What a week. Europe in a situation of war that I never imagined was possible anymore, I’m sure that you’re all as moved as I am by the pictures and news coming from Ukraine. It’s frightening and disturbing; whatever your worries or connections, believe me, I’m holding you tight in my thoughts.
Meanwhile, I took a photo yesterday in daylight. The daughter of a friend is to be married at the weekend and I’m doing the last minute thing because I’m seeing her this afternoon and really want the Bride and Groom to know that we’re celebrating their joy. Seems only days ago that the Bride was one of the little bodies in the back of my car on the school run!
A lot of you will know from my slightly ranting post on Facebook that my dear Mama died last Thursday, completely overcome by almost eleven years of Alzheimer’s. So Wednesday takes a different shape yet again as I won’t need to rush out this morning! Please share and tell, you are always a welcome distraction!
Such a mixed bag of tragedy and joy, isn’t it? Life , I mean.. I think like you, the situation with Ukraine is madness, and the risk of it spilling over into the rest of Europe is terrifying. The loss of your mother is a personal tragedy but no less impactful to those who know and love you. And yet there is the joy of new love, a wedding, and the bare beginnings of a family in that union. It’s all just a bit overwhelming at this hour. But despite all the crap the world throws at us, we have the serene sanity of desk hopping to bring some crafty joy. Thanks to you. So this Wednesday is different, there is a gap for you, but our little community is here and maybe the …. normality of the weekly visits will help. It got us thru the worst of the pandemic, and hopefully it will help get you thru this loss and all of us thru the craziness in the world. Hugs.
Mary Anne
I didn't have to be awake early today as I am off work for my aunt's funeral so of course I woke ages before the alarm at 5.... just waiting for the LFT test even though in theory we don't need to any more..
I was SO sorry to hear of your loss, Julia but I hope she is at peace now. You are in my thoughts and I wish I was near enough to give you a big squishy hug.
With love, Helen xx
I was so sorry to hear of your mother's death Julia. The events in Ukraine are indeed disturbing and awful. Glad you have a positive to work on at least - they do grow up quickly don't they. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #3
How nice that you have something like a wedding to look forward to, I hope making the card helps you get through today as it will seem strange for you for this and a few Wednesdays to come.
Yes it is a frightening world again where the word 'war' joins that of 'pandemic' to have us all uneasy yet once more. Thank goodness we have you and your woyww to draw us together to a place we feel safe and secure, if only for a short while each week.
Hugs, Neet 4 xx
Mary Anne’s comment says it all, despite all the grief and political chaos, we have to carry on and take joy from happy events…and not feel guilty about it. So good to see you on Saturday xx
Hugs LLJ 5 xxx
Oh so sorry to hear the news of your mother's passing! My sincere condolences... you are in my thoughts at this very sad time...
I wasn’t sure you’d be here this week but of course life goes on. I know there will be difficult times ahead of you but am certain you will have peace of mind to know your Mum’s suffering is now over. If you need a friend please shout. Sending you lots of love and hugs,
Annie x
So sorry to hear about your mama, not easy. I know what you mean when you realise a child you knew (and still think of as a child!) does a life moment its brilliant but does make you think!! (Realising its my nieces 21st this month!!) Lovely pressie from Debbie too.
Kyla #9
I’m sending a virtual hug to you our lovely Julia but be aware that when we eventually meet up you may just end up with the living daylights squeezed out of you.
Love Lynn xxx
I know I've already said this but I am sorry to hear about your mum but at least you now have other things to occupy and make you smile and great memories of your mum too. We had a craft class on Saturday at the Craft group and Jo Channon was there. I mentioned the blogging and she asked how you were. Obviously I didn't know about your mum at the time but she asked to be remembered to you. Sending woyww hugs, Angela x11x
So sorry to hear about your Mum, prayers and hugs to you. BJ#12
So sorry to hear about your mum, Julia. Nothing can prepare you for that, even if you saw it coming. The world has gone mad and all we can do is trying to keep it together. Sending you lots of love, zsuzsa #14 xx
So, so sorry about your Mum, Julie. Dementia is such a cruel illness. Sending big hugs to you.
I’m glad WOYWW is a welcome distraction. I found myself rushing round organising and it took a while for me to realise I could take things more slowly.
Take care
Lynnecrafts 15
It's such an up and down world at the moment isn't it - I do hope you have a lovely time at the wedding, it always amazes me that time moves so fast and kids grow up so quickly - reaching adulthood took forever when I was a child!!
I'm glad you have some happy news mixed in with the sad - the card is looking beautiful and I love Debbie's box, what a very talented lady she is.
Sending you love and hugs,
Diana xx #16
Happy WOYWW. A hug from Pembrokeshire (I must come to Wiltshire to see you this year) at this difficult time. A wedding must be a very welcome distraction. Good luck with the 'white' crafting. Your new little guillotine looks very useful. I have a cheap small trimmer to go in my craft workshop bag, but it doesn't cope with a lot of use (thankfully the replacement blades are cheap too). I will go and search for something similar. Ali x #17
I remember when my husband died and standing at my lounge window looking out at the world and thinking life goes on and nobody knows what I am going through. It is true life does go on even with all the terrible things happening in the world and we have to make the most of it.
Let me know when you are about to swing the guillotine and I will duck. Ani
Dear, dear Julia... oh am so sorry, your darling mumma. Can quite understand the upset though didnt see in FB dont go there much.
Oh, am so sad for you.
Praying extra hard. Thanks for sharing.
I did manage to blog though rrally out of time.
For some reason too your comment box is embedded not pop up so I'm on my mobile.
Embedded wont work on ipad. Love the sound of the wee guillotine, yet looks afully like one I inherited but never use cose too tiny.
But yours plus purple now thats a plus.
Its rapidly approaching midnight so must fly!
Be assured of my love thoughts and most of all many prayers for you all. It was so hard with visiting with Covid too that made it all the more difficult.
Thanks for sharing, and may God bless and keep you and all whom you love. Loads and piles of love and giant prayer hugs, Shaz in Oz. X
{Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
{Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}
Please Julia ignore embedded comment, the flea brain caught up, it was on mobile site not web site hence embedded comment box. Praying love Shaz.x π❤️ππ₯πππ
Good afternoon Julia, I woke up tired this morning and can’t seem to get going! Just read your post and I am so sorry to hear about you mother. It us such a huge hole in our lives specially when you have been so close. Sending hugs and heartfelt sympathy.
I checked out the pottery, it reminded me of a set of salt and pepper houses that I liked. I wonder how big the house pendants are? My eyes are closing as I type so may have a little nap before starting my comments! What number am I? Where am I? Zzzzzzz
Angela #13
So much love and hugs winging your way at your mum's passing ... no words ever enough Julia for the heartbreak ... I`m sorry I only found out, my thoughts and prayers are with you and your loved ones.
Sadly the world hasn`t learned from the past looking at what`s unfolding on the news ... hearts go out to those suffering.
I`m sure the bride will know just how much love is in your card, treasured it will be I`m sure for years to come. Pssst I do love a guillotine.
Sorry I`m late linking up ... a friend appeared early this morning ... lovely surprise and we ended up going for a long walk ... working for myself I loooove but it can get lonely. Now I`m on catch up but feeling so good for the visit.
Much love and prayers winging your way. Tracy #21 xxxxx
So sorry to hear bout your Mom. Alzheimer's is such a horrible way to go. Hugs and love to you and your family. We are certainly in strange times right now, especially with almost the entire world in defiance of what Putin is doing. I hope it ends soon in Peace and he realizes what a fool he is. The Russian people are also in a lot of pain, as they are the ones being hit hard by the sanctions, through no fault of their own.
On a happier thought, your desk looks very busy and productive, nothing like a group scrap to get the Mojo moving again! Have a great week, Lindart #23
Hi Julia, Mary Anne has said all that I would say, only better. Just know that you're in our thoughts. I know from personal experience that losing your mother is devastating. Take care of yourself dear friend. Hugs, Elizabeth x #24
We had Lady Pam's funeral last Thursday, so I'm so sorry you lost your mum and my thoughts are with you. We had a nice spread of munches and nibbles and met a few of the family we never knew excisted. ('Funny in't it!?' as Pam would say) Meanwhile, Hubby and daughter planned a get away weekend, only I had dogs on the Friday so we couldn't meet up with daughter and grandkiddies til Saturday- they had a lovely time! Surprisingly so much to do! Your desk does look very busy, and I'm noe wishing I picked up a little cutter at he Charity Crafty shop now...maybe I'll pop back and see if its still there. Happy WOYWW!? ((Lyn)#19
Sorry to hear about your mom. Mine died almost 8 years ago and I still miss her. I treasure the memories of her and I know you will of your mom.
Great busy desk.
Hugs and prayers from southern Arizona.
Carol N #20
Julia, I am so sorry for your loss of your precious mom. We are never ready to lose our moms , even when they are suffering. Hugs sweet lady.
Just a note to you, hugs and sympathy for the loss of your Mama, You'll have tears here and there when that certain memory comes around, song is being played but you gave your time and love and the memories are great. A busy week here relatives visiting, with 2 funerals,much laundry and a birthday it was a tidy up/etc. I've stayed glued to the TV with the horror of Ukraine. My son/family not that far away. What an awesome young determined Pres. I pray they can get that they need to overcome the mess. Wishing you good weather, much safety and time to find the calm. ππ
So many mixed joys and sorrows right. I'm sharing in your loss of your mom. My mom passed away with pneumonia complications with Dementia.
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