Probably more, but certainly two years ago, I sold some wood mounted stamps on eBay. They were part of a late friend’s collection and the money was destined for the Stars Appeal, a fund raising arm of Salisbury Hospital where she had worked for many many years. I can’t remember how many stamps there were, but they sold in batches and each batch I sent off with a card, just and literally saying ‘thank you’. One of the buyers got in touch to ask about the card and we struck up quite a conversation. We quickly stopped using eBay’s mail system and Karen soon suggested that we swap ATCs.

We quickly developed it into a monthly swap, alternately choosing the month’s theme. It became clear, as quickly, that Karen is a multi talented all rounder of a crafter, her computer skills are amazing and since we became Facebook friends, I’ve discovered that she also does the knitting, crochet, sewing… name it, all the ‘off paper’ crafts! It’s been great and these few ATCs that I’m showing you are just a random sample from this year’s collection.

It makes me quake a bit when it’s Karen’s turn to pick the theme, you can see she has imagination in spades, and I always end up hovering outside my comfort zone in a panic! When it’s my turn to choose, I tend to scan my stamp shelves and decide when I see something I haven’t used for a while. Unless of course it’s an obvious month, then I will be reliable and pick ‘love’ for February, etc.

We’re going to carry on through 2023 with this, and the thought makes me happy. The happy mail makes me happy! I know it’s not a huge commitment, but it’s brought me huge pleasure. I love that Karen and I would never have met but for a couple of rubber stamps and we’ve struck up a friendship based entirely on the images and stash that can be fitted on an ATC. We haven’t met, and just like with WOYWW if we can meet in person it would be a great pleasure, but if we never do, it doesn’t change the friendship. Seriously, of all the things that have to offer thanks for, crafting continues to really enhance my life.