Wednesday 4 May 2016

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday 361

It's approaching quite rapidly actually; the seventh anniversary, that is. You can read how we celebrate it here. Please, still join in the desking lark, even if you don't have time or inclination to join in with the ATC swap. The link and anniversary madness will take place at LLJ's blog. This is because I am selfishly going to be away over the anniversary. My surgery is scheduled for May 31st and so we thought to steal away for some sun before they make me unwell. I shall be watching and participating, but can't guarantee internet connection, so it's best to leave it to a very reliable and trusty chum, huh. You need do nothing - I will post and blah on the day to direct you.

And my desk last evening, untouched, I promise!
I have actually washed off my glass mat and a pair of tweezers that I used to do the pasting. So there is some cleanliness, but no tidiness! I had to wash the glass because I wanted to do other things and the uneven paste was going to be in the way. You can't see them from this angle, but the ATC fronts are done and waiting for backs to be stamped. And that paper you see is going to be June's calendar. I did May (as you can tell from the mess) and realised that if I had June done in advance, it will be a good thing. It's crop this weekend which is why you see the Snapfish envelope - it's meant to remind me. As the first thing I trip over is unpacked stuff from the last crop, I'm not sure how I would forget really! I might have to excavate this desk before long...I'll report back! Now it's your turn; put a photo and brief explanation of your 'desk' on your blog. Link it here and we'll be round to visit. Please put WOYWW in your blog title, it makes it so much easier. Thank you!


Helen said...

I am so glad that you have finally got a date for the surgery - what a long time coming, even if you did say it was likely to be May (just) at the beginning. Good for you to take some sunshine before, too - hope you can relax. Your desk looks very busy from that angle, isn't it odd how that happens, we change the angle and it all looks very different. Wishing you much, much love.

Lunch Lady Jan said...

That looks a moody shot! Maybe it's the low evening light and weird angle....I really MUST think of an ATC, hope inspiration strikes soon!
Hugs, LLJ 2 xx

jill said...

I've just about finished my atc's for the up coming swap . Jill #6

Nikki said...

Julia glad to hear the date is set and you deserve a little fun in the sun before your surgery happens
Your desk reminds me of a donut a little empty in the center but all the goodness is all around lol
HUgs Nikki 7

Annie said...

Sounds like we will both be soaking up some sun at the same time then Julia....are you in the next room to me maybe? :-) Enjoy your break and charge those batteries ready for the op. I'm putting an ATC by with your name on it but please don't feel you have to send one back ...your friendship is sufficient :-)
Big hugs,
Annie x

Mrs.D said...

Have a good holiday in the sun, and set yourself up for your surgery. Praying that everything goes OK and that you will soon be making more mess on your desk.
Chris #10

RosA said...

I do hope you get some really good relaxing time in the sun and that it will give you a pre-op boost. As I have had some surgery recently, (very minor, compared to yours), I can tell you that the anticipation was way more stressful than the actual procedure. All the very, very best for the op and your recuperation. We are thinking of you here Down Under :)
RosA xx No.10

Judys Lace Creations said...

Wishing you all the Very best for your up-coming's a big thing.My heart goes out to you.
Judy xx

Unknown said...

I do hope that all goes well with that surgery you have ahead of you Julia. Enjoy the sun ... and don't forget to take a few art supplies with you if you feel the need to create. I never leave home without them, just in case creativity strikes :-)
Your desk is full of creativity! So happy to see what's going on there!!
Wishing you a wonderful time in the sun and hope you recuperate soon after your upcoming surgery. ♥
Love and strength for all that lies ahead ♥
Michelle aka MiSchra ♥ #4

Lynn Holland said...

I'm adding my good wishes to everyone else's Julia. Relax, soak up the sun and then get in there and nail it with your op.
Sending good vibes your way
Lynn xxx

Sue said...

Hi Julia, So glad you are getting away for a bit before your op. Will be thinking of you and sending heaps of positive healing thoughts.


glitterandglue said...

Good morning, Julia. Have a very special week away in the sun. Relax, take it easy, prepare yourself and set yourself up for the op and the days of recovery. All the very best with the excavation of the desk - I actually set to on mine after I had taken this week's photo... can actually SEE some desk now!
Take care dear friend. God bless you.
Margaret #5

Kathyk said...

Great desk, hope the surgery will go well


No 20

sandra de said...

Wishing you a safe and successful surgery and an absolutely fabulous holiday before you venture into the health system.
sandra de @14

Bridget Larsen said...

We'll be with you there in spirit. Can you send me your snail mail so I can send you an ATC thank you please. Dusk at your desk today, i always have fun trying to work out the time of day your photo was taken the old fashioned way by using the sun LOL
Bridget #15

Inside the artists shed said...

I think you will be in all our prayers for your op x In the meantime have a great crop at the weekend and a lovely holiday. The sun is shining here in the West Midlands this morning and I hope it is now shining on you too. I always tidy before we go away otherwise you wouldn't be able to tell if we've been burgled xxx Jackie 18

Twiglet said...

Oh best of luck Julia - enjoy that break and the sunshine. We will all be thinking of you. x Jo

Arnoldo L. Romero, MLA said...

Your desk looks about like mine. It is clean, but not tidy. Blessings, my dear blogging friend!

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Julia, pleased you have the date for the surgery, bet you will be pleased when that's over. Hope you have a nice time away. I have not started my ATCs yet but finished my blog commitments so I should be able to get on with them now. Might make them from one big Masterboard that way they will grow faster. The idea of photographing the desk from a different angle sounds like a fun thing we all could do. Have a good woyww and happy crafting. I'm off to Doncaster crafting at the weekend, can't wait. Angela x 24

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Sorry I've gone brain dead as I'm actually going to Newark Lol! must be my age Hee Hee!

Christine said...

So pleased you have a date, gives me a bit more to pray about.
Enjoy the sun, warm your body and don't do too much!
Thanks again for organising our get togethers.
Take care

Bishopsmate #27

Annie Claxton said...

Love the artsy angle of your desk shot!Tidiness is overrated :o) Mine isn't even clean - I realised quite how yukky it is underneath all the stuff when I had to go in looking for something I'd lost, but I still didn't clean it - totally gross!!
So glad you have your surgery date Julia and it's a great idea to have some relaxation in the sun - of course we will all miss you but your baby will be in safe hands until you return :o)
Annie C #26

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

Wishing you the best of luck with the surgery, Julia! Lovely that you can get away for a bit and forget all about it for a while. I'm sure it will be a success and WOYWW will be in very capable hands with LLJ!

Susanne said...

Well, I hope your surgery goes well, and I'm sure you've left the celebration in good hands. #7 should be a very lucky anniversary. Susanne #29

ToadilyDiane said...

It's not selfish you deserve a get away. Saying prayers for a wonderful success with your surgery.
Have a great day.
Diane - WOYWW #30

BJ said...

Horrah, managed to link correctly first time this week - well I was on the main PC and that sure helps. Tablets and phones have their limitations don't they? Not done much crafting, as the preschool garden beckons. Glad to see you've had a little clean up though, certainly more inviting for crafting. BJ#33

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

Thoughts and Prayers coming your way. Do enjoy a wonderful time away. Thanks for all the updates on the ATC exchange. Your desk this week has a about 2x the work space as mine. Wishing you all the best.

pearshapedcrafting said...

Time away before surgery gets a big tick from me! Glad you have got a date - now just relax! Thanks for the reminder - need to wash my mat down! Hugs, Chrisx 34

shazsilverwolf said...

Hi Julia, I haven't blogged today,a s we only got back yesterday, and unpacking washing/ etc - you know the drill kept me busy. Woohoo! Great news that you have a surgery date, and totally agree about the break beforehand, it's what we did. So glad you are finally getting it sorted, my lovely lady. Enjoy your sunshine, and relax a lot.We'll all be here for you when it's done, rooting for you and sending you massive hugs and loads of love. Huge hugs and lots of love from us both, xxxx.

Kelly said...

Good morning, Miss Julia. Looks like you're all prepped and ready for the next project. Go you! Hmmm haven't even thought about my ATCs. Maybe this weekend. I hope you have an awesome time at crop. Creative Blessings! Kelly #40

Sharon said...

I'm glad you got a date for your surgery! Such good news. Your desk looks like it's got a lot going on. Have fun at the crop this weekend.

Sharon K #39

Unknown said...

Good morning Julia. That is exciting news about your upcoming surgery and it is great to always sit and soak in a few rays of sunshine, enjoy. I do understand the tripping over stuff as I have a path way on my floor to my desk with all my reorganizing and stash sorting. Have fun this weekend at the crop and happy national scrapbooking day. Hugs~Anne L#8

Lynne Mizera said...

Sending you good wishes for that future surgery and have a wonderful, lovely sun holiday! I am so looking forward to being able to finally participate in my very FIRST anniversary celebration!

Sharon Madson said...

Still, an interesting desk, Julia. Those stamps, bottom right, look interesting. :) Have a wonderful holiday! Sending hugs and prayers for strength as your go through everything.#46

misteejay said...

Hope you have a lovely time away relaxing Julia.
Toni xx

Stacy Sheldon said...

I love that you shot the scene with the natural light. ( so, I did the same thing with mine (overhead light was on) lol so, it's a dark little cave this morning) and I hope you have a fabulous relaxing time :) ~Stacy #48

CraftygasheadZo said...

Am so pleased you have a date. Will be thinking of you, well I already am but you know what I mean! Take care Zo xx 35

LisaDV said...

I was just cleaning off my desk too. Question about the anniversary ATC swap - Are you suppose to decorate both sides or put any information on the back?

Diana Taylor said...

It all looks very atmospheric in that light. I am loving the lighter evenings and really love the golden glow as the sun gets lower. Enjoy your crop this weekend!

Unknown said...

Before you know it, June will be here, and this surgery and recovery will be in the past, and you will be back to excavating and enjoying that desk. I'm so glad you're going to get some sun first. I love the sun, and it just gives energy and renewal. So glad LLJ can take over hosting duties in the meantime, and you must know that the thoughts, prayers and power of dozens of fabulous crafty deskers will be behind you!! Hugs! Sandy Leigh

Kim said...

Good plan to get away before the surgery; more relaxed before, better healing after... Good luck!
And I've started the ATC's, trying not to wait last minute! LOL! Have a good rest of the week.
-K #53

Scrapthology said...

Thanks for playing host, it's always fun joining in.

Victoria said...

Wonderful sunlight shining gently through our window..onto all of your magical, colorful treasures and creative works..beautiful!
Thanks for hosting
Happy May

Neet said...

Well, good luck with the holiday - quite the most sensible thing to do. Hope the sunshine gives you a boost to help you have a good and quick recovery for the operation. We will all be thinking and rooting for you you know.
I tried to wash my ugly old green mat as it is full of all kinds of gunge but I just have to tip it over and work on the reverse to avoid the lumps. See how much more productive you are than me.
Hugs to you
Neet xxx

Di said...

Tell you what Julia. If love and good wishes were wings, you'd fly to and from Spain no problem - as well as through the coming op. We had two weeks in Thailand just prior to my big op. a few years ago and it was such a boost - ha, and also gave the Surgeon and Co. a talking point. If you have a nice suntan they'll be curious :) We'll all be here, cheering you on and glad to see this sorted out for you.

Love and hugs, Di xx

Shoshi said...

What a good idea to go away on holiday before you go into hospital, Julia. I hope you have a wonderful time and feel really pampered, and refreshed and ready for when you come back. I had a very special month before my surgery, when my hubby really spoilt me and gave me lots of treats, and it was a time I shall never forget - a real little oasis! Wishing you all the very best for your surgery, and I'm glad you've got a date - the day after my birthday, so I shall remember especially to think of you then!!

Happy WOYWW,
Shoshi #50

April said...

I like seeing the left hand side of your desk. I think you must have all your treasures there and that's why you don't share it. ;-) Have fun on your trip and best of luck on your surgery. I will be saying some prayers for you.

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Hi there Julia, been away for the last two weeks hence no post for WOYWW.
However am home again now and things will slowly resume normal service. Ive been praying for the date of 31/5 and any pre-op checks. I dont think any of us t6hink your absence for anniversary is least bit selfish. :D

Take care dear friend, thinking of you in all things,
Shaz in Oz.x

{Shaz in Oz – Calligraphy Cards}

Fran said...

My post does not start out about what is on my work desk but at the last of the post I do. Thanks for hosting.