Wednesday 18 May 2016

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday 363

Its a week before the seventh anniversary; we will be doing the ATC thing again. If you can join in, instructions are here.
In the worst traditions of timing, I am away on holiday for this and next Wednesday, 364.  I'll join in at some stage, but until we're there, I have no idea about internet and that is key, huh! Well, that and the electricity, but I'm hoping that power at least, is a given! We've squashed in this week away because as you know by now, I'm scheduled for surgery days after we get back.  Because I need the silly WOYWW thing to continue, Jan has again stepped up and will be hosting until I recover. So the link party will be at Jan's place for now:
Lunch Lady Jan

I did get my act together and tidy up though. So the view is a bit changed and boy, do I feel better for it. It actually only took about 15 minutes to do. I've therefore nothing to offer in terms of a decent defence. Sigh. Some people just won't change! I found four pairs of scissors and I can't remember how many sheets of stamps that I thought I would use. But didn't. And now they are put away, so won't be used anytime soon!


Helen said...

hope you're able to relax before the op; and that you find some power/internet whilst you're there!! Lots and lots of love, will be thinking of you. the desk is impressively clear and tidy - well done you! Nice to see your door open too for the first time this year. Helen #1 (even at Jan's, lol!)

Nikki said...

Wow that is one tidy space you have going on and funny how we pull things out to use and never do guess that's why I've tucked away most of my little flowers lol happy WOYWW and I thought you scissors alway multiple on your desk hugs Nikki 8-9

Neet said...

Just use your time away to build yourself up and get some sunshine hopefully. I do think it kind of 'bucks one up' to have sunny days.
In the meantime leave us in the capable hands of Jan and relax.

Annie said...

Hope you're having a wonderful holiday soaking up the sun and recharging your body before the op Julia. We will miss you like crazy, think of you often and every one of us will be sending you best wishes and a lot of love but never fear WOYWW will hold itself together because that's what we do :-)
Huge hugs,
Annie x

misteejay said...

Wow, such a tidy desk and how lovely to be able to have the door open.
Have a wonderful break and just relax and enjoy some time in the sun.
Toni xx

Minxy said...

Sending love and hugs, hope the op goes well xo
{from Nicky aka thealteredinker}

jill said...

Enjoy your break & try to get some rest . Jill # 7

buterfliecrafter said...

Enjoy your break and wishing you all the best for the op.
I have the same issues with my desk, it looks ;like one big mess, but all it needs is a 5 minute clean up, but instead i shift everything to the side and work on.

BJ said...

Lovely tidy desk and glad you found the scissors. Hope you have a FAB holiday and all the best with the op and recovery. hugs BJ

Lisca said...

I hope you have a lovely break. Just relax. It's wonderful of LLJ to take over for you. A real friend in need!
All the best. For what it's worth to you: we are praying for you.
Have a lovely holiday and keep in touch,

SusanLotus said...

It´s a great feeling that comes when you cleaned up the desk.
I wish you all the best.<3

Sussie, # 17

BJ said...

Oh I love that you have managed to link in on Jan's page. Happy WOYWW BJ#15

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Hey there lovely - hope the journey was uneventful and you're now soaking up the Rays. Enjoy a large jug of sangria for me :-)
LLJ (who is mightily relieved that Mr Linky worked ok this morning!!)

Judys Lace Creations said...

Thinking of you as you prepare for your operation.Gosh it will be such a relief for all your family when you're able to have it done.
Love your tidy desk.Always nice to come home to a tidy workroom after a stay in hospital.
We're all wishing you the best outcome poissible.
Kind regards

Sue said...

Hi Julia, What a lovely tidy desk.

Hope you have a fab holiday.

Will be thinking of you and sending heaps of positive calming thoughts and of course huge hugs (((Julia))). Sue

Twiglet said...

Best wishes for a lovely relaxing holiday and a huge hug to help you through the next few weeks. WOYWW will still be here as mad as ever when you get back. lots of love. Jo x

glitterandglue said...

Have a very special time away relaxing, Julia. Take care of yourselves. Your desk looks amazingly tidy - but it's a good feeling to go away knowing you have left it neatly...
Every blessing, and prayers for the op.
God bless.
Margaret #5

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

Things worked well for our link up. Love the view you have from those wonderful windows. Wishing you a wonderful time this week. Prayers and Hugs for next week.

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

I hope you are back to your desk soon, all that tidiness is difficulty to cope with. Have a lovely time and good luck with the op. Your deputy is doing good1 Happy woyww, Angela x 21

Bridget Larsen said...

All the best for the op and see you when you get better
Bridget #23

Mrs.D said...

That's a nice tidy space Julia, enjoy your holiday and then we will be praying hard that the surgery goes to plan and you will soon be back hosting our Wednesday morning party.
Bless you
Chris (No desk)

Anne said...

Hope you are having a lovely relaxing time. Will be thinking of you ( as I have been) as you have your operation and recuperate. Love and best wishes Anne x #24

Annie Claxton said...

wooHOOO I can't believe you achieved that much tidiness in 15 minutes! Thought I'd come to the wrong blog for a second hehehe :o) Have a lovely few days away in the sunshine Julia, lots of love to you, you will be deluged with cyber hugs from all your friends here in Blogland - and your baby will be safe with LLJ! Annie C

Marit said...

Oh wow Julia, your desk looks amazingly neat! Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy the tidy desk when you get back to it, enjoy your time off and good luck with the surgery...

Jill said...

I have been tidying up too, doesn't it feel good? I hope you are on the mend soon, hugs Jill

Pen Sunshinepen said...

Morning one day my desk will look tidy. Enjoy your holiday :)


Pen Sunshinepen said...

#30 I should have added :)

Lynn Holland said...

We are all thinking about you and hope you have a fabulous holiday. Isnt it nice to have the doors and windows open. Easier for chucking the clutter out of haha.
Lynn xx

sandra de said...

Wishing you a wonderful holiday.

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

Your desk is so neat and inviting, Julia, waiting for you to come back! Have a wonderful time on holiday and I'll be thinking of you during your surgery keeping my fingers crossed!

Arnoldo L. Romero, MLA said...

Have a blessed time during your holiday!

ToadilyDiane said...

Enjoy your holiday. Good luck with everything coming your way. You are in my prayers.
Diane #41

Elizabeth said...

Enjoy your holiday, Julia. I do hope that your operation goes well and the outcome is the very best that could be hoped for. In the meantime I will be sending you tons of get well vibes. Lots of mega hugs to you. Elizabeth xx

shazsilverwolf said...

Have a nice relaxing break Julia, and come back in an 'up and at 'em' mood, lol. I know you will. It'll be over & done before you know it, and then you'll be joining us 'getting over it all' bunch!Sending you loads of good wishes, and many, many, hugs with loads of love from us both. xxxxx

Unknown said...

Enjoy your holiday! Relax, have fun, all that stuff. And I'll be praying for a very successful surgery and total recovery.
Carol N

Monica said...

No place for us to link up to.

have a great holiday and see you soon.

ednamburgess said...

Congratulations, it looks wonderful. But no work going on. LOL
Enjoy while it lasts. Edna

LisaDV said...

Your desk looks lovely, like it's waiting patiently for your return from vacation and health to get good and crafty again. Have a wonderful holiday.

Unknown said...

Hello Julia. That is one clean desk and glad you found those scissors of yours.......I did have more then two before my DH used them on who knows what and bent them.....thank goodness they where not my sewing ones he grabbed when he found out how pricey it would be to replace. Hope your surgery and recovery is successful and speedy, my thoughts are with you. Hugs~Anne L#47

Morti said...

A tidy space indeed - hope you're having a lovely time relaxing, and I look forward to hearing that your home safe and sound, and that the operation when you have it has been a success!


Shoshi said...

What a tidy desk, Julia! I hope you have a lovely holiday, and all the very best for your surgery on your return.


Laura (Bookworm) said...

Dear Julia, have a wonderful week away, internet or no. I'll be thinking of you and saying a prayer for your procedure to go well and your healing to be complete. Much love.

Sharon said...

Your desk looks wonderfully tidy. I always feel the need to clean before we go away. I wonder why that is!

Glad you are able to have a holiday before your surgery. Hope you have a wonderful relaxing time.

Sharon K #46

Kelly said...

Sending wishes for safe travels, easy surgery and fast recovery! Don't be surprised if cards begin winging their way to you.

Love and hugs. Kelly

Stacy Sheldon said...

I hope you have a very good trip :) ~Stacy

Princess Judy Palmer said...

What a clean shiny desk! I'll bet it is very inspiring to have such a blank canvas like that.

Lea.H said...

Hope your op goes ok. Nice to have a clean desk! :) Lea #57

Belinda Basson said...

I have come up for air in the land of the living to see what has been going on in my absence only to find you are off on a galavant somewhere and that you are then going in for surgery! That will teach me for scyving off for so long! I can't believe it is year 7! I will have to miss this one. I might be back in time for next years celebration... one year I want to do it in person! That is still on my bucket list. Hope you have a fast recovery. Love from the other side of the world!

pearshapedcrafting said...

Wooh! The desk and the view look great! It's good that the tidy only took 15 minutes - how many times have I put something off only to find that when I do eventually tackle it the job is done really quickly and I wonder why I didn't do it earlier! Hope you are getting some time to build up your strength for when you have the op!
Hugs, Chrisx 42

Christine said...

That is one neat and tidy desk to come home to after a few weeks in the sun! Hopefully relaxing.
Praying all goes well with the op and that we shall see you back here soon.

Kathyk said...

BEST OF LUCK with the surgery and recovery afterwards ... I've just been over and entered this week's WOYWW



Chrysalis said...

Happy holiday, Julia. Hope you enjoy a really good break and that the op goes well xx

Kim said...

I hope you have a great vacation, and then a very successful surgery and recovery! And how lovely that your desk is all set for you next project when you are ready!
Take care!

RosA said...

Hope you have a lovely relaxing holiday and your tidy desk will be nice to come home to! But all the very best for your op. WOYWW is in good hands too.
RosA # 43

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I hope you are relaxed and enjoying the time away from home, work, and responsibilities before the surgery. It was more than likely an excellent idea to schedule a holiday just prior to your surgery. Have fun in the sun and just RELAX and breathe.

Cara said...

Enjoy your break and we have everything crossed for your op and a speedy recovery. Cara x

April said...

Wow - that is one clean desk! I hope you mess it right back up.

505whimsygirl said...

Hi Julia,
I'm glad you took time to have a vacation before your surgery - I hope you were able to have some fun and relaxation.

Your desk looks nice and neat and will be waiting for you to help you recover!!

Happy belated WOYWW,
Hugs, Kay (4)

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Hi there Julia,
I am sorry I am but late popping as our internet went out for more than a day so was nearly the end of Thursday downunder so didn't end up doing WOYWW. It's now over half way through our weekend ..
I just wanted to say, firstly that I am praying for you every day esp for a great break away and also for every mercy covering you during the surgery and post recovery.
I'll pop over to Jan's too and say hi. I will, God willing, be joining in next week, mind you - haven't even made one ATC. My time is not my own just at the moment.
Hugs and prayers, Shaz in Oz.x