All is well, the desk is legitimately untidy. You can see a partially used master board and the result of its use. Only two pairs of scissors...blimey. The syringe holds silicone glue...I'm late to discovering this as a dimensional glue, but I do now use it quite a lot. The little orange lidded tubs hold embossing powder - currently there are over 20 of them in the cupboard...and mostly I use clear powder, so how come? Trusty heat gun at left, getting on for 15 years old now....passed a few drop tests, I can tell you! At the right of my ATG runner, (which is in the proper, designated, tidied up place) is a blue packet filled with photos for next weekend's crop. Ironic then that despite my early preparation, I'm not going to be there. C'est La Vie. Today's view is obliterated by double glazed units taken out of old windows that Mr D has repaired and re-glazed. Given the episode with the ladder, I don't hold out a lot of hope for an early removal! Anybody want to start a book?
So now, the idea is to show us what you're up to in the desk section of your life. Post onto your blog, include WOYWW in the title - don't link to a post/article that isn't related to WOYWW, especially if it's out of date, it causes confusion and does your reputation no good! If you can and want to, turn off word verification. When you've linked, please inlcude your list number in any comments you leave at other people's blogs..very easy to return your visit that way. Oh, and one last thing that is asked quite a lot...links are often incorrect or doubled...it's not a problem, but where I can or if I'm asked to, I remove them. (I also remove irrelevant links...new policy.) That's why your number changes now and then! Gasp..that seems quite a list of rules for something that's meant to be fun....
Make it fun then.......link here please!
I've never tried the silicone glue thingies. You must bring one to the crop and demo it. If you use it a lot it must be good, and I'm curious.
Sorry to hear you won't make Newbury. I'm still hoping on getting there but the weekend is shaping up to be a bit of a nightmare so it may not happen..knowing your love for wood mounted stamp my guess is you may not be missing much. It seems to be moving more and more towards clear stamps.
Later, gator.
so long as I never see a dead body slumped against the window - I can take it....looking soooooooo tidy, tis almost alien. Looks like you were munching on that paper too!
I promised Elizabeth I would hook her up today. It was nice of you to post this early, because it saved lots of time.
Elizabeth (and Bleubeard) are having problems with their computer and internet. She can't visit because she has no way to get online at the moment. We're hoping her friend Scott will find time to figure out what's wrong before the weekend.
Posting for Bleubeard and Elizabeth
I haven't used silicone glue for ages. I like this type of photos, its light outside and I can see Mr Dunnit's-get up to outside, its as if I am looking at your play area and his at the same time hahahaa
Bridget #4
You really look as though you have had fun ...you are not untidy ... just look as though you are in creative mode ...wish I was. xx from #10....oh it was worth staying up.
HI Julia
Love the creative untidiness on your desk this week! I am FINALLY getting my act together - but not for the reasons you might think! My #2 post lays it all out. Have a wonderful weekend!
Create With Joy
I think the tidy fairy must have visited us both Julia! Crumbs, I got in at #5 this week - how did that happen?
D'you want me to start the book on how long the windows will remain there? :)
Happy WOYWW, Di xx
hi, Julia! happy WOYWW! desk is looking good and creative! silicone glue, do you buy that at the hardware store or the craft shop?
Looks tidily creative, and paper munching too. Like how Mr D dumps his work outside your windows, heaven forbid if he despoils his own view!
Brenda 7
Well, of course I don't think THAT is untidy!!! But I guess Mr. D is, as he leaves his bits all over the place!!! Complain about the obsurred view and ask for a reduced rent!!! tee hee... silicone is great, much better than pads as you can vary the height and angle at will - I'm off before I am accused of being smutty!!! tee hee
Love and light
Hi Julia, I have never used silicon glue. How does it work? Tell me all about it. I have the day off tomorrow and plan to get lots of crafting done. #17
So glad you got to play, Loving the colour of your inky paper, and the card you made with it xx
Minxy #19 {i wish lol}
I was really tired last night so went to bed at 10.30pm but lo and behold I wake, really HOT, at 01.11am! Bother! No infact not bother as I can link up YAY!
Was wondering what a "masterboard" was but have since worked it out, and love your colours. Really ought to make some myself - any tutorials?
don't worry, the housework will keep, you have fun crafting!
lots going on here, such a busy desk, rules are a good thing most times, yours are warranted and perfectly fair,
Nive creative desk Mrs Dunnit, glad to hear your glue gun is still going mine had a heart attach this week and S..t it's self. All the rules seem very fair and reasonable. Please you dont need to reply to my post, I know you are busy.
Happy crafting
Eliza #22 but that could change LOL
I am soooo hooked on the silicone syringe, but just lately the glue I've used shows through or...the glue goes mushy and it take ages to get out! But...I still buy more and fill my syringe...I can now do that without squirting it in my eye! My desk in boring this week, last week Double Glazing was done in about 13 hours (over two days)...It's take me about 93 hours to get my crafty space back to normal!! I'm thinking those windows will stay there until the sun comes out...
Happy WOYWW ohoo I'm #22... (I wish!)
Lovely interesting stuff on your desk this week, Julia! Love the torn paper (if that's what it is...) lovely colour anyway!
I use Pinflair gel glue all the time. It's totally, totally brilliant! If you've got any 3-D-ish stuff like for instance a cut out scroll, or some leaves or whatever, and you want to stick them down but not have them get flattened, this is the stuff to use! It dries crystal clear and remains a bit spongy. I love this stuff!
Thanks for looking after us all again, Julia, and for your, and everyone else's, lovely comments last week and good wishes for my recovery. I'm definitely much better than I was, thank goodness!
Happy WOYWW,
Great desk. Perfectly acceptable rules. Yay have finally worked out how to add my post to your Linky via iPad, seven months and someone else has done it for me. Good luck on double glazing
Famfa 23 (I think)
Sorry famfa 26
Hello Ms. Julia,
Woo hoo -- I'm number 47!!! I love that you post when you do that way I can start blog hopping on Tuesday night!
Thank you so much for coordinating this blog hop. The window comment makes me laugh. I have to find me a good handyman to do some things around my house that I can no longer do for myself. Don't be too hard on Mr. D! tee hee
Also, thanks for the comment about being sure that your post is a WOYWW post. I've taken the time to open some links up to find it not exactly what I thought it should be. Yikes!
Tomorrow is our Independence Day here so no work - but back to work Thursday and Friday. I have a feeling that's just going to make my days soooo confusing.
Kay #47(ish)
holy moly, I'm 27!!!
I'm wondering what it's like to have a DIY hubby Julia...because when anything needs doing in our household we just move!!!
Your desk does look tidy but creative as ever.
The colours look fantastic on your card. I love those tones together.
Now for my confession...after reading your rules Julia, I feel I may have stepped over the mark. :$
I thought that my lack of colour and always showing zentangles might become boring for everyone so this week I'm working on a project outside so my space is there and not on my workdesk!
Fingers crossed I'm not going to be on detention?
Oops I was so nervous that I forgot to put my number...what a numpty :$
Neesie #29
I don't know when this went live, but I got an earlier number than last week!! I am usually in the 130's and now I am #30! I'm doing the math, 5 hours ahead of me, which is now 2am, so I guess you probably put it up midnight your time, which would be 7pm my time, correct?
Anyway, it doesn't matter! I'm just happy to be here!! Your desk looks awesome! Very creative stuff going on there! Sorry you have to miss your crop!
Have an awesome day!
Happy WOYWW!!
I love the colours on that torn paper and the card in the background is gorgeous. If your hubby doesn't want the double glazed windows, he can send them over to us as it is so cold that we need double glazed and it would get them away from your window (he he). The only time I've used silicone was when I sealed the shower and then I got more on me than the shower! Have a great week and I hope you get back to your desk again.
Von #32
I was really worried about being able to post this week due to traveling but as usually all things are working out. Great looking desk with lots of fun things going on. Love that card! Have a great week. Vickie #36
I was really worried about being able to post this week due to traveling but as usually all things are working out. Great looking desk with lots of fun things going on. Love that card! Have a great week. Vickie #36
Julia, After linking I just noticed the "please don't" re mixing another challenge with WOYWW. I've done it before, but only once or twice out of 20 and I will not do it again in the future, now that I know it causes confusion and is a no-no. I am happy to repost a separate WOYWW if you would like to delete my link and then I'll link again.
I'm off to stand in the corner until then.
Darnell #31 at present
Ho Julia! Happy WOYWW to you! I see some inks are upside-down there :) my usual way to store them :) enjoy your day! kissinia
I think you must do apost on how you use silicone glue. Do you buy it at the hardware store...the LSS? Do tell~!
Your desk looks busy...wish mine was...too much rain here to craft outside! LOL
Good luck with your deadlines!
Sorry Julia...forgot to say that I am #40
Ooh I've never tried silicone glue, I must try it out.
I confess that I think your new link removal policy is a good one. Last week there was definitely at least one post that I saw that wasn't in the spirit of WOYWW.(and removed comments politely telling them that too!)
As usual, thanks for hosting WOYWW Julia, it's loads of fun. X
Sorry that you are missing your crop. Have never tried silicone glue in a syringe...hhmmmm... may have to add that to the must try list. Good luck with Mr Dunnit and the windows! Thanks as always for hostessing! -Amanda x45
...gosh Julia i can actually see wood!! tis amazing indeedy and loVe how Mr D doesn't ever want to miss out either, he's got his own work desk thingy going on, he has put them windows there for us to comment on each week & map his progress, ha!...have a fabby day messing up that tidy desk of yours...Mel :)
Ah there's nothing like a deadline to get the creative juices flowing (trust me, I know that only too well!). I've not used silicone glue for ages, used to use it years ago when I first did 3D decoupage and all I can remeber is the smell! Regarding the windows, at least Mr D has made a start. I have a BIG list of things to be done around the house, but absolutely no progress made on any of it!
Marie #48
Well at least Mr Dunnit is handy at doing jobs like windows! I love my silicone glue, use it for most things now but embossing powder, I am guilty as charged for having too many, also never used, I only use clear or white. Will enjoy reading the book on Mr D in due course. A x
It's so lovely to see crafting going on ... I miss it.
Ahhh my heat gun is always very close by...I go crazy if I stick something down (with ATG gun) and it is crooked. Just heat your project up and a gentle pull and everything comes nicely undone. I so love that tip! And what is that silicone syringe thingie? Never heard of that! Do tell more!
Nice creative desk, no dodgy coaster (I need to find one of those...hilarious!) and a lovely bottle of buttons on show (I think....I am doing this on my phone so titchy photo). I am with Sarah's earlier comment, so long as its not a body! However, if the odds are good I will put my name down for 8 weeks! Lol!
Kyla #54
I've never used silicone glue. I shall have to try it and see. As to the old EP, I have way too much of it. Although I got rid of all my black and now stamp in black and use clear. Black EP is evil!
Happy WOYWW,
Silicon glues, masterboards..thee be talkin' that weird lingo again, m'dearie!! Looks like you've been having fun :)_
Hugss, LLJ #60 xx
Great papers on your desk - I was half asleep when I linked up so didn't stop to comment then.... I don't like silicone glue due to the smell, but it does work well...Off to browse some desks and hope I haven't failed the rules. Helen, 12.
My mother came round on Saturday while I was busy crafting and let me know that my living room was a mess. I know I said but my studio's not and that's where I spend all my time. She didn't offer to tidy round either.
The syringe idea is an interesting one Julia. Have a good crafting week.
Lynn and the Doodly Birds
Silicone glue doesn't do it for me, don't like the smell, forget I've put it on and then put something on top of the card and squash it flat and then I have it opened that long it goes hard before I have used half the tube - OK, I'll admit, it's not the glue it's me.
Lovely masterboard Julia, and don't think if it as an old window - it's an art installation.
Ann B
Morning Julia you definitely look like you have been enjoying some me time! I wanted a zoom so that I could have a closer look at the pretties I can see before me. Are they bottle tops I can see on your tag card? They look delicate which is why I ask - maybe I need new specs!! Wishing you more inky fun today Helen 64
So much to snoop at today Julia. You girls use so many different crafting supplies....I wouldn't know where to start. :-)
A x
Hi Julie...this desk looks tidy by my standards...he he luckily I function in a mess...antway tell us more about glue in a syringe...and I would love to hear the ladder story too....have a great week..whats left of it anyway xx
Only 20 pots of embossing powder? Think I can beat that, and yes, apart from my one pot of distress EP which gets an occasional work out I almost always use clear. Think the stuff is breeding. Wouldn't be without my pinflair glue either but spend more time prising the solid bits out of the nozzle than gluing anything!!! Happy WOYWW, Cindy
Morning, Julia, from slowly-brightening up Pembrokeshire. Glad that I got here - my guilty pleasure today (the packing can wait for a while!). Ali x #71
happy WOYWW Julia...your desk is always a sight for sore eyes...lots of stuff to oogle as usual...hugs kath 59 xxx
The leanto windows give a feeling of looking into a fish tank - not sure if you are on the inside of it or the outside tho! x Jo
Ah, so Mr D obviously thought you were in need of a change of view...tell him a trip to Hawaii or somewhere similar would be far more appreciated LOL
Toni xx
Happy WOYWW from the Austrian Tyrol.
Good Morning Julia. What a great desk it is too. Lots of creative stuff going on there. I love the card I see in the background. Enjoy your day. I.m off to browse. Hugs Rita xx
Hi there Julia another very busy post of course and had to smile at your discussion of said craft products and just what you do/don't use like the embossing powder, funny tis the same here and think the reason as we are always in a hurry and dont want to "faff" around with things.. Now I had to wonder too when came to comment on Mr Dunnit and said window/ladder if he ever reads your blog?? and yes starting my book right now - happy WOYWW just making it this time, Shaz in oz.x #73 I think.
Morning Julia, another wonderfully packed desk!
Only two pairs of scissors, what is the world coming to?
Never tried silicone glue but will have to investigate now :)
Happy WWOYWW (wet WOYWW) xx
Just quickly popping by to see what you're all doing! Have fun on WOYWW. Karen T, 77 x
I've never got on with silicone glue... I seem to buy it, use it once, and then next time I want it find it's completely solidified. Foam pads all the way for me. Happy WOYWW! Sarah (78)
How lovely!
Jakix #83
I'm #82 and it is only 2:46 am central time. Happy 4th of July....Judith, Texas
Hi Julia, your desk looks really interesting this week, lots of things to see. Only two pairs of scissors? I see a pair with pink handles in the pot on the windowsill! I like seeing what your up to. I have not been able to participate in the WOYWW for a couple of weeks. I just have not had the time to do it. Still I enjoy looking at everyone's desk still. Michelle x
Just joined in hope you like my desk xx
I don't think you desk is ever THAT untidy, Julia, it's always full of interesting things. I had to smile though, when I first clicked on it I thought you had a rather large pair of ladies undergarments on it. Funny how you eyes play tricks. It was just the shape of that torn piece of patterned paper.
Hope you continue to have fun today.
If your Hubby is anything like mine, you'll be hanging Christmas lights on those units!!
Hugs Lisax #91
This is my first time joining in, but have been lurking for a while.
Love your blog Julia, always puts a smile on my face to read your posts. When my blog grows up I want it to be just as fun, and funny as yours!
Gotta love glue gel, I don't know how I'd cope without it!! I have the same heat gun and I have just worked out it is 16 years old! I saved up my pocket money and was worried about spending so much in case I didn't use it very much, I needn't have worried. X
It's about time I joined in the famous WOYWW! You provide inspiration to so many sticky beak crafters! Yeah, I wouldn't bet on those units being moved anytime soon! Happy WOYWW!
Is that your iPad to the left and if so can we have a look at the stand please - that a good idea to have something to stand your iPad up so much. Now that could be a seller!
Thanks for sharing your desk each week and for starting this all off - what a take up it is getting to be.
Hugs, Neet xx
At last a WOYWW post from me.. finally :)
I thought you had a map of America on your desk as that lovely paper is torn just like it.
Hugs Joanne #98
Looks like you've been having fun, and I love the card that resulted from all that fun :o) I've got a tube of silicone glue that I have never got around to using, I really should give it a go sometime. x April #88
Hi Julia, like what's on your desk this week - pretty colours on your motherboard ... something I've yet to have a go at. I'll be looking out for Mr D's windows every week now ... as long as he doesn't end up under one, the damage the glass could do doesn't bear thinking about! Have a great weekend ... in a luxury hotel, I believe ... and Happy WOYWW. Elizabeth x #85
Silicone glue, all new to me, so now I have to google it and find out what it does and whether I really need it! I don't mind a list of rules. I just got 2 pages of instructions for a progressive atc ... never again.
Sandra @99
careful with the silicone glue thou always use with window open as you end up with a horrible head ache after a lot of use- trust from my experience
Charlie.x #72
Just enjoy - the housework will still be there tomorrow! BTW, what's a master board, pardon my ignorance? annie #101 :)
Intended posting my blog last night but it was not up at 7pm our time and after a little to much wine I hit the sack forgetting this.
happy 4th to all my US friends.
What a great space this week. So what if you have windows leaned up outside. I still love your windows in front of your desk. Have a wonderful rest of the week.
Glenda 100
I love your idea of using a masterboard. I have been telling myself for years that this was the way to go when making cards, but I have not done it yet. Maybe it is time to try. dani105
Hurray for crafting time! Love the torn paper pocket and tag! How much clear embossing powder do you thing you have in those 20 tubs? You may never need to buy any again! :) Happy WOYWW!
I love the card you made! I use Pinflair glue gel and tried the syringe but didn't get on well with it, I prefer a good old fashioned cocktail stick. My desk is virtually empty at the minute - must craft later today!! xx #104
just a quick hello off to the 4th of July parade today. maybe I'll get to play in the studio while hubby is napping LOL have a great day!
Running late #107, but it's not quite 8AM here..I was early to bed your time.
Love the inspiration piece and the little box in back by your button jar. I need to do more "Inky Fun" I tend to put it off for other designs.
Enjoy your week.
Silicone glue?? Ooooh this gives me ideas!! Mwhahahahaha... Loved seeing your desk in a creative mess. :) Warmly, Tracy #111
Good morning, Julia (well, it's likely afternoon in your desk's time zone -- grin). My husband and father-in-law are watching Wimbledon in the living room, so half the household is "virtually" hanging out with you. What is a master board? (showing my ignorance) Happy Wednesday!
Hello! I managed to get linked in the correct place this time! I like you cool project and your master board. You desk, though busy, is still fairly well organized! Happy WOYWW and thanks!
Carol N #114
I like the card you've come up with. I've used that silicone glue before but doesn't it dry up and become useless in no time? Or is that just because I live where everything dries up and becomes useless? I also have a drawer full of embossing powder and I rarely emboss AND I even got rid of a lot of EP. What the heck? Does it multiply?
I thought it was too funny last week, me giving out my number to everyone and then realizing it wasn't my number anymore, but it ended up being another Sandy instead...too funny! I don't even go by numbers, just click on their names, but that's me, just try and do as I am told, cause I am such a good little girl...and if you don't believe me I'll stamp my foot and pout!! so there!! lol waving hi from the hills of North Carolina with a hot dog in one hand and a flag in the other! :) #37
Your workdesk is so tidy! Love it! Every time I see your window where you can look out as you work - I am in envy! How nice that would be! Wishing you a happy 4th of July!
Barbara Diane
Hmmm silicone glue in a syringe? Do tell. I think I need more info on this. Does it stick really well? Does it come out of the syringe easily. I have a love/hate relationship with wet glues but really need it sometimes. Maybe I should Google this and see if I find anything about it. :) Love your busy desk this week, by the way.
I use a syringe to apply Pinflair glue and still manage to get it all over myself! And I also have I don't know how many pots of embossing powder... some from the first set I ever bought back in 1998..bought my first heat gun around then too, still working, so I can't say I didn't get my money's worth!
I have a few tubs of embossing powder only prob is my heat gun is tempramental and only works when it wants; should really buy a new one but dont really use it enough to warrant it!!
Hugs Pam x
Hopefully your OH will have learnt his lesson after the ladder episode and will get to moving the glazed panels in super quick time.
It’s always a joy to see what’s on your desk Julia and this week is no exception. I love the colours that you’ve used on your master board, such a pretty combination.
Happy Crafting!
Sue x
# 62
Yeah I'm a bit earlier this week.Yep I've got different embossing powders, didn't discover the clear one until I'd bought some others. I like the colours on your masterboard as well. Do use the pinflair glue but sometimes get very frustrated with it clogging up. Hope I've not broken any of the rules julia. Happy WOYWW Anne x
happy WOYWW!
fabulous new found event to me!
for the first time ever i have visited every one on the list all 100! {and 1 including Queen Julia!}
and its still only 8.15pm here :D
I stuck with (haha) the little foam sticky squares as I couldn't get on with silicon glue. Pinflair was worse - I covered everything except the bits that I was aiming at.
I've finally found that I can get on with colall glue.
I wish I was as tidy and organised as you are.
Janet #134
This is the first time I have ever done this. How exciting! Love blogging - love the crafty community! Would love it if you popped by to see me. jenx
Your faithfulness to the blog is really amazing to me now that I've dropped out for a couple of months...this is a great way to at least post something. THANK YOU. THANK YOU. THANK YOU.
Thanks for your comment, Julia. That's interesting about the binding agent in Perfect Pearls being gum arabic. I've got some gorgeous bronzing powder which I've had for more years than I can remember - it has no binder in it and is supposed to be applied to glue, or mixed with gel medium or whatever. It might be interesting to try making some DIY Perfect Pearls out of it! I've got a whole lot of new Perfect Pearls on order - I adore that stuff.
Your ATC is on its way - complete with fan tag lol!
Shoshi #25
I love seeing your masterboards, they look so impressive :o)
Glad to be back (by the skin of my teeth!) after missing last week.
Thankyou for your comment! I am new to this blogging thing so I don't really know what I am doing! Loving the journey though! Thanks for your help! A blogging celebrity has commented on my blog... yay! jenx
We are so putting up a fight for "bugger off." It's just too brilliant.
What is this wet stuff coming from the sky??!
Hi Julia! Never heard of silicone glue- I wonder if it's available here! But then I have so many tools and materials I have not been able to use, I better stop thinking of searching for it! Glad you got to do some crafting! Happy WOYWW! (No. 14, as instructed!) patsy
hi julia
better late than never today.
great to see a work in progres from you and you are having fun get all inky
I like the creativity that is taking place on your workdesk! Sorry you won't be able to go scrapbook but at least you have the pics for when you do! I like the piece you have in front of your Ipad. Very pretty! Happy crafting and happy WOYWW! #142
Oh, shoot...totally forgot it was Wednesday yesterday. My brother was on the road, coming in from New Orleans, and I was out in the studio, still decluttering and organizing, so there wasn't really much on my desk. I managed to flip my big laptop, open, face-down on the kitchen floor--it seems to be fine, and then I took a large chunk of skin off my ankle and there was rather a lot of blood...so, that's my 4th of July. LOL
I don't know why I enjoy showing my workspace and looking at others', but its fun. Blessings!
I don't think I could live without my pinflair glue lol. Wow I can't believe your glue gun is 15 years old, mine is 4 years old and I need a new one, this is due to me heating embossing powder really closely late last year in a mince pie tin and I managed to melt the sides of my gun!!! thank goodness it still works just lol. I so love the masterboard, I fell in love with it the first time you shown us and the card you made with it is fab. Happy woyww :-) Kezzy x
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