Wednesday 26 October 2011
What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday 125
Not what, but who. Well, not actually on my desk either - she was unimpressed enough at being photographed, but got less co-operative when I suggested she hopped onto the desk so I could remain faithful to the title of my post. So here is Miss Dunnit in bad light (taken last night...she won't get up early for you, but you know that!). Bad light - unavoidable, but hmmmm...a very untidy craft space. Considering I've been busy making a mess with threads and fabrics elsewhere.
So there's another costume nearly done. Now I need to get on with paper stuff. Need and want. The ideas aren't fast flowing but my goodness, dates are approaching!
Show us all what you're up to on your surface of choice then - upload a pic to your blog, and link your blog post here. Easy and free - would be better all round if your post actually was a WOYWW and not too obviously a mahoosive advertising campaign. Ta.
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Well it is the first time I have seen a real live model on a desk! LOL Strangely enough I just finished writing my post, and laoding it, and you must have been up in the dark, same as me!
Have a great day!
the thought of your suggestion that miss dunnit get on your desk made me laughing! happy WOYWW!
WooHoo! Go You... you amazing woman! How proud must you be, and how pleased must your daughter be too, to have such a brilliant costume!
As for her not hopping onto the desk... well... maybe next time? *lol*
Have a wonderful WOYWW Julia!
Well I think that's spectacular. Still can't recall which one it is. Could it be Meowth? Something like that, anyway. The things we do for our kids. Now time for your projects. Get cracking....
Mary Anne
i mean "had me laughing". or is it "made me laugh"?
Now, that's something different! Great costume by the way - I can't sew, so am in awe of everybody who can. My daughter is busy sewing Halloween costumes for her dolls! (and for herself as well).
Now that is an interesting project. ... and she wouldn't get on your desk. After all you have done for her!!
Great job Julia - I'm feeling the relief and your need to step over from the Dark side! Enjoy being back with the paper. Looks fabulous and I'm well impressed at ye olde sewing skills. Hoping the ideas will gain more momentum than the deadlines...playing that game too here, wishing you inspiration.
Hi there Julia well what will you come up with next? amazing sight to behold indeed and must be quite unique for a WOYWW post!! thanks for sharing, Shaz in Oz.x
I could probably get on my desk, but getting down would be a whole nother topic! Love the are quite talented! Happy WOYWW!
This is amazing, Julia! And I've been looking forward to seeing it all week!
I dont think I would want to get on my desk either!
Nina x
Cool! Wow, I'm early for me today. Back to visit later, off to work now.
Hi Julia , have a great WOYWW!!
I had a WOYWZ !! ;-)
Till the next WOYWW
Doesn't matter if it is papers or all makes a mess doesn't it. Your headless Miss Dunnit makes quite a stunning model!
Fab costume. But I can't believe she wouldn't hop on the desk for you. If you ever make me a costume, I promise I'll sit, stand or lie on your desk!
That's one awesome piece of work there! I'm working with my little Miss who has exact ideas of what she wants and when. Should be interesting. If it turns out OK I may just post it....or not!
Wowzer, what a costume!! I too had to smile at the hopping on te desk suggestion - it was worth a try I guess!! Happy WOYWW.
What do you mean Mz Dunnit wouldn't clamber onto your desk for the pic??? LOL... remember Julia, we have seen your desk and we know that Mz Dunnit would have to balance on her tippy toes in the odd spare quarter of a inch available... can't say I would envy her that!! ;) Lovely bit of sewing... have no clue what the comic figure is supposed to be... but nothing new there!!
Wow it's looking fabulous, enjoy getting onto the paper thanks for hosting Jennibellie x
Fright Night, your bright yellow will be seen by many. Great job, and a smart lady. If I got up on the desk, I no doubt couldn't get down safely.
Enjoy WOYWW and have a great time.
wow julia are one clever sewing lady...enjoy getting back to working with the old papery stuff...hugs kath xx
Great costume, hope Miss D has a great time...I have entered a non-desk today.... but didn't want to miss you.
Fab looking costume there. Aren't you versatile?
Famfa #30
I love reading all the WOYWW posts. I am so pleased to be able to join in. PS Your costume looks fabulous :)
WOW that is one fab kimono ... you won't be loosing DD on a dark night!!!! Hope she has a great time.
Cathy xx
Wow. I'm really impressed Julia. That is one really fab outfit. I bet DD loves it.
A x
Oh that’s so bright at this time in the morning Julia, you could have spared a thought for our poor eyes, Lol!
What a fab kimono, Miss Dunnit and her friends are going to look great in the Pokémon costumes.
#Happy Crafting!
Woo Hoo! Love the costume! Ack! Costumes for the kiddos! I have 6 days, no problem! LOL! Thanks for sharing and hosting!!! -Amanda
Great sewing there, matey - looks fab :) xx
PS My bottom is strangely sore.......
ohoo how fabulous! I'm almost tempted to get out my fluffy black and yellow bee custume and show the world!! (I said tempted...but I'm not going to!) really fabulous!! (Yours not mine....mine is just silly!) Have a great week.
Cool Kimono... I am with Ms Dunnit though... hopping onto a desk is far too energetic lol Now, do tell, in photo 2, in the left hand corner... is that my Christmas pressie? you have been organised lol x
That costume is amazing ...are you just making the one? ....hope they have a great time at the Manga convention.
I second your final remark ...and often wonder why you have far less coments then links too....and I could go on xx
Wow! Awesome costume! I'm glad I'm in a time zone that's just about ready to go to bed instead of just waking up...that's some BRIGHT yellow! I can't wait to see what things look like next week!! Thank Miss Dunnit for the FAB modeling job!
Amy E.
Lovely bright costumes there! looks like you have had a very busy week!
Looks like you are having loads of fun and the costume is coming along fab.. xx
what is it with offspring? we do the most wonderful effort full difficult time consuming loving things for them and then they won't drape themselves on our desks so we can bask in the glory of our doings...
good job we do it out of love not glory....'tis a wonderful pokemon
OMG! Your costume making skills are amazing! I love how you wanted her to get on your desk - that's true dedication to WOYWW!!!
I've got desk picky over the last year or so I won't read the touting ones. I can get sidetracked from my desk to easily - I do promise to settle down again as the stress resides.....and I do mostly always put my desk on.
Great Pokemon hope the work was appreciated if not the attempt to record for prosperity.....
that looks totally fab :) x
Great job, well done Julia.
Great Costume, shame Miss D wouldn't oblige and hop onto your desk but I can't say I blame her.
Enjoy your return to the paper side
He he, an interesting desk post from you this week :) Brilliant job on your sewing.
Great costume, and has she has a change of hair colour too, or am I just behind the times?
** Kate **
That looks amazing. You are clever. Hope she is eternally grateful
Kirsty #62
Amazing costume! Well done you ;)
xoxo Sioux
Ahh!! so that's what the sleeves look like made up!!
Brilliant job, and I really don't see why Miss Dunnit, couldn't hop on to the desk, or get up earlier for you!!
Thanks for showing the finished project, it looks amazing, xx
Oh that's fantastic! I was wondering how that was going to turn out! Been waiting all week to see it!
Jackie x
Wow, stunning Julia!! I'm with everyone else though - most uncooperative of Miss Dunnit not to hop up onto your desk :) Did make me laugh - and, she's one lucky girl to have a very talented Mum! Di xx
Oh p** Julia, the 'D' at number 67 is me - and it takes you to a friend's blog. Very sorry :( My link is at number 68 - more haste less speed!! Di xx
Oh wow what fabbie creation, thanks for this challenge I am hooked in my second week.great thanks trace x
Hi Julia,
Yikes it's 2 AM my I am off to bed and will go on blog-about when I wake up. Love the Kimono. Maybe I could learn to sew on my little mini Janome...haha Have to master paper first.
Have a fantabulous WOYWW xoxo Marjo
Fab Julia, did not know you were such a dab hand at the sewing thing but now i do........ x
no way i would let anyone near my desk never mind stand on it lol!
have fun with your paper project.
glad to get some time today to join in again
caroline #58
WOW, very impressive! That's a lot of measuring, cutting and sewing! I do think Miss D could have humoured you by perching on the desk, at least!
Brilliant kimono Julia! Such clever design/cutting/stitching - Annie will be signing you up for her team! lol x Jo
What a stunning creation, Julia. I can't say I blame her not getting onto your desk in it though.
You are a lady of many talents and your sewing skills make me humble. Oh how I wish I'd paid more attention in my needlework classes all those years ago!!
Hugs Lisax
This costume looks really impressive. And yes, after working with fabric, it's time to change and start working with paper. It's exactly the same with me. Have a great WOYWW. Bye, Franka
This is a bit late, but better late than never so they say!!! Love the costume, lucky kids!!! Hope they enjoy Halloweeeeeeeennnnnn!!!!
That's a great costume! I wish I was more confident with sewing but there is only so much time in the day to craft so many things - sadly! That said, the hoover is calling me... :-(
You've done Miss Dunnit proud with that fab costume. x
I'm super impressed! When I used to make costumes for my son, I used a glue gun instead of the sewing machine! Patsy from
Oh WOW what a fab costume bet your daughter is so pleased with it
Wot? Won't get up early, won't stand on the desk?? Miz D doesn't share your Wednesday passion then?? Bet she loves that costume though, it's very striking with the black panels. I remembered late last night when I was writing my post that I should have sent you my address a week ago!! I'll do it this evening as I can't see my email from work!
Thanks for organising us again (!???) Julia! Goodness you're a busy and talented lady aren't you. I haven't been as busy or talented as I'd like to have been this week, but just about holding my own lol!!
What a clever lady your are, Julia. Costume making as well as everything else you do. Is there any limit to your talents?
Holey Toledo! That's stunning, Julia! I laughed last year, as our son dressed our grandson in the costume I made him when he was in high school. He and his friends were the "Fruit of the Loom" guys.
Tried out the stencils just for you Julia. Thanks for looking. Fabulous costume well done you xx
Is that a "Headless Japanese Person" in your room then? Not sure I know what film that is from but lovely costume!! Now I know where to come next time I am "Turning Japanese, I'm really turning Japanese, I really think so!"
Great on the costume Julia, and the way it hides, I mean spans your desk is awesome!
I too have been in the stitching trenches.
Keep smiling and creating, thanks for hosting, even if I can't do a post, I try to pop into as many blogs as I can.
WOW - great sewing, Mrs! And whaddya mean, Miss D wouldn't get on your desk????? Methinks I need to have words with her over that - such a small request, from such a fab Mum! ROFL. I jest of course....
Amazing costume!
WOW great costume!! What a talent you have there! I cannot sew, I am absolutely rubbish!!! Best I stick to making cards :o) x
What a great costume! I love it! I absoltely cannot sew, although I do own a lovely sewing machine...
cool kimono!
What a beautiful kimono - wonderful sewing skill you have! What a lucky lady to have a mummy like you!
Wishing you a great week!
Barbara Diane
Kimonos are one of my favorite things. Going to be beautiful.
I have no idea why being #100 on your list gives me such joy... but it does. Such a cool number. You are a masterful seamstress. Lucky daughter. Looking forward to all the paper ideas that are zooming around in your head coming to life. Happy day! *smile*
Well done you with your needle craftiness - super result.
Toni xx
I just joined WOYWW for the first time. Hope I did it right.
Fab costume. I love those long flaps. Most give wonderful movement when walking or...dancing!
I had some trouble with my internet connection, so I may now comment twice (sorry). Anyway, love this costume, especially the flaps. And hope to join WOYWW from now on!
Lovely costume! I hope Miss Dunnit appreitiates this effort of her mom! Why don't kids want to pose when you ask them to??? Is it that hard to show off moms work?????? Huh!!
Lots of hugs,
Wow, that looks like a lot of sewing! You have my admiration, I used to do lots, but my machine has languished under the stairs for some years now.
thanks for the peek, as always!
Debs x
Funny isn't it, Miss Dunnit wants to wear the costume but doesn't want to be seen in it? I'm quite amused by the fact you had to cut her head off - honestly the lengths we go to. Fab costume though, I'm sure she'll enjoy the event.
wow ! That is amazing! what a great costume.
love Teen x
Very cool costume and I think it's hilarious that you made her get on your desk! HA!
wow, amazing costume, when the picture was a tiny snippet down my side bar it looked like a pumpkin with eyes, have a look!
have a great day, Debxx
You were supposed to be on the desk. heheh Very kewl.
The costume is looking good. You're clearly a woman of many talents! I have the poor light issue too, because I'm late entering today.
fab costume ~ how inconsiderate of her not to jump up on the desk for you ;)
If you like dolls or need some very cute stuff for them or just want to help on very talented and sick girl please check all my post, thank you!
wow, great costume....I presume its a costume and not a new fashion craze!!!
Great costume, and well beyond my meagre sewing skills.
The costume looks amazing!! Well done you I hope she has an amazing time at convention.
Am so sorry about the other day I completly forgot what with town and friends coming for the weekend. I am away for a few days shall I pop it up on SUnday?
Speak soon x x
You are very clever it is brilliant. Anne x
Fantastic costume! I wonder if DD's refusal went more like, "Sure I would, but WHERE would I stand?" lol
Happy woyww (My post today also does not include the actual desk, must be something in the water.)
Well there are loads here tonight, just finished something then realised it was wednesday!
Happy craftin
I sure that costume isn't guarding your desk? Beautiful and inspiring costume! Happy WOYWW ~#105 Robin Panzer Art
lovely and my fav color too
busy busy busy that's good right ?
- KAT -
Wow, you are so multi-talented! You have made an amazing costume here! I don't have kids so I have taken to dressing up pumpkins, haha!!
xoxo Karen
Fantastic costume! You are a very talented lady
Julia - thanks for your comments. Glad you like my lickle quilts. As for your comment about buying a gift, the person who I was buying for would not know what to do with a handmade gift! She puts my Christmas/Birthday cards in the recycle bin at Boots!! I made it easy for myself by buying her a gift voucher!!
Brilliant costume and quite a dressmaking feat ... showing how multi-talented you are. Sorry, I'm not participating this week ... I'm having to take time out to catch up on a lot of stuff ... but will be back soon. Have a great week. Elizabeth x
Lovely costume. Remind me of kill bill though
Julia, I cannot work out how you have time to do all you fit in in a week, setting up the blogs, getting round so many of us, and then reading all your own comments. Thank you for your visit today, and your lovely comment. With the Fiskars finger blade, it does take a little getting used to, but then it becomes just an extension of your finger and is so accurate.
Happy Halloween Julia -- I thought this might be a Kimono; did you have fun at your party; at least it sounded like you were going to one. Again, I didn't take a picture of my desk; must get in the habit; I might be the one that never does that but participates all the same; actually, I would like to take a picture. I made "sort of" a costume too -- not as elaborate as yours though -- Blessings Terri and thanks for all the inspiration and no-fuss blog party!!
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