I bet this week has felt like an eternity in the Ukraine. I know that we are all affected by these events and that we all feel completely helpless in the face of the suffering and displacement. There are plenty of channels of news, plenty of OpEd and commentary to read. This blog is not that place. Greater and more eloquent minds can inform, educate and comment. If you want political commentary, please click away and search appropriately. Don’t email and complain that I have nothing to offer you. That’s just absurd. The Wednesday spot on this blog has become a place to lift and support fellow readers. We may and can disagree fundamentally with each other over all sorts of things, but please, not about what WOYWW is.
So, to the root…..
You find me being a grown up! I’m working on the service for my Mum’s funeral and as you can see from all the scribbling and crossing out, I’m being a good editor and a cr@ppy writer! I’ve been walking around this for a while and felt the urge to get it done this afternoon, so put it off by tidying, then I rang my sister and we chit chatted about stories to include and then, and then, and then…I started writing. It’s ok, as you can see, it pours out of me, the trick is definitely in the editing. I read it out loud and when it starts to go on, gets repetitive, over explaining or plain drivel..I cross it out. Simple. Messy but effective! The orange tub at right is a container for microwaving popcorn in. It’s not fab, to be honest, but I persist because it’s such a useful snack. And, for the sheer pleasure of bragging for two weeks in a row, here are the blending brushes that on some screens, didn’t make it into the picture. (That’s bizarre isn’t it, probably a photographer or uploading error. Who knows, I certainly don’t!)
Aren’t they delicious. And AND they came with an ingenious cleaner thing. I’ll show you that at some point…first, I’ve got to get over the beauty of these beauties and make them need a clean!
All the best preparing for your Mum's funeral Julia. I am sure the editing will be fine! Love the brushes and holder. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #3
I can't believe any regular deskers would visit in the expectation of hearing a commentary on the awful situation in Ukraine... this is a place of safety, comfort and support not a political venue!! I wish you luck with writing the service for your mum, it's not easy. The blending brushes look fab and I am glad you shared them - this time I can't see the tub for your popcorn... Take care lovely lady Happy WOYWW, Helen xx
Lol! Delicious is right! With my blurry morning eyes they looked like those spoon full of chocolate, dipped is colourful sprinkles, that you stir into your coffee or hot milk!
I don’t envy you your writing task. While it probably brings up so many wonderful memories, it has to be hard to edit them down into one coherent piece. And hard to go thru the process of deciding what is included and what is left behind.
I think we can all agree that Woyww is exactly what you say it is! It certainly lifts and supports me every week, in 100 little ways.
It’s the happiest day of the week.
Mary Anne
I am so glad popcorn is helping with the writing of your Mama's funeral service, but wherever it is it must be with the photo of last week's' blending brushes. A task I do not envy you doing, writing this comment is fraught with me pressing the 'x' button. I've just deleted about five lines.
I do like the container for the blending brushes, now that we have got to see them. You now leave us in limbo as to how the cleaner works, do tell please.
Ooh, I have just seen a glimpse or orange near something green just above the red marker pen - is that the start of the popcorn maker?
Take care my lovely, our thoughts are with you.
Hugs, Neet 5 xx
I know it’s a task that has to be done but it’s never easy and I’m sending you the biggest hugs hoping they help. Your blenders def look far more like loaded teaspoons to me...and I’m sure they would taste good.
Annie x
Ok so the blender brushes were missing from my view but the tub, where is that???
Anyway enough about editing nuances, you writing for your Mum's send off reminds me of doing like wise for my Dad, some 24 years ago. Sounds like you are doing a grand job and your words will be nectar to the ears of those there I'm sure. It will all come together and be just right.
I have added a link to a Just Giving page to my post today for Ukraine. A polish lady from our church is going out there with a team to help, hope that was OK. BJ#8
You’ve taken me back two years and me sitting with my little propelling pencil scratching heartfelt words onto paper about my beautiful Auntie Gladys. The little eraser at the top of the pencil worked as hard as the lead helping me get the words just right. Thinking of you Julia and sending my love
Lynn xx
Morning Julia. Forgive me for not sending you heartfelt thoughts - I had no idea your mum had died. I know you will manage to get all your own thoughts together to say just how much your mum meant to you. Every blessing as you re-live many memories as you write. Goodness - it seems such an age since I was doing the same for my John!
Take care, dear girl. God bless you,
Margaret #11
Like you Julia I am a compulsive editor and know how much crossing out and nuance this takes to get right!! We had a wonderful celebrant who was able to pull all our various comments together (we are four sisters) and between us we managed to get things together to my satisfaction. I was amazed that, considering how close we are, because our ages are quite disparate (66, 62, 44, 43) I discovered a whole different era of 'mum' from my younger sisters' point of view when we came together to discuss what we wanted to say. (Now that's a sentence that needs editing) Will you speak? I am afraid I just couldn't, I left that to my younger sister who did a wonderful job. As will you I know.
This week I can't see the popcorn tub. Whatever is going on, it's a mystery! The brushes are gorgeous. I'm afraid I have voted for a much cheaper option and my fancy stand is an old mug. I would love to see the nifty cleaning appartus though! Have a good week, Love n hugs Cindy xx
Wow look at those brushes...
When my sister wrote up all our ideas for our Mum's funeral, it ran into a book... Editing is not always easy!
Thinking of you at this difficult time
Sue xx
What brand is the brush set?
The blending brushes are wonderful and such a great idea, who would have thought that something we used to apply makeup could find a better home. Good luck with the funeral prep. Wishing you a happy and creative woyww, Angela x15x
The brushes look fabulous - but rather chocolatey too at first glance. This week I can't see the popcorn bowl so I don't know what's going on!!
Good luck with your writing, I hope you get the words just as you want them - it's certainly not the easiest job.
Sending love and hugs your way,
Diana xx #16
The physical act of handwriting is much more cathartic than typing a word document, I hope it’s helping at this sad time. Those brushes look amazing, do you use each one or is there a favourite? You could always use them for body polishing instead, lol!
Hugs LLJ 6 xxx
First of all I am sorry you appear to have had a nasty email. Secondly I can imagine you are going through a very emotional time now trying to write about your mother, it sounds as if you are doing it very well.. Sending all my love and biggest hugs, Angela #13
Hellooo Julia, reading your post this morning took me back to writing about my Dad almost 4 years ago now ... whatever you have written about your Mum will be filled with love and such treasured memories for you all⭐
Sending so much love,hugs and light your way at this difficult time,holding you close.
Tracy #17 xxxxx
Toooo your brushes,just look at the sheer beauty of them ... look forward to seeing what you do with them at a later date.
Good luck with your editing, Julia, it can be hard choosing what to include. I added photos, which helped me, and then had them on a rolling PowerPoint show for people to look at during the wake. Just one way of doing it. Tracy is right, whatever ever you do will be from love, and that will be evident and enough.
I agree this isn’t a political blog, but am glad to see the crafting that supports the refugees. You were right about my hardest task, the sewing on of brooch backs. If not for that, I could crochet sunflowers all day.
Your brushes look magnificent; like some Hollywood star’s makeup kit in some huge Art Deco Winnebago😀
Sending big hugs.
Take care and happy WOYWW
Lynnecrafts 14
Just realised the time so only just linked!!! Fair play on the drafts for your mums service, I know when I did my dads I had a LOT of editing I had to do (especially as some of the stories I WAS going to say!!).
Now, Q about those brushes, they look similar, so are there several so that you use one for each colour? I must admit I would be terrible at cleaning them!! My blending foam ones are a multitude of colours!
It’s hard to write someone’s life story down and it’s 22 years next week since I did it for my own mother. Sending you kind thoughts and kniw you will get there. I thought you had some lovely lollipops to show us so looking forward to seeing the blenders in action.
Just realised my link didn't go through. Just added it now! Thursday morning in Melbourne.
I did my mum's 'thingymejig....and my dads...(I can't say it let a load spell it) I surprised my self as I never believed I could do it. People said they liked hearing their 'stories'
Love the Blender Brushes... I must get me some of them! Happy WOYWW stay safe...((Lyn))last...#23
Years ago, I wrote a text for the funeral of my mother-in-law and it looked the same, I guess it felt the same too... it helps doesn't it, to pour it all out and then bring it back to a 'coherent speech'. Good luck dear. I'm intrigued by the blending brushes, they look awesome and I guess I would only buy them for looking at it, and not using... I send you love and peace from the Netherlands! Marit #4
Not able to join in this week but just popped on to say I am thinking of you. Mum, Andy and I wrote Dad's Eulogy and it was hard to edit it down to something that really captured him but wasn't too long... we must have had 10 edits before reaching a consensus. I hope that it all goes well for you. Much love. Caro xxxx
I don't know how many times I wrote and erased this post. Words just don't come easy but hope you can get your mum's services worked out to your satisfaction.
Love the brushes. I have an assortment from Picket Fence Studios that I love.
Have a great rest of the weekend.
Carol N #19
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