A part of the legacy from my friend Mary. We needed to spread them out to see them and decide what we could use, keep etc. Would that there was room to keep them all. And time to use them!
Anyway, my real desk is back to being a crafter's nightmare...
Late yesterday I set to finishing some Workshop samples; it's next week and once again I seem to have managed to convince myself that I had a week in hand. Lordy, it all just goes by too fast!
I was playing with Distress Inks and solid stamps, but they aren't great inks for that, so I gave up. Then I had another idea that involved those Pixie Powders.(Like Brushos, but pearlescent). It is my mission to come up with a way to enjoy them without making heaps of mess. Ha! An empty mug, the spoon is a give-away - I only keep the spoon in a mug if it's hot chocolate. Inevitably there's scissors, and today, even two pairs of glasses. It's not fully productive, but when you've got a room full of stamps to sort and pick over, it's difficult to concentrate!
Show and tell will you? we'd like to see how you're doing, what you're doing and what you've got. Link your WOYWW entitled post here and some of us will pop round. This whole thing is based on reciprocal visits - if you aren't getting many visitors, you probably aren't making many visits. If you don't visit at all, but just link here, eventually people will recognise your blog link and pass it over. You have to participate in the community to get something/anything out of it. That's not unreasonable, huh!
Housekeeping: there's a new WOYWW logo and therefore a new badge...lemme know if you'd like one!
your desk looks busy (the distress oxides would be great for stamping with solid stamps, they stamp beautifully... just call me enabler) and the table -ooh to rummage! hope the workshop goes well. H xx
Morning Julia. That lovely card arrived safely - thank you so much:-) Your table! I don't think I have ever seen so many stamps in one place at the same time. You certainly have your work cut out sorting through all those!! But what fun, and what a gift! Your "real" desk is considerably tidier than mine - so good to know you also experiment and aren't happy with the result sometimes!
Take care, girl. God bless.
Margaret #1 - however did I manage that?
Wow.....that’s one lot of stamps! I’m missing in action this week as I have nothing creative to share and as you know I’m not at my desk. But as you can imagine I am having just the best of times with this gorgeous guy of mine here in Rhodes.
I do plan to call by at a few desks while my breakfast is being cooked for me but visits this week will be very limited as Internet isn’t up to much over here ....but who cares? 😀😀😀😀
Have a great week my friend and I will be present and correct next week.
Annie x
My goodness, Julia, that IS a lot of stamps! The few wood mounted ones I had have all been unmounted so they take up less room but I’d hate to tackle that many lol! How do you normally store them? Your desk looks busy and productive - hope what you are preparing for goes well.
Shoshi #3 - don’t think I’ve ever been that near the top of the list before!
Hi Julia that is one busy desk and dining table! I too am struggling to prepare for my upcoming class :-( no doubt it will all come right in the end. Have a great week. Anne x #4
You and Shopkeeper Gal are doing an amazing job sorting out Mary's stash...goood on you. I hope you're getting bookings for the Marython!
Hugs LLJ 5 xxx
Hi Julia, By heck that's a lot of stamps.
Your desk it busy as always.
I always visit blogs that have left a comment on my blog. I not not say much, but I do leave a comment.
Sue #6
Gosh I must be early, how high up am I! All those stamps that's some job and one I need to do. Have a great time sorting them. Happy woyww, Angela x7x
What a great load of stamps - the urge to rummage is strong in me after seeing that lot! I dread to think how many stamps, dies, inks etc I've collected over the years - it would be an eye opener seeing them all in one pile like that, I'd probably never buy another one again - or perhaps I would!! Have fun sorting and I hope you come across some real gems.
Diana xx #9
wow! some sorting that is!
I would just take the lot and tell the Marython girls to choose which they want to work with and then take those home with them!!!
Best of luck sorting out the Workshop cards.
Christine #10 - early this week as I am expecting a 'run in' with scoffolders .... yes, I am back to trying to get Adams Askey to finish the job!!!
Gosh, that's a LOT of stamps to sort through! I could say I don't envy you, but I actually do! Just noticed, Julia, there are some spam comments on your 'How to link to WOYWW' page. Not sure if you're aware - been there since 2016, it appears. Hope you have a good week - have fun with those stamps! zsuzsa #11 (I don't think I've ever been so high up before!)
Holy moly, that are a lot of stamps to go though and sort! Wish you best of luck with that. Love the leaf patterns on your card on the second picture. Pigment powders are fun to work with, but yeah can be very messy indeed. Have a great rest of the week and happy WOYWW! xo Cheetarah #13
I cannot spot the second pair of glasses (but I don't wear my glasses at the moment...) - but I do see all the stamps on your dining table. Oh my, a crafter's heaven! Enjoy sorting it all out... such a job that must be! Have a great day Julia, Happy woyww. Marit #16
Distress oxides work better for stamping, although the colour sometimes fades a little over time. Happy WOYWW Sarah #20
WOW...you could make a wall. There are days I'd love to sort and arrange these and there are days I have to just leave it all sit. Seems part of crafting is to arrange, rearrange, sort and organize. But make the most of enjoying it. And oxides ! I now have a table of coloring items, paints and like stamps it's getting out of hand. I need MOJO to create. Here dark and gloomy AGAIN, our fall leaves will not be a year of pretty colors, more the dark golden, browns,and bronze, but thankful for no disaster weather in our area. Enjoy a great week
That lot should keep you busy Julia! I'm afraid my creativity has been a bit limited to knitting for a while. I don't mind as I have fun with Ben and that's priceless. I just hope I remember where everything is when I eventually get round to crafting again!! xx Jo
I'm so glad I am not the only one that doesn't always enjoy making a mess. I think it holds me back sometimes but I know I am not alone. Can't wait to see what you create.
Ha I always have a tea mug empty at my desk because I drink my first and get too lazy to refill it! When you have time, come by and visit!
Good Morning Julia, I am impressed you are getting anything done with having that pile of temptation behind you. :) I have been getting side tracked by my little pile of things lately and trying to put it off so I can actually get things done and not just think about it haha. :) I love the little pile of leaves you have going on too. ~Stacy #25
PS have you ever seen that post where people have moved those powders to like old film plastic canisters type containers and just poked a hole in the lid where they keep a straight pin in the hole and then use that to tap on the project?
Hi Julia, so many stamps, so little time! I don't envy you the job of sorting through such a huge amount. I feel I have had my knuckles well and truly rapped this week as I didn't have much time on my computer this week so made very few comments. However, I do have a plan to increase my participation - it involves a new all-singing, all-dancing phone. And a visit to my blog will explain why I haven't had much time crafting too. Oh, I know just what you mean about the messiness of paint powders - I have Brushos, love them but they are messy to use. Have a lovely week. Hugs, Elizabeth x # 28
So happy to see I'm not alone in the sorting of things, even if it is for two very different reasons. I keep telling myself if I get down to what I know I'll use, I'll use it. Please let that be true!
What a mound of stamps. Indeed if only there was room and time to keep and play with them all. My true confession for the day is I inherited many many stamps from my friend last year and I've weeded them out to just a very few. I hardly have time for my own stamps, let alone hers. happy desking!
That is a lot of stamps! I'm also a big fan of Distress Oxide Inks for everything except painting with a waterbrush as everything turns white from the water. Great for solid surfaces and dark cardstock : D
Hi Julia! As Margaret said, I don't think I've ever seen so many stamps on one desk! Have you a plan in mind how to sort and store them? Have a lovely week, Heather #32
Hi Julia... yes finally manged to join over a week and day late as was planning to do it last Wed. then this Wed is was head down .. no time to blog... velly interlesting re the stamps tricky choices to be made am sure..
Mm, can relate to you convincing yourself you have time you do not have! .. moi aussi!
Happy belated WOYWW Shaz in Oz.x #35
Julia just looked again first photo has gorgeous rocking horse in it, Bluebeard and Elizabeth would be in their element. And ditto on the number of stamps just looked it again in less haste and was gobsmacked, think that many would be daunting to be honest.
Hugs Shaz.x #35
{Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}
Wow would love to have a rummage through all those stamps. Scissors are always on your desk but wonder if like me when you want a pair you can never find them. Keep up the good work. Anickoana #29
Busy table and a very busy desk.
Gosh you have a task & a half sorting through all Mary's stuff.
Toni xx
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