Thursday 8 March 2012


A handful of questions have been aired over yesterday's WOYWW post.  I shall attempt to answer them here.

1. What's this about a badge? 
A real, pin on the back, wear it on your bag/sleeve/coat/jumper badge is available to regular WOYWWers. You just have to ask:
2.  Yeah, but posting one abroad is silly.
I am more than happy to post you a badge, local, national or international. Space station would be a erm, blast! The  whole concept of WOYWW and this blog is pretty silly, why should I change it now!
3. What's the badge about?  
 I thought it would be fun to have one to wear when you go craft shopping and to conventions and might meet someone you've met here already. So it's just an extension of the cyber friendliness really.
4. Why?
Why not? We're nearing the third anniversary and I can't think of anything else that may be useful and fun at the same time.
5. How?
I commissioned the design from Luscious Life Studios. (Doesn't that sound great!).  Then I sent the artwork to a real life badge making factory.  Because buying a badge maker and making that many would have caused me to die tragically early. Of boredom.
6. Why did you change your mind about Word Verification?
I haven't really, I still think it's none of my business if you choose to use it or not.  But over at WOYWW, turns out a lot of bloggers don't know they're using it, and don't like it on other blogs.  So, after many emails asking me too, I've flagged it up as an issue.  
7. How do I know if my blog is using WV?
Log into your blog as if you were a reader, try leaving yourself a comment. Really!
8. OK, so how do I turn it off then, smart-arm?
On Blogger?  Fiona, (Staring at the Sea) found a great site with clear instructions (pictures!) Click on this link : how to turn off word verification
9. Birds Eye View desk photos
take 'em at your own risk gentle WOYWWer.  I have never ever used a stool or soapbox to stand on - to take a photo! My overhead shots are at arms length, on tippy toe, sucking in my stomach with shoulders bent forward to remove my chest from the viewfinder.  With that sort of effort, why would I need a stool.  Honestly, you people worry me.
10. My bag is packed
Yes Princesss Judy, I'm like the BAU team on Criminal bag is always ready.  Just  email me the tickets.

So y'all, is that any help?  First wave of badges going to post office today.  Assuming it doesn't rain.  I can't go out in the rain.  Sugar melts in the rain.  Ahem.


Annie said...

Brilliant post Julia :-)
You are so very organised. I am more than happy to pay for my badge and the postage so please let us know the costs involved.
A x

Debbie Rock said...

Was feeling a little glum this morning but you have made me giggle Julia! THANK YOU. Oh, and you mentioned Criminal Minds ... just my FaVoUrItE show!!!!!! Love Debbie xXx

Helen said...

You are a diamond queen julia amoung a year of diamond queens. Hope you don't melt in the rain..

Squirrel x said...

You are a crazy woman, but we love ya - thank you for the smiles today. Hugs Sxx

scrappymo! said...

You are too funny...but i am going to be inspecting my parcel for return addy so I can send some money back as I don't want you to absorb the cost to Canada.

Di said...

Wonderful posting Julia - am almost crying with laughter here :)

I did ask in my email to buy something you have for sale (not saying what here in case there's a rush) - specifically so it would mean I pay for that postage and the badge could be slipped in. Only tryin' to help :)

Have a super day! Di xx

Cardarian said...

Oh I did have fun reading that post - I can't believe the things people ask! Thank you again for the badge! Ha, ha love you mentioning the Criminal minds! In some ways you are a lot like me - always ready to go!
Have a lovely day and thank you for the morning giggle!
Lots of hugs,

mamapez5 said...

Hi Julia.
I had to smile at this post! People do ask funny questions.
I would love your badge but having taken an age to find how to e-mail you, when I click on 'e-mail' I get instructions to set up outlook and I really don't want this on my computer again. It took me ages to get rid of it last time. So If you have a spare minute please will you pop over to my blog where you will find my e-mail and drop me a quick message and I will then message you back with my address. I will understand if you are too busy so don't worry if you can't do it.

By the way - Chocolate Philadelphia has made it on to the shelves of a few supermarkets in Spain this week, and I love it! (I actually like sweet things with cheese. Strawberry jam and brie is one of the best!).

Have a great day. Kate x

Belinda Basson said...

Thanks for the chuckle, came just at the right time of my day. I will be emailing you shortly for one of those badges that I will wear with pride on my sleeve for all to see and try answer all the questions that arise from its presence with your type of aplomb!

May said...

You did make me really (lol) at your post, You have a great day (sugar) I mean Julia! Hugs May x x x

Elizabeth said...

Very funny ... that's my kind of housekeeping :)) Elizabeth x

Amy E said...

You crack me up!! Your posts are so much fun to read!!!

Sarah said...

Ship-shape and Bristol fashion! I'm going to the NEC soon and will flash my metally bit with pride. In a few weeks I'm off to Holland and a stonking stamp convention. I could take two badges along to Franka and Marleen as I will see them - only if you want....
Thanks for the low-down.

Fuchsia said...

LOL !!!
Love your house keeping

Redanne said...

Hi Sugar (oh sorry, I mean Julie), you really are a sweetie! Thanks for giving so many of us a good laugh today - it was as funny as seeing your hubby under that ladder! Thank you so much for the badge too, I am waiting with baited breath..........

Redanne said...

Sorry - Julia, fingers are too fast on the keys! Ha Ha.

CLaire said...

I am also happy to pay postage if you can let me know how much...I can trans fare via paypal !!!
I so would love a WOYWW badge to pop on my craft bag...
CLaire x

MaggieC (Silvercrafter) said...

I would also love a WOYWW pin, but I am also happy to pay for its cost and the postage. thank you for your hard work. xx Maggie (No 8 this week)

Bellaidea said...

Sharp and cute!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for a chuckle today. Sending email for badge, but like everyone else I am happy to pay for it and postage (donation to a charity of your choice if you would prefer that).

Ali x

Pauline said...

Julia I love your post , that is my kind of housekeeping ! Thank you for all you do keeping us all going on your blog . It must be a lot of work , it is very much appreciated . Have a great week :-) p xxx

Beachstudio said...

Thanks so much for posting that part about word verification. I had honestly thought I had turned it off, but in had been in the back of my mind to double check it. And nooooo, it wasn't. Problem was I was not using the original dashboard, or so it seems. I wondered where that had disappeared to. Now I think, I am on the right track. And don't fall over!

SuziesImaginarium said...

So glad I came back here and found out how to turn that darn thing off!! Thank you for that! I just joined WOYWW, love it! of messy people out there, I feel soooo connected!

Pauline said...

Well I did have VC , who'd have known ! Thank you again

Jingle said...

LOL! You are too cute! You responses are fabulous, particularly the one about how you take your birds eye photos! :-) Thanks for all you put into WOYWW! You really do make it a WAY fun event each week!

Jingle said...

LOL! You are too cute! You responses are fabulous, particularly the one about how you take your birds eye photos! :-) Thanks for all you put into WOYWW! You really do make it a WAY fun event each week!

Princess Judy Palmer said...

Tickets? Tickets? You want me to send you my parking tickets? Okay dokey! I sort of want a badge but then people will ask me about it and that gossipy time will take away from my crafting!!!!!! Seriously.

fairy thoughts said...

honestly Julia , you are bonkers, but we love you !
did I get the fist badge at farnborough?

JoZart Designs said...

Thanks for all the info, really caring and helpful. I'm going to send you some postage in return for me badge as it will come in handy for you to post others.
Love joZarty x

Lynn Holland said...

You are a real trooper Julia having to put up with every bodies why's and wherefores.
Thanks for all you do.
Lynn -:)

donnalouiserodgers said...

My Goodness gracious - your baby has become a demanding teenager,

ha ha ah


I am

and you are stuck with it for you are its mother and your job is to love it ha hahahhh

no going back

ha haha
we virtually know where you live!!!!


Debs Willis said...

You are bonkers! Loved this post, just made me cackle :-)

Keep up the good work, sweetie sugar melting pie xxxx

Craftychris said...

Can't really comment - am laughing too much to type! xxx

Unknown said...

Hey Julia!
I tripped over your blog! You are hilarious!
Are we related?



Turns out I did have verification but it is all gone for good now (I did the ole flip back to the old interface trick).

The badge is inspired a good opportunity to say a big hi to the people you want (or running screaming from those of us who turn out to be terrifying ;)

Sides it is always lovely to get something in the snail mail in this electronic age :)

Carmen said...

I can in no way be called a regular WOYWWer anymore but when I feel better I would love to be again. Will you have me? Will you? Of course I'm not just doing this for a super cool badge. Nuh uh!

Must stop lurking and come out of the shadows again!

Nicks said...

Oh... I didnt know we could ask questions...

my question is........

Ummmmm dunno will think of one for mext week ;-P

Erika said...

Got my badge, many thanks Julia, have a great weekend.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I have no idea why I find this post so very, very funny. I have no idea why we need to do housekeeping on (or near) the weekend. I have no idea why anyone would want to take a photo from the sky. I have no idea why some people ask silly questions. I have no idea why people still use word verification.

I have EVERY IDEA this is one of the cutest posts I have ever read that has NO photos to distract us from the banter!!

Teresa said...

Oh I NEEEEEEED one of these badges pleeeeeeeeze! I know I am not the most regular of WOYWW'ers (must get me some all bran) but you loves me! :)

Kezzy said...

Brilliant post, I definitely would like to buy a badge and ready with the money lol. My partner bought me last night the whole Artsycrafts weekend away so it would be fab to wear a woyww badge with pride. Kezzy x

Lavinia said...

Whoo Hoo...its the little thing in life Julia eh! I have got mine! Thank you very much! I am going to give "The Badge" its very first Crafty Outing on Sunday at "The Great Northern Papercrafts Extravaganzer" And you never know I just might bump into another WOYWW'er!

Hettie said...

Funny! Witches don't like rain either! Hmmn!
Love the idea of the badges, but do I qualify for one as I haven't been a good Woywwer lately due to one reason or another. Tomorrow's posting is up and ready to roll! If I am allowed to have a badgie wadgie, let me know how much the postage etc is!!

Unknown said...

I'm happy to see you are spreading the anti word verification word!