Wednesday 15 November 2017

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday 441

I feel that I may have missed a chunk of days!
It's all glitter! Here actually is the last card I've made for our Christmas Card Marython, which all of a sudden, is on Sunday. For reasons best known to the house fool, the iPad stand is holding a packet of fabric stars and the iPad is wedged under the box lid at left. That little red box really is a box of socks - four pairs of cute baby socks - really too cute not to make your ovaries do a bit of a ping. I have a very dear friend who has become a Nanny for the second time. The socks are for the baby - Nanny and Papa will get a large Gin when we next see them! This is it for me, Christmas card making is officially over. This desk will be privy to a lot of wrapping, but no more crafting for Christmas. To be honest, I'm incredibly relieved!
Join us will you, share and tell about your lovely work space, whatever it is, we wanna see it. Put WOYWW in your blog post title and link your blog here; easy as that.


Helen said...

You have time to finish my cards for me then.... well done! Huge luck with the Marython. I haven't used traditional Christmas colours so far this year (tend to stay away from them, lol!)

glitterandglue said...

Morning Julia. Trusting the Marython goes well this weekend! No more Christmas card making this year? Wow! - Well done. I've made for lots of other folk, charities or events, but not a card for myself - I sat the other day and produced a computer generated one! That will be it, I think!!
Take care dear girl. God bless.
Margaret #2

sandra de said...

To think you have finished your christmas cards and wrapping leaves me speechless. I have 4 birthdays to get through this month before I even can contemplate the X factor. Your card is looking very nice. Might have to borrow some clever ideas. Enjoy your Marython.
sandra de @4

BJ said...

Oh so wish I could see that Christmas card close up. Somehow have a bit of a quiver thinking I ought to be making my cards this year but decided not to do it last year so haven't. Will make some for my craft group but then they appreciate the handmadeness not sure others do but we'll find out this year when they don't get one LOL. Didn't get round to any replies last week as I had a bad cold and only turned my PC on yesterday after 5 days! Hoping to be more productive this week. BJ#7

Shoshi said...

Your desk looks so organised, Julia, and being the productive soul you are (quite unlike Shoshi these days lol!) you are bound to get everything done in time. Congrats to the new grandparents and I loved your way of expressing going all broody! Ha ha!!

Happy WOYWW,
Shoshi #8

Annie said...

Omg you’ve finished making your Christmas cards? I’m seriously impressed as I’m only just thinking about mine and haven’t found any spare time as yet. I hope Sunday goes well.
Annie x

Sarah Brennan said...

Hi Julia, I really hope the Marython goes well on Sunday. Congratulations on finishing all your Christmas crafting! Sarah #10

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Oh Julia! wash your mouth out girl! I'm not half way through my cards. I had better get my skates on Lol! Happy woyww dear Julia x11x

lisa said...

You've taken the wind completely out of my sails, Julia...thinking I was being good having actually made a start on my C cards and here you are all finished and done!!! Well done you and good luck with the Marython.
Right, I'd better get back to it now, I have some ground to make up.
Hugs Lisax #12

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

Congrats on the progress you've made with Christmas. Wrapping is my most disliked job, but I do have most gifts already waiting. Card ideas are floating about the mind as well as notes for my included yearly letter.
Love the sparkled reindeer and those tall trees. The Sock box is adorable.
Have fun at your marathon, our nest 5 weekends are already filled 6 family birthdays, a pre family Christmas gathering and 2 Thanksgiving day plans. Hoping our weather brings some sunshine to get me motivated, terrible weather here. Enjoy.

Diana Taylor said...

Big pat on the back for finishing your cards - I need to up my game, I'm no where near production line speed yet!
Have a great week,
Diana xx #17

Ellie said...

Hey Julia! that's a very active desk, yes I am looking forwad to not making Christmas projects.
have a great day
Ellie #19

Sue said...

Hi Julia, Very busy and Christmassy desk this week.

Love the sock box.

Sue #18

Twiglet said...

Well done on the Christmas card front! I haven't even got a plan of action yet!! xx Jo

Anonymous said...

Happy WOYWW. I haven't made any this year (yet - and not sure if I will actually get round to any!), but was just thinking that my usual posting date of 1st December will be here soon. Going to start writing out some charity cards this week (I have lots left over from previous years) - and still have my slimmed down but still large Christmas Stash Box next to my table, just in case I actually feel like making a card! Ali x #22

Elizabeth said...

Hi Julia, I'm just a wee bit jealous today ... you've finished your Christmas crafting. How relaxed will you be while I'm still trying to catch up after a major loss of mojo over the summer months. Baby socks - anything baby related - brings out my maternal instinct too but I am only too happy to dangle grand-babies on my knee these days ... so nice to be able to hand them back to mum when they have had enough of me! I like the green card bases - something different. At least you can locate your ipad - my smartphone is definitely not on my desk right now. Have a great week. Hugs, Elizabeth x #24

Lindart said...

Congrats to your friends! I'm sure they will welcome the big bottle of gin! Sometimes having looming deadlines does wonders for creativity! I thought the where about of the i-pad, and what's in the i-pad holder was hilarious! Sounds like my house! Have a great week, Lindart #25

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on being done with Christmas Crafting! You get a gold star. I'm nearly done. Will be going through cards next week to see which needs inside sentiments then getting them ready for post! Creative Blessings! Kelly

Cheetarah said...

That is so amazing you're already done with your Christmascard makings! I can imagine that it being a relief! Not decided if I will handmake every card this year or like last year, just make one design and have it sent out to the printer's... the last option is so much practical for me! Happy WOYWW! xox Cheetarah #28

Stacy Sheldon said...

Hi Julia,I am so impressed that you are done with your crafting. I usually do mine after the booth every year over the long Thanksgiving weekend. :) I had to smile about how you phrased that with the socks and the gin. ~Stacy #30

Felicia said...

Julia, congrats on being able to FINISH up your Christmas crafting! Phew! I haven't even started yet!!!! LOLOLOL Also congrats for the Nanny! How precious about the socks!! And how hysterical about the gin!! LOL Loving what looks like are going to be fabulous cards on your desk! Blessings, Felicia #26

Neet said...

Oh Julia, I do envy you having put Christmas making to bed so to speak. I have yet to start and don't know when it will be. Why do I lurch from one thing to another and never seem to have time to do the things i want to do. I just need to be more organised and do less planning.
Good luck with the weekend we both are busy Sunday - roll on Monday. (no cancel that, roll on Wednesday)
Hugs, Neet 5 xx

Annie Claxton said...

congratulations on finishing your Christmas cards. I still have quite a bit of panicking to do :o) Have lots of fun at your Marython! Annie C #20

Christine said...

All I can say is .... well done! enjoy your Christmas!! lol
At least I have made a start!
Have a laugh at the Marython
Christine #33

StampinCarol said...

I'm a long ways from being done with my Christmas cards but my last class until January is Friday so I'll have a bit of time to play. Congrats on getting yours done! Have fun at you Marython!
Carol N #23

shazsilverwolf said...

Hi Julia, just realised I forgot to leave a comment. I LOVE the colour of those cards & envelopes, I'm a real fan of green. Doug is indeed really pleased to be off nights. To be totally honest, he only did it because I wanted to do the night shift, but it's been a real pain for the last couple of years, with me being off & him still doing nights. He's loving being able to come home in the evening/early afternoon, depending on which shift he's on. Apparently he like me, rofl! Love and hugs to you both, Shaz XxX

misteejay said...

Your desk looks busy but organised. I keep thinking that I must get a few more done but just don't seem to get the time to sit down and do them.
Toni xx

Robyn said...

all I can say is, I have not yet begun. that is all.

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