Wednesday 21 November 2012


The acronym means: What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday 
The number: is the number of Wednesdays that we've been doing this.
It started because: I'm nosey and wanted to see what other people have got and what other people do at their desks whilst I'm busy procrastinating.
You can join by: uploading a photo to your blog, using the acronym in the title of your blog post and linking your blog here.  You don't need permission and there's no commitment, do it whenever you want to - on a Wednesday!
There is: apparently, a competition for the number one link.
There are: a lot of people joining in.  Reciprocity is the name of the game, then random visiting if you still want to see more.
It helps: if you turn off word verification.  Oh man, it helps.
My desk: seems quite tidy.  Bad northern hemisphere winter lighting and apparently not much going on.  But the story is out of sight.  I've just FINISHED writing our Christmas cards.  Yep, there, I said it, you read it.  I'm all in front of myself.  Following a famous slogan. See, I was tidying a little and now have all these 'piles' of Christmas stuff to attend to and need something to give and get out of the way.  So I looked at them and thought...oh, just do it. So I did.  And now...I'm smug.
There is: coffee, fresh.  Three pairs of scissors in use (I don't know why..) and a December planner that will very soon become a December calendar page.  Some stray bakers twine, a card on the deckchair, waiting for one last embellishment.....and really, lots of calm.
You can't see: the newly organised scrap box which no longer hangs all over the left edge of the desk.  Or the full to overflowing basket at right....loads of stamps to be cleaned and put away.  Someone save me from the aggers of clear stamp storage, please?
You can: join in please, it's fun!
I have: changed the schedule time for this to early am, GMT.  It means two things...first, I can probably cost live and second, the GB and Europe contingent gets a crack at not having to stay up all night for a while!


MvM-design said...

Goodmorning Julia!!
How nice to post in the morning ;-)
Have a great wednesday!

Hugs Marleen #3

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Hi there Julia a great post as usual and love the better lighting this week after the three blown globes of last week - you must love it too and for the firs time in a very loooong time it looks as though I may be number one if there is a competition? :D)
- sorry Vickie as it must be some dreadful hour over your way.. it is 5pm here so been up for hours and thinking about tea and bed when you are just stirring... and cannot believe how organised you are Julia! well done girl!
And here I thought I was being extra good starting my Christmas letter today!! but guess you have the head start on all of us yet!!
happy WOYWW! Shaz in oz.x #1 I think...

Neesie said...

Oh you can go off people Julia!
I can feel the calmness radiating from the screen...and you've written your cards already! (Gasp)
I was wanting to ask everyone if they wouldn't mind delaying Christmas by a few weeks...somehow I don't think that's going to happen!

Guess I better get on then...humbug!

Have a wonderful Wednesday :D

RosA said...

Yes, it all looks very calm. And what would a desk be without at least 3 pairs of scissors. Nothing unusual there. And us "downunder" people will post late in the afternoon, as Shaz says it's 5pm here. No hardship there :)
Happy WOYWW Julia, oh and congrats on the cards. Must get started ... ho hum.
RosA # 9 (which is as good as #1 as far as I'm concerned).

BJ said...

Morning Julia, WOW you changed the time so I got oh so close to #1. OK So I was up in the middle of the night too and wondering whether you were OK as there wasn't a post but I didn't fret and went back to sleep OK.
Can't believe you have "written" all you cards as I was surveying my box last night and saw that I was still about 30 down in the number stakes, I really must try harder.
Saying that I have been doing a daily journal challenge for November and have had a cough/cold the past 5 weeks or so. Maybe today is the day to crack on with the cards.
Your desk looks very inviting today, probably the little tape thingy I'd like to get my paws on, or the button jar or even come and clean all your stamps. I never get too much done in the stamping department as I just have to clean as I go!!! Sure there is a name for that!
Have a Happy WOYWW - BJ #5

Tertia said...

So glad you are here. I got up at 5 to post and you were nowhere to be found! Love the desk and am quite jealous about the christmas card writing, my goodness you are fast! Now if they are in the post by next week, I will be in awe!
Happy WOYWW!
Tertia #5 (I think)

kyla said...

Oh my, there are now 2 kyla's! That threw me!
Kyla aka lilpidge x

Gabrielle said...

Look at how tidy you are!!! AND you've written your Christmas cards? You do have good reason to be smug... Though you've yet to post 'em!!! Happy Wednesday x

Jackie said...

Good morning..... what a surprise when i logged on only to find ten ahead of me!!! Well your desk looks clear, a note you said you had done a bit of tidying up..i to started to do some of that this week. Christmas cards all done!!! wow
Jackie 11

okienurse said...

Very nice explanation of our weekly snooping fest! I love it! You have your cards done...OH NO! I am like Alice and the Mad Hatter...I have to go and get busy...going on a cruise a week from this Friday so I probably won't get around to it till late this year...always something happening to keep me from being punctual! Darn! Thanks for sharing and have a great week. Vickie #2

sandra de said...

Ohh what a tidy desk and smug is warranted if you've got your cards made and written. I dream of such things and then actually think I have done it!! Enjoy your week.
Sandra @18

Anonymous said...

Happy WOYWW - and what joy. I am actually somewhere near the top of the list (well, top 20 at the moment). I really panicked when I turned my computer on at 5.59 am and no post from you! I am slightly annoyed with you - Xmas cards written!! I was very smug when I had posted my first Xmas presents/card parcel to the US - but no other cards written out, and still got loads to make, if I am going to give everyone a handmade one (but I am not ashamed to buy charity cards if needed). Lovely tidy desk. Stamp cleaning - I do mine as I go along (and put them back in their packaging). There - I feel better about the Xmas cards now!! Ali x #19

MiniOwner said...

You've written yours already! And I was pleased to have made 3 cards!
Sue x (MiniOwner@23)

Anonymous said...

Back to AM posting! Once again I am in awe of your post. Finished your cards? Wow. Funny, but I seem to have reverted to a craft knife and scissors as I am sick of my wonky trimmer and not keen to buy yet another one, or endless blade pods when a snap off blades knives cost pennies.

Anyway, a full day, as ever, but looking forward to the hopping this week.

Cheers, m'dear!

MA (15)

Nikki said...

Wow congrats on writing out your xmas cards I must start that soon too ugg !! What you only have 3 pairs of scissors out at one time you must be slipping ... or getting neat and tidy dare I say :)
LOL at the time change
and your comment on #1
CONGRATS TO SHAZ!!! your #1 :P
hugs Nikki

belldoubleyou said...

Christmas cards written AND an organized scrap box? You have every right to feel smug.

I'll be back to link up later -- I didn't take a picture on Tuesday afternoon so I think I'll wait for the light of day to do it.

My desk is clean, though. Clean, clean, and utterly clear. It makes me slightly smug but mostly eager to get stuff out onto it again!

A Hovel to Home said...

Now I'm really ashamed of my space, yours is looking wonderfully neat and tidy.



peggy aplSEEDS said...

oh wow, finished the Christmas cards! you have every right to be smug!!!

Andrea said...

well done you and how wonderful it looks you must be well pleased love this weeks post and glad to be back for another week, must dash running late will be back later for a look around after work x #26

Ann B said...

And a very good morning to you Julia, although I can hear the rain here.
Nice tidy desk, it always makes me feel quite saintly when I do mine - not that often.
Glad you did the link this morning - can go back to bed for my cuppa now and get ready for a big blog hop later.

Ann B

Darnell said...

Awesome neat and organized post and desk and twenty pats on the back for getting your cards done.

You are in imposter. What have you done with Julia?

Unknown said...

Ditto everything Ros said, I thought you'd forgotten to post this very popular bizzo (perish the thought).
Anyway your desk looks awesom Julia and mine for a change looks a bit cluttered - not like me at all lol.
Have a great crafty rest of the week.
Elaine #35 this week.

Lunch Lady Jan said... Kryten, of Red Dwarf fame, says 'Engage Smug Mode' :)
Don't think I'm going to get time to do mine.....
Hugs, LLJ #36 xx

Hettie said...

OMGoodness! I thought I was being good just thinking about sorting the C card list out but you have beaten me on that!
AND you have a tidy desk (but then again so is mine!)
Hettie 36

scrappymo! said...

OK, OK, you do win the Smuggy Mcsmuggersons weekly award...maybe even the monthly award...all your cards lucky girl. I still need to make about 25 more...and I am the slowest card maker in the world!

Hey, your desk looks great and so does the garden...First time I have seen it...the light falls just right this time for peeking outside too!

Helen said...

Well I have 50 made but have ground to a halt... wonder if that's all I need to do.. (ha!) Love your tidy desk today, how cool... shame my body clock didn't know you were changing the time as it still woke me (twice!) in the night.. Have a great day. Helen, 9 I think.

fairy thoughts said...

smug you sound and smug you should be I haven't even made any yet! AND there is actual wooden desk on show..... amazing! I was only up at 5 to post but that is because of my annoying dog, must train her to check if you have posted first.... off to work now

VonnyK said...

Goodness me Julia, you are ready. I don't even want to think about Christmas until after Dec 1st, that's my daughters 21st birthday party. Then I can think Christmas and panic!!
Nice that you are thinking of the pommies, it's late wednesday here but at least it's wednesday :)

Have a great week.

voodoo vixen said...

Written your cards already? Oh good grief, haven't thought about the C word yet!! I am still dealing with the boxes.... but I am at least able to post for the first time in months so that is the upside in my little world!!

Dianne said...

My Christmas cards are still in the planning stage right now, but you've given me incentive to get them thought out, made, addressed and sent out...thank you!

Unknown said...

Well well well, is this really the Julia that i've come to know and love... she was nowhere near getting her cards done - never mind written and finished. Did you contract them out or something???!!!

I'm back this week - with the right post linked too. gonna be a busy day for me today - so visits will have to be the usual slow drawn out over the week kind...

I LOVE how you laid out your post today... very informative and efficient - seems you don't afford that same efficiency to your stamps. Santa's watching you know! Best get them done or he won't be coming down your erm, well, he just might not anyway. I'll tell him you've been busy though.

Week 181 eh? Can't remember what week I joined you - but it was back in January 2010 - I think it was only a handful back then wasn't it? Obviously missed a few - but that's the beauty. You don't mind us popping in and out - but of course there are the ones that you look out for each week and wonder what's wrong if they don't appear. That's what this thing is all about - we look out for each other, as well as out desks!

Big love to you Mrs D - you really have Dunnit lol (the cards I mean)!!!

Paula x x x x (within the top 50)! yey!

Annie said...

I'm so impressed Julia. How organised are you! Even this post is neatly written. :-)
A x

Spyder said...

Morning (zZzzzZZZzzz) Your desk is looking very bright today...I miss mine!, and here, where I am, is dark and rainy!Nice to see the garden through the window, glad to see the spade's probably been put somewhere warm (must go and put mine away when I get home) Have a great week!

Laurart said...

Oooh coffee! I could do with some of that! Lovely desk - Gorgeous view of your garden - I have no view from my desk...I wouldn't get any work done if I did ;o) xxx

Kirsty.A said...

You do smug so well! Well done on being so ahead of yourself. I'm on track, but no better than that

Twiglet said...

This must be the super organised, very orderly, neat, sorted WOYWW special desk today - think you deserve a medal! x Jo

Lynn Holland said...

Hmm ! The scrap box ! That's something I need to sort out as well as that pile of scrap that keeps building up on my left hand side. It never quite reaches the bin or a drawer
Have a good week Julia.
Lynn x

Jan said...

Fabulous work space Julia xx Jan.57

JoZart Designs said...

You really had me worried there as I went to the loo at 2.30 and no post from you... thought you were really poorly 'ick!!! Glad you're NOT!
Your esk loks the most organised and the clearest I've sen in a while... well done to you getting stuck in yet managing tidiness too!
love the CD storage in the previous post BTW,
Lv Jo x

donnalouiserodgers said...

Ah Smug Suits You Sir

Having just returned from Southern France I know exactly what you mean by the light,

I do find the greyness harder and harder to come back to,

still, as Mr D announced on the return ferry,

two years to the one way ticket....

Words and Pictures said...

Finished? Finished? Oh, alright... grudging congratulations! Glad to hear there's lots of mess out of sight, or I'd start to think I was in the wrong place. Happy WOYWW!
Alison x

CraftygasheadZo said...

Blooming heck misses! Really? All written, smug! Hmm though I confess I have written some, making others and made some, bought some (gasp!) but not getting anywhere fast! Loving the new time, it means I'm further up the list!! Great post too, and tidy desk, well I never. Take care Zo xx 59

toni said...

Well done on getting the cards written ! now don't put them somewhere 'safe ' my friend did that and couldn't find them so was still late with the post. Nice tidy desk x

mark gould said...

Happy woyww, I can not believe you ave finished writing your cards, I have not even thought about who I am sending a card let alone write them.
Always fun joining in here, thanks. mark

Anonymous said...

Happy WOYWW!

You are slightly ahead of me with the Christmas Card thingy. I have just finish making mine. Your Desks looks ever so tidy now.....must try that myself
Silvia #68

Neil said...

Yay, UK time! Thanks for that Julia. So nice to be on UK WOYWW time again.
Competition to be number one? Whatever gave you that idea.....

ellie said...

hi julia this is my second time to join in-i think it may become addictive-just like crafting-have a great day,ellie x

MrsC.x said...

o no how can you have done all your cards already?!? i havent even made mine yet or finished all my orders!!! am panicing now!!! lol xx

Erika said...

Julia, hi missing in action the last couple of weeks, don't you hate it when real life gets in the way. Gutted you've written your cards and so green, I haven't even made mine yet! Gulp.
Have a super Wednesday, hugs Erika. 73

Louise B said...

Great that you have written your cards, I haven't finished making mine yet. Really need to get organised I think.

The House of Bears said...

Bears are never up early enough to make the number one spot. In fact we've amazed ourselves by getting in the top 100 for a few weeks running now!

Jenny Marples said...

Oh, what a picture of calm and tranquility. Mind you, with everything that has been going on in your world recently I bet it's a welcome relief! Just off to pour a coffee before bouncing round the World (the power of suggestion is strong:) Hugs, Buttons #77

Jaki Morris said...

I love that post!

Brilliantly written with all the headers.

Take care, in a rush as ever

Jakix #81

Francesca said...

Hey you have tidied up, lets not make a habit of it. Lovely card. Francesca #66

Sunshine Girl said...

Oooh lovely and tidy today! My desk seems to have some stray twine on it too - must have a life of its own! Have a fabulous week. Sunshine Girl No. 37

Joanne said...

A tidy desk Julia, are you not feeling well?? LOL love the take on your post this week, such fun. Wish I'd got up early this morning instead of the 3.45am I got up yesterday so I could have posted sooner, will do next week.

jellinacreations said...

Your desk looks neat today!
Happy woyww!
I really love it!

Jellina #80

Shoshi said...

Very neat and tidy, Julia. Are you feeling all right? Lol! Nice post too, with the clear instructions about WOYWW and what it means. I've only just woken up (12 noon) so I'm way down the list this week - I'm sleeping really badly atm and my internal clock is completely out, so I'm keeping a different time schedule from the rest of the world. Will be going down for some breakfast after my early morning tea ha ha!

Thanks for organising us again. Have a great WOYWW and enjoy the rest of your week.


Laura said...

Only 3 pairs of scissors? How many rulers do you have..? Shoshi is beating me, she has 7 compared to my 5!
Thanks for facilitating my nosiness!!
Laura 87

Monica said...

Good morning Julie, hardly awake. Will read your post on trip south to Mission TX for Thanksgiving.

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

Oh how I could use from fresh hot coffee. You'll have lots of fun messing up that clean desk. And cards now lots of time to do all the other Christmas things.
Somehow Little by Little it all falls into place huh? Yeah, sunshine and storage..I need lots of both. Enjoy WOYWW I'm #87 this time.

pearshapedcrafting said...

I'm impressed! Tidy desk and all cards written! Sorry though- I am laughing about all of your scissors - although I bet you never wander around saying you can't find a pair! Have a great week, Chrisx

Nan G said...

Nice to shake things up a bit. :) Your desk looks like mine....tidy ready to have a play! Thanks for being such a terrific hostess! Nan 93

HeARTworks said...

You've certainly earned your right to be smug Julia! Oh my! What I would give to be able to say I've finished my Christmas ANYthing! Patsy from

Jacqui Chimes said...

Always love your desk Julia #96

Mari K. said...

Your desk looks so tidy today! Mine looks like a glitter bomb went off, lol. Have a great week!

Whimcees said...


I love your new formatting - and your desk looks lovely! Your great window view always gives a little hit to my heart. :<) But you say you have just FINISHED your Christmas card!? That is wonderful! I have only ONE card finished! I have noticed the joy people feel at being first to link - what fun! The word clarification continues to drive me crazy - with my poor eyesight I have to try numerous times and although I persevere I am so tempted to give up and not leave a comment. Wishing you a most wonderful Thanksgiving my friend - I hope the day is filled with all good things - including food - for you and your family!


Barbara Diane

Unknown said...

A VERY clean desk, a wonderful cuppa coffee, and posting real-time--oh Mrs. Dunnit, you have done it!! Your desk is very zen...I will probably always be waayyy on down the list now, but who cares when I can still be part of the best blog party on the planet! We want Mama to be happy, and I think this is a good change for you. I want to come have coffee with you as I am sleepy eyed right now, at my craft table, having my coffee, and thinking about what I need to cook for tomorrow. Hugs dearest! Sandy Leigh

famfa said...

Well done you for writing your cards, I am very jealous, I haven't bought any or made any yet boo hoo. Desk looks great, glad you have better light. My mum said there was o light yesterday where she was in the midlands.
FAMFA (86)

Kim said...

(Ohh, #100--it must be a sign...)
But that...bare wood???
I just, uhh, it frightens me...
But your card in your Ipad chair looks very friendly!! Have a great weekend.

Kezzy said...

I love the fresh smell of coffee but prefer tea to drink :-). I'm jealous I haven't made one christmas card yet, I have been trying lol. I love dry winter days but hate the days when its all overcast and dark, its a nightmare trying to take a picture. Loving the card, can't wait to see a close up when it's had it's last embellishment :-). Happy Woyww, hugs Kerry xxx

Becky said...

#100 today, that's much better than last week I think! Your fresh coffee looks yummy, and I think your completely allowed to be smug in this situation. Smug away!

Ginny Maxam said...

G'day Julia! Great post all week Julia, I have enjoyed reading all of them! your desk looks so tidy today!! Great getting your Christmas cards done!! I still have mine to finish, hopfully today, I made 90 this years A9 size! Good thing I started in September! any chance I could have your snail mail addy? I'd love to send you one! my email is
Have a great week and thanks for stopping by my desk!
Ginny M #11

Sandi McLean said...

Do glory in your smugness, you deserve to! Warm and cozy pic of your desk.. It's good to change up the strategy and surprize us with a new posting time. It's 6 am on the west coast of Canada. Have a lovely week!

shazsilverwolf said...

Ok, its officially panic time. You've written your cards, I haven't even MADE mine yet!!! lovin the super neat desk though- are you trying to give us all a complex? Hugs, Shaz #107

Anonymous said...

Congratulations and "high five" on having your Christmas cards *written*! Amazing. Thanks for the inspiration a couple of weeks ago -- you basically said, Hey you make cards all the time, why not make some Christmas ones? I have made two cards so far with the ingredients for others standing by. Happy Wednesday.

Anonymous said...

Hi Julia!
You desk looks very nice. Seems that you finish all you work and now you are ready for something new.

Have a great day!

mamapez5 said...

Hi Julia,
I was amused to read there is a race to be the first to post. I have never really thought about it. I have no time to write on Wednesdays so I always do my post Tuesday night and schedule it to publish at 1.00 a.m. but I don't link it up until I get up in the morning. Your desk is just tidy enough without being empty.
I have finished making my Christmas cards, swo writing them is the next big task. It is only a week or two before I post the UK ones.
I have ordered the glitter glue carousel. It you're right; it was 'quiteabitofmoney', but I really think it will be money well spent. Waiting for delivery now.
happy Wednesday,
Kate x #53

Antonia said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Antonia said...

Lovely desk today, tidy but not too tidy.
My Christmas cards are only half done so must knuckle down to it soon

Toni #113

Elizabeth said...

Great post - very explanatory :) I'm so wishing it was me that was smug today - all your cards written up! If there is competition to get to the #1 position, I'm definitely not a contender ... I even forgot to link up after publishing my post this morning :( Never mind, I'm here now with mission accomplished :)) Hope you have had a great WOYWW. Elizabeth x #112

Fiona@staring at the sea said...

I thought I was doing well until I read your blog! I haven't finished making mine yet, let alone writing them. How smug are you?! xx

Princess Judy Palmer said...

I weep with jealousy.

Cleanliness, organization, holiday cards done, and I'll bet your guts don't sound like a washing machine gong awry. The gods are not smiling on Princess Judy Land today. In fact, I think they are smirking and saying "TAKE THAT!"

Ah well... looking good, your desk is. I am hoping to pay a few people a visit this week. Guess I should my own WOYWW post up first.

Unknown said...

Well done on getting your Christmas cards written - a very good reason to feel smug.

My name is Cindy said...

Just popping in to say 'hi' not playing this week as no time to reciprocate. I cannot believe you have written all your cards - waaay too organised! Have a great Weds. Cindy

Deb said...

wow, your desk looks so tidy this week, I am very impressed and Christmas cards written too!

Pam said...

Good hod woman that's much too organised I hvnt even finished making my cards never mind writing them :-) x

Lindsay Weirich said...

good for you getting you cards done! I haven't even made mine yet! (I'll send out whatever I don't sell at my craft fair LOL!) Happy WOYWW! Lindsay #119

The Scrapbook Lady UK said...

Happy woyww, jenx

trisha too said...

Finished, seriously? I am impressed!!

Happy woyww, Julia!


Renee B. said...

Well, this is the first time I have posted my space here but I have been watching & enjoying for awhile now. This is such a great idea! Glad to see a few other messy people out there..not just me!
Hugs, Renee

Mary said...

My word....what a tidy desk! And Christmas cards ready to go? That's on my list of things to do, and wrting a letter to go inside of each...Oh goodness, the days will fly by now! I guess I should put my shadow box away and get busy on the time sensitive holiday needs. Again....your desk looks wonderful.

Bernice said...

Wow Julia - you really are way ahead of yourself - I haven't even taken out my box of Christmas stamps yet, let alone make a card!! - yes I know, I'll be sitting up late on Christmas eve making cards!!
Bernice #123

505whimsygirl said...

Hello Julia,

Oh, I do love your post today, especially the layout of it! I must say you are on top of things -- not only having your Christmas cards done but also written! Holy moly girl!!

I'm not joining in this week but I'm a WOYWW addict and needed a fix!


Ohhh Snap said...

Happy Wednesday! I almost forgot what day it was, but managed to sneak in under the wire and be the caboose.

I'm realllllllly impressed with you, finishing cards before it's even December!! Three pairs of scissors because they are all slightly different of course :D. #124

Unknown said...

oh crimbo cards !! i must confess, i cant make them anymore, i buy them !! i know bad crafty person i am lol, its just soooooo boring, thank you for the snoop on your desk

judie @no 70 xx

Lisa-Jane said...

I salute you and your ever-ready-with-crimble-card-ness!

Dangina Martinez said...

Awww... It's Clean! Hope all is well and Happy Thanksgiving!
Hugs, Dangina

Nikki said...

Hey Julia

OMG YES why did I wait so long to get a tape dispenser. Now I actually use the tape more. Strange lol
hugs Nikki

Unknown said...

Hi Julia,

I also did a video to advertise your brilliant weekly nosey

Judie xx

Anonymous said...

Great post again, Julie. You always make us smile one way or another. Tricia #74

MrsC.x said...

Hello Julia we had fab night tummy hurt from laughing so much! as to the book tree copy away it wasnt my idea in the first place i finished mine yesterday looks so good :) and so simple to do the bit that took the longest was me faffing with the decorations!

Amy E said...

Why, Miss Dunnit, I have NEVER seen your desk so clean and organized...and empty! It's INCREDIBLE that you've finished writing out all your Christmas cards, and it isn't even December yet! Kudos to you!!!! I, on the other hand, have not made a single card yet! None, nope, nada! I guess I should get right on that huh?

Amy E. #50

Queen Lightwell said...

I'm thinking I failed to leave a comment when I linked up earlier...and how could I?! When your desk is almost the barest I've ever seen it?! :) Isn't there normally a pile of stuff right there on the left side of your craft mat/table??? Instead there is just your label maker! So tidy! :) And I always have like 3 pairs of scissors out, but I don't know why either. lol Well, just wanted to say thanks for sharing and hostessing and I hope you had a lovely weekend...even though its almost time for WOYWW again! :) Deeyll #76

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