Wednesday, 10 August 2011

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday 114

Well, a twofor from me today:  Monday's desk..after quite a lot of tidying and removing of stuff that had been dumped over the weekend, and after workshop preparations and even some birthday wrapping which took place on top of all the stuff for the want of any other surface to move anything to. Yep, I was at the stage of needing a clean plate.

And here is Tuesday afternoon's desk, which will be this morning's too - I just prefer the afternoon light.  I've finished some (only 4) Christmas cards for a workshop on Thursday.  Honestly, it was like pulling teeth.  I'm definitely not good out of season!  
You can see, I worked in a smallish space having pulled my basket and bag of Christmas stamps onto the desk to inspire me.  Hmm.  Best thing is those small tubs of glitter in assorted shapes and colours - chunky, its called.  Fun.  And frankly, to get glitter on a card from me in August isn't just fun.  It's a total miracle.  

So show us what you're up to, we'd like to see.  Gardening, crafting indoors, whatever the summer causes you to do..unless you're chasing children around the house with malicious intent - that's probably not one to photograph!  Upload a pic to your blog, link it here and we'll trot round for a visit.  


Neet said...

Sorry I messed up - put it down to reading about the riots until the wee small hours and then getting up early to do this.
Not bad for out of season me thinks Julia!

Create With Joy said...

Here's to summer miracles! Happy WOYWW - thanks to you and your past few posts I now have CHRISTMAS on my mind!


Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

One of the news channels in America did a decent report tonight on the riots in England. It put a lot into perspective for me. It's ONLY been 4 days! Seems the newspapers are keeping us better informed. BTW, I actually saw what you call a "bin." Now I get it!

So is all that glitter OPEN? You truly are a brave woman.

ShazInOzCardsCalligraphy said...

Hi there Julia. Enjoy your desk and little commentary so much! Love your cards even if they were like pulling teeth! and thinking of dear England and those who want to wreck such a lovely country!
Mm not good with glitter either but bought some super cheap eBay glitter glue and it works a treat - Martha Stewart by name! Blessings, Shaz in Oz.x

Pam said...

Glitter time already? Do you have gingerbread baking in the oven too? They'll have to take me kicking and screaming into it this year - need WAY more vitamin D.

StampDancer said...

Oh no! I'm not ready to think Christmas yet! But seeing all that glitter is inspiring! Have fun!

Jona Panesa said...

loved looking at those glitters. you are right. it is fun. where do you use your syringe?

Dragon said...

Your cards are fun... I too hasve been sent kicking and screetching towards crimble this year, for the first time, making samples for Stamp Addicts Create and Craft show on TV... puh!! I don't do out of season well either girl!!! Have a great day...

Anonymous said...

Yawn. Too sleepy this AM. But love the card, and you know I was in the Christmas mood at the crop (not!) so I totally sympathise with your plight! But I still refuse to commit fully to actually planning for it till at least October. :)

Have a good one.

Mary Anne

Morti said...

Morning milady! Christmas? I need to get past the move first!

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Hmmm, that syringe looks suspiciously like the type I use to get medicine down the cat (or usually, down my front with the addition of lacerations too..) Like the sound of Chunky Glitter - good idea for a range of lingerie!! :D xx

Sarah said...

i just cannot do Chrimbo cards early either. End November with heavy medication possibly. You could scan the four you've done and push the limited edition print thing! Do what makes your crafty soul happy.


Sue said...

Hi Julia
fab Christmas cards, luv all the little glitter pots, i find it easier with out the pressure of the season, need to get a couple done each week from now on! Thanks for the mooch, happy WOYWW, sue,x

Sue from Oregon said...

Hi Julia! I am so with you on making cards out of season. Maybe why I don't make too many Christmas cards...too busy doing other crafts and baking!...all though I am feeling the witchy pull to make a Halloween card or two already! Good luck on your creations! Put on some tunes, do a Christmas jig and sing out loud...maybe you will get in the spirit! LOL

okienurse said...

OMG! I think I am going to freak out cause this is the first week in quite a few that I have been less than 100! Awesome! Love all the glitter. I am starting to organize my Christmas stuff cause I need to get active with the Christmas Card Challenge that I joined. Love the Christmas cards. Vickie

MadeByKarla said...

Christmas already?! I feel like stomping hard on the break and slowing down the year! But since you gotta get in the Christmas mood, you should put on a Christmas movie. That works for me! Love all the glitter on your desk ;) And the cards I can see look very cute!

Di said...

I worried when I saw the first photo - phew, the chaos on your second one assured me you were still on good form. Is that a massive bag of clear stamps?! Love the look of all that glitter - like you though, it's a struggle to think about Christmas in August. Happy WOYWW Julia! Di xx

A Hovel to Home said...

Glitter Babe .... looking lovely that ol' desk of yours. Re your comment about my shoe ... yep it's a mould and a darn tootin lovely one at that



misteejay said...

Love all that glitter but me & glitter don't mix (I could never risk having all those lids off) - give me's far safer LOL

Merry Christmas Julia

Toni xx

Hettie said...

That first picture is way too tidy girl! Nothing wrong with preparing for Christmas early for Crafters. It is only about 137ish days!! If you make a card a day until end of November then maybe you will have enuff!!
Gotta love Christmas - takes your mind off what is happening at the moment for a while!

Jennie -The Artistic Stamper said...

Julia, Queen of desks, you are definitely ahead of the game! Mention Christmas to me, and my entire mojo tros out of the window, and I just got it back!
Happy woywwing
Jennie x

Tertia said...

I must be the worlds worst Christmas card maker! I put it down to the fact that its Summer here in South Africa and there are not mant summery Christmas images to inspire.
Your glitter is positively inspiring though, my granddaughters would love to come for a play date at your house.

Kath Stewart said...

from calm tranquility to hectic glittering..the things us crafters have to do in the name of art...big hugs kath xxx

Annie said...

Christmas cards? That must mean it's time to prepare the sprouts and get them on to boil :-)
A x

Sunshine Girl said...

It is hard crafting out of season isnt it - I really must pull my finger out and organise some Christmas card workshops too but too busy with a charity event at the moment - its all go isnt it! Love the busyness of your desk and the fact that you seem to be crafting in a tiny clear space - why do we do that?

Twiglet said...

Thanks for your lovely comments about Wipso and me Julia - our halos are glowing since we buffed them up on fun day Monday!! x Jo

Helen said...

Love your desk today, and the C card is just fab - but for me too, it's way too early!

ScrappnBee said...

Love the two shots of the desk today! To be honest, I am not real sure when I last used glitter...other than stickles glitter glue! I am in total denal that Christmas is coming! LOL! Thanks for hosting as usual! -Amanda

Belinda Basson said...

You make me smile with your bleats about Christmas! Best to do it now, cos the silly season gets the best of me and I don't get any done...I always say that I will work ahead next year and never do so good on you for at least trying!

Mummylade said...

"only" 4 christmas cards =)

famfa said...

Those glitter pots look interesting. I understand how difficult it is to do Christmas cards this early especially when the sun is out.

donnalouiserodgers said...

since you can perform miracles can you turn my last teenager into the decent human being they become AFTER the hormones wear off?

he's too big to catch so my malicious intent cannot prevail, he keeps stealing my ATG....

Ha - I sound like the whiny child!!!!


Spyder said...

No, I still can't think about Christmas, I know I should, doing cards Christmas eve is no fun either!! Now tell me, please say you too, have troubles getting the glue into your syringe... When I try, it goes EVERYWHERE but in the tube... but they are so useful. Having something that just squirts a dob of glue where you want it (Once it's inside the syringe, that is) I keep using them, trying different ways of getting the darn glue in there ... and it's a good way of venting anger...with words through gritted teeth..."Get in there you stuuuupid glue or or or else!!"

oh I feel better now! Happy WOYWW


Neil said...

Hi, tidy desk, must be something in the air..... I can't start Christmas cards yet as I need to have a certain gentleman's new stamp set and it has not arrived... well, that's my reason and I'm not changing my story until November(ish)

peggy aplSEEDS said...

Christmas in August! amazing!

Whimcees said...


I have just made my first Christmas card of 2011 - it was fun to do something related to cold weather with all of this horrible heat and humidity we have been having here in this part of WI. Wishing you a great week!


Barbara Diane

JoZart Designs said...

Nah... I can't do it and won't do C*****as until November at the earliest. I know what you mean about pulling teeth! I'm with you. Christmas takes over the year because people LET IT!!
If it wasn't for the topic it would be otherwise a nice messy creative desk ...
Love joZarty x

Cardarian said...

I totally agree with you about the Christmas cards - I just can't imagine making anything "christmasy" in the summer but I see so much of it is done! I guess some people can do it!

Angie said...

I really cant create Xmas cards until December ...I'll try but I will hate them ....thankgoodness DD has made over 30 already ..I may HAVE to pinch
That looks like an interesting bag of stamps ...a good rummage would be fun.xx

Karen said...

Christmas in August - I suppose I'm going to be late starting if you've already done some cards! Sorry a bit late this morning, net acess probs again. Loved my first ever WOYWW last time and loved hearing from you all - thanks for making me welcome!

Unknown said...


a woman after my own heart. I know its sensible to start on my Christmas cards now - doing them the day before Christmas eve is probably not a good idea - but at least this year I won't be trying to finish off stuff for a christmas wedding at the same time.

August and glitter (of the chunky variety) is a hard one to swallow - but for sanity's sake, it has to be done - and over come our 'out of season' prejudices!!! lol

Paula x x x

Simple homemade living said...

I nearly passed out when I saw your desk!! The second picture made me feel better. It's a comfort you see.

Laura x x

Hazel said...

Glad to see you've started on the Christmas cards, Julia - time to get a bit more serious about them - lol! x

Jennibellie said...

I applaud you 4 cards is a massive feat, I doubt I'll have 4 done by November :) thanks for sharing, Jenny

Dotty A said...

Know just what you mean... It's been in anywhere from 95 to 103 here and I've been trying to think of making my Christmas cards too..... But so far no good for me.
So gald you had the determation to get moving on your.... Beautiful card too!!!!!

SueH said...

Know just how you feel about Christmas at this time of year Julia, I’m the same and haven’t succumbed to making any as yet……..guess the time is going to come soon though!

Have a good week

Ali said...

Wow. I can't even start *thinking*| about christmas yet! :lol:


kara said...

i would love a rummage in all those stamps!!

Kirsty.A said...

Hi Julia, thanks for commenting on my last few posts. My internet access has been frustratingly slow here in France, but I've managed a WOYWDW post today.

Bubbles said...

Ooh, glitter... you're brave! Glitter doesn't like me, and so I refuse to like it too *lol* Seriously, whenever me and glitter meet it's a clash, and I end up with glittered pets and sneezing glitter for a week afterwards :D
Have a wonderfully glorious WOYWW!
Loving the cards so far... and don't think of Christmas cards as crafting out of season... think of it as being well ahead of the game how very organised :)

Anonymous said...

I seem to have such a thing about Christmas year round as can often be observed on my desk more weeks than not!! Br brave, put on your big girl knickers, as Kath would say, and grit your teeth. It'll all be good in the end, and think how virtuous you'll feel having made Christmas cards in August!!

Brenda 73

Scrapcollectr said...

I know what you mean about doing something seasonally early. Doesn't usually work too well, huh? But your card is very nice and chunky glittery and the class participants and recipient will eventually love it. So all is good. Thanks for dropping by yesterday! *smile*

Electra said...

I'm loving the Christmas glitter on your desk, Julia!!

Sharon said...

My friend Tertia suggested I share my new craft table with you all... Hope you like it. hugs Sharon x

GlorV1 said...

Hi Julia. That's a busy desk you have there, lots of glitter. I like it. Happy WOYWW

akilli melek said...

I cant decide whether my attempt at Christmas in July was motivated by boredom or mojo. I'll keep trying but my cards lack that something, not sure what...but i see it on other blogs when i visit, lol.

Šolanje na domu-Waldorf said...

There's a slite difference between monday's and tuesday's desk. But I cannot quite pin on it. :)) Hope you're having fun with your goodies. :)

Ann B said...

Yay glitter! I have a drawerful of little pots from when I did lots and lots of C cards - now the drawer stays firmly shut to stop the little beggers from escaping as that glitter can get absolutely anywhere.
Love your button jar but how do you find the colour and size you are looking for - I would have to tip out the whole jar and then spend the next half hour picking them up off the floor.

fairyrocks said...

Mmm jewels and bags of goodies, Happy creating!!

Angela Toucan said...

Very sparkly Julia

Kim Dellow said...

So Christmassy! Kim

Unknown said...

I am intrigued by the syringe. great goodies there too.


Theresa Plas said...

It would be challenging to be geared for Christmas themes familiar to see how long a tidy desk lasts too:) Happy WOYWW Julia!

The Crafty Elf said...

You're proof...Christmas and miracles do happen!

The Sparkly Fairy said...

Glad I'm not the only one thinking about Christmas!

Yogi said...

sheesh, it's not even noon here in Calgary, and already there are waaaay too many blogs to visit. So this will take a few days to get around to everyone. Luckily for the challenges out there, I've made good headway with my Xmas cards this year again. Have a great day

shazsilverwolf said...

I refuse to think about Christmas- it creeps up on me every year! Actually, it pounces round about the first week of December, lol.I shall repeat my mantra' I am going to start early this year'- probably every week up till december. Oh well, never mind, theres always next year.....

Unknown said...

Yes those little container of glitter speak to me! Magic in a small container. Lucky recipients of the cards is what I am thinking. What a lovely thing to do. It's interesting about light isn't it? The qualities of it I mean. I love the late, late afternoon sun when it is passed the hot afternoon but still giving us a few hours before twilight. But I also love first light when the birds call to it. I hear the birds, feel the lightness in the room, open my eyes narrowly, peek, then roll over and listen to the birdies as I fall back asleep for a few hours until I get up for real. *smiles* Norma

scrapwordsmom said...

Happy Day to you!!!!

Unknown said...

I love Wednesday, when I know that I am not the only one with a messy desk. Sometimes this prompts me to clean up my act!

Elizabeth said...

I had to look twice this morning - could that possibly be your desk? Then I scrolled down, and yes, it is your desk alright. I think I might be the only one that doesn't mind making Christmas cards all the year round... but there's method in my madness because I just do not want to be scrabbling at the last minute to have enough to send to everyone. Wishing you a great week ahead. Elizabeth x #60

marjoleincreatief said...

Making christmas cards out of the season is very hard and difficult. Not my thing at all. But I got started when I saw some Christmas paper in which I totally fell in love with. Could not wait to be at home to start using the paper. And ever since, it becomes more easy to make a Christmas card as I am in a flow right now. What the trigger will be next year???? Let's find out then!

Greetings marjolein

Anne said...

I keep reading about folks who have started Christmas cards as early as June! I could do with making some as I have lots to do but have so many other cards to make before I need the Christmas ones. Have made one -we did one at cardmaking workshop last Saturday. Quality of my photos on my blog are poor this week apologies from me. Anne x

Linda said...

It is hard to create Christmas cards out of season. I had to do it this summer for a class and I had the hardest time with it. Enjoy playing with all the glitter!

Julie M said...

Quite a before and after, Julia!! I am like you, can't do cards out of season - well, I can cope with Chrimbo cards at Hallowe'en, but not before!!


Sally said...

Loving the glitter Lady J! I've pulled out my Christmas stuff 3 times already-and put it away! $ is a major achievement, well done hunni!
*hugs* Sal x

Shoshi said...

Ooooh! Glitter! Your table looks very organised, if fairly full! I'm late this week, I'm afraid - only remembered after midnight that Wednesday had come and gone!

Ohhh Snap said...

Now that I've finally bought a tack cloth to clean up a fisaco with fine glitter, I'm pining for chunky glitter lol. Love that snowman card especially. I have to admit I really like looking at the busy desk more (quelle surprise!), but I do understand that every once in a while a clean up is needed so new crafting can begin :D. #81

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

Love the top picture. Your second one I am not ready to face anything winter white. Love the snowman and all the glitter, but thoughts of that busy season this late at night just put me over the edge of dreamland.

Kezzy said...

Loving the sparkly desk, I love getting all my crimbo crafty bits down from its high shelf, but have to admit not sure I could do it before end of September, mind you I know that alot of mags have to start now lol. Kezzy x

The Sparkly Fairy said...

Hi Julia, thanks for the comments on my blog. I think the label you are asking about on my ink pad is my name! I took them to a demo recently and didn't want to lose them! The butterflies on the music are stamped, embossed and coloured with mica paint.

Cath said...

Totally missed again this week, that's two weeks in a row! You will be banning me for non attendance next. lol

It's toooooooo hot for Christmas cards.


Kim said...

Gotta start Christmas!! Time is just too short! LOL! Now that its almost Fall-Like in Upstate NY, I'm hoping to get the kick in the pants I need! LOL! I love the snowman...its a good way to start!

Unknown said...

Thanks for the comments.
There are sooo many new products on the market; perhaps that is why casein has been lost. It is several thousand years old. It is the original "milk paint" that they used to use. It drys flat and greyed down which I think is beautiful and a welcome sight after all the brights.

bohemiannie! art said...

I've seen a few bloggers now that post a Wednesday work in progress but found Jennibellie's post this week and just realized...duh...that it(WOYWW) is a "thing". So...I've added my name to the list and excited to be part of this community.


Electra said...

Thanks for your comment on my blog Julia, and to answer your question-yes, I am trying to find a condo 1/2 the size of the one I live in now. That means getting rid of a lot of stuff. sigh............Have a great weekend!

Franka Benjaminsen said...

Great desks this time. Like the one with the afternoon light and there's much going on. I find out it's difficult to create Xmas cards out of the season. It tooks me twice as much time as in the season.

Sorry I am so late getting around but I’ve had a two day’s craft tour to Sarah. Thank’s for visiting me.

HeARTworks said...

Making Christmas cards like pulling teeth? Maybe you should put on some Christmas music!

C said...

Sorry I missed, Julia...just wore down and couldn't even muster the strength to take a picture. Love that chunky glitter but thinking about Christmas gives me the jitters.

Betty Boo! said...

Oh My gosh I am sorry I meant to post on #115 will do that now!

Pearllight said...

Well I'm not exactly a big Christmas fan, but being able to stare at all those Christmas glitter colors is a challenge in itself. If it were me I'd start feeling ill. But hey, nothing wrong with starting early. In fact some of my best ideas for colder seasons come around during warmer months.