I think because I have tons of stuff to do, on and off the desk, I’m allowing myself to be easily distracted! Procrastination comes in many forms, doesn’t it. You’d think wouldn’t you, that I might procrastinate by tidying up or unpacking after crop. Neither. I’ve been searching through my clear stamps and deciding that the storage is fine for me, but not very ordered, so that’s to go on a to do list.
I don’t know if you can tell but there are two pairs of glasses visible, almost entwined, and there’s another pair in the fabric holder at left. And there’s another pair in my scrapbooking kit to be unpacked. So many! Proof though, that I return to my desk a lot and that I take a pair of readers with me, just in case I sit down and do something! You can see too that I’ve rummaged sufficiently to find the clear stamp set that matches the die that’s been lurking on the desk for months.I assumed it would be the same size as the stamps and therefore be really useful. Alas it’s not and will have to be a stand-alone asset. That’s the problem with me and impulse purchasing….!The big die cut at the back of the desk is from a rack of postcards at Paperchase…no idea for it’s use, but couldn’t leave it in the shop.
I’m sorry I didn’t get around to every desk last week, it usually takes me a few days but last week just got away from me….must put time management on my to do list too.
Join me then please, in the show and tell of the week! Put WOYWW in your post title and link here. Easy innit.
Busy desk Julia! already on the way to work so will link tonight when I get home .
Think we all impulse buy at some time or another. Well, I cannot see the glasses but I can see two pair of scissors intertwining - and a third pair lurking too.
Probably after this morning's session (do tell me if I should not have mentioned the class) I will just push all my stuff to one side and get doing the journal page for tomorrow and then leave it all just like you did after your weekend crop.
Here's to a good week for you
Hugs, Neet 1 xx
I am like you - I have distance glasses (slowly improving over time) mid range computer distance ones, that up until a few weeks ago were fine also for close work, and close up ones from an older prescription. I seem to be constantly swapping the close and mid-range ones to try to get things in focus. I have a bin on my desk with multiple scissors and I never fail to grab the wrong ones for the task at hand LOL! And Paperchase is my 100% fave place for so many things. Such a treasure trove. Totally with you on the time management - 4th dose of the vax today for me and wondering if I will be out of commission after it - the Hubster and Darling Daughter were laid low by their booster of a different brand. Between that and the medical appointments my time management is shot to sh*t :D
Happy WOYWW!
Mary Anne (3)
I’m usually pretty good with forward planning and time management....but not when it takes me 6 hours to put right a mistake!! It’s been one of those weeks to say the least. Oh well, onward and upward. Really hope you enjoyed your workshop weekend.
Annie x
Good morning Julia, I’m with you on the reading glasses issue, I have them all over the house and always have a pair on top of my head except for the other day in Marks and Spencer’s when I said I must have left them in the car. They were actually on my face. Yikes is that an age thing or just not wanting to get home.
When you find the time management department point me in the right direction will you. In the meantime enjoy your week and thanks for keeping us all together
Lynn xx 7
Morning Julia, a very productive looking desk, I like the look of the die but I agree it would be so much more useful if if it was the same size as the stamp. As for glasses I seem to spend an awful lot of my life searching for them despite having a 'permanent' pair in most rooms of the house! Hope you have a great week and good luck with the time management - it's eluding me at the moment!
Diana xx #8
Hi Julia, you made me smile with the to do list as there's always one here Lol! Distraction is easy and sometimes too great so just go with it, I'm sure you'll sort it somehow. Happy creative woyww what ever you manage to do. Angela x10x
Good morning Julia. These “to do” lists get longer! I even have a folder on my laptop that says “Needs sorting”.
Shame about the differing sizes of stamp and die. Not looking forward to seeing the dentist, but I guess nobody does.
Have a great week Angela #9
Still desperately trying to make out what that die is - LOL Shame about it not being the same size as the stamp. Oh my you do have a lot of glasses. I just have a swapsie pair at the computers, one up and one downstairs. Mine are all prescription though. Talking of procrastination, that's the name of the game for me too this week LOL. BJ#11
Ooh like BJ i am trying to make out the die too, i never go to paperchase but after reading this and mary annes comment i think i may need to pop in. I agree as well there are SO many ways to procrastinate...ooh, i may make a list of them ;-)
Kyla #12
Four pairs of reading glasses? That, my dear, is why I went back to wearing glasses all the time. They’re varifocals, clear glass at the top and readers below. I could lose readers and even did so twice when they were on the top of my head!
A very busy desk. I used to live Paperchase when I worked in London. We don’t have one in Folkestone.
Take care and happy WOYWW
Lynnecrafts 13
I don't know about lots of glasses - but there are certainly lots of pairs of scissors!
Your opening sentence is the truth!! When my Dad called me a procrastinator I felt very honoured . . . . it was several years before I found out what it meant . . . . horrified was I . . .
The glasses syndrome - yep, another tick
Impulse buy of mismatched stamp and die . . . . all these ticks will go to my head!!!
Other than that - good morning!
have a good week
Christine #17
Happy WOYWW. My eyesight is as tired as the rest of my body at the moment, so I didn't attempt to find the various pairs of glasses. I love the Paperchase shops. Luckily I rarely get to one, as I couldn't leave without purchasing at least one thing. Ali x #19
Oh Julia, all those pairs of specs! I'm a lifelong specs wearer so I have one pair of varifocals,three very necessary lenses in one, that only come off for cleaning, me or the specs, and sleeping. I've not been in a Paperchase in a long time so wasn't aware that they sold dies too. I'm all for some healthy procrastination. Have a fabulous week. Hugs, Elizabeth x
Happy Wednesday to WOYWW.
Procastination is my middle name. I'm terrible, especially with things I don't like to do but even with things I do. For some reason I think that I can't do art until everything else is done. Like a reward. Sometimes everything doesn't get done. My BUJO helps a lot, checking things off as I do them gives me a sense of getting things done. But still, the last thing I check off is art! Your desk looks nice and inviting. I've never had as many glasses as you do! Have a great week, Lindart #21
Nothing wrong with an impulse buy Julia - the stencil is yet another size so allows choice when working on different sizes of card I suppose. Look forward to seeing what you do with it/them. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #14
finally home and linked, will start visiting soon - just need to get dinner fixed!
Hi Julia, I have a similar issue with a die and a stamp - they were the same brand, the same title for both - it was a flower die & stamp - but they didn't match which was a tad annoying. I have a pair of glasses I leave in my craft room - but forget where I put them mist of the time, as I don't wear them often. I've found lately I need to wear glasses for the tiny crochet stitches. Have a lovely week, Heather xx #2
My main occupation is searching for items in my craft room! LOL It is a pity that the die and stamp weren't the same size. I try not to buy anything anymore for my craftroom,as I can barely walk in here. I have run out of room in the desks, the closet, so now things are on the floor! EKE! #25
I'm still working my way around desks! That is a busy desk!
I think I have a pair of readers on my desk (somewhere) and a pair at my computer. Gotta start getting kits cut for class in 2 weeks but did get tax stuff almost ready after all day Friday at the computer working on it!
Catch you next Wednesday or after.... I hope!
Carol N # 17
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