Monday 22 August 2016

A post about a Crop

We didn't arrange a Crop for earlier in this year because I had too much on my mind. Now I haven't, but Jan has. The world goes around like this for all of us doesn't it! However, Jan is made of sturdier stuff than me and even though she may be days from moving house, has agreed to be with us at another Crop. So...
Saturday 8th October 2016. 10am till 4pm as usual.
Wylye Road Community Centre, Tidworth, Hants SP9 7QH
Slightly varied format:
We will of course, provide tea and coffee and more cake than you can eat. It's the law. But we (by which I mean Lunch Lady Jan,) won't be cooking your lunch. There are various and many options; you could bring your own. You could go without. You could stroll over to the 'strip' in Tidworth and buy your lunch from one of very many take-away establishments - Chinese, Indian, Fish and Chips, Kebabs, Pizza, Subway to name those that come to mind. Or you could wait for Julia to offer to go on your behalf with an order book. You get the picture. It's not exactly a grand gesture by me is it - if Jan's about to move house, she won't want to do the pre-cooking work that she usually does for us. So instead of taking up the challenge, I voted to make the location closer to essential services. Food. .
Sort of number dependant, but will be no more than £10 for the day; as always, we'll collect payment from you on the day - no deposits or commitments in advance please, we are women and we have to remain flexibubble.

So if you'd like to spend a day eating cake and chatting with fellow crafters, bloggers and nutters, please come and join us. Jan and I love these days. They aren't particularly extra ordinary in terms of activity or location...they are extraordinary because we're friends before you even come through the door. Let me know if you wanna be there then - save Jan and I sitting on our own amongst a load of cake!


Morti said...

Yay! Count me in, Ladies!!!!! It may be one or two of us, but count me in.....

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

Yes, yes, yes! Count me in please. I will, of course, bring cake.

Helen said...

I'm interested but where is the nearest train station? will need to see if the journey is do-able in a day. Ta.

LisaDV said...

Hope everyone has a fabulous time. I don't think I could justify the airfare to my husband.

shazsilverwolf said...

All being well we will be there. Should know better ina couple of days. But fingers are well & truly crossed. xx

My name is Cindy said...

Sounds like a plan!! Put me down. Helen, you are welcome to come with me again if getting over my way is not too tedious!!

Sue said...

I so wish I could come, but it's too far:( Hope you all have a lovely time though. Sue

misteejay said...

Have a wonderful time everyone. I look forward to reading about all the 'goings on' after the event LOL.
Toni xx

Cardarian said...

Count me in. Alan and my daughter will probably pop in to say hi and will then be off site seeing while I do my crafty bit with all you lovely ladies and also eat cake!:-)

Princess Judy Palmer said...

It sounds like there is fun to be had. Enjoy!

Annie Claxton said...

wish wish WISH I could come but I can't - I bet it will be FABulous CAKE=ulous day with a bit of crafting thrown in. It must be amzing to meet each other in person - have a wonderful day xxx

Anonymous said...

I would love to be there. It is a 3 and half hour drive each way from here (and over 6 hours on the train), so will see if hubby is free that weekend - and then he can drive me over in the campervan on the Friday, spend the night nearby and he can go cycling/visit friends in the New Forest whilst I craft/eat cake. Will confirm nearer the time. Ali x

MaggieC (Silvercrafter) said...

I am still undecided. I do not want to put the dogs into kennels again this year, so I would have to do it, there and back in the day. So I might not be sure until closer to the event. xxx Maggie

Lisa-Jane said...

I can't believe I'm going to miss it!! It's our normal Hursley crop the same day :-(

Kathyk said...

I think I'm in now it's November and, since none of you have done anything to offend me I PROMISE not to bake a cake!!!


SumBunneh said...

Excited to join my first crop.. woot woot.

Now.... what to bring!!!