Wednesday 31 July 2019

What’s On Your Workdesk? Wednesday 530

I’m out early this morning, delivering bespoke timber products. Doors, today that means doors and frames. Glamour central. So, to assuage the disappointment of having to schedule a post, I’m offering a twofer. Mainly because I surprised myself so much I wanted to create photographic evidence.....

I tidied and put away all the scrapbooking stuff. Then I emptied my Saturday shopping bag onto the desk. I had already forgotten about the mould and modelling clay, so immediately set to. Didn’t read any instructions, just opened the wrapper and got stuck in. It’s white air drying clay, but it’s not really clay. It’s more a foam. Incredibly light and amazingly mouldable, flexible etc. I was surprised, and will show and tell the results, I’m going to presume that I need to give it 24 hours before I attempt anything too arty with it!
You can see that Shopkeeper Gal, and some of you actually have me in a panic over Christmas stuff. She even wanted to get me to commit to a Christmas Card Marathon. I let her flatter me into saying yes and then felt slightly appalled when she forced me to help set the date! It’s going too fast! So then, my thoughts on Christmas, I did some Christmas style shopping. You can just make out a couple of C6 ish size dies and a 12” pad of Poinsettia papers. I’m not a huge Poinsettia fan to be honest, but the sheets are double sided and the reverse patterns are great for card making. 

It’s not glittery or even easy to see on the pad of paper that became my work surface...but I made a Christmas card just by messing about! Before the end of July. I’m on a roll. And apparent magic...look how that acrylic block is ‘floating’ by the acrylic drawers! So share and tell then, let’s have your stories of tidy and productive desks to make me feel right at home with my single card achievement! Please put WOYWW in your post title and link here. Thanks!


Neet said...

Ooh ghostly goings on here. How on earth did you get that acrylic block to float like that? That is spooky that is. Here's me having had a 'not nice dream' and now this. Not a happy bunny so instead of going back to sleep I think I might just take that shower whilst I can.
Ghostly happenings and Christmas at WOYWW - I just can't take it.
Hugs, Neet 1 xx

Claire said...

Oh no, not the C-word, pleeease...
So glad I dropped by at 6am and found you'd already posted :) I missed last week - there IS a very valid excuse, Miss, honest!
Happy WOYWW :)
Claire, no. 2

Helen said...

I was just reading Neet's post from my reader list... and here you are already! Love the magic floating block.. as for the C card prep - well I'll forgive you as it's planning for classes.. but only cos it's you! hope the delivery day isn't too hard work. Helen 3

Twiglet said...

Oo- Christmas cards already! Well done you! I guess you have to be well prepared ready for workshops. Nice Christmassy papers. xx Jo

Sarah Brennan said...

Welcome to the dark side of C in July Julia lol. I have some more samples to do for shows in August so I will be doing the same shortly. Look forward to seeing what you make with the newly home made moulded items. Happy WOYWW. Sarah #9

Annie said...

Christmas!! Oh no far too soon for me I’m afraid but I do understand that you have to get organised....and not just wing it like me in November ������. I’m quilt making today wahoooo.
Annie x

Lynn Holland said...

I skimmed straight passed that C word and focused in on the other C word - Clay and I’m looking forward to seeing the results Mrs D.
In the meantime hope the delivery goes well
Lynn x

Anne said...

Hi Julia, finally I'm back! Now I don't mind the C word! I ought to start making as I always run out of time. Just looking for ideas at moment. Hope deliveries went well! Anne x @ 12

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Julia, I start to get all jittery when people mention Christmas but I am determined this year to use up what I've already got which will hopefully mean no new Christmas Masterboards. This will prove very painful for me but it's got to be done Lol! That block does look strange!!!! Have a great woyww and a happy creative week, Angela x13x

Tracey@Hotchpotchcreations said...

It's fabulous stuff is that air dry clay, if it's the stuff that's made from paper it will dry in no time especially with the heat we have been having.
I'm scared by the amount of Christmas card posts i'm seeing but i'm not feeling the pressure just yet (she says having purchased a couple of Christmas stamps already this week!!) I quite like the poinsettia on paper but the real ones tend to curl and die if they set foot in my house..
Happy WoywW Julia & Thank you for hosting Hugs Tracey #14

Marit said...

You gals amaze me every year (and this is the 6th year for me at woyww...) with Christmas stuff in July. Ohmy... just survived a heat wave and now I have to deal with X-mas bells and trees? NO WAY you can get me to think about Christmas in Summer.. you English are weird ;) I send you a big hug though, 'cause you are the nicest 'weirdo' I know and I luv you! Marit #15

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

The foamy air-drying clay sounds just like what I need! Poor you for getting roped into a Christmas Marathon in July LOL - but at least you're ahead of the game! xx

Glenda said...

It's a wonderful thing to work on Christmas in July! I do it every year (begin that is) but am never quite ready by December anyway. I guess I just put it off and put it off and suddenly it is here!
Glenda #17

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Actually Julia, since you’ve made a really lovely Christmas card just playing around you could join in with Hazels challenge as well as Scrappy Mo’s July Challenge, if you join in today! I love poinsettias but they Flower in winter here ie now, and so not Christmas but of course the shops still sell them then.
Mine in posts this year have struggled as I didnt water them enough or feed them, it’s been very dry but paradoxically wet today, thankfully! Or tonight, it’s nearly 10pm. I’m loving your jumping in with the clay without reading directions! I do that but don’t always pull it off like you.
Lovely desk share! Happy WOYWW. Thanks for sharing, Shaz in Oz.x #19

{Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
{Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

Catriona said...

I like the look of the foamy clay-look forward to seeing the finished article.

Dorlene Durham said...

I've seen a lot of Christmas in July posts too and it makes me shutter. LOL The funny thing is that I'm in Christmas time by order of my scrapbook now. I just finished some Halloween and November layouts and so I'll be working on some Christmas themed projects soon too. Have a spectacular week! Dorlene #22

Kathryn Frantz said...

Christmas? I've been thinking of it too... Are you hosting a challenge or will it be a class, something in a shop?

Happy Wednesday.

Jan said...

Happy WOYWW #530 great desk you have been very busy! xx Jan (21)

StampinCarol said...

I've been seeing the C word more and more! But then, I just had a Christmas in July class where we made 3 cards and a large tag. Guess it's never too early.
Have a great week!
Carol N #20

shazsilverwolf said...

Hi Julia, definitely running late this week. Breathlessness got silly yesterday, even walking across the room sent me breathless, so GP sent me for a chest X-Ray, then was given some nebulisers and an IV antibiotic & steroids to help, so most of yesterday was spent in A&E. Bit better today, as long as I do everything at a snail pace! I'm quite fond of Poinsettias, and saw someones card today where they'd done them in blue, which looked fab. I must resist the paper pad, I must resist the paper pad. :) Double sided is always a bonus. Love & hugs, Shaz #4 XxXxXX

Christine said...

I actually spoke about getting my C things out so I could start - just spoke about it ....
Love the card you've made and you've reminded me ..... I have some clay some where .... some where....
Have a fun week and thanks again for hosting a super get together.
Christine #23

craftyani said...

Get ahead with Christmas, come December and there will be lots of shouts of 'wish I'd started earlier. I am determined to use all my old Christmas stock up this year and not be tempted into buying new. Ani 5

Shoshi said...

I'm with the others on the subject of the "C" word, Julia - I was only saying the other day that it intrudes on our life for 3 months of the year these days (that's a quarter of the year no less!) but to be thinking about it in August is a bit much, I think!!! Thank you for visiting. The tea stains look tea coloured to me... They are normal tea.

Happy belated WOYWW,
Shoshi #18

sandra de said...

We are getting organised for Xmas in July but we ran out of time and now it's August. If we keep up this rate it will be on in December ....:)

Christine said...

so sorry I didn't let you know that I was here.... wednesday/thursday rushing about.
Back now with a bit more time so I am visiting!!!
Love that card, and love the idea of using a paper pad .....
have a fun week
Christine #23