Wednesday 10 July 2013

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday 214

Now, because I have juggled about with the posting times, I'm having to schedule this. If you know me at all by now, you will know that I don't tidy up for the camera, and because I now have to stop and take photos for an 'earlier' posting, sometimes you will find me,  erm..'mid flow'.  So there's the excuse and the explanation all in one.

The stable door is fully open onto my weed ridden patio - tis a beautiful summer's car says it's 25C and that makes me happy.  And requires more of my will-power than any diet ever did...I just want to be outside!  My desk is actually about stock taking and putting away, believe it or not.  The box with acrylic paints in has finished being used by Miss Dunnit; she is pathologically incapable of putting anything away, so they are waiting for me.  However, I need to rummage through them and check stock because..(you won't believe this)....I have an on-line course to attend and ...wait for's all about the Gelli!  Yep, my sweet Sissy has brought me a course as a birthday gift and so I figure I may have to dust off the old learning curve and get on it!  The 12" storage boxes on the left are waiting to be put away after the Crop and the stuff on top of that is well..stuff.  A lovely handful of carnations slung in a sturdy bottom mug to keep me company - pretty huh. 
And last week somebody mentioned my scrap box, which is just visible when you take a long shot from the other end of the it is - not too bad I guess...could do with some using!

You can join in with WOYWW very easily.  Which means more than just linking; of course it does.   'How to' pages can be found in the right hand margin of my organised and efficient blog space. *Ahem*. Join the community, do.  Which means more than just linking; of course it does. Don't link a post that isn't about your desk or what you're working on, and don't link a post that's a blatant advert.    Here's the linky then..


Create With Joy said...

I love your organizer and appreciate the earlier time.

Happy WOYWW to you Julia!

Create With Joy #4 ?

Brenda B said...

Gosh that's an almost tidy desk! And flowers too, beautiful, love carnations. Hope you had a brilliant birthday!

Brenda 3

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I love those carnations. They put a feminine spin on that desk.

Lucky you to get to play with a Gelli. Maybe someone will give me one for my next birthday (grin). Hope to see a few things you make with it, too.

Sorry I missed your birthday. Of course I had NO idea, since I've been so out of it for two weeks.

Thanks, too for the early time. It's heaven when I can visit a few desks before I go to bed at a decent hour for once.

Happy WOYWW from #2.

Bridget Larsen said...

I worry when I see your photos, I have in my brain that you are perched precariously on some 3 legged stool to take it as I can never get that perspective

Krisha said...

Belated Birthday wishes Julia! Missed last week as I was at the beach soaking in the cool ocean breezes! A Geli class, how fun that will be!! I manage to make one but haven't gotten to use it yet. Can't eait for your show and tell.
Krisha #5 who also appreciates the earlier post time.

voodoo vixen said...

Looking very fresh and summery with those carnations on the desk Mirs Dunnit! So glad you guys are having some lovely weather... while I am friggin' freezin'!! OK, not really frezing... but bloomin' cold. 16 degrees ouside and 17 inside!! LOL

Unknown said...

Looking good. Your friend gave you a great gift. Have fun with your online class. Happy crafting #7

Judys Lace Creations said...

Aw..go aout in that sunshine- even for a few minutes.You have had precious little sun over your way.just think of the Vitamin D you'll be getting.
I was deficient in Vit D. and I live in Sunny Australia!!
Have a good tidy Julia It's always good for the soul! helps clear the mind I find.

Daniella said...

I am so happy you changed the time!!! I'm feeling terribly guilty that it is harder for you!
Your desk always looks so busy!! So productive. I love it!!

Spyder said...

So glad you posted early, I usually wait up, coz I'm up anyway....and then decide it must be bed time, which makes me late waking up in the morning! and then I'm waaaaaaaaaay down the list! Desk looks very inviting, stable door letting in a bit of 'cool' (very hot here, been digging out Ivy, and other roots, wish I hadn't started now!)Have a great crafty Week! HaPpY wOyWw!?
((Lyn)) #11

Nikki said...

Oh your scrap box has so much to play with and real flowers are so much easier to work with .. beside you and enjoy trying to figure out how to use them just stumps me lol
hugs Nikki #16

Helen said...

The middle of the night (for the uk) time doesn't bother me either as I wake to go to the "little girl's room" in the night anyway, ha ha ha. and because I schedule too, it's essy to link up now! Love the desk - those flowers are pretty!! Your scrap box is the tidiest scrap box I've ever seen. Going back to bed to sulk now. Have a great day - hope you can open the door again on to the sun. Helen, 17

Unknown said...

Happy belated birthday. You will definitely want plenty of paints if you are taking a Gelli course. I buy the 4 oz containers at Walmart for less than a dollar. That is a definite plus to the Gelli, you don't need high dollar paints. That is an awesome present. Go Sis!!!
I have a few bodies in my house who are pathologicaly incapable of putting things away too. It's maddening.
I love the flowers. I always try to have fresh flowers in the house. They make me happy. And for the record, I think your desk looks pretty darn tidy. And I would need several more of those bins to house all my scrap papers. I really need to find a project to use some of them up, before they swallow me up. Have an awesome week. (((HUGS)))
Kim #6

Belinda said...

Julia, I quite like it when you schedule your posts. I hate arriving at the party late which is nearly 100 most weeks. But that aside, I like seeing your desk from this angle.

Those pretty little flowers would look quite nice on my desk. I am preparing for bed right now. Ok, I am actually going to read. I am behind in my book club selection (nothing new) so I have been cramming in time at night. Problem is, I fall asleep mighty fast and the damn book is 849 pages.

I am off to read and then tomorrow morning I will go visit more desks.

Thanks again for the scheduled post. Shakin things up a bit is nice.

Have a blessed day girlfriend.

Belinda (20)

Nan G said...

Ah fresh air and lovely sunshine. Do enjoy. :) Happy 214! Nan G 22

RosA said...

The carnations are very pretty! Lucky you, having room on your desk for flowers! :)
Happy belated birthday!
RosA #23

MaggieC (Silvercrafter) said...

I really must train the dogs not to bark every time someone drives past our house house at night. Still it is allowing me to link early on - maybe that is what they are telling me really. I hope you will forgive me for my post not being strictly on a crafting desk. You never know - next week I might get back onto my desk proper. I am sure you will have a wonderful time doing your gelli plate course. Can't wait to see your results and remember you can never create two the same. Each one is truly unique. xx Maggie #10

Darnell said...

I hope you get a chance to enjoy that sunshine, Julia! That's a wonderful summer bouquet on your desk!!

Happy Belated Birthday! Are we on the same day. I don't remember hearing about it last week, but, alas, that doesn't mean I didn't! Will you email me the date and your address so I can add my card to those from your other admirers? Please, Miss?

Thank you. Now lay back and I'll bring you some sunscreen! Hugs, Darnell #24

trisha too said...

Well I cannot say a thing on pathologically not being able to put anything away, so will keep all comments to myself at this point.

Except the flowers are a lovely touch--some sweet inspiration!

#26 instead of 206, yay!
Now off to bed, see you all tomorrow!


G'day Julie
I thought the flowers were much nicer now I know they are real! I can't clean up either...then I bloomin can't find anything. Have fun with the gelli course and show us what you make please.
Annette In Oz #21

C said...

So happy to be able to pop in and see your happy crafty desk. Love the flowers. Aren't you glad winter is over?

Monica said...

Are you having a sleepless night? it is 10.39 pm and that means you are on automatic or pacing the floor at somewhere round 4 am. Whatever quite a shock when I checked Bloglovin!
Love the flowers and the almost put away. makes me feel that there are others like me out there!
monica 20 I think.

Robyn Oliver said...

I'm only new at this but it's great to see so many crafty ladies and their own bit of space in this busy world, also belated happy birthday and enjoy your class.

Claire Grantham said...

Hi Julia, your desk looks almost tidy to me :) I love the Carnations. The scrap box is cool too...since I relocated I have found that I am using my stash box more and idea why :) Cx #30

Silvia said...

Sigh! I know the feeling about being outside. Love the Flowers
Happy Woyww
Silvia #32

Tertia said...

That scrap box reminds me to take mine out from under the table and start using it, out of sight, you know how it works.
The carnations make the whole desk look beautiful, not anything there that looks out of place.
Have a great week!
Tertia #33

Claire said...

miss sauer suffers from the same affliction!
love your lil bouquet - i'm paranoid of any liquid being on the desk, as I tend to knock things over - the left hand/arm still isn't trained!!
happy WOYWW and have a great week :)
no. 31

peggy aplSEEDS said...

belated happy birthday, Julia! how delightful to have a beautiful summer day and flowers in your desk! happy WOYWW!

Sue from Oregon said...

An early to bed night for me, too tired to take a pic, so I will just enjoy your desk this week! Harvest is kicking my hiney!!! Almost fell asleep at my Bunco night-dear me! Hope you have a great week and enjoy your sunshine!

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

Ah, lovely to see the flowers on your desk. Have fun with the Gelli course :o)

HeARTworks said...

I am so curious about gelli prints! But I'm going to have to wait until it is available here! Love your scrap box!!! Hi hi! I've got a lot of that under my table! :^) patsy

Sarah said...

Ooh Julia and Gelli! Sounds fun... Enjoy the sun. At least there's one Brit not moaning about the heat. No post from me... been chasing a sweaty, no napping, hyper baby all day. Sigh.

BJ said...

Oh the carnations just make your desk so HAPPY. BJ#36

betsy (pharmgirl) said...

I think giving a class is the BEST gift! Enjoy it! Love your messy desk!

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

ah busy as usual, Julia!! a course on gelli on the way will be interesting..

.... and wodnerful to see some wonnerful sunshine over there! Am very pleased not just for all your dear folk over there, but have family visiting your fair land so they will enjoy it too :D

... and yes so know about the "not-putting-away" affliction and think I need badly to do your stock-take bug, sigh..

.. and well done on anuvver birfd'y too! am sure you were spoilt as you deserve.
love and happy WOYWW Shaz in Oz.x #35 I think.

Unknown said...

Hi Julia
How lovely to see some real sun at last! Enjoy your Gelli course, if anyone feels like coming to South Wales there's a little group of crafters itching to attend a workshop of any sort, without having to travel for hours!
Lynda B

Unknown said...

Sorry! Forgot to leave my number Haven't got my glasses on!
Lynda B again #38

Francesca said...

I know how you feel , it has been glorious here hit 28 yesterday. Have a good time on your Gelli course. Francesca #44

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Well, that's a great birthday gift! Clever sissy! I hope you enjoy it and get a lot out of it :-)
I'm struggling to get the mojo kick started too...I want to be outside and free!
Hugs, LLJ 45 xx

fairy thoughts said...

Hi Julia
Did you have a bitthday hope it was a good one!
Very organised desk but who wants to be inside when the weather is like this......finally.
Enjoy your gelli course .... It is fun

Ali H said...

Crafting and flowers -perfect combination! Have a great week! Ali x#49

Queen Lightwell said...

I made it in the top 50 this week! :) Your carnations are beautiful. And how did the crop go? Very well, I hope. Glad you are getting some summery weather, though I have no idea and am way to lazy at this time of night to google the translation of c degrees to f degrees so I'll have to take your word that 25 is good! lol :) Thanks for hostessing us and hope you enjoy the WOYWW hop as much as we do. :) Deeyll #48

shazsilverwolf said...

just nipped in at outside the fifty this week! Had to make coffee & feed the cat before I could come & link. He'd meow me to death otherwise. Oddments & scraps- how do we get so many. And why do we never have the right size or colour of oddment next time round? Have a great week Julia, Hugs Shaz #51 xx

Jackie said...

Please do tell me more about the Gelli online class your doing your sister bought for you
Jackie 15

Andrea said...

love the flowers and as ever a great busy desk..isn't the weather fab...Hope you enjoy the geli classes sounds fab what a great birthday present ..seen them in action on TV but not brave enough to try! sorry I dont have a desk this week as on holiday and didn't want to miss a week ..too nosey !.. but I have shared my untouched craft bag ! will be back ext week and will be good and stick to the rules!.. hugs Andrea x #52

Anne said...

Morning Julia. Love the flowers. As it got too hot outside for me I too have been having a tidy up and organising session. Happy WOYWW. Anne x #50 (I hope ) :-)

Twiglet said...

Just chuckling at you stopping mid-flow! Hope we find out what you do on your gelli course -its a mystery to me! x Jo #54

Julie Lee said...

I love the pretty flowers! Ah, gelli plates, there seems to be no escaping them. I'll be really interested to see what you create with yours! The sun is already beaming down here and the house is still in a mess so it's going to be a battle for me to stay indoors too! Julie Ann xx #55

Annie said...

A gelli course eh? Don't you just break up the pieces then and add boiling water like we used to? ;-)
Love the flowers and really hope you had a great birthday.
See you soon ;-)
Annie x

Elizabeth said...

Morning Julia, it's lovely to see the stable door open again and can quite understand the urge to be out of doors ... you owe it to yourself to get out there, if only to top up your vitamin D levels :) However, the carnations on your desk are a cheery sight. Will be interested to see what you learn from the Gelli printing class. Have a lovely week and happy WOYWW. Elizabeth x up at #57 this week :)

Almo said...

Hi Julia, What a lovely tidy and sunny desk you have this week, beautifully complimented by those pretty flowers. Have a great day. Hugs Mo x

Unknown said...

Busy as ever on your desk Julia. You will love the Gelli, looking forward to seeing what you do.
Karen #63

CraftygasheadZo said...

Morning! Loving the flowers and the open door. Neat scraps too, mine are bulging out of a storage folder. Ah well they are under the desk in the hop I use them. Going to be another beautiful day so I shall be outside enjoying for a while, well as long as I can cope with the heat. It gets really hot out in my yard! Take care lovely. Zo xx 65

Di said...

OMG Julia! Sorry I'm playing truant yet again this week, but of course I had to peek at what you're up to.

OMG again, to emphasise, almost had the vapours when I spotted the flowers - thought you were going into making all feminine and frou frou cards or summick! Phew, sigh of relief here when I bent over to smell them :)

Happy WOYWW, hugs, Di xx

glitterandglue said...

Hello Julia,
Enjoy your course! Good to be back today after an absence due to travelling.

Annie Claxton said...

OOOh wasn't that summer lovely ....? You have a hug box of scraps to use - I have two drawers full, but keep forgetting to use them somehow. Gorgeous flowers on your desk :o)xxx

KatzElbows said...

Why are you always apologising for you desk? Nothing to apologise for. It looks great, as it always does. Now please go and craft outside.

Lots of love,

Rossella said...

Good morning Julia. I love the flowers on your desk, I am out to cut some sweet peas now.
Please forgive my shameless plug on my post for my show tomorrow but I am very excited (and terrified).
Have a great week
Rosie x

Karen said...

What gorgeous flowers - they truly look like summer don't they! Love the 'bits box' you have on your desk. Would love to check that out and see what goodies are in there just waiting to be used! Happy WOYWW! ♥ Karen ♥ 70 x

Diana Taylor said...

I love your scrap box - it's just what I need - everything in one place! Hope you enjoy the gelli printing course - you'll be hooked after the first go I'm sure! Have a great week.

Bernice said...

Lovely flowers Julia. Glad to see I'm not the only one with a large scraps box - I find when you try to use them up, you generally have to cut into something else and then add bits of it to the scraps!
Bernice #75

The House of Bears said...

We crafted outside this week, the trouble is trying to decide what you need to avoid continuous trips back in to collect your forgotten stash!

Jacqueline said...

So ! I see you have one of those 'pathalogically-incapable-of-puting-things-away-or-closing-doors ' type of people too !! *sighs*

Oh and guess what.... I don't tidy for the camer either! LOL

Take care

Jackie x

The Scrapbook Lady UK said...

great scrap box! one of our croppers would have a field day with that. She does project life style scrapping and collects all our little bits. What she can't do with a few scraps isn't worth doing! Happy scrapping, jenx

Unknown said...

I dont tidy either, for the camera or anything else. Glad you are enjoying the heat, alas I am not hibernation here - think vampire.

I made it to the first hundred this week, hurray.

Lisa-Jane said...

I have many plans for mu scrap box - there should be a club for people who can't get rid of paper... Very pretty flowers - every desk should have flowers.

Dianne said...

Must be a week for organizing I did some too:). You desk look wonderful,love the carnations,and how nice to be able to take a course in the Geli, that exciting. Isn't it funny most of us have a scrap box to use LOL..
Have fun at your course and a wonderful day, you fabulous woman. Thanks for sharing..

Roudi said...

I'm back Julia! Missed you guys sooo much! Happy Wednesday and love the pretty flowers. ♥


sandra de said...

Well I must be a week behind as I mentioned the scrap box this week. Love the flowers (looks very romantic) from Mr Dunnit? All the best with the Gelli plate class and looking forward to seeing what you create. Might be tempted to get mine out of the box.
Sandra de @84

Uniflame said...

I love mid flow desks!! I hope to see more of them! :)

Anonymous said...

Happy WOYWW. I want to be out in the sunshine as well (although there is no wind here today and it is actually a bit humid for me!), but busy with the packing/sorting/cleaning. I will be so relieved when we are settled in the farmhouse. Ali x #86

Robyn said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Robyn said...

I just want to be outside too!
Call me the fresh air crafter!
Robyn 87

Sue - said...

Happy belated birthday. Those flowers are so pretty - would be no good having them on my desk as I would only knock them over!

Winnie said...

Lots of fun on that desk! I had a chuckle when I read about the paints, as when my sister comes she seems to take out all sorts of things, then stamps, and leaves. I learned to tell her to leave things on the desk, as I can't find them when she "helps". Have a great time at your online class. I keep seeing these gelli creations, but haven't a clue how they are done. Look foward to hearing how it goes!! Winnie#90

Marit said...

Happy woyww Julia... ah yes, the weather gets in the way here too... the sunshine is just so tempting - I know all about it as it got me in the way last week too! I'm convinced you will like (love?!) working with gelli plates and monotyping... it's such a fun technique! Oh, and a messy one, can you have that?? Sure you can! Have fun! Marit #91

Shoshi said...

Looks like glorious organised chaos to me, Julia! Go for it. Love the flowers. I've got those little plastic boxes with blue lids and find them really useful for loads of things.

Thanks for another WOYWW.


Sandy said...

Yes have to work on my scrap box as its great for collage in my journal and need to do some of that soon.. Just have to gather myself up for the challenge of it.. Have been collecting bits a pieces and now think it is time to go for it.. Love thie bright sunny desk you have today.. Enjoy..
Sandy :)

JoZart Designs said...

Wishing you first and foremost a belated HIppy Burpday! That's a super gift from your sister that you will enjoy for quite some time and I hope we get some hints and tips (and examples) to share.
Thanks so much for your gracious comment, you are a gem!
Jo x

ike said...

Hi Julia... so glad you got some sunshine :-D
Lucky you getting a prezzie of a Gelli workshop..... can't wait to see/hear how that went :-D

IKE xx #94

SueH said...

I have to say Julia, it’s a change to see ‘real’ flowers on a craft desk instead of silk ones and I bet they smell lovely too.
And as for your scrap box, I guess we all have one and are equally guilty of grabbing a new sheet when trying to match something because it’s easier than sorting through that little lot. I’m sure you’’ use it in time thought.

Happy Crafting!
Sue @ 79

The Old Parsonage said...

What fun you make! One day I hope to join in. That would mean making a note to take the photo and then share:)

Happy WOYW!


Cardarian said...

Hello Julia!

I hear you had a birthday - a bit late but wishing you all the best! So you will be doing a gelli class? I have just started using it and quite like it! Enjoy!
Lots of hugs,

Unknown said...

What a wonderful birthday gift from your sister! I'll be watching your blog for your fun projects. And I love the flowers on your desk. So cheerful! Also thanks for this opportunity to join in! Happy WOYWW!
Carol N #101

Jan said...

Fab work space Julia have a great day Jan xx (102)

Kelly said...

Beautiful carnations! You'll love the Geli glass. I make my own geli plates and don't play with them enough. Looking forward to seeing what you come up with. Creative Blessings! ~Kelly #104

Laura said...

Good morning/afternoon, Julia! Hope the sun continues to shine for you. We're looking a bit overcast today, but I'm at work with my umbrella to get me to my car later, if need be. The carnations are really lovely. Thanks, as always, for hosting this shindig every week. :-) ~ Laura the Bookworm #98

Katie said...

Thanks for hosting! LOL - I think my hubby might have that pathological inability to put things away.


Unknown said...

Alright, first of all--that view of your desktop is so lovely! Wow! I love your workdesk. Secondly, buying someone an online course for their birthday is probably the most brilliant thing I've heard in a long while! Brilliant! I'm already thinking of my birthday wish list and how I can add the online courses I want to take to it. Could you hug your sister for me? Happy WOYWW! Sandy Leigh #95

Monique said...

Your desk looks lovely and used as alway. Love that door to the outside patio. I'm just confused, it looks like you can't just step outside through that door. Did I see that right?
Happy WOYWW and have wonderful week.

April said...

Thank you for sharing your scrap box! So many lovely papers. :-)
And your carnations are beautiful. I love how carnations seems to look so pretty for so long.
April #107

Sarah Leonard said...

Lovely sunny days - I love them :)

Linking up a variety of things from my workdesk this week. Thanks for hosting!

Sarah @ A Cat-Like Curiosity

Dorothy said...

Oh yes the paper scraps are so hard to keep organised! Mine are all thrown in a Out of site out of mind? I'm enjoying this weather and my weed garden as well here in Essex! hugs, Dorothy H #109

Anonymous said...

Wow! Can't believe how quickly Wednesday's come around...I was determined to post this time! Your desk shot makes me want to not go to work today but instead head upstairs to my desk!!

Robin said...

Wow, your desk looks so nice. Carnations are my favorite flower and they brighten up anywhere. Now I want to go organize my mess (I don't have drawers anywhere to hide things in) and get some flowers! And I beat 125 today! YAY, I have a new number :)
Have a beautiful day!

Caro said...

Wow, a lovely organised looking desk, some pretty flowers to keep things nice and cheerful and an on-line course to enjoy! What a great, happy post. Thanks for hosting. Happy WOYWW. Caro x(#71)

mamapez5 said...

Well we certainly shouldn't be tidying up to take our photos. I'm more likely to be getting something out so I don't look like too much of a lazy-bones! I'm interested in your gelli plate course. I hope we get to see some of the things you do. I found that within minutes I had a pile of backgrounds that it will take me forever to use up, so what do I do with it now? Inspire me please! Kate x #46

Lindsay Weirich said...

have fun with the gelli course! Happy WOYWW! Lindsay #112

Christine said...

You don't spell Jelly like that and if you don't know about it now then I recommend having Ice Cream with it!!
By the way - not jealous of Birmingham here ..........
Love the carnations, can smell them from here - gorgeous!
Bishopsmate - better late then never # 115

MaggieC (Silvercrafter) said...

Thank you for your visit today. I had to come back again and tell you that I am on a roll. I won a battle with British Gas who wanted to charge me more for my monthly payments, despite me being well in credit - I won, and they agreed to leave it as it was. What really made my day though was a phone call to tell me that Bailey Caravans have set up a liaison between the two local branches of Broad Lane Caravans to sort out my problem with the hand brake on the caravan, working on the lines of my suggestion of an extra long piece of pipework put over the existing handle to give me the extra leverage needed to overcome my lack of brute strength. It could have something to do with me threatening to publicise loudly and widely and long how they discriminated against women, men who aren't weight lifters and those of us with arthritis etc. Result! Now, I am so tired, I am off to bed to recover. xx Maggie #10

Liz B said...

What a beautiful summer day for creating! Happy Wednesday!

Angela Toucan said...

lovely pretty flowers, I've had my acrylic paints out today, but I have to put them away very quickly or else the kids decide they've been left out for them to paint with too.

pearshapedcrafting said...

Oops! Realised I hadn't left a comment about your desk which looked so cheery! Lucky you with your on line Gelliplate workshops-I'm sure you'll enjoy them! Chris 96

misteejay said...

How lovely to have a desk with flowers on it.

Toni xx

Unknown said...

I played with a home made gelli plate today. Had a lot of messy fun.
Happy WOYWW.
Carol x

Michelle said...

Happy WOYWW, Julie, I hope you had a wonderful birthday, your flowers are so pretty and you've got so many great things on your desk this week!


Michelle #121

Cazzy said...

Hi Julia, Happy WOYWW!
Your desk looks so pretty with all those flowers!
I have never done an online course, good luck with that. Would love a Gelli plate, might have to make my own from Shaz of Oz's instructions!

Cazzy x

Arnoldo L. Romero, MLA said...

It's good to be back. Blessings!

Crafting Vicky said...

Loving those great flowers you have one your desk! And yes it really seems quite tempting to be outside when it's so very beautiful!!!!



Jeanna said...

Greetings, Julia! I was aiming for spot 130, but I have been least I posted while it was still officially Wednesday!

Have a great week!
~Jeanna #126

Debs said...

haahahaaaaaa it's Thursday, I thought it was Wednesday! hhmmmmm

Love the flowers on your desk but...they are taking up crafting room!

Spyder said...

ohoo I love my 'Nanny's Treat' tin too, it has owls on it, from my daughter (from baby Naimh (Nieve)) inside was a mug matching the tin, but unfortunately the mug leaked after the third use (through an unseen tiny crack) so now it just holds pens, the tin hopefully will always be filled with Nanny's treats (out of camera view this week) for my granddaughter when she's old enough. The fridge magnet isn't finished, part of a DT creation while was too late to show, will finish it soon! HappY WOyWw


Sandie said...

Sadly I can't see your photos Julia as I am using wifi and my laptop is not operating fully. I hope you enjoyed your online Gelli course!

The-Butterfly said...

Oh I'm somewhat pleased my scrap box isn't half as big as yours lol so I can leave my scraps a little longer before feeling guilty ;)