Sunday 30 September 2018

A collaboration.

When I write a blog post, I don't consider who might read it. Is that selfish, normal, odd? I don't know. I was very surprised a couple of weeks ago to receive communication from a bloke who had read this post about a vacuum cleaner. Allen, he is called, wanted to use or link to the post on the website that he runs. His website is all about tips tricks and articles for keeping a lovely house, Cleaning, keeping, products, you name it. It's called home viable and is super slick. Of course, it features some amazing properties (amazing photography too). And these properties are clean. Man they are clean. They remind me of some of the paper crafting celebrities houses - you know when they post about how busy they've been decorating with all their new products to celebrate that the third fence post from the left had a bird on it this morning. I know, I'm just jealous.
Allen and I had a to-and-fro. I pointed out that his proposal to have a presence on each other's web pages would cross the Atlantic Ocean. No problem said he, he is in the process of adding UK products and recommendations too. I did not point out that the kitchen pictured is almost the size of the ground floor of my home. But he might have heard me shriek at the inclusion of a high chair. It's not something I'm any longer associated with - babies in residence. Oh how tiring.
I also pointed out that there is a weekly thing on my bog that exposes the current state of my uncared for, neglected, unpolished, slovenly looking desk. Often featuring filthy windows and an unswept floor. He said that his site visitors aren't all perfects, it's a place to find tips and tricks (which it has, in abundance) for when us not-so-perfects need to ask questions. Well in the end, his enthusiasm flattered me and I think it harmless. After all, I can aspire. So for a while at least, one of these lovely photos will appear on my blog, acting as a link to home viable. I might get some more readers from it. To my eternal disappointment this 'deal' didn't come with a cleaner for life, a house that resembles these two pictures or even a pot of turquoise paint, which it would seem I need if I'm to be a trend leader. Nothing. But now there's a bloke called Allen, somewhere in the US, who thinks I'm joking about my domestic propensities. Meanwhile, there's an article  which bears further investigating - how to keep my 1975 Shag rug looking shaggy. You can't make this stuff up - me and domestic bliss! 


Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I can't stop laughing at your post, dear Julia. I get the occasional reader who has a unique comment, but I often find their posts to be spam. I'm glad you didn't delete his comment, because you may not get a new vacuum, a spotless house, or even a new shag carpet (grin), but you made me laugh and check out home viable's site. And, after all that was his and apparently your aim. Still laughing.

Unknown said...

First time I’ve smiled since last night - cheers medears

Christine said...

Too funny!! Much as I aspire to a lovely clean beautiful house....I prefer my home which is how I live. Relaxed I think the word is.....

Christine said...
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Sue said...

Did give me a good laugh.

Hope you have a good stsart to the week and the month. Sue

Annie Claxton said...

omg I just got sucked into reading all those tips about cleaning - I won't actually do any of them, just because I'm too lazy and chaotic :o) I would love to have a shiny, fragrant home,I just couldn't keep up the maintenance. Totally get your frustration with the vacuum cleaner GRRRRR. Though these days, my DH does most of the "hoovering" so it doesn't frustrate me half as much as it used to! :o)xxx

Twiglet said...

Yes, I'm chuckling too - I wish I was a bit more "Homes and Gardens" sometimes but then I think - what the heck - I am happy and that will do for me - and anyone else who cares to pop in! xxx Jo

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

You're so funny, Julia! Brilliant post and the thought that our messy desks are now linked to this website promoting super-clean-and-tidy-homes makes me giggle!