I'm not here. Again. But you can't tell my Mum, she already knows and she doesn't mind. We're together, see. which is why I was unable to comment or indeed post the correct number for last week! Sun - fries my brain; so unused to it! So I thought you may like to continue my cupboard tour. 

Mr Dunnit built the cupboards and they have sliding doors which is why you have to see the cupboards in two halves. This is the scrapbooking half. Papers on the right hand shelves, photos on the third shelf, behind the packets are long awaited blank mini albums in various shapes that once spoke of scrapbooking ambition. Bottom is a basket of punches...much weeded, it now contains a handful of borders, tag shapes and others that I deem 'essential'....I can't part with them, but don't use them a lot. In the end section are the scrapbooking embellishments....stickers and alphabets in the top shelf..also a box filled with 'kits' that I've got together to take at a moment's notice to a crop or such. Dwindling fast though, I don't 'kit' as often as I crop! The other polythene boxes contain jewels, tags and journalling spots, chipboard, metal pieces etc, respectively. The bottom shelf shows more of the boards that actually make up the shelves and my spare acrylic blocks...again, I like to have plenty because of the odd workshop or event. The PC and stool are in the corner of the room directly behind my desk..it's all of 6ft from front to back. The checked bag is a gift from Sarah and we use it as the 'beverage bag' for crop. You can also see where I keep my Copics. So now you can probably work out how often I use them. There is only one stool in this room - I drag it between desk and PC bench...it's fine and discourages visitor type distraction! Like I need any help on that score, I welcome distraction, it's an excuse for procrastination. So there we are, my desk might be a nightmare, but the cupboards are a little better, surely?
Show me what you're up to in the cupboards, desks or work surface department today. Load a pic onto your blog, put WOYWW in your Post title and link here. Couldn't be easier!
Mister Dunnit is to be commended for a fabulous job - and you to Julia - love the organization!
Happy WOYWW to ya!
Create With Joy - #2
I'm easily distracted too. But I tell myself it's all part of the creative process! And I'm very impressed by your shelves. I wish mine were so tidy. Actually, I don't have shelves at the moment, but when I have them again, I will strive to have them as lovely as yours.
cheers, rachel
Yayy! Numero Uno for the first time ever!!! I love your cupboards, Julia - Mr. Dunnit is certainly handy! Everything my hubby puts up is at a jaunty angle and tends to fall off... never mind, his skills lie elsewhere lol!! Your plastic boxes are great too. One day I will have a purpose-built ARTHaven where I can get at everything and everything is organised! (Well, a girl can dream, can't she?)
Happy WOYWW and thank you for all you do for us week by week. You are a star.
Love the idea of the sliding doors on craft cupboards, hooray to Mr Dunnit. Dont worry about no commenting, I couldnt either and I didnt go away, was buried in work
Bridget #3
Well, I WAS number one... I seem to have slipped!
Wow Julia, Mr Dunnit certainly is talented - I still have a vision of him trapped under that set of ladders outside your window! I will see him differently now - those cupboards are amazing - love them. Hope you have a lovely time with your Mum. A x #9
I'm thrilled that you unglued yourself from that stool and WOYWW participants long enough to go have some actual FUN. Way to go.
YES, your drawers are very neat and tidy. I won't dwell on that statement, either!
hahah I was #3 but for some reason Shoshi took my spot and she thought she was #1 so for some reason posts go up and we arent aware of them
Bridget #5 for real for now
indeed, Mr Dunnit is a wonder! I always consider, would I trade my geek man for a handyman and, for now, it's more important to get my computer problems sorted than my shelves built. But I do remember reading, in Anthropology, at Uni, there was a tribe in (?) maybe South America? Where building shelves was a euphemism for sex! So maybe the handyman could be my "bit on the side?"
Shhhhh. Don't tell DH....
Happy woyww, and welcome back, she of the fried brain.
Get organized space I like it just about everything at your fingertips have a great day with Mum
Eliza #11 again
Hope you're having a fab time Julia.
And I wonder how many folk have noticed that your shelves are cleverly curved, making Mr D even more talented!
Happy WOYWW - bring some sun back with you please!
Di xx
had to post early got a really early and busy day. Can't wait to get home tonight and see what others are doing. have fun with your MUM!!!
I'm amazed that firstly you can organise and do this hosting from your sunlounger and secondly that you have a crafty hubby!
I want both, but the sun's not shining here today and if there's any DIY to be done, my hubby is either so busy with his work and we have to get someone in to do the job or we just move house!!!
Have a wonderful time sunning yourself ~ enjoy ;D
I'm here - but I should be in bed, got caught up in altered booking (I blame B&E), he said goodnight hours ago - but I thought it was 15 minutes until i glimpse the buried clock - i see the logic in your cupboards designated spaces, I have no cupboards I have avalanche shelving....ah for a sliding door....
Oops sorry should have put my number on ~ Neesie #13 (lucky for some ;D)
Hi Julia - I only popped over to see what number it was this week and you have posted already - So I thought I would post now too and then off to the land of nod! I am spending the morning visiting with my Mum and my Aunties for a spot of crafting and coffee and caking!
Have fun Julia and Julia's Mum Happy WOYWW to you from Helen 18 (I love getting a young number!! Oh to be 18 again!)
Hope you are having a great time away from us!! Glad your weeks have caught up though, I was getting confused... Love the rest of your cupboard, am now even more jealous.... what it is to have a Mr Dunnit...
Helen, 20.
Mr. Dunnit is a treasure! I love it when husbands are so supportive of their wives idiosyncracies! This mornig I shouted out to Peggy, "WOYWW!" and my husband kept repeating, "WOYWW, WOYWW, WOYWW..." with a smile on his face! Patsy from
HeARTworks and
how do! Hope all good with you in the sun! Your right them cupboards do look very organized, I am impressed! but I think the creative process for some folk can only be achieved with a little chaos, ...and there's nowt wrong with that! :) Have a good week!
Ohhh I do like an organised cupboard and quite impressed there are no dust bunnies. Maybe they only exist down under.
Sandra de @31
is that a hairderssers stool? Very organized!
Julia, thanks for showing us the underside of your desk. I wish I had shelves under mine. More storage. #30
Wow, what great organization! Enjoy the rest of your vacation.
Happy woyww,
Sandy #37
Enjoy your time with your Mum!
If you don't need those Copics, feel free to send them over to me waving hi from the hills of North Carolina :)
Howdy Julia,
thanks for your tour! My workstation is TIDY this week.
Would love for you to stop by my blog for a visit when you have a moment or 2!
Mr Dunnit, is a treasure to keep if he can make things like that. Such craftsmanship, you are very lucky. The underneath of your desk is so tidy that it is hard to believe it belongs to the top of your desk. You should be like me, messy top and bottom. Enjoy your visit with your mum, I've got rid of everyone here (at last) and now I can paint again :)
Have a great week.
Von # 44
So it's 4.30am n I thought I'd post as I'm awake n what else do u do when sleep evades (must not drink coffee after 8pm!), so anyway saw you had posted and so had 40 odd others - I remember a time when if you logged in by 8am you would be in the 1st 10 to share your desk. :-) xxx
you are lucky o have such a handy hubby, the cupboards are awesome! Have fun with your mom :)
Oh look at all those highly organised containers. I hope your enjoying visiting with your Mum. Sandy :)
I'm loving the cupboard tour Julia and me thinks I need to get a beverage bag...happy WOYWW hugs kath xxx
Love your shelves with all that stash. Have to ask how weeded your punches were? I am terrible at purging anything apart from my scraps box.
Went with the shelves theme in my post too, hoping to visit them soon (if I pluck up enough courage to take little miss A on an aeroplane).
Hope you are enjoying your holiday. hoping it is less stressful than the last foreign expidition!
caroline #58
have a super time with your mum,your cupboards are quite organised,i am most impressed :)
kay #65
Sun??!! So jealous!
Sliding doors to hid stash behind? Genius!
Super organised by sorting this while you are away, I am v. impressed!
In our office if you go away you have to bring back local biccies.....we will let you off if you bring back the sun please!
Kyla x
great storage and ..hope you are still enjoying the sunshine..not much of that here! trace
must be awesome to have a handyman around the house to do things like make cabinets for you, etc... Mine just leaves the tools out and doesn't get much completed...he has other attributes such as being a brilliant man! Have a great vacation. Vickie #67
Nicely organised shelves! Have fun in the sun! (That's a "no, no" here - too much sun to be avoided at all costs!)
RosA # 66
Wish I had a workroom like that! Have fun. M. #72
Mr Dunnit is quite the handyman...I always wanted a handyman hubby...mine has many other wonderful qualities but handy is not one of them!!!
Taking a break from WOYWW last week and this week. Too busy catching up the garden from holidays and getting ready to head back on up to the lake.
Love the peek into the cabinet.
Thanks for the snoop - I wish my Mr was as good at cupboards as Mr Dunnit. x Jo #73
You can't beat a sliding door and a good chair to sit on.
Have a great time with your Mum Julia. I am off to my sisters tomorrow in Oxford, havent seen her since Christmas.
Lynn and the Doodly Birds
What fab storage and what a clever man Mr D is but you'd think he would build you a cupboard to hide your bottles of gin! :-)
A x
Checking in, hope to join in again soon, did manage to finish my penguin pin cushion I started in February at the weekend and I am waiting for some fabric yo arrive before embarking on a new project :) heard you are doing a Woyww crop, lovely idea, husband currently interviewing in New Zealand so no idea where I could be...........
Sliding doors? you're brave...every single cupboard i have ever owned with sliding doors has had to be 'modified'....i.e had to have the doors removed as I tried to cram so much in the cupboard the doors got stuck!!!!
oooh sliding doors?! Now that is what I would like under my desk...lightbulb moment here! LOL thanks for shwoing and err enjoy the sun.. we have little of it here:(
Jennie #47 or thereabouts
Yay - I didn't wake in the night and think WOYWW, I slept right through which is amazing in itself! I love your card and would love a masterboard workshop - any suggestions? Oops sorry I skipped to your previous post! As for your shelves, loads of stash there and exactly what I'd do with pens - LOL BJ not the colourer-in type! #79
Would like to scrap more than I kit, but unfortunately I sort (and purchase) far more than i use!
** Kate **
Great job with the shelves, Mr Dunnit! Love the peek inside! Enjoy the time away from the desk & the computer! -Amanda #84
NICE job!
Talented Mr D, send him round here please. It's OK, I promise not to keep him too long and will supply copious amounts of tea and biscuits.
Enjoy the rest of your holidays Julia, looks like summer is finally going to make an appearance here next week, hope it lasts longer than a day this time.
Ann B
The shelves do look very organised which appeals to my perfectionist mind :) Clever Mister to have sorted all that for you. Hope you have a lovely time with your mum :)
Heh Julia, thanks for the peek into your cupboards, they are very organised. You certainly have a talented diy hubby, do you rent him out lol?
Happy WOYWW xx
Well your Copics are kind of.. erm... tucked away!!?? lots of goodies in those cupboards, they look very organised! x April #89
Hope you're having a lovely time. Always good to see people's storage - i wish I had some!
Hope you're having a great time in the sun.....now remind me, what is sun again?!?!?! Just popping in to check out a few desks before hospital. Karen T, 92 x
Hi Julia, I hope you are having a lovely time away from the crafting hub. Your very organised shelving is impressive ... there is much to be said for having a resident handyman, particularly one as talented as Mr D :) Happy WOYWW, Elizabeth x #75
Week 2 for me and it seems I am number 94 again, how spooky is that. Great to participate again Julia, couldn't wait. happy Holidays. Francesca #94
Forget my last comment, i'm 93 now gone up in the world. Francesca #93
Love your shelves! Just off to nosy everyone else :-) K x
Despite the images of your messy desk that greets us most weeks Julia, you’re actually quite organised really, aren’t you.
Enjoy your time in the sun with you mum……and please bring some sunshine back with you when you come.
Happy Crafting!
Have a lovely time with your Mum, Julia.
Mr D has done a smashing job with those cupboards abut I can't get over how beautiful you keep them. Mine have bowing shelves with the amount of stuff I cram into them.
A very fancy stool too.
Hugs Lisax #97
A very organised space Julia I can only hope one day I too will be that good!
Have a great day, hugs Erika/ #99
After two whole months I'm finally doing another woyww post. Good to be back. Always cool to see other people's craft rooms, so keep the tour coming!
I am always amazed at other peoples organisation. I can only look on in awe!
Hi, hope you are enjoying yourself wherever you are, hope its someone warm and dry!!
Sorry couldnt possible show you my room below desk level.
Love the organisation, i will have to work on some!!
Oooh lovely and tidy there! Have a great holiday.
What a lucky girl, to have such a nice space under your desk! I love that. Have a happy WOYWW!
That's a neat storage idea! I'll show you how I keep mine next week. =)
Hi Julia, managed to participate once again in the fabulous WOYWW. Thank You so much for the opportunity to meet up with even more crafty friends. Crafty Hugs x
ps fab space you have too x
A late visit for me - but on purpose this time! Love your cupboards with sliding doors. I need better paper/card storage - all in drawers at the moment and difficult to find what I want and keep them tidy. Opposite to me with your Copics - mine are on my desk right in front of me! Enjoy your day. Ali x #113
Boy are you well organized! And to get so much in your cupboards! Pretty cool! My Copics are right next to my desk as I love them LOTS. And I have SO many punches... need to use them more. Hope you have a wonderful day with your family!
Carol N #117?
I love your cupboards, how I would love Mr D if he were to make me some too!
Jakix #118
Enjoy the time with your mum it is very precious
thanks for the rummage through your cupboards
Janet 68
love all this mess!
I love the cabinets he built, now I see why you keep him around. Haha! Tons of storage there. Great stool too!
Handy hubbies are the best! :)
Hope you are enjoying your family time :)
I wish my hubby would build me a cupboard but then he did give me his desk which you can see in my post today. JB *123
hope you are havng a great summer !
-KAT- # 124
I'm late to the party this morning, #125 on the list, oh my! I'm looking forward to seeing what you are all up to this week.! I finally got an ipad so now I'm not tied to my desk to visit...Whoop! Have a great Wednesday! Julia I hope you trip is wonderful.
I love organization and you have lots of things in your cupboard! A stool takes up so much less room than a chair but I need the back in my old age! I had quite a change in my work area as you can see if you visit my blog. Still having difficulty moving around with my aches and pains! :<) Wishing you a happy day!
Barbara Diane
Love the organisation in your room - I try to be organised but I am just far too messy it does not last long! :0(
Have fun while you're away! It'll all still be there (and us too) when you get back! :) Love taking a peek into your cupboard!
sandy's crafty creations
Thanks for the additional tour of your area! Having had my own workshop recently where I agreed to provide everything for the make and take I realized the value of extra acrylic blocks and will be buying some more! I have a similar stool that I keep at my dining table, which was purchased for crafting not dining. I don't have any actual chairs for the table. I don't really have room for them. One stool though! I can accommodate that.
Oh, that's so funny! Well, glad you are here...love your cupboards. We all need more cupboards! Sandy Leigh at EatWriteDreamStitch
What a nice cupboard you have! I wonder if my husband will be able to build stuff like that someday :) Have fun with your mom! Thanks for hosting as usual. Speaking of moms... my mom isn't a crafter or a blogger, but she looks forward to WOYWW every week :) She and my dad brought some more furniture this week and she told me..."you'll have to take a picture of your armoire for this Wednesday" Maybe one of these days I'll convert her to the crafty side.
Enjoying the "tour" of your crafting space...thank you for showing it and hostessing all of us snoops on a tour around the world in less than 8 days! :)
Deeyll~Queen Lightwell #138
Hello! My very first WOYWW, and I've loevd taking part! How exciting to see what everyone is up to. I'll certainly join in again.. Hugs, Becki xx
I like a lot your organization place. Maybe some day I will have something similar ;)
Thank you for hosting again. I'm off to visit the other desks.
Have a great day!
Hi Julia...oh how embarrassing..I left a comment on Lindsay's blog (Frugal Crafter)...saying it took me ages to work out what WOYWW meant, as its not so common here in the UK...only to discover you started it!!!..sorry...but I am a newbie at blog following !! Regards Chris
Hi Miss Julia,
Your area looks so nice and organized!!!
Kay 36
Mr D sure is fab with those cupboards. Nothing from em today, because, well there isn't anything on my desk, or anywhere else to share. Been super rubbish of late so my crafting has stalled not even managing to colour whole images which is remarkable for me. But I had to pop by and see, ok nose some more into your cupboards! Take care lovely. Zo xx
Super organisation, and Mr Dunnit is very handy with his tools!! Poor copics, I wish I could try them lol, I have promarkers but umming and arring to buy a few of these. Loving all your bits and bobs, hope your enjoying the sunshine (where ever that is lol as rain mostly here).
Happy woyww :-) Kezzy xxx (wow lots of spelling mistakes above or made up words as the whole thing is almost red underlining lol)
Sorry haven't commented for a while - I am enjoying the sun too - well it isn't as bad as it must be where you are! I like the idea of sliding doors - I think I need a makeover in my crafting room!
Lots of hugs,
Your cupboards are very tidy and organized and it makes me happy. I hope you are having a wonderful time with Mum in the sunshine! Thanks for hosting remotely! Darnell #142
Great organisation! jenx
Oh times with Mums!! Just did that, Love your cabinets..so nice to have a place to stash the treasures. Glad you've sometime to enjoy the outdoors too. Too hot here 100's and no rain in sight. Enjoy..
So nice that your hubby builds things for you. Mine does to. Need to get him on some projects for me just have to decide what I want him to do! Nice cupboards! Enjoy the time with your Mum!
i can relate to the one stool issue. I am constantly dragging mine from station to station! Well, at least we get some exercise. :)
good job, mr. Dunnit! your shelves seem to be so organized. poor copics, they look like they misbehaved and have to stand in the corner. happy WOYWW!
Great storage space Julia - very organised!
Bernice #25
WOYWW is very adicting. on our two week trip there was very little opportunity to get online so whenever i realized it was wednesday i kind of felt something was missing. So now i am catching up and the only 'desk" for two weeks was my knee.
Well I see you in a whole new light.... organised, tidy, neat and is that a floor level heating panel? Only the prospects of creativity but you've got me fooled into believing there's real efficiency going on there.
Hope you have a happy time with Mum...
joZarty x
How wonderful for you that the Mr. is so talented! And so accommodating!!! Lucky you!
Enjoy your time with your mom. It is so nice to have a great relationship with your mom.
Have a great week! See you next Wednesday!
There are many work desks to look at, so I don't have time to look at them all. However, I love all the ones that I've visited. Blessings!
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