Friday 7 September 2018

Excuses, excuses

I am not going to be at the WOYWW Crop this year. There's been a lot going on here, and you'd be forgiven for thinking that it's because I'm doing the decent thing and spending more time with my Mum. But it's not. Some time ago, when he realised the clash of dates, Mr Dunnit revealed that he'd bought us tickets for an event on Saturday that frankly, we can't afford to let go. I am looking forward to a 'day off' from everything and a day basking in the attention of my husband who will not talk about the work that takes up 6 days of his week or the extension that takes up 5 evenings and one day a week. We have been living together in parallel lives and I'm happy to be breaking that routine!
You may want this in your head as you eat my share of the prizes for guessing who sent me this after nearly collapsing with laughter when she found it!

I won't half miss all the chatter and buzz of being at the Crop, but there will be other dates and locations and apart from standing on a chair and bossing people about at mealtimes, I'm not exactly indispensable to the day! Margaret has it all in hand, as she did last year, so you lot just have to turn up and chat. Oh, and eat! There will be a raffle, the charity to benefit will be of Margaret's choice. As usual, we will ask for subs to cover food and hall hire. And as usual, there will be the odd spare table for swaps, give-aways and I small sales.  Have fun. Take pictures, and remember, I will be asking questions!


Sue said...

Hi Julia, Hope you and your hubby enjoy the event on Saturday.

Did chuckle at the image. Sue

Kathyk said...

Sorry to hear you are going to miss the get together but sounds like a really (REALLY) good reason - ENJOY


Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Not an excuse, but a realization and rationalization that family comes first.

I always thought I was more British than American, but I don't get the image (seriously).

Tracey@Hotchpotchcreations said...

From what I have read over the past few weeks you are in need of some quality Hubby time Julia. I'm sure the photo's and chatter on what everyone gets up too at the crop will makes us all feel like we were there.
Enjoy your play date with hubby & take good care.
Hugs Tracey xx

Annie said...

You will of course be missed greatly but I'm sure you will enjoy your special day with that wonderful man of yours. Sending you biggest hugs.
Annie x

Twiglet said...

There will be lots of other times for us lot to meet up . Quality time with that hubby of yours takes top priority - enjoy every minute. Be assured we will eat lots, talk more and definitely take pics! xx Jo

Helen said...

You absolutely need some time to yourselves with all that has been going on - have a great weekend. I know that you will be missed at the crop but everyone will do a sterling job in eating your share of the goodies... love the pic Jan (it was Jan right?!) found... yep, the blubber has to go somewhere, right!! Look after yourself.

Sarah Brennan said...

Hope you had a great day out. I've put up my version of the day too.

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

Hope you had a wonderful time. Things out of the ordinary can really help with the stress in our lives. Hang in there, and keep fun busy.

Monica said...

The down side of plastic surgery!