new stuff. :)

Susanne said...

Looks like you have quite the little aviary going on at your desk!

Ali said...

Well done on the tidying - wish I could say likewise but I am genuinely too busy atm to have time to tidy! Creating has to come first! :lol:

I *love* your selection of bird-themed cards! So pretty! My favourite is the one on the right.


Becky said...

I think your desk looks fab ;) and your cards are pretty beautiful too! Sorry about the rain. Been months since I've played along, glad to be back! :)

Erika said...

Lovely cards Julia and very neat. I'm in under a heap of lovely papers and spellbinders just now getting ready for a demo so I'm afraid I just have candy to share instead...will make up for it next week!
Happy crafting, Erika.

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

Oh, I'm so glad to see your mess!!! Lovely, my space is totally out of control. I love your second photo. The variety of birds are so pretty. Enjoy WOYWW and thanks for the fun.

Shoshi said...

Tidying always makes a mess, doesn't it. Still, it shows how productive you are being! I've been busy this week too, and reaping the benefits of all the tidying I did recently. I've been making rust and moulds this week (not moldy rust, lol! Although I do think decay and corrosion has a lot to offer an artist!!) and also making videos.

Joni Nickrent said...

Looks like you've got some creative fun going the little card with the birdcage...too cute! Thanks for the link up. POP ART MINIS

Electra said...

Argh, it happened again-my first link went to my last week's post. So sorry! Thanks Julia for another peek at your wonderful workdesk!

Jingle said...

I love the cards I'm seeing! Wonderfully fun space today!

ScrappnBee said...

great (almost clean) desk to share today! We did not get the hurricane, but the rains are coming back... just in time for the weekend! Love the cards! They are beautiful! Thanks as always for hosting the WOYWW world! -Amanda

fairyrocks said...

I have nerves of steele, you could show me any kind of craft carnage and I won't flinch...LOL well it certainly looks like you are busy Julia.
Keep smiling and creating.

Kathryn said...

Hi Julia!
Love your finished cards! Tidy yes! Noticed no full shot of the rest of the room, HA! I totally understand (my space is so embarrassing right now!)
Hope you get some sunshine soon!

Yogi said...

those cards look really pretty. Love the one on the right with the larger bird. I think were forecast for rain today too. Have a great day. I'm off to pack my stuff for a class on the weekend...

Bubbles said...

Love that bird image - it's gorgeous!
What I really enjoy most about seeing your workdesk is not what you photograph, but rather what's on the edges of the photo- the stuff going on around your workspace that we're only allowed tiny glimpses of :)
Always busy you may be... but your crafting is brilliant... as always :)
Have a wonderful WOYWW!

scrapwordsmom said...

I have missed a few weeks. Good to be back...mess and all!!:)

Angela said...

Thanks, Julia for the messy desk! :) Me, too...but I'm loving that I'm making time to create and having fun!

Happy WOYWW!


misteejay said...

Cards and a reasonably tidy desk...whatever next.

Toni xx

Linda said...

Good luck with the tidying and sorting - I only wish I had managed to be creative enough to make a mess recently lol.

Deb said...

wow, you did a great job tidying and I love your cute little birdy cards!
happy WOYWW! hugs Debxx

Cathy said...

Wow that's a tidy desk for you Missus!!!!!! Love the birds, and fab creations.
Cathy xx

Emma E said...

I love looking at your desk every week as there's always lots of creativity on it! Love the cards ...!

J.A. Martin said...

Ah, the dreaded tiding up. Not as much fun as messing up - aka: creating! Happy WOYWW! :-)

Sarah said...

I need to tidy too!!! Love the cards Julia :-)
Happy WOYWW!

Sarah x x

Amy E said...

Thaks for stopping by and saying hi and looking at my mess!! I'll be so happy when my craft room is completely finished...maybe then I can eek out a foot or two of all that desk space to work on!

I'm glad you like the jars! They are actually baby food jars I've asked my friends to collect for me. We spray painted the lids silver, and I think they look just as good at those you buy at the craft store for $3 each!!

Today is my first ever WOYWW...I've had SO much fun! Thank you!

Amy E. #59

Sarah said...

A late visit from me this week but better late than never right?
Your cards look so good and yet again your desk makes me want to rummage

Polly Polkadot said...

I love the fact that it always sounds like you are only just in control of your life! - I know the feeling.

Jovita @ Inky Impressions said...

Lovely bird cards, have fun sorting those scraps. I've been enjoying out Autumn temps here in Colorado, although this evening higher elevations are calling for SNOW!

Have a great day ~ :)

Becky said...

Lovely busy desk as usual! So what incredibly early time do you post anyway?

bebebubu said...

What a good idea showing every one messy desk. :)

fairy thoughts said...

you were up with the larks this morning, dont you sleep at all?
great messy, I mean productive desk again, love the bird cards, I also have the bird in flight stamp it's very pretty

Anne said...

Love the cards - I really want that birdcage stamp- have seen it used such a lot recently. My crafting space is still a bit of a jumple but hey I will get there, Happy WOYWW Anne x

Elizabeth said...

Hi Julia, I felt sure I was going to be last up this week, but no, there's a couple following on so that's okay. Love the glimpse of sunlight on your desk - fairly cheers you up. Nice set of bird themed cards - like all the images. Here's to more sunny weather. Elizabeth x #121

MadeByKarla said...

wonderful cards! Love how there's always something creative going on!

Ohhh Snap said...

I didn't get to post today, but I enjoying snooping :D. Love those cards! Hope your Wednesday was Wonderful

mel m. m. mccarthy said...

I think I must subconsciously LOVE mess. Your desk looks so tidy to me! lol

Anonymous said...

That almost looks like a tidy desk but as you say, it's a very composed shot! Let's hope for all our sakes that Mr D continues getting up early each morning, otherwise where would we all be??

Brenda 88

Mary said...

I'm a day late, seems to be the usual lately. I create on Wednesday and post on Thursday. Too much to do, and too few hours in a day.... I gotta say, Stamping Ground has become my favorite cyber stop and I love checking out what everyone has been doing. So, off I will go to peek in on my cyber neighbors. the desk, it says, I'm creating! Your cards are beautiful...Great job! Have a great weekend everyone....

marjoleincreatief said...

Creative desk, AGAIN! Beautiful bird stuff you have On your desk. Exited to see what you are gonna make with it.

Greetings, marjolein

Bugged Designs said...

Love the bird card on the right. Thanks for sharing.

Betty Boo! said...

I think with having it un-tidy like, you may get more done tho? I tend to get less done cause of my OCD... I totally know what you mean about the fear of a complicated neckline and I too am so bone idle! Thanks for sharing your desk with us, it's my second WOYWW and I am loving it every time!


okienurse said...

Awesome looking desk! I am late getting around this week but I am here! Love all the fun things I have read in your posts. Hope you enjoy your crop this weekend. Vickie

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