Wednesday 28 November 2012

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday 182

If you're at all interested in what WOYWW is about, the most recent and probably quickest explanation is here, at WOYWW 181. Don't over think it though, there really is no more to it.  In pratical terms.  I leave you to join in and find out how impractical it is and how sentimentally attached you may become to this ridiculous idea and how emotionally attached you may become to your new friends.  No really.  If this sounds like a speech, it is.  It's by way of delaying this : 
*Cue the usual moan about lighting.  Lack of daylight at this time is a bummer.*

I'm mid way through a small accordian fold's the third in as many days...samples for a workshop.  The particular one in progress is a little brag book as you can see.  The others are on the deckchair.  With a drunken card. The card came about as a result of some serendipity actually.  I was rummaging on one of the stamp shelves looking for inspiration for the pink and black album when the stamps reminded me that I hadn't used them for ages.  So I took a scrap, and the stencil and ink that were cast aside on the desk and made a quick card.  That's how I like to roll.  All spontaneous and arty.  Shame I never manage that!
If you're affected by the ghastly flooding across Great Britain, know that we wish you strength and speed in the recovery process.  Practically, what would you want in terms of help?
Share your desk then, do.  As usual, link your WOYWW titled post here so that in the fullness of time, we can visit.


okienurse said...

WOW! Am I reading right? #1....woo hoo! I was in the room of stash and decided to come check to see if you had linked yet! I think your desk looks great today and look forward to seeing the finished book! Drunken card? oh yeah! Very spontaneous looking desk. Have a great week. Vickie #1

A Hovel to Home said...

Loving what is on your desk, but especially what is on the ipad sling thing.



Gabrielle said...

Loving your 'scrappy' desk this week! Fabulous projects in progress - do you make books as Christmas presents? Just wondering if I should... Not sure how they'd be received by my non-crafty family!!! Happy Wednesday!

Create With Joy said...

Happy WOYWW to you all! I actually had some new art to share today but I couldn't find the photo (lack of sleep will do that to you!) so instead you get your 1st Peek into my New Craft Closet! :-)

Julia - I LOVE all of the stuff that's happening on YOUR desk today! The cards. The photos. And all of the DELIGHTFUL stuff!

I feel like it's one of those "how many different things can YOU spot in the photo" puzzles!

Happy WOYWW from (I believe) #6!

Create With Joy

MvM-design said...

Good morning Julia,

Love your desk!
Love your shadow photo in the middle, I've one myself just like that one.
Have a creative week!
Hug Marleen #4

BJ said...

Gosh so excited that I might be first (considering I had woken at 5am and had been waiting patiently) that I copied in the URL in the name space and vice versa then went all butter fingers so it all went horribly wrong! Oh well happy with 7th. Love your little albums, the pink one looks very special. And I agree about the light at the moment but only 24 days 'till the days start getting longer again. I should know as that is DS's birthday! BJ#7

Anonymous said...

Good morning! I have nw got to go research "drunken card" because I have NO idea what that might be! You are so easily distracted, and I love that you will be inspired and dash off in a totally different direction and end up with something cool :)



Bridget Larsen said...

My poor ipad keeps getting tossed out of its chair harrrummppffff.
Drunken card aye, would be something my husband created lol better go google this one too.
You threw me there when you didnt post 12 hours ago, but I do remember the days when you did post at this time and I had no chance in hell of getting #1 there really a competition to get that spot?? hmmmm must try harder

RosA said...

Lots of useful crafty stuff on your desk, as usual. Sometimes you get the best result by just going with the flow. You couldn't plan it if you tried. Strange that.
RosA # 14

Unknown said...

Gosh fabulous stuff going on there Julia, so many projects underway, loving the accordian album too, I've been thinking about making one of those but then I think about making lots of other things too and never seem to make much in the end - if all that makes sense?
I'm not playing this week 'cause there's bugger all to show on my desk! I'll find something to show next week I promise!

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Hullo there Julia, It seems like yesterday we were here (instead of last week).. doesn't it? ah love the accordion photo album!
I am tad ignorant and have never seen one of them before - great work! and really sad to hear of the floods in Uk too Happy WOYWW, Shaz in oz.x

Kyla said...

Happy WOYWW hun, love the desk and especially the pink and black card...very stylish.

Kyla #16

Apryl said...

Lots of creative mojo going on your desk, LOVE it!!

scrappymo! said...

Your desk looks full of interesting bits and bobs that i don't care about the dark thingy.
The hot pink and black and jeweled card/book? on the chair...Is that the drunken card or the acordian fold?
I love those colours! Hot pink and black and bling!!!

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

I'd so take bad lighting, I've no way to post a picture!!! I'm beyond help, but the best thing is I'll have some time to do some visiting!! Happy WOYWW #16 off to dream about SPACE.

HeARTworks said...

In the fullness of time, here I am! Love the way you write, Julia! Wish I could be as witty as you! Patsy from

Sunshine Girl said...

Lovely busy desk there and I like your accordian book - I too am easily distracted (probably why I never get anything done! or if I do it takes me ages!). Have a fabulous week.

Spyder said...

ohooo afer seeing your desk today, I do so want to be home now making my desk messy instead of dealing with messy dogs! (They're lovely really...but its nice to know they have owners who are coming home soon!) I think my first task will to be to make something with ink, haven't stamped in ages. Happy WOYWW ((Lyn)) might be at #28...or by the time I type this 59!

The Scrapbook Lady UK said...

Happy WOYWW! Gosh I am early! jenx

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Goodness, is that a photo of Miss D in her PVS fleece?? A la Recherche de Temps Perdu...happy days and all that :) Hope the workshop stuff is progressing well!
Hugs, LLJ xx

Helen said...

Liking the look of the accordion books, great idea. I like this new civilised time of posting!! Have a great (dry) day. Helen, 8

Sue said...

Thanks for sharing your desk - it's very inspirational. The unplanned cards usually turn out the best in my experience.

Unknown said...

I got on here a little bit late so I have to go to bed and come back to visit everyone tomorrow ! Love to you all
-KAT- #38

Unknown said...

Morning Julia. I love the look of that little pink and black number!! The heart buckle looks very glamorous. i am about to embark on making class samples too. It is going to be Christmas all the way for me the rest of the week. Happy WOYWW to you from Helen 37

MrsC.x said...

morning, love the drunken card {assumming its the one thats stencilled and a bit fadey cool on the inking side}

christmas cards for me this week still have too many to make more to than done.
Mrs.C.xx #40 x

MiniOwner said...

Good monring and Happy Wednesday. A fab busy desk there as usual, Mrs D. Love the peaks at your cards.
Sue x (MiniOwner@41)

Annie said...

Love your accordian fold album Julia. How lovely to get inspiration and just go with it.
A x
ps really hope you don't mind us asking to be liked today...we need the numbers to get things moving.

Jenny Marples said...

Oh this lack of light is yucky - thank goodness for artificial bulbs. You look busy and industrious getting ready for your workshops. Hugs, Buttons #43

Twiglet said...

Sad isn't it - asking to be liked!!!! I love little Annie too. Your accordian album looks great - I wish I had the enthusiasm cos I certainly have plenty of photos. Luckily no floods here up on our hill but so much water in the valley. x Jo

CraftygasheadZo said...

Hello lovely! Loving the mini album/brag books, great ideas. I've made 2 to give to my nieces so they can put their Christmas photos in them. My desk is only lit with flash light, it's so dark here too. Happy hopping! Take care Zo xx 45

Amy E said...

Love your mini albums and can't wait to see the current one you're working on! I wish I lived closer so I could go to your classes and learn lots and lots!!!

Amy E. #5

Lynn Holland said...

Hi Julia
I'm thinking of trying your accordion books at the craft club I run at a local day centre. I could do a Christmas themed one. Thanks for the idea.

Kath Stewart said...

H Julia...I see you're back to having a messy desk again...wooohoo great stuff...hugs kath xxx

Rita said...

Gosh Julia, I love your desk. That's a real creative space. Off to visit some of the others now. Hugs Rita xx

misteejay said...

Lovely desk with work in have been busy creating those goodies sitting on the deckchair.

I'm so glad that other folk find the light at this time of year a real pain too.

Toni xx

Darnell said...

A wonderfully busy desk today, Julia! I love the little brag books and your drunken card. (We call it spontaneous, teachers call it ADD!) I see the reindeer stamp still living there! Have a great week and thank you!! Darnell #42

Ann B said...

Morning Julia and it is a lovely one here with shiny sun and no rain.
'Spontaneous and arty' is my aim as well but often more 'spontaneous and messy' on my desk.
Love the mini books.

Ann B

Lou said...

Loving the accordian book looks fab :)

Lou #52

peggy aplSEEDS said...

i like the look of your projects today. you seem to be getting a lot done. oh Julia, even if you only share about one photo of your desk every WOYWW post, you always manage to be so amusing!!!

Queenie Jeannie said...

Your desk always has fun projects goin' on!!! Thank you for hosting this wonderful looky-loo!!!!

Jan said...

Wonderful work space it looks very productive. xx Jan

Andrea said...

Morning Julia and happy wet WOYWW, as usual a very busy desk..I like the accordion albums never tried them but looks ace,and a cute personal gift for someone.Have a fab week,I love your 'arty' spontaneity, I'm far too OCD... hugs for a nosey before work #63x

Glenda said...

Love your desk this week! So much going on there! Hope you have a wonderful rest of the week!

Anonymous said...

Must. Buy. Ipad stand!!!!
Is that a Christmas Card I spy as well??
At least there is something happening on your Desk!!
Silvia #58

VonnyK said...

So, who do you give a drunken cards to? Most people get like that on a birthday or is there a special drunks day in England :) Nice to see you desk is looking like mine.
This is my last WOYWW for 2012, so have a very merry Christmas and a happy New Year. See you in 2013.
Thanks for letting me play.

Unknown said...

Sweet little brag books which I think will go down great at the workshop.

Elizabeth said...

Hi Julia, here but only just and still to have breakfast yet! Like the accordian fold albums - they will make great keepsakes. A drunken card ... now there's a novelty :)) Spotted the shadow pic which has probably started a trend ... I've seen a few homages over the last year or so :) Right, really must get at least a cup of tea down me - happy WOYWW to you, Elizabeth x #67

Unknown said...

thank you for doing this every week, i love snooping around and getting ideas and making new friends x

pearshapedcrafting said...

Love those accordion albums (and love making them). Could do with a drunken card, mmm, suppose coffee will have to do! Chrisx

Jaki Morris said...

I've been thinking of those poor people flooded out and trying to imagine how awful it must be for them.
I have a cyber crafty friend who lives in Evesham and her basement is flooded. She assures me her craft stash is safe on the top floor!

Take care
Jakix #69 (oh dear!)

Francesca said...

Looking good Julia, very industrious a desk how I like. Francesca #72

Kate said...

Mini albums are looking good, as is the card. Please don't spoil our illusion that you are all spontaneous and arty, it's a disguise we all like to wear!!

** Kate **

ellie said...

joining you for the third time julia-somebody left me a comment to turn off word verification but can't see where to do this-can you help????

Jacqui Chimes said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jacqui Chimes said...

Your desk always looks great Jacqui #79

Words and Pictures said...

Lovely accordion fold album coming along there... and why not stop for a rest - a.k.a. make something else in the middle of it all?! Thank you for another lovely nosy Wednesday!
Alison x

Erika said...

Great accordion book Julia love your colour combo. Have a super Wednesday.
Hugs Erika.

Laura said...

Love the look of the brag book.
Happy Wednesday!

The House of Bears said...

The mini books are a great idea. We may have to add them to our ever growing to do list.

Unknown said...

Julia ,being creative is also being your little brag book...desk looks pretty tidy for a busy lady!!

Angie said...

Like an eager child I rush to the Stamping Ground to see what wonders my eyes will gaze upon in your delightful space! Oh that we all could be arty and spontaneous when creating!

Angie #88

Karen said...

Back again after my PC died on me, will now have a snoop around the desks and see what you've all been doing. Love the brag books you've been making!

Anonymous said...

I love the folding accordion album, what a great idea, your desk looks like a "happy mess" thats the best kind!

Fiona@staring at the sea said...

Hot pink and black is always a great colour combo. Woo hoo! In at under the 100 mark today. Little things and all that!

Anonymous said...

Good morning, Julia. Glad you took a moment to make a serendipitous card -- if one wants to be made, we must make it. :) Good luck with the samples and the class. Must get little girl up for school and get off to work -- hope your day is happy and fruitful. ~ Laura #93

Anonymous said...

Three items in three days, I'm impressed, I can't manage one thing a week right now! I like the simplicity of the card too. I have family in Somerset so I've heard a lot, and seen a lot on the BBC website, about it all. Such a terrible shame, it's amazing how much water one little island can hold.

Chin, chin
Brenda 94ish

Joynana said...

Hi Julia, I am really loving the accordian mini. I love to just stop by and read your funny articles. You do have a way with words. #89

Tammy said...

Happy Wednesday! Looks like you have a lot of great stuff going on today! Spontaneous and arty. Love that! Sorry to hear about flooding over there. Wishing everyone affected in Great Britain well!

shazsilverwolf said...

Great desk, and yes, we do become very attached to all the friends we make on here, I agree. Still decorating!
Hugs, Shaz

Unknown said...

Definitely some creativity going on at your desk! And a "drunken card"? Sounds interesting. I've been looking at your past posts now that I'm home and am quite fascinated in your Stickles holder.
Carol N #97

Becky said...

What a cute album, I don't think I've ever seen one like that before... I'm digging your jar of buttons back there! Moved up again this week, #99!

famfa said...

Lots of lovely loveliness to see on your desk. A drunken card? How did that happen?

Kim said...

I'd love to see the other albums as well! And I love the look of your drunken card. I just don't use my stencils often enough (err, actually, I haven't used my "gotta have them" Dyan Reaveley stencils yet at all!)
Have a great week.

Monica said...

What a powerhouse you are Julia always creating. Accordion books are really fun to make and add to other books. Searched for the drunken card it must have fallen over! Thanks for this sight always makes Wednesday a look forward to day!

Barbara said...

this is my first time participating after seeing others post about it for a while.
Thanks for hosting this fun weekly meme.

jellinacreations said...

Love the mess on your desk!
and the colors black and pink
they look great together!
Have a nice week.

Belinda said...

Hi Julia!

You got a busy desk there with lots of nice projects. I too like the cards on the ipad stand. I also see some stamps peeking out on the right and you know I like stamps. (can you spell stamp addict? B-E-L-I-N-D-A

I hope your day goes well and you finish up your samples for your class.

Come play at my desk if you have time. If not, no problem.

Belinda (81)

Louise B said...

Love the cards and the accordion album. Cute.

Daniella said...

Hi Julia,
We are all sick here today. awful.
But I hope you have a wonderful party today..

Nan G said...

whew! I made it. Great looking desk Julia. And so so true about the addiction and the friendship made!!! Thanks so much for putting up with us. :D

LisaDV said...

Julia, your accordian albums are looking good. Love the busy desk!!! Have a wonderful week.
LisaDV #111

SandeeNC said...

oh my, I had not heard anything about any flooding over there, I really should watch the news more often. I hope everyone is OK and no deaths from it. waving hi from the hills of North Carolina :)

mamapez5 said...

Love the brag book. Your desk is busy as ever. I received my stickles carousel the other day and promptly filled it up. It will be very, very useful so thanks for the tip. Kate x #116

Ohhh Snap said...

I used serendipitous in my post today : D. I am ridiculously easily amused lol. The thought of a drunken card is just so image evoking. The card is just gorgeous. Thoughts and prayers to those in need of them.

Daniella said...

Hi again.
I was #112 and now I have disappeared!
I am going to re-link now. I hope it wasn't anything I did to get removed.

peggy gatto said...

I am combining WOYWW with a giveaway of the ornaments I have been making on my workdesk!
Hope you come by for a chance to win 1 of 5!
Ho Ho Ho!

Keren Howell said...

Here I am, late again...your brag books look cute! xx Keren

fairy thoughts said...

lots going on on your desk this week....funny how we go from one project to another

Anne said...

great stuff and makes on your desk Julia. Missed you all last week. Anne x

Unknown said...

I spy lots going on today.
I like the brag book.

Caz said...

Lots of interesting viewing as usual!!
Missed last week but nearly back to normal now!!

toni said...

Very busy desk like the look of those cards and the 'brag' book with lots of nice pics. Happy Crafting x

JoZart Designs said...

Germany calling... I arrived safe after delay but happy to be with the family. I agree so much with your 1st paragraph... This idea of yours is also addictive but resulting special friends are a wonderful bonus. Family all tucked up but with the hour time difference I,m still up so playing catch up alone! aaaah! Love the busy action of your desk... Never a dull moment there!
Love Jo or auf wiedershen if I could spell it. Can.t type without my proddy tool on this iPad and it has somehow gained predictive typing today!
Love Jo x

Kezzy said...

Loving the little accordian fold album. Lots of lovely bits to see on your desk, is that gold flakes in the little blue lid tub? really love the cards you have made and can't believe you can just whip a card up, I spend way too many hours overthinking them and end up with nothing lol, wish I could grab a stamp and make a card just like that.
Happy Woyww :-) Hugs Kerry xxx

Hettie said...

I am worried Julia. The "stamps reminded me they haven't been used in a while"!! Stamps talking to you these days?
I haven't joined you this week but I will definitely be here next week on the First Day of December!!!! Maybe I will put my picture of my desk in my new Christmas Album which you saw in progress at The Crop!!

Angela said...

Hello, Julia! *waving from Colorado* I didn't know about the flooding in Great Britain...prayers to those affected.

Is that a birthday calendar hanging up in the corner of the picture? Love the button jar and the mini album. Cute!

So glad to have time to post and most importantly visit! :) Happy WOYWW!

LuLu said...

Howdy Julia,

I'm back finally! Did you miss me? LoL.

Your desk this week looks very productive. I haven't done much artwork for a month - just chores....

But I did get my much promised Giveaway together - open to my followers worldwide.

Please come to visit when you have a moment or 2!

Happy Holidays!


Carola Bartz said...

Can you believe that I've never done an accordion album? Looks easy enough to me, so why the heck didn't I do it? Thanks for the inspiration!

Shoshi said...

Nice busy desk, Julia, and I love the pink and black card on the deck chair.

Thanks for looking after us again!

Happy WOYWW,
Shoshi #82

Neesie said...

There's late and then there's just plain ridiculous!
Thursday's nearly over and here I am posting my desk...but it wasn't my fault honest Julia ;D
See you're speech is so true...I couldn't go past this week without've got me good!
I've zoomed in just to make sure I don't miss anything on your desk. Oh my you are a busy bee ZZzzZZZzzz...!

Thanks for being there even for the late ones :D

Di said...

Yup, I'm with the pink and black card too :)

Was sure I'd commented yesterday - however, perhaps not :(

Belated Happy WOYWW and hugs, Di xx

Deb's Pen Pot said...

Hi Julia, hope you are well - I'm rather late, as it's Thursday...oops! Never mind, I've got all day to desk-hop, so have a fab WOYWW. Deb # 135 xxx

J said...

Hi Julie
Just wondered why I always start off as one number and then when I go back my number has changed???


Jan S 86 now 91

KatzElbows said...

I'm not a pink girl, but the moment it's teamed with black I love it. Can we see more of your fab book?

cheers, rachel

Unknown said...

Hello Julia

Gosh, i've had such a week this week that I still didn't have time to catch up with last weeks desks. Every normal little thing just feels like great big things to me. I still haven't created any Christmas cards still which is now frankly starting to worry me!

Hope you are well - I agree about the light and getting a good pic... still, the dark does have it's advantages - nice cozy candle light...


Paula x x x

Karen said...

WOYWW already - am loving the cookie cutters and wondering what you're going to do with them?! Happy WOYWW! Karen 138 x

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