Wednesday 30 January 2013

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday 191

There's a page explaining WOYWW and how to join us at the left of this blog........

This is Tuesday afternoon's desk...I need the daylight and this morning I'm committed to different sort of desk work which really is not picture-worthy!  I'm working on a card for a Grunge Style workshop - you can see my vast collection of Alcohol inks and the one applicator in my possession.  Yep, call me minimal. I don't really get them though see.  On my iPad deckchair and rather out of focus is a card that I've made from Emilie Chanel's article in Craft Stamper.  It's a lovely article and card...but hmm, the step by step instructions aren't quite true to the photos...not a major thing, but a little bit frustrating, nonetheless.  And that's not my excuse for copying badly, that happens anyway!  
You can see my button jar has had a sudden top up.  Yep, ridiculously well priced vntage look pastel buttons from Shopkeeper Gal - would have been rude not to.  And I've got some sewing planned, so I needed them, I'm sure.  

Share your work surface with us will ya - so much more interesting if you're involved.  Put WOYWW in your post title, link here and please make reciprocal visits.  Don't be stressing about visiting everyone on the list - we all know it's along list and time is at a premium.  Please enjoy.


MvM-design said...

Good morning Julia,

Good luck with the cart, you can do it!!
Have a nice Wednesday ;)
Hugs Marleen.

Create With Joy said...

Whoa, Julia, get the code? Is that a new addition or have I missed that all along?

Love your desk today. Found myself squinting to try to see the details of that pretty card of yours before I saw you mention it in your post.

Do you know I have yet to play with alcohol inks? Have been dying to - but oh, what a mess the cats and I could make!

Have a great day!

Create With Joy #4

Queenie Jeannie said...

Your desk is looking remarkably tidy this week!!! :D I don't have any alcohol inks...haven't ventured that way as of yet. Still, I think your card is lovely!

My post is long. Again! Someday I'm going to do a short, one photo post and shock you to bits!!! Someday. Which isn't today, lol!

Have a fabby week!!!

Spyder said...

There you go, I was determined to stay up it's waaayyy past my bed time, I've met myself getting up!
Desk looks inviting as always. Think it's about time I got me some of those there alcohol inks. Happy WOYWW! was #8

Nicky said...

I gave alcohol inks ago - but I found although everyone else gets stunning results it just was not my style lol Have a great week and enjoy playing _ Nicky #12

SandeeNC said...

Your alcohol ink collection looks about as impressive as mine, and I only have one applicator tool too...we are seriously in the minority! waving hi from the weather crazy hills of North Carolina ♥

Kyla said...

Hi hun, yes I agree about instructions. I have noticed over the past year that some of craft Stampers photos in their step by step instructions don't match the final make. There have been a few occasions when it looks like they have made a couple of items and used a bit of each in the final photo. I imaginge it can be problematic for new crafters and a tad annoying for others. Great magazine regardless though (I do like their cover stamps, not usually too twee).
Kyla #18

MaggieC (Silvercrafter) said...

Your collection of alcohol inks beats mine into a cocked hat - I don't have any. I hate to admit this among so many avid TH followers, but I don't "get" grunge. I do like the effects you are getting with your inks though. I also only have one of those blenders, so I may follow Shaz Silverwolf and make my own. However, I now have a two foot section of wordless again - result. Have a good week, Julia. xx Maggie #11

Neesie said...

LOL I've just read the bit that says 'Please leave a comment after lurking'...or that's what I thought it said! I have been lurking waiting for Mister Linky but got distracted and then whoosh...I'm number 16! So much for lurking :$
There's some fast cats out there ;D
Your desk looks tidy there...I can see to table top! and hey...we all know you NEED those buttons.
I feel all's well with the world today because I'm back with the WOYWW's been some time and I missed everyone :D
Neesie ♥ #16

Hardwick Creations said...

Hi Julia, I agree, your desk looks tidy but very productive...I've used alcohol inks and they work well for me. Have to admit though, that I did an ATC class where I learnt how to use alcohol inks...that might make the difference.

I tried to be one of the first, but again I got gazumpted...I stepped out for a minute...and 21 other people beat me! lol

Thanks again for sharing Julia.

Sandy said...

That card looks just beautiful, hope you link it up so we can see it better.. Love the look of that flower. That shade of green you are using for that delightful pattern on your desk is lovely. I so need some more buttons, I just stocked up on brads as I seem to be using a lot of those lately.
Happy WOYWW..
Sandy :) #21

Ann B said...

I have a load of AI's but then I have a load of most craft supplies - just a bit of a magpie I suppose. You can never have too many buttons and a full jar looks a lot neater somehow. Have a good Wednesday.
Ann B

Ginny Maxam said...

Lovley desk today Julia!! I enjoyed seeing sunshine and Green.!! have a wonderful week

peggy aplSEEDS said...

i love ridiculously well priced anything and buttons are always great but i do need to use some of mine! happy WOYWW!

Bubbles said...

Oh, Sandy, please don't mention brads! Gone are the days when my 'local'-ish craft shops were over-run with papermania brad and eyelet packets... now they seem as rare as rocking horse..... um... hens teeth! :)

A tidy desk for you Julia... well, organised (tidy is boring - and yours is never boring!).

Jackie said...

I like you love buttons and have a huge jar full
You made me think I haven't had my alcohol inks out for ages ..... Think I should get them out this week
Jackie 17

Anonymous said...

Happy WOYWW. AIs - I don't get them either. Bought a 'starter kit' from QVC (when they had lots of craft shows on) years ago - and I have used them a few times to make 'interesting' backgrounds - but that is my limit. They will definitely be included in the very long list of stash I will be selling soon, when I get round to sorting it out. Can I have several more hours in each 24?? Ali x #34

okienurse said...

Morning!! Looks like an awesome desk today...Looking at the green grass outside your window. I wouldn't know what to do with snow one week and green grass the next. Everything here is brown and dismal but we did get about 1/4 inch of rain today! YAY! Have a great week! Vickie #31

Claire said...

i must dig out my alcohol inks and pad (i only have the one, aswell) - i used to love splatting it around :)
happy WOYWW and have a wonderful week!
no. 5

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Moooore Buttons??? (in a Lady Bracknell voice) How very dare you...anything would think you had a gazillion workshops to prepare for...or something... :)
LLJ xx

Almo said...

Hi Julia, Great minds think alike, I have my Craft Stamper out and am about to play with my alchohol inks this week on old drinks cans. The card on your deck chair looks lovely, and your buttons just look like a jar of sweeties mmm! Hugs Mo x

MrsC.x said...

i dont get the alcohol inks i just get in an awful mess and end up looking like a smurf for a week!

Happy WOYWW Mrs.C #41

fairy thoughts said...

Morning Julia
The buttons (also on my desk) as you say It would have been rude ont too and they are lovely. Have a good day now the snow has gone

Helen said...

Of course you needed more buttons, the ones in the jar were getting lonely... I don't use my AI's much either, though I have more than you do....I always seem to end up with mud! Have a good day, even if it's doing other desk work! Helen, 9

Mary said...

Your desk always looks so creative. I love the window. How nice to be able to see a garden while you work. Love the button jar. I love collecting them, hate giving them away...this week I did manage to pry 3 out of my hand and put them on a card! Have a most wonderful week, I'm off to have a snoop at some desks.

BJ said...

Gosh I am so laid back about WOYWW I don't wake in the night anymore but it still gets me out of bed before my alarm! Love the card, would like a close-up, and HOW many buttons? I think you need to do a button workshop! Happy WOYWW BJ#42 - ah! the answer to the Universe how fulfilling.

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Hi Julia.. ah lurking around your desk has been agreeable as usual.. an so amused by the Lady Bracknell voice of LLJ upon the discovery of "MORE buttons"!! :D

I can so understand though I have million one dies and yet more on desk today is case in point..

Like many others I too only have one of those.. but use a lot of the cheap ones from cheap shops of three for $2 in 3 different sizes and once I picked some up for .50c!!
Happy WOYWW, Shaz in Oz.x #40

ria gall said...

Good morning and thank you for another WOYWW I love this blog hopping.
I am excited at the sight of your alcohol inks and I am looking forward to your craty goodness in the craft stamper magazine

Pam said...

Card looks nice it is frustrating when instructions aren't right!!

Twiglet said...

Fab buttons - I bought similar style from the Range - I have more than I shall ever use but I just love buttons! x Jo

sara j said...

Greetings Julia!
You have green grass!! I'm so jealous. I have decided I might be sick of winter. Oh well. Too bad. We have at least two and half more months...if we're lucky.
I have to say I love alcohol inks. They blend so well and they are so intense. And the very clever Julia Tomlinson showed me how to use them in collage and now I like them even better. But there are so many mediums out there we'd all go broke if we had them pick and chose what speaks to you I say.
Hope you have a great week.

Sarn said...

Morning Julia et al

I've come to play along today. Haven't been for a while.

Love the look of your desk Julia . . . pretty tidy too.

Sarn xxx

The Scrapbook Lady UK said...

Hello! Happy WOYWW. I love the look of that card and would love a close up! I thought your layout that you shared when it was finished last week was lovely! Thanks for visiting me too, jenx

Di said...

Hi Julia

I wouldn't know an alcohol ink if it jumped up and bit me on me bum - oops. lowering the tone of WOYWW :)

Have a lovely day, hugs, Di xx

toni said...

Hi Julia, looks like you've been busy,I'm going to have to zoom in to have a good look at your card. Thanks for your recent visits, I hope you don't mind me mentioning my flower tutorial, several people commented after last weeks WOYWW so thought I'd get it together this week and have a little giveaway as well. Hope it's easier to follow than the card one you've struggled with x

Lynn Holland said...

Morning Julia, I'm going to have a look for the button lady's link. There might be something useful for my course work there, so thanks for that.
I will e going to the Antique Textiles Fair in Manchester on the first Sundsy in March so I'm bound to find lots of goodies and also find myself with an empty purse. Off to London tomorrow till Tuesday so the desk will be empty after today.
Have a good week
Lynn 54

Unknown said...

Morning Julia, will save my blog hopping until this evening, thing I will start my visiting all the 6's as i am #56 today, sounds like Bingo doesn't it.
Carol.x #56

Unknown said...

Morning Julia I hope the boring desk work doesn't keep you away from those yummy buttons too long! Happy WOYWW to you from Helen 55

donnalouiserodgers said...

well, I'm sure your sis would tell you, red blue and yellow or in pantone terms CMYK is all a person could ever need,
unless of course you are in the camp that thinks that no life is complete without black and white to argue over....
grunge is such a horrid descriptor, all the same, I like your card even if it was improvised where instruction was confusing...

Minxy said...

A very minimal desk from you today, Love the look of the card on the easel, very pretty indeed.

Debbie Rock said...

After scouring your desk for your "vast collection of distress inks" the penny finally dropped ... duh! I'm afraid I LoVe grunge ... can't do it, but LoVe it! I shall be grunging today which, on my desk, simply equates to putting splodgy dabs of ink here and there on my card and hoping for the best.
I LoVe how all our desks are so similar and yet so very different all at the same time and thanks to you, JULIA, we get to Go Compare! (sorry) today! Happy WOYWw'ing. Love Debbie xXx #58
ps: Oh and I want your button jar!

Jackie said...

Good morning a girl can never have too many buttons, Julia. Have a lovely week :) x

JoZart Designs said...

Good Morning Miss!
Tidy and creative there but you sound somewhat frustrated! No evidence of snow through your window to keep you in to count all those buttons! Have a good week!
Jo x

Annie said...

You you just know I will be wondering what you're sewing. :-)
A x

Claudia N. said...

Wow, it's only Tuesday morning and there are already sixty crafters showing their workdesks... feels like I am awfully late ;)

Will fiddle my desk in right away and then try to visit as many as possible!

Your button jar looks very inspiring, filled to the top. Just feels good to know there's always enough supplies, don't it?

I own two applicators (and I thought I was minimal at that *giggle) and get along with that very well.

And are these Alcohol inks to the right? Oh, and I see some ebmossing folders to the left, don't I? Jeeez, have to finish my breakfast and hop off to my desk... :)

Have a wonderful workdesk wednesday!

Greetings from Vienna,

Claudia x

lisa said...

I love the fact that your glasses are always on your desk just as though you were there a minute ago but have just popped out!!!! They are so "you".
I spotted that card sunning it's self on the deckchair and thought it was a Craft Stamper one. I loved that article and have marked it to play with. I will watch the instructions so thanks for that.
Hugs Lisax #63

RosA said...

Hi Julia, The last time I made it to WOYWW, the pooter died, well, not really the poor pooter, the total internet thingy went kaput and being a pooter dinosaur, I just sat back and waited til it all got fixed, which required a new ISP (apparently). It died in between linking and sending you a comment which was rather bad manners, but only accidentally.
Anyway, I've only got one genuine alcohol applicator thing and then only because it was on sale. I have some homemade ones also that do the job. Oh, and did you know, alcohol inks work really well on buttons! Honestly!

Sue McDonald said...

A girl after my own heart.......I'm a hoarder of buttons and ribbons but just decided the best place for them are on my projects

Have a great woyww


Cardarian said...

Yes I sometimes find article instructions for making cards a bit frustrating - I do love to read crafty magazines but sometimes you do exactly what they say and the result is not the same! Huh!
Lots of hugs,

Elizabeth said...

Hi Julia, envying the daylight you had yesterday - it's definitely the dark north up here at the moment - dismal too :(

Anyway, the card on the deckchair looks lovely - will have to check out that article. I have even fewer of those alcohol inks but I do have two applicators - which, in the circumstances, seems excessive!

And what I can see of those buttons, I think I would have found it rude to say no too ... do you think Shopkeeper Gal does mail order :))

Happy WOYWW, despite the need to do a different sort of desk work this morning. Hugs, Elizabeth x (a disgracefully low) #71

MiniOwner said...

Good morning! My mouth is watering at the Marmite in the post below - I LOVE Marmite. Hmm I think the toaster is calling me. :O)
Happy Wednesday.
Sue x (MiniOwner@74)

crafty....du said...

Love the desk :) It always looks so bright and creative :)

Thanks for sharing

Kerry @ 1

Kath Stewart said...

Hi Julia...a very studious looking desk that your specs take certain stage...hugs kath xxx

Heathers Inspiration said...

Love marmite too!
Great desk and thanks for all the Inspiration and WOYWW goodness x

sandra de said...

I know what you mean about not getting alcohol inks. Now I use them to colour trinket boxes, stained the wooden shelf on my desk and even colour changed a leather bag. But I rarely use them in scrapbooking or cardmaking because I make a mess. I only have one applicator as well.

Sandra @76

shazsilverwolf said...

Liking the look of the card on the deckchair, have to go get the mag out & relook at that.Have a great day, Hugs, Shaz xx #69

Joanne said...

Julia, Julia a tidy desk. Are you feeling ok??

A Hovel to Home said...

I feel for you with the step by step, having had to write them it is difficult to sometimes translate what you did to paper in a logical manner, and it is super easy to forget something small that is vital.

Sheilagh said...

That looks like a rather efficient desk ready for something to happen? What?


HeARTworks said...

The grunge backgrounds are looking interesting and although I have some alcohol inks I have no idea what to do with them! I don't even have one applicator!! How about a trade of backgrounds? I would like to see how yours look up close! Hopefully you will be able to use mine! Yes, I do paint quickly- I'm not a perfectionist like Peggy! :^) Patsy from

Glenda said...

Such wonderful light coming through those windows! I love the button jar and you have quite a selection of buttons! Enjoy your day!

BJ said...

Oh Julia your reply has made me laugh ROFL doubletime:-

I smiled at the matchbox..'just need to alter it and fill it' - you sound so casual over something that would make me panic!!

Perhaps I am panicing INSIDE BJ#42 still laughing..............

Chrysalis said...

Morning Julia - better late than never! Chris x

The House of Bears said...

We only have one alcohol ink applicator too, and 5 inks, we don't really get them either!

Gibby Frogett said...

Hi Julia.. thanks for another WOYWW. I only have one ink applicator plus one homemade one.. but I do love the way alcohol inks work on shiny surfaces including changing colours of buttons.
Love marmite too but missed seeing the special edition one...happy crafting ..Gill x (#82)

Kate said...

I liked that article in CS and your card looks very nice, at least from a distance, lol.

I had no success with Alcohol inks until I did the Sir Tim 101 class. I followed his instructions to the letter and got something quite presentable. Haven't used them again since, of course!!

** Kate **

Christine said...

I'm here! Only just ..... Thanks to Julia!
Hope to visit your posts later. I did manage to visit all the posts last week but do to the infernal MAN DESIGNED phone was unable to comment on them all ........ sorry to those who had a silent visit.

Claire Grantham said...

Morning! I like the open button jar Julia, I want to have a look in there :) Cx

Tammy said...

The grunge workshop sounds cool. What a fun jar of buttons! You can never have too many.... Happy WOYWW!

pearshapedcrafting said...

Did not intend being this late! Haven't done anything with my alcohol inks for ages but do love them! Love whats on your desk today and have button jar envy! Chris 91 (I think!)

Roudi said...

You can never have too many buttons! (or embellishments! lol)
Love the little sign thingie hanging from the window.

Happy Wednesday! xx
Roudi #94

Barb King said...

Hi Julia, It's good to be back, I've missed playing along. Sorry, no desk to show today, but a beautiful photo. I tried the alcohol inks too, the paper came out with a marble like effect, so I felt it was a success, but haven't tried them since. Here's the card I made. Have a great week, I look forward to hopping around!

Franka Benjaminsen said...

Hello Julia. Back in WOYWW-land, but only in the Dutch language. I'm sorry about that, but translating everything takes too much time for me, so I hope everyone translates my text with the translation tool. xFranka

Gaby said...

Hi Julia,
your Desk looks always creative - i like it so much!
Thank you for the brilliant idee with WOYWW!
Have a great Wednesday!
Greetings from Vienna, Gaby
PS: Yes, the blue lights (last week) were outside

Hettie said...

What is not to "get" with alcohol ink? More mess you can make whilst having fun!!
Nice projects on your desk today Miss!
See ya next week on the Desk Hop!

Monica said...

Tidy desk this week. What do you use all those alcohol inks for as I only use them with glossy papers or to grunge up metal buttons.

Nan G said...

lovely background started there on top. have a super rest of the week. nan g 107

Laura said...

Good morning, Julia! Best of luck with the desk work that awaits you. Good for you, trying things out of your normal comfort zone. I only have a few alcohol inks, too. Water-based things are so much easier to clean up -- I'm sure that's part of the reason I don't get into them more. Happy Wednesday! Laura []

Robin said...

Top of the Mornin to ya Julia! I notice that you had daylight out your window....usually, it's dark when you shoot your desktop!

Your cute little chair for your IPAD really needs to come visit me!

Krisha said...

Hi Julia, an other wonderful WOYWW! I too confess to owning just a few AI (about3) I really haven't used them as of yet. This is going to sound weird, but I use a pom pom and the ink pad, or put a couple drops in the well of my paint pallet and a pom pom. LOL NOW I have divided boxes and boxes of buttons!!Still in the sewing machine cabnet from years ago when I made almost everything I wore. Your little black scissors there on the lower right, what brand are they, and are they made in Italy? They look like the ones I have been searching for.
Krisha #109

Shoshi said...

Lovely industrious desk, Julia. I love alcohol inks but don't often get to play with them.

I haven't done a proper WOYWW post this week but put a pic and a link about my new wheelchair spoke guards as everyone was so interested in them! It's been a busy week with some problems with my elderly mum etc. and I've been busy recovering from the craft show.

Happy WOYWW!
Shoshi #105

Carole Z said...

Your desk looks tidier than mine (and I did try and tidy this week!) Can see your busy creative! Carole Z X

The Inkspirational Crafter said...

Good afternoon,

I used to post on here this time last year and then life took over and I just never got around to it.

So having walked past my temporary desk I decided it would be perfect to start again..

Fingers crossed I continue and hopefully here's my first of many... lol

Brenda B said...

Nice to see a daylight desk again, I do like the changing of the seasons but I really dislike the dark nights for crafting. I spotted the buttons immediately, but I bet like me and my pasta jar inks, you'll always want the ones at the very bottom no doubt!

Brenda 91

Hhm, the "other" blogs have gone from your comment list... only google accounts can now comment?

Deb said...

I too only have a few alcohol inks, all you need really if they are in your fave colours. I struggle with them hence no need to buy more although I do love how they look when other people use them!

LisaDV said...

Have fun working on your card workshop. Lovely button jar. Happy Wednesday. LisaDV #117

Marianne said...

and good morning to you. It's been a long long time since I linked up with WOYWW. So sorry to have stayed away so long. But I'm back and so happy to see some old familiar faces.
Your desk window always makes me smile.

Jaki Morris said...

Buttons on offer? Would have been rude not to!

Short and sweet today!

Jakix #119

Karin said...

I love alcohol inks and have a few but only the one applicator :) just need to change the felt more often.

Happy Wednesday
Karin #111

Katie said...

I love the light on your desk! I don't have any alcohol inks at all!

Happy WOYWW!
Katie #120

Stamper Gyrl said...

Everyone has such a great desk!

susibee said...

Such a tidy desk.

I love the card I can see in the background.

Unknown said...

A fairly tidy desk... and I have about the same amount of alcohol inks myself! LOL! The card looks cool from what I can see. Happy WOYWW!
Carol N #103

Whimcees said...


I hope that all is well with you! Your desk looks so tidy this week - I love your green grass outside the window - snow coming down here in this part of WI. Wishing you a good day today!


Barbara Diane

Unknown said...

Have fun playing with your distress inks and your button jar is gorgeous and almost overflowing with loveliness. Have a great week.

Unknown said...

I think your button jar is one of my favorite things on your desk!! What are you planning to sew? It is, I have to say, so nice to do the desktop photoshoot with sunlight--I always try to do that because it makes me happy, and consequently, my desk is always a Tuesday desk, so that I can 1-have sunlight, 2-have time to get the blog written and 3-be able to post it as soon as I get off the treadmill on Wednesday mornings! I love this blog party so much, I think someone should make a movie about us. Have a wonderful week Julia dear! Happy WOYWW! Sandy Leigh #104

Michele's Scrapy Creations said...

Good morning, wonderful peek at your desk.. love the card on your desk. those button jar look so much fun to dig through..

Have a wonderful day!

Michele #112

Laura said...

Oops! After a successful start in the first week of the new year I have missed a couple of weeks (through no fault of my own I should add!) and having linked myself up this week have managed to add myself twice, sorry!

Laura #105 and 128!

voodoo vixen said...

Well, instructions being a bit off or not, that card is looking very pretty! And your glasses are mirroring my own... same position on desk and all!! I have a more alcohol inks than you... na na na na... about one bottle more!! Annette

She Who Doodles said...

i see no workspace is complete without the jar of buttons.

Lisa said...

No, I don't get alcohol inks either... but I do get jewellery making! Julia, don't forget to visit my blog... you could be the lucky one! ;-)


Lucy said...

There should be no shame in buying buttons! In fact I'm not even at work this week and Fairy Thoughts thought to text me about some new cheap buttons that have come in and asked if I want a pack put by. I said yes of course! Thanks for popping round with your kind words. Have a great week. Lucy #23 x

Katie said...

Thanks so much for hosting!


Kim said...

I can't help it, all my eye sees is the green grass on the other side of the window...even if all our snow melts, it will be ages before it gets green...truely green with envy! And really, those are your only AI's? but...all the colors.....

Angie said...

I see green lol! Ok I know that isn't the focus of the post but your grass is lovely! I've got one applicator took too, never saw a need for more than one. I've only got me distressing stuff anyway!
Angie #135

Caz said...

Late again!! Sorry :-( but have been very good and not waffled as much as normal and left a reasonably short post!!
As usual, your desk haas lots of bits and pieces to start the week's nosey visiting!!
#136 (unless Mr Linky's changed me like he did last week!!)

Lindsay Weirich said...

You don't need to justify a button purchase to anyone on this list...just don't call "Hoarders" on any of us:) Your card was lke my crochet ponch project this week, I started off following a pattern but by the end of the first row I had to go rogue and finish it my way:) it happens to the best of us:)
Lindsay #137

Keren Howell said...

Buttons need no excuse, so good for you taking advantage of an offer you couldn't refuse! Happy WOYWW - xxx Keren

Maisie Moonshine said...

Hello Julia - Newbie here, thank you for inviting us along on your brilliant round the crafty world trip. I LOVE WOYWW - and am glad to enjoy the journey with you.

Rebekah said...

I think I always come in around 140-141!! Thanks again for a fun challenge!

Sarah Leonard said...

Linking up a piece of collaged art, step by step this week.

Thanks for hosting :)

Sarah @ A Cat-Like Curiosity

MiniOwner said...

Hi Julia. Just popped back to say I got the Disney images here
Sue x (MiniOwner@74)

505whimsygirl said...

Hi Julia,

Not joining in and I REALLY tried to stay way -- but hey, I'm a failure!

I noticed your button jar first thing! What is it about buttons?!? I absolutely love them.


Anne said...

Buttons on offer I would have bought them as well sewing or no sewing I have a thing about them- yeah I know I'm sad. I don't own any alchohol inks either wouldn't know what to do with them if I did. Think your desk looks very well organised. Anne x

Karen said...

Just love your desk, day or night, so many goodies to see. Can't wait to see what you do with the buttons. Karen 84 x

Eliza said...

I dont believe a person can have enough buttons so for me keep collecting. I find it frustrating when the directions are incorrect and not true to form, I believe the magazine is just as much at fault. Thanks for visiting and Happy WOYWW

Eliza 100

famfa said...

Sorry a bit late today. Card looks good to me. Oh there's your glasses. Who couldn't resist vintage look buttons?

Famfa 92

dix said...

I always enjoy seeing your work desk and those of others are over the globe! Love your jar of buttons! I , too have never tried alcohol inks...on the list.
Thanks for hosting us. dix---#146

Unknown said...

Lots of goodies and definitely lots of lovely buttons, like the others I haven't ventured down the alcohol inks path yet - but give me time.

Elaine #30

Alison Scott said...

Love your desk. The views each week are great. Glad the lighter days are coming.
Thank you for visiting today.
Alison #72

MaryH said...

Hi Julia, and thanks once more for the chance to participate in such a fun post. I barely squeaked in! I don't 'get grunge', but I do like the alcohol inks. I am presently trying an experiment using them on acetate (something that is new to me!) I'm going to use the acetate piece as a backing behind a DLite cutout. Anyway, I shared some not very well arranged pictures of my area, and I would dearly love to have the view that you have outside your window. And all that natural light. Thanks for sharing, and your desk looks positively neat. I love buttons too.

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

I love to see the outside light! I also like the cute card on your easel. Always a favorite..buttons I had quite the time posting this, I guess it is my computer having problems. Hopefully have it back to normal. I don't have time to be messing with computer stubborness. Enjoy the week

Kezzy said...

Wow I really love the card, I have but a marker on her article to try out as it does look brill. Grungy class, bet they all will love that. Yummy buttons, I actually ordered some by Papermania and they were quite cheap, but I was amazed when they came as it was a huge bag, think it was from the vintage notes bits they do but they are loads, the best value I ever had for buttons. Happy Woyww :-) Hugs Kezzy xxx

Claire Grantham said...

Hey Julia,you said you liked the doilies when you visited my blog. Here is a link for you -
Cx #88

Liz B said...

Happy Wednesday! Love the buttons! :)

Queen Lightwell said...

Well, I only have two of those smooshy holder things, oh, applicators, that's the word...but I've a tray full of alcohol inks! Don't use them much, I should take a class or something...I even have pens and alcohol ink blending fluid or something like that. lol Though I have used the black alcohol ink with the metal plate rivet embossing folder, or whatever the name of it is, and it makes the finished product look fab, especially if you use metal tape on paper in the embossing folder.
Anyways, I see green grass...didn't you have snow last week?! WOW!
Thanks for sharing your works with us and allowing us to link up and snoop around! :) Deeyll #147

LuLu said...

Howdy Julia,

Your table seems SO tidy this week!!!!

And now mine isn't! Would love for you to stop by when you have a moment or two. I'm working on a FAB journal cover!

And check out my worldwide Giveaway in the right side bar.


Ginger said...

This is my first time playing along! I see some very interesting things on your desk but I especially like the button jar!

peggy gatto said...


Arnoldo L. Romero, MLA said...

1 month down and 11 more to go. Blessings!

Wanda said...

Hi there! New to WOYWW here. This is really cool. I think this post is exactly what I need to help me stay focused and on task!

Unknown said...

I've quite often found in the past that magazines get the instructions wrong. Lovely card anyway and brilliant deskk as always.

Winnie said...

Hi Julia. I put a link up for my first time last night, but don't see it up anymore? Did I do it incorrectly?
Didn't want to try again if I did. Thanks.

Stitching Lady said...

I added my Wednesday table - it is another one - another table. Because I am not at my studio but in a holiday house in France which has to be renovated by my slave (hm DH - big smile) while I am doing my things but very reduced because of just a bag of stuff with me.

Winnie said...

This is my first time participating. I see that I linked up wrong last night to last week! Ugh. Trying again. I love the view from your window when you work! Love your buttons!! Such a pretty idea to have them in one jar. Thanks for the fun!

trisha too said...

Well I'm last again this week, at least for the moment.

Of course you shouldn't be rude, absolutely the right thing to do!


Queen Lightwell said...

Hey Julia, I'm so sorry but my first entry at #147 just links right back to you! I guess when I was copying and pasting the links I got confused. :) I put a new one up at #164 because I couldn't remove the #147 one. Just thought I would let you know and say thank you, again, for hostessing this fun linky party every week! :)

jodpea said...

Oh dear, I just linked up and put in my post that I was late to the party... I've jus realised its Thursday today! Its ok, I won't hurt you...

April said...

Thank you for visiting my blog. :-) The light bulb is a 'keep out' so I can make them for next year. I haven't found a good tutorial as that one was a gift. But I think it is so stinkin cute - I wanted to make some for gifts for next Christmas.
April #101

Jules said...

Better late than never....right?!?!? Sorry that I am so tardy this week.

jude said...

Well hunni i think your desk is just so crafy wish mine was .Im sorry im late but had stressful couple weeksi have time on my hands so hopefully get round get round you all
hugs judex

Unknown said...

I am looking forward to joining in the WOYWW! I love going around and visiting other work desks! It is wonderful to share the love of crafts with other like minded people! :-)