Friday 9 March 2012

Spot the new toy...

 I mentioned that I bought a new die at the craft show in Farnborough a couple of weeks ago, and at last weekend's crop, I decided to give it a trial.
As you can just about see, I love it.  It's the border of skirted figures..very clear on this green LO and very unclear on the beach picture below.  They are in pink, over a border of ice creams, but even I have to squint and I've got the original, so I'm OK with it if you have some doubt!

This is probably the start of a whole new love affair for me.  As my LOs are now feeling formulaic and lookey likey,                                        
and apparently, not straight), I figure it won't hurt to have an oft repeating emblem too.  A couple of snips and these skirted figures can be un-skirted (de-frocked, if you like) and so I feel that I will be using this die quite a lot.  And oh, that leaves me with a sweet taste of righteous justification -  I just knew that if I didn't buy it I'd kick myself.  But I had no idea why.  Ha! Seems I know myself better than I think I do.  

Have a lovely weekend!


Helen said...

Two layouts at a crop? You were on a roll! They look great (though I can't see the pink ladies in the second one.)
Your WOYWW badge arrived today - thank you!
Have a great weekend.

trisha too said...

What sweet los, they are both so pretty!


Annie said...

Oh happy happy memories came flooding back for me. I spent many happy hours cutting paper dollies for my babies :-)
A x

Di said...

Lovely dolly die cute Julia! I wonder why my badge hasn't arrive yet :) Just off to bed with a face mask on and wondering if time for a face lift!! Yada, yada - what you see is what you get huh?! Squeaks here! Di xx

Redanne said...

Lovely layouts Julia!

Anne said...

Hi Julia like your layouts. Also wanted to say that have tried to email you re having a badge (which I am happy to pay for inc postage) and also would like some details about the villa but when I try to email I get invited to open Outlook 2007 start up. I am not sure about this. Not exactly sue what it means. Can you help? Anne x

scrappymo! said...

The ladies are a bit harder to see on the second layout...but I can see them and love the overall look of this layout. The beach and ice cream go hand in hand!

JoZart Designs said...

So teeny weeny and better than we could ever cut. I know why you just HAD to buy it! gorgeousful.
Check out my blog.... Huge thanks for my WOYWW badge and I LOVE CHOCKY PHILLY!!! Thanks for letting me know about it!
JoZarty x

Angie said...

Love the LO's ...those dollys brought back the memories of cutting and tearing folded newspapers ...and making trees from rolled papers.

JoZart Designs said...

You'd better make it a loooong w/end in liverpool as there is so much to see. The 9 museums and galleries are all free too! You are welcome to our doss house as you've seen the mess already!
In April there is a special event... check it out
Off to lick out the chock philly container... hee hee, must buy more!!
Jo x

Craftychris said...

I love skirted figures, they look really cool! Your layouts are fab. I received my WOYWW badge yesterday - thank you so much! xx

kay said...

fab layouts,your paper doll punch is so cute,thanks for my WOYWW badge,x

Debbie Rock said...

I think you HAVE to use a new punch or die to death to get good value out of it ... hence my theme for this year's birthday cards is to use my "On The Edge" butterflies and cogs dies. I couldn't justify the cost of only using them once or twice I'm afraid.
Your little paper doily ladies are so sweet and I can see them on your second layout ... it was a bit like those squiffy/squiggly patterns you stare at and suddenly you see a dolphin or something! I looked at your layout, and squinted a bit and there were your little ladies!
All my Cosmo Cricket papers have been quite "grown up" ... I loved one QVC kit so much one time I bought two of them and this Christmas kit was on the same lines so to find those papers was a real treat. Sorry, have rambled on here! Love Debbie xXX

fairy thoughts said...

love that die too.
pretty layouts, I never use a ruler either, if we wanted perfect we'd just buy made by machine, straight is boring, that's my excuse he he

voodoo vixen said...

Oooh I am cabbage green looking!! Love your new die... they are cute and yes, you can use them on all sorts of things!! I can see them glued to ribbon and across the front of cards and and and...
Mightily impressed you managed to LO's at a crop!!

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I had to enlarge the cute little pink dolls in order to see them. Once I located them, I couldn't quit seeing them! Laughed at the thought of defrocking.

Hope you are having or had a wonderful weekend. Sorry your phone won't take the right (or any) photos for you. I have a camera something like that. Mine is called "lousy."

Claire said...

Gorgeous layouts Julia.
C xx

Dragon said...

I think that's a great new toy and fully justifies your justification of it!!! I think a theme running through a set of LOs can unify them (but what the hel- do I know???) I have a new toy too but it's a bit of a dstress purchase, being, as it is, a lamp!! HEY I GOT MY FABBY BADGE THANKS IT'S JUST WOYWWing WONDERFUL so taa very much!!
Love and light

Kezzy said...

Gorgeous scrapbooking and the die is fab. Kezzy x