Wednesday 16 January 2013

WOYWW What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday 189

Darnell - is that you?  Happy Anniversary gal - congratulations!
I hit upon the idea of a I thought I'd show you two pics for one day. Probably just a procrastination technique, but hey... Both taken on Tuesday afternoon, the second is exactly as the desk still looks.  Excludng the dirty mug - yes, I'm turning into Suzy Homemaker and clearing up a bit now and then.  I know, but it's better for your nerves.
Here it is, just as I get stuck in...the workshop I'm working on requires typed up notes which is unusual for me these days, so I'm backwards and forwards to the PC...if I don't type as I go, there's too much typing to do and it becomes deathly boring and makes me tired and then I don't want to do it and then takes even longer and ..oh.  You get it.  OK. The cup of hot chocolate is in evidence...just about 3pm I reckon, the time of day I seem to need a fix of something sweet.  

About an hour later.  I've obviously moved on because there's a card with notes propped against the ipad and one or two different ink pads lurking, waiting for honest employment.  The lid is still off the little square tub of embossing powder.  I realise that the inks you can see aren't suitable for just assume that I'm too lazy to put one or the other away.  And you'd be right.  Am using regular tape today, my ATG is semi retired.  I waited till the refill tapes were on special offer and managed to run out too soon.  Incidentally, UK readers, over at 3M Direct they're selling the pink dispenser and tape kit for under a tenner. Bargain.

So I'm not here today; last week I started at the end of the list and got about two thirds back (forward?), so don't expect me for a while, huh.  So while I'm out, show and tell about your workspace if you've time, post on your blog with WOYWW in the title, link here and please if you can, turn off Word Verification.  If you can't, we'll help or try to persevere..but it really is getting hard!


voodoo vixen said...

Can it be right? After all these years did I actually make the number 1 spot? I will have to wait and see... cos sometimes it tries to fool me!

Nikki said...

Those stamps on your desk look interesting and looks like you've been busy hugs Nikki#6

Tuire Flemming said...

What is that green outside your window...? It´s completely WHITE here!
Snowy (we got even more last night) greetings from Finland!
Tuire #5

peggy aplSEEDS said...

it fooled you again, Annette! enjoyed the twofer today, Julia!

Anonymous said...

Oh dear! My iPad is going mad this week, displaying all strange an tiny. But I swear this week I was so discombobulated I was sure Yesterday was Weds, that I had missed my Drs. appointment, and woke up at 3:45 am thinking I had missed WOYWW. Doh! So me and my IPad are in sync. Anyway, love you did a twofer for us, and thanks for the reminder ...I need some ATG tapes too

Happy woyww day

MA (no idea my number. I was there, the is wasn't so maybe no number till I go back after commenting :) )

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

Oh pretty bright window, and the 3pm must be world wide. I either have the sweet or a caffine urge. You're right on with cocoa..suppose to be one of the 5 foods GOOD for you. We must be on delay in US, 12 before me and I have checked it every 10 seconds. Oh well, I'm here and in good form for 12:12AM and this week #lucky 13. Enjoy WOYWW and thanks for sharing your working desk.

sandra de said...

Two pics for one day is a newie and good to see the action on your table continues.
Sandra @ 16

Claire said...

time-lapse photography, eh?
there's never a dull moment on your desk, you busy bee :)
Happy WOYWW and have a wonderful week :o)
no. 2
Mary Anne just pipped me!! xx

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...


Hi there Julia, ah love the progressive shots today..

..and yes must say that rainbow mug really caught my eye!! and notes - wow do you make neat notes or what??

.. mine are always a scrawl on a scrap bit of paper enjoy your day wherever you may be,
Shaz in oz.x #4

Kyla said...

Typing up notes for a class eh? Sounds more like work! Thanks for the the tape gun tip off, not used one before (I use tape from the hardware section of poundland!) But off to investigate ....


Andrea said...

like the idea of the two pics..shows progress or not ! unfortunately mine wouldn't have changed this week but a good idea and would show that I do make a mess sometimes !.. where is the snow ?... have a great week hugs Andrea x

Anonymous said...

Happy WOYWW. I nearly didn't get here, and then my internet was playing up and I have had to put my link on the list 3 times! Hopefully I am No.27, but it may change. Lovely busy desk, with fab tidy notes. Ali x #27

A Hovel to Home said...

All looks very interesting, industrious and creative.



Jenny Marples said...

How organised are you writing things down!! As ususal there is plenty going on here Julia. The hot chocolate looks tempting too:) Hugs, Jenny #29

KatzElbows said...

Sorry, I got totally distracted by the 3M website! I always need something about 3 as well. Then I have a slump about 4 and need a nap, although I can't have one because they frown at that at work. It's nice to see some sunlight out your window, and I hope you've finished your class notes. I tend not to do the because people read them instead of listening!

Have a great day and stay warm,
Rachel #23

Cardarian said...

Looking very busy although you say you are not there! I will be gone in a minute too! Have a lovely day!

Redanne said...

Good morning Julia, I like the idea to the two pictures - progress? Hugs, Anne x #34

Ginny Maxam said...

Hi Julia! I hate typing too! ad directions are such a pain! I enjoyed reading your post and like you, mine was a progresion of the day!Only I am posting this at 2am here! HAve a great week!

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Good morning dear the two pictures, double the pleasure :)
LLJ xxxx

Words and Pictures said...

Glad we got the second pic by flashlight, or I'd not have noticed the fab rainbow colours on your mug - specially chosen to blend in with your blog background?! Love the double pic... Maybe we should do hourly updates of desk changes throughout the day? (Joke - in case it wasn't clear...) Happy WOYWW, Julia!
Alison x

Maria said...

Hi Julia,

Always look forward to reading your posts, hope you managed to get something done, we have been having some hot as days so I have been locked inside sitting under the aircon staying cool.... And counting down the days until school starts back up on the 29th....
Have a great week...


Erika said...

Hi Julia, typing up notes I agree has got to be the worse bit when planning. I'm out today too but hope to pop back this evening and catch up with everyone.
Happy WOYWW, hugs Erika. 42

Helen said...

Love both pictures, double the pleasure as has been mentioned. Hope you got the workshop planning done, that's one off the list... Have a good day, wherever you are! Helen, 10

toni said...

some interesting looking stamps there julia, can't quite make them out but they look very new.have a a happy WOYWW x

Di said...

Aaaargh, I made myself feel sick and dizzy scrolling between the two photos. It's a bit like those 'Spot the Difference' quizzes in magazines

Thanks for the heads up about 3M!

Hugs, Di xx About 41.......I wish!!!

Kirsty.A said...

Sorry. Don't believe you. There';s no way it's Wednesday already. I'm not ready to play. Haven't done anything creative on my desk since the schools went back

Claudia N. said...

I finally made it, folks! I am joining in this lovely sneak-peak-event. Thanks, Julia, for this awesome idea!!!


die amelie x

Annie said...

How funny that your rainbow mug seems to brighten up your desk today.....bring on long sunny days and more rainbows eh?
A x

Sandy said...

Happy Anniversary Darnell.. 2 pics showing progress.. Like that big thinking of you stamp..
Have a great WOYWW
Sandy :)

Jackie said...

Like your two picture idea
I myself took a picture of my desk yesterday about three thinking that was it.... Then crafted till ten at night and it changed to the one I posted ... Wish I had thought to show like you did
Jackie 26

Tina´s PicStory said...

great idea! it´s my first time here :)

okienurse said...

interesting looking desk today! both times... Looks like you have been busy. I have a couple classes coming up the end of the month and I need to type up notes but just haven't been motivated to do so yet. Have a great week. Vickie #43

Hettie said...

Hmmn! Lucky you to be able to get pics of your desk twice in one day, I can only do that if I take a pic of my work desk! :-(
Brrrrr! Cold this morning! Pass me some hot chocolate!

Unknown said...

You were right it is addictive.

Cathy said...

You're desk is looking a lot more creative than mine today!!! SNAP on the phone!! I am liking that ig sentiment stamp - I want more sentiment stamps to use as the main part of my cards.
Cathy xx

Unknown said...

Julia a busy lady this week, just off the cuff an excellant early,I mean very early drink is one spoon of Hot Chocolate,milk and coffee all mixed together!!
xx Zeffy #41

MrsC.x said...

typing up notes for a class??? cor you're kind! i dont do typed notes lol
loving the two shoots mine still looks as it did yesterday i will feebly make an effort to tidy later..maybe!
Happy WOYWW Mrs.C #46 {i think?!}

Darnell said...

Thank you for another week of fabulous fun, Julia!! And a special thank you for the surprise anniversary congratulations!!! Darnell #61

shazsilverwolf said...

Crafting in the dead of night, judging by how dark it is, lol. I spies some interesting looking stamps there too- Have a Great Wednesday, Hugs xx Shaz #64

Twiglet said...

Before and after is a good idea - might do the same next week - if my desk isn't too much of a wreck once I have crafted on it for an hour or two! Hope you had a great day. x Jo

Lynn Holland said...

Thanks for the 3M tip off, I've got a friend who wants one

Joanne said...

Time lapsed photos now Julia, what an expert. I do believe you actually crafted and didn't just move things about.

BJ said...

Morning Julia, busy desk again I see. Hope wherever you are you are having fun. BJ#55

lisa said...

Is this a BOGOF offer Julia?????
I love the before and after but not sure about having to type up notes, that sounds like hard work, don't envy you there.
It's funny how we all use inks in a different way isn't it, I often emboss with distress inks although admittedly you do have to be quick.
Hope you have a good day and Happy WOYWW
Hugs Lisax #70

Francesca said...

Back to normal for me this week. Its amazing how quickly the sun goes down at the mo. Great desk. Francesca #75

Chrysalis said...

Pant, pant! Hi Julia and co - can't stop now - hope to catch up with most of you tonight. Chris xx

SueH said...

Loving the time laps photography Julia!
If I had done that in my work room over the last two weeks very little would have changed until yesterday, Lol.

Happy Crafting!

Shoshi said...

I know what you mean about needing to keep on top of the notes, Julia. Much better that way, because you don't forget anything. Nice busy desk, in both pics!

Happy WOYWW and thanks for hosting us,
Shoshi #83

Jaki Morris said...

Man, what a lot going on. I love my ATG but hate running out of refills. I could do with joining forces with someone and buying them in bulk to avoid the postage charges.

Love the two photos there's always so much to see

Take care

Jakix #85

The House of Bears said...

Here we are again. Loving the two desk pics by the way. Greetings from snowy Suffolk and the bears

C said...

You do have the most amazing windows, Julia...don't you love having that little ipad right there close by? Happy WOYWW!

Neesie said...

Oh my yet another Wednesday nearly passed me by...
Great to see the twofer but I began to check for all the differences ;D
I also love your new header by the way :D

Neesie ♥ #24

Karen said...

Love your 'spot the difference' desk Julia! Am off to have a spot of 'nosing around' now. Happy WOYWW! Karen 90 x

pearshapedcrafting said...

What a difference the light makes! BTW this is a really great "Spot the difference" puzzle! Chrisx

Kate said...

Just run out of DS tape, so you are tempting me. Off to have a look at the 3M Pinky!

** Kate **

Almo said...

Hi Julia
I have joined WOYWW for the first time today. I like the spot the difference, maybe we should all do that for a giggle.
Hugs Mo x

Elf Designs said...

Hi Julia, I love the 2 shots in one day. I've made it second week in a row... woohoo! Love Em x No.95

Lavinia said...

Hi Julia! Long time no join for me, hope alls good with you. Mmmm I really must go and but some tape too that reminds me! Like the little I pad stand, could do with one of them!

Angie said...

Sorry I'm not woywwing still but I have started posting again (grand kids hedgehog cats etc)Just dropped by to say HI xx

MaggieC (Silvercrafter) said...

Happy WOYWW, Julia. Love your two photos. By the way if it is the distress ink pads that you say are no good for embossing, you can use them if you are fairly quick, and they work well. Stamp and then cover them with powder immediately. The ink stays wet for longer than the Adirondack type of stamp. Hope that helps. xx Maggie #37

Glenda said...

Two pictures....great idea! As always I love being a part of this Wednesday madness and am always so happy to see the picture of your desk. It's comforting, somehow, to know you are always here (rain, sleet, snow or hail)
Glenda #96

Joynana said...

Hi Julia, I have missed you ladies over the last few weeks. But, I am back now. And can't wait to get a look at the desk that I have missed.

Julia you are always so busy with your workshops, wish that I could join you in one or two of them. But, the plane fare would be a killer.

Joynana said...

Forgot my number Julia, it is #99.

Lindsay Weirich said...

oh I hat be stuck in the middle of a boring project, feels like work, ugh, come to think of it I have a few things on my to-do list I'd rather ignore LOL! Happy WOYWW-Lindsay 101

Kath Stewart said...

Hi Julia...amazing how your desk can transform within the space of an hour...can you delete my No 72...I tried with the Mr Linky Removal Tool but it didn't work...sorry hugs kath xxx

Sharon said...

First time today, hope to join in on a regular basis x

Unknown said...

Happy Anniversary Darnell. My post starts off like that so you need to scroll down to see all the photos of my brand new craft much better than the old one! Two great photos Julia but the second one lets us see all the details........

Karen x

Anonymous said...

At least it looks like you're getting on with stuff and not procrastinating a la Brenda. I've taken to working at my desk at the weekend only and knitting downstairs by the fire in the evenings. Great shout out for Darnell too!!

Brenda 106 or something like that!

MiniOwner said...

Snap! I've blogged two workdesk pics today, too. Your class notes look lovely and another one here craving the rainbow mug. :o) Happy Wednesday, Julia.
Sue x (MiniOwner@104)

Unknown said...

Hi again Julia - just popped back to say thanks for the 3M details. I've just been over and bought the dispenser (as you said soooo cheap) plus they are selling the tape at 3 for 2. Now all I've got to do is find a space for it!!! lol I shall blame you if I can't.......BTW couldn't find a rainbow mug :o)

Karen x

Caz said...

Took my photo REALLY late last night to ensure there wouldn't be any changes!! Doing a spot the difference and feeling sick now with the scrolling up and down!
Lots of interesting bits and pieces to spot!!!

famfa said...

Perhaps his is a new idea. Two pics of desks for progress. I like it. Love your mug. Very brigh.
Famfa 107

Robin said...

love the day and night photos! Can you delete my 109, I tried with Mr. Linky, but it only finds the good one....

it's amazing how you desk can change up in such a short time.

Nan G said...

i know what you mean, if i don't keep notes as i go forget trying to remember what i did and when. :D

Angie said...

Ah 2:30 is my tea/coco/cookie calling time! No green, no white here all grey and quite gross actually. Love the thinking of you stamp and whatever is that green thing on the block it looks like a giant lizard?? One day my desk will look like yours..well probably not!

Roudi said...

Haha love your desks! That's exactly how I'm like! :D
Happy WOYWW! ♥

Roudi #113

ria gall said...

Hi Julia
Here I am back for a second week. I am liking what I see on your desk, some interesting stamps and some distress inks piled up.

Ria #114

Unknown said...

I also have to type up notes for classes but then my "students" expect notes/directions with pictures! Anyway, great working desk area!
Carol N #103

Becky said...

You are a rather busy lady Ms Julia, I am the same way, needing a snacky in the afternoon, usually a hot drink because I'm always cold, but my crafty room is in the basement too, maybe that's why? Sorry about the tape, hope the refills come soon! #116

Alison Scott said...

Hi there, first time on this and looking forward to seeing all your desks!!

Jackie said...

I'm back for the first time since Christmas :) 4 o clock in the afternoon is my low point when I need boosting, I'd like to just sit in a corner and eat....and then go to sleep lol

Carole Z said...

My second week and really loving taking part...looking forward to looking around more desks this week! Carole Z X

505whimsygirl said...

Hi Julia,

Wherever you are I hope you are having a good day. And oh, how I can't wait for Spring! It's been record breaking cold here.

Your desk looks very productive and busy! Love your hot chocolate mug.


Krisha said...

Well, Miss Julia, that is a fine twofer indeed. Got my post done last night but didn't get linked until this morning (US time). So I'm drinking coffee and making the rounds. By 3 P.M I am ready for ANYTHING chocolate! LOL
Krisha #122

Unknown said...

I love the before-and-after-day-to-night shots! You are a busy lady...don't you love how our workspaces immediately tell everyone what we're doing, what kind of housekeepers we are, and how fun we are regardless of it all!

Gibby Frogett said...

what a fabulous idea WOYWW is ..thank you.. Did my first one today and looking forward to visting others now.. Gill x

MaryH said...

Hi, and I made it back again today, sliding in late! Lovely post, your pics are so clear! I'm still working with the compose/HTML in blogger & toggling back n forth with Chrome, so my pictures are kind of 'wonky' in the way the placed. But anyway...I am sharing. I have another post for later, but not sure if it should link here or at the Playground, so I've put mention of both places in this post. Be back in a flash...I hope. Thanks for the opportunity to show Blogland my very messy area! Hugs to all.

Mary said...

I had to giggle...I also have my running shoes on today. I'm going to type directions for a card I'm presenting in February. My desk didn't look to eventful this week, however, late yesterday my pen holders arrived, so next week, maybe you'll actually see an organized desk. Happy crafting....

Unknown said...

Thanks for the link for the ATG. It looks as if you've been having fun though this week even if you have had to do lots of notes to go with the workshops.

Craftychris said...

Hot chocolate - yummy! Thank you for the tip re the tape glider, might have to get one! Love your neat notes! Impressive! xx

Linda Wescott said...

Been a long time since I last joined you. Wish I could join you in the hot choc...but out of my diet plan.
Thanks for link to pink tape glider, I've been wanting one for quite a while, and I'm going for it. Hugs lin

Sarah said...

It's been a while since I played WOYWW!! Love your busy desk and your bright, stripey mug is gorgeous! x

Jules said...

I think that I can safely say that I am hooked....back for week 2. I think it is kind of therapeutic for Thank you for such a fun link up and your desk has actually improved from last week....not fair! lol

Julie #134

Elizabeth said...

Sorry I'm late to leave a comment - been working on Darnell's card - it's in my second post today. Great fun seeing the two shots of your desk showing you in mid crafting flow. What next? A video perhaps ... now that could be illuminating - especially if you keep hopping up and down to type up your notes. And didn't it go dark early yesterday - 3pm and it was black outside! Hope you've had a great WOYWW. Hugs, Elizabeth x #52

Tamika said...

Oh my and I was trying to finish last Wednesdays!!! I love your stamps and the swatch die!

Anne said...

It's 'Spot the Difference' day. Enjoyed looking at before and after :-) Hope you've had a good day doing whatever. Happy WOYWW Anne # 137

The Scrapbook Lady UK said...

I hit the boots sale big time today and actually got bargains! Very happy woyww, jenxx

Christine said...

I have succumbed! I have to confess to being nosey. I have also to confess that I love it! Wednesdays will never be the same again ...... how many times have I heard that!!
Christine #137

Sarah Leonard said...

Linking up again this week - loving this lively art hop.

Thanks for hosting :)

Sarah @ A Cat-Like Curiosity

Belinda said...

Hey Julia! What is it about 3pm? I have a major slump then too and crave sweets like a mad person. I usually get tea thinking I can cure it solely from that but a few minutes later I am on the hunt for a sweet.

Hope you have a blessed week.

Belinda (102)

Unknown said...

oh what fun!!! love the stamps!!!! have a super creative and fun week Julia!!!!

Beckyt said...

Great stamps :) Have a fab week.


Unknown said...

Julia! Your desk (in the day shot) is practically spartan! Amazing...
Well I always glance to see if I can spot any rogue ladders outside. Just a habit.
Hugs, Norma, xo

Pam said...

Dont know if I commented this morning, i think i stared and ran out of time :-) Your desk is loking very creative. Hugs Pam x

Rebekah said...

My very first time linking up. Don't know if I can keep up with that long list, but maybe set a goal of sorts?? Fun!

Rebekah said...

My very first time linking up. Don't know if I can keep up with that long list, but maybe set a goal of sorts?? Fun!

misteejay said...

Lots going on there Julia.

Hope you are keeping snug & warm.

Toni xx

Bernice said...

Busy desk Julia - but at least you still have space towork in the centre - unlike me!!

LuLu said...

Howdy Julia,
Happy New Year!

Thanks for the am and pm views - just like day and night!

I organized and tidied up for the New Year!

Would love for you to stop by when you have a moment or 2!


Michele's Scrapy Creations said...

Wonderful view of desk twice on one day.. I love it! it shows how much it change.

Happy WOYWw!
Michele #160

Katie said...

Thanks for hosting! Love WOYWW!

Katie (Adventure Monkeys)

Cazzy said...

Workdesk, where is my workdesk?

Liz B said...

Happy Wednesday! I love your progressive pictures of your desk! :)

HeatherM said...

Love the two photos! Around 3 I am usually enjoying a bit of quiet since the little one is (hopefully) taking a nap and the big kid will soon be home from school.
HeatherM #146

Sue from Oregon said...

Missed this week Mzzz Julia-had sick parents this week, so not too much extra time for craftiness this week...Enjoyed your twofer this week!
Sue K

Queen Lightwell said...

Well now I'm very curious what Darnell is having an anniversary for! :) I was planning to go see her playhouse anyways, always such a treat, right? And I loved the bonus shot of your desk this week! It was like day and night. (teehee, little pun) Hope you got your typing wrapped up quickly and were able to get back to playing! Thanks ever so much for hostessing us curious folks from all over the globe and I hope you have a wonderful rest of the week. :) Deeyll #163

Anna said...

Finally remembered to actually TAKE a picture of my desk on a I could actually post!!

Nelle said...

This is only week 2 for me and already i love the way every one joins in.
I use reminder cards to store what i do (only the things i know i will need again) shown i my post Previous projects. So i agree notes are so inportant..So is the must have cup on the desk, we all seem to have them.
I have posted my completed money box.
Kind regards
Nelle xx

Nelle said...

oops spelling error...important.

Kate said...

Took the plunge and bought the pink ATG monster. Not only did I get an extra 10% off for signing up to the newsletter but it's already arrived this morning! Haven't tried it out yet but 3m get top marks so far.

** Kate **

Hardwick Creations said...

Gosh Julia, I've been away so long but it is great to see that you are still there for us. Looks like your mojo is well and truly active.

Finally my mojo is back and I hope to make regular contributions again.
I'm going to get myself one of those AGTs one day.

She Who Doodles said...

i'm late, but if everyone is like me it takes days to get thru the list. so i figured i still had time to join in. i hope to catch all those i didn't get to last week. woyww is growing.

She Who Doodles said...

i'm joining in today with my new website. hope you get a chance to check it out.

Joynana said...

Hi Julia, I do understand about the time thing. I just have to figure out the time difference and find away to post earlier. But, I will work it out eventually. #99

Lori said...

Love all the ink out!! I hoard ink.

Sorry I am late getting to everyone Battling a nasty flu bug. I have managed to get thru 88 and will get the last 30 done tomorrow. I HATE being sick.

Lori #84

Caro said...

What a fantastic looking desk and I love the earlier and later shots. I am now the proud owner of an ipad and would love some advice as to useful apps...especially if there is an app that would allow me to update my blog from the ipad. Thanks for sharing and hosting. Happy 'Belated' WOYWW. Caro #63

Ohhh Snap said...

Very crafty space you have and oooooo what are those unmounted red rubber stamps? You do live dangerously with the lid off the embossing powder lol. Perhaps I'm just more gravitationally challenged than most. (My ear bud managed to fall into a sink of water yesterday, still trying to figure that one out). Happy Belated WOYWW : D. #155

Neet said...

Thanks for the dispensation! Love your desk and especially the stripey beaker. Still not found a deckchair but have something else in mind.
Hugs, Neet xx 7

Nicky said...

Love the twofer - still saving for a ipad rather like the mini one lol - I too need to order tape must go and do it - - I am not sharing a desk as away from home looking after my friends cattery but enjoying having a good look around everyone else's desk and as I am not crafting I might manage to see everyones!

Pam said...

Part with new stamps me??? Got some more coming Monday oops !!!

Amy E said...

Happy Monday Julia! I'm running late as per usual. Love your day and night pics! Great idea about keeping the computer nearby to take notes as you go...not nearly so tedious that way!

The black tire looking thingy you saw on my window sill is actually husband's tape measure that he left in my room when he was hanging some more shelves for me recently. (Now I've filled those shelves up and there's no more wall space for more...what am I gonna do?!?!)

Thanks for stopping by this week!

Amy E. #21

Lavinia said...

Hi Julia! thanks for the congrats on my nuptuals ;) I will get around to posting a few piccy's soon no doubt, but need to scan them in first & photoshop few inches off my chin! ate well in America! Have a crafty week!

Vikki Jo said...

wow There are so many desks to go see, I better get going, s'osed to rain here, then I won't have internet.I am looking at my tea wishing it was hot cocoa, but since it is almost 80 already I stick to cold beverages! LOL

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