Wednesday 13 July 2011

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday 110

Weeeeeeeellllllllllll see, it's like this.
After yesterday's post, I should really have more to show huh? But, I've left my desk clear - this clear out and re-model of my space is going to take longer than I thought, and involve, as Morti said, maybe at least a shelf. Which involves Mr Dunnit and he's pretty busy. I know I'm going to need my desk if only for workshop kittting later this week, so am trying madly to avoid using it to the point of stacking stuff all over it. So it looks OK! Exactly as I left it on Saturday actually. You can't see my super large tote bag on the floor - filled with workshop baskets and equipment. Not unpacked from Saturday. So if stories of unclean stamps make your teeth itch, you should disregard the last couple sentences!
Looks like I've got blank page syndrome, but I haven't. Yet. Meanwhile, show us your desk and what you're doing, it's a matter of great fascination to us. And besides, it's been a week since we were at your place. Load up to your blog, link here and please put the kettle on. In view of the incredible work I am going to be doing today, perhaps I deserve a G&T? Please?!


A Hovel to Home said...

ohhhhhh re-organisation of space, not that sounds very exciting. Can't wait to see how it turns out.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

This could take longer than you envisioned. I know it's going to be a nightmare when I start on my basement studio. And getting everything (scrapbook room, office, supply room, etc) in a place that can be acceptable and usable by everyone may be the hardest part of all.

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Ah poor Julia, re-organising is always a heartache isn't it?.. commiserations there and trust Mr D will be soon available so you can accommodate his office in your space as well! Happy WOYWW and trust your day does show some work at the end of it..Shaz in Oz.x

The Crafty Elf said...

It's so going to be worth it though...
Off to do some snooping! Happy WOYWW ;)

peggy aplSEEDS said...

let's not talk about what's on MY floor. it's worse than my desk!

Sarah said...

A smart move indeed...kitting up is no mean feat at the best of times. It seems we are all spatially challenged this week. Keep up the momentum and start off with just the T for now...can't have you drunk on duty quite so early in the morn.

Nicky said...

I know I'm strange but I like re organisation it's takes time - hope youget you shelve up soon - you could always borrow his tools and DIY :)

Scrapcollectr said...

Good luck with the remodeling...maybe next week we'll see some delicious projects on that desk! *smile*

Pam said...

I will share my this week's modus operandi w/you because it's kinda WOYWWish. Last week I started looking at my own mess and having a bit of a pity party and it came to me that maybe the Universe wasn't giving me anything more because I wasn't taking care of what I already had. Needless to say, I've been cleaning all week. I'll let you know the outcome ;)

Anonymous said...

Trying again. Short version of a longer comment is Have Fun (but assume it will take at least 4 x as long as you think it will and it will have been worth it in the end)

Mary Anne

RosA said...

Hmm, I like Pam's comment about taking care of what you already have. I might translate that to mean use what I already have ... stop buying more stuff! I am desperate to have a proper tidy up! Good luck with yours and happy WOYWW!

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

I always think everyone's floor has to have more stuff then some of these desks. I fail to mention my floor, or the stacks I can create there!! Good Luck and Happy WOYWW. Love it.

Franka Benjaminsen said...

Restore your When you're finished it maybe feels like a new space. Restoring gives me a lot of new inspiration. So good luck and a happy and crafty(?) Wednesday.

Spyder said...

Good luck with the umm tidying, sez she of 'I'll do it later' My floor too, has become the 'keeper of all things homeless' I have a spare bit of wall I'd like a shelf fixed on, Mr Dunnit busy?? Aw, Mr Spyder is too busy too, at the moment sending out the zZzzz's. Aw bless them. Happy WOyWW?!

Twiglet said...

Looks like I got up early enough to beat Wipso to Mr Linky today! lol. She is prob full of aches and pains from her gardening marathon last night. Must be tidy desk week this week Julia!

Jennie -The Artistic Stamper said...

Nice and tidy, and when you have finished, my entire house needs doing! lol
Hope you had a great holiday.. still on mine :))
Happy woywwing

Annie said...

Get your head down and the reorganising will soon happen....then you can have that G & T :-)
A x
ps yes Twiglet is's def one of those days when 'what doesn't hurt doesn't work' for me today. :-(

Helen said...

Good luck with your re-fit... we await the outcome.

misteejay said...

Hope Mr Dunnit can fit you into his busy schedule - afterall, it's for his benefit too LOL.

Keep going, you'll get there.

Toni xx

JoZart Designs said...

My word! You are still in holiday mode.... G&T at this hour of the morning! Looking forward to see you getting cracking once again and hope you brought a great big MOJO back with you.
I always feel like a holiday when I get back from a holiday... just want the good times to roll on, and on, and on......
Love joZarty x

ScrappnBee said...

Re-organisation can be tough! I know that you can do it though! Tall Mr Dunnit that he can buy a new too to complete the task, and that may make him smile! LOL! Good luck, and thanks for sharing!!!-Amanda #33

Anonymous said...

I can certainly relate to your post I think I am forever re-organising my crafty stash - good luck

donnalouiserodgers said...

I have a theory, or two....

a) bombay sapphire IS better than tanqueray I check daily to confirm my theory is true and it usually takes a few of each to be sure...happy to let you join the sampling and offer your verdict....
b) June being month 6 unsettles us, specifically as we age... time flies..(sorry this comment is for yesterday too - I am getting lazy)
c) having kids who have finished their education takes a huge adjustment - we are semi free again - and what will we do????
d) Horropause looms and messes with our heads...

in the meantime thanks to a comment you made a whilst back I have changed my room for a summertime project...


famfa said...

Good luck with the reorganisation. Looks tidy today. Loved your story about holiday with the girls. Made me laugh loads.

Fuchsia said...

Good Luck there !
I am always reorganizing
well trying to fit more into a ever shrinking space LOL

Ali said...

*sigh* I badly need to tidy/reorganise too but it's a mammoth task and I can't face it.. and I keep finding projects that I need to complete first! :lol:

Make mine a large whiskey and coke. *hands you a G&T*

Neil said...

Have fun re-organising! I think a re organise is good every now and then!

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Well, at you have made a start and your ambition is admirable! I'm with Doone on the matter of gin, definitely has to be Bombay Sapphire, if only for the colour of the bottle :P xxx

Angie said...

Dont have too many G&T's before reorganizing might not remember where you put anything lol If your today is like ours up here ...just relax and sit in the garden.xx

jodpea said...

I love a good sort out, often spurred by a good dose of procrastination. But I did read that if you start to put something away and end up reorganising the whole of the space, that means you are a perfectionist...? R we all perfect then?

akilli melek said...

i dont have reorganisation as an excuse, my desk remained the same for a whole week cos i just didnt spend any time at it. Shocking huh!
Enjoy your G&T, 4 weeks and counting for mine, lol!
caroline #46

Minxy said...

The clear-out and re-model will in the end be worth all the work, it's just the getting there thats the hard part lol
I too have unpacked bags all over the place from my craft fair last saturday so your not alone there, but the desk is looking pretty tidy unlike mine!
Happy wednesday
hugs Minxy x

okienurse said...

Good luck with the remodel and the clearing out of stuff. You are definitely more courageous than I am in sharing my space with my spouse. Two words sum it up...NO WAY! Hope you have a great week. Enjoyed you pics from vacation. vickie

karen said...

Good luck with your re-organization, I know you will do it and do it with flair! My mojo had gone on vacation a couple weeks back and funnily enough, as soon as I started to re-organize it came running back, lol! But I still want to do it eventually. Maybe I will wait and see how yours goes, ha ha!

angelfish said...

I don't envy you the tidying, but it will be worth it on the end......won't it?! I have a spare room clogged up with junk and needing my attention, but it's so much easier to shut the door!

Kate said...

Reorganisation, is that the same as tidying? Or does it just mean moving the piles of things around so that they are in different places. Have fun and for goodness sake once your done come and sort mine!!

** Kate **

Lisa-Jane said...

Shamelessly showing photos of my stash and my ballet baby this week. Will be off for a look around other desks after my gait analysis...

Angela Toucan said...

all the best with your reorganising. I need to do some of that soon before Daniel does it and throws 1/2 my papers and all my scraps away.

nerllybird said...

I feel for you. I had to relocate my scrapping space in a cupboard when the new floor went down, and some downsizing was involved. That's very important, the downsizing. You're very brave, lol.
Helen S

Vicky said...

Good luck with the reorganising. Bet you wish you never started now - I know I always do. Tfs :)

Neet said...

I am a hoarder! Nothing else for it, got to own up. The mess on my desk - well, it started off with a look for something then developed into a let's move things, which went on to let's get rid of rubbish, which meant one bin (smallish) full of "chuck out" and a great mess in my room. Took ages too and now I don't know where I have moved things to.
Hope you have more success than I did with the remodelling! Hugs, Neet x

Joey said...

Hiya Julia,

organising I used to think I was good at until I crafted, lol. Good Luck getting your sorted, G&T on the way!

Joey x

Di said...

Bombay Sapphire definately!! Laughed about itchy teeth - am twitching here right now about those stamps. Good luck with the re-organisation Julia! Di xx

Charlene said...

Glad to be back to see what's new all over the world. Be careful when you reorganize! Every time I do, I can't find a thing!

Bugged Designs said...

Good luck with the reorganisation, you'll feel great once it's done :)

Andria said...

Good luck with your reorganizing! I hope it comes out just as you want it to. Happy WOYWW!

Anonymous said...

Might take more than one G&T but I suppose that would be OK! I don't particularly like sharing my room on occasion with the Mister, he's untidy beyond belief, is a heavy breather, talks a lot and likes the music on! On the other hand, sounds like you do the book keeping and paperwork for the business anyway, so perhaps you'll only be sharing with yourself...... which could be worse, lol!!


Hettie said...

I am hanging my head in shame this week as I have left it in the middle of a project! You cannot seriously expect me to be tidy in the middle of it all. Can you? Special PS to you and Jan too!! LOL!!

Kim said...

Good luck with your sharing the space! I've put up an "anti-husband" shield on my room! To the point were I need my brother to come to put up my wall storage thing-y: When I tried, I blew the molly's through the wall, not good.

Whimcees said...


I have just discovered your wonderful blog and the WOYWW posts - what fun! I have left my first link and thank you for the opportunity!

Wishing you a happy day!

Barbara Diane

Sarah Anderson said...

reorganising takes forever! I'm still in the midst ;)

leslie (crookedstamper) said...

I can see your table! No fair.

Morti said...

*waves weakly*

I'm here, I made it!

I wasn't so much thinking of shelves from Ikea (your beloved being so much better at it than them LOL) but the funky baskets etc that go on them.... LOL....

dianneo said...

Our desks talk only once a week, but we know how much action they see :) Have a great week!

Joni Nickrent said...

Looks like you have your work cut out for you...Thanks for the linky! My desk has a whole lot of Monkey Business going on! :) Pop Art Minis

CLaire said...

Good luck with the tidy up... We move back to the UK in December, So I will soon be starting a pack up of what is not needed... eeeek.. no doubt the one thing I need will be at the bottom of a box somewhere... or in storage !! yes storage..I will be without craft things for a couple of months...
not looking forward to that one little bit.. hope Mr D helps out soon xx

DW Peot said...

Julia, my heart goes out to you! I started, yes I said started, to organize my art studio. I'm not sure when or if I will even get it done!

Lavinia said...

Go on get sorting! Its great you find loads of stuff you forgot you had! Its like you have just had a crafty shop when you find stuff! Enjoy!

Louise said...

Better late than never. Still feeling yucky, thank you for your comment yesterday x

Elizabeth said...

Hi Julia, re-organising your workspace,hmm ... judging from my experience that could take some time. Well, it's all down to cause and affect - remove/replace one thing and a hundred other things have to be sorted out too - omelettes/breaking eggs, etc., - you'll see what I mean when you read my post for this week. However, it will be worth it in the end. Your's is going to be multi-purposed, office and craftroom, so I suggest you have a dedicated shelf for the office files, etc. And worth thinking about is where you are going to archive stuff, e.g. last year's accounts, when you're done with them - the shredder just won't do! You're obliged to keep them for around 6/7 years. I keep mine in the top of the airing cupboard out of sight :) After that, here's wishing you a productive and happy week ahead. Elizabeth x #99

PaperArtsy said...

Well Missy Julia. I'm hanging my head in shame for such a looooong absence from your fabulous blog hop....but if you read my post you'll kind of know why...but the good part is that there is an open invitation for you and the Pimms to visit me! I can only dream my desk will be as tidy as yours soon....I hope this dream will be one that comes true!

Darcy Marshall said...

hi Julia, I have been reorganizing too, cannnot remodel, but have had a good tidy and clear's good for the soul...untill it all gets messed up again, but thats good for the soul too as it means we have been playing.x

MvM-design said...

Shame on me , has forgotten to @ a comment(was still sleeping this morning I think)
Happy WOYWW ;-)
Hugs Marleen

Jana said...

What a wonderful blank slate.
Oh, the possibilities......

lisa said...

Mmmm reorganising and remodelling, sounds a big job to me. I think I would rather have gone with the holiday in July/ August option!!
Good Luck with it all.
Hugs Lisa #109

Sarah said...

It's definitely tidier than mine!!

Happy WOYWWW!!

S x

Unknown said...

I love the idea of re-organisation and have been planning one since January...since that is six months you can see I love the planning more than the work! Hope yours goes quicker.

Anne said...

Hi there I seem to be constantly reorganising my space- maybe I should just make do with all the stuff I've already got then I wouldn't need to keep reorganising to fit in more LOL. Happy WOYWW Anne x

Pam said...

Can't remember if I left a comment about your tidying it not but do take it easy and don't over do it!!! Tooth is coming out in 2 weeks!!! Hugs Pam x

Anonymous said...

I would have been back sooner to comment but once I actually did get a start on my reorganization I had a lot of "left overs" to deal with. Why is it that disorganization is good enough without perfection but to get organized requires some semblance of order and never seems to be finished.

Carola Bartz said...

Well, Julia, good lick with this big project. I always think of re-organizing my space, and then I simply chicken out...

GlorV1 said...

Hi Everyone. This is my first time doing this and it looks like fun. Nice to meet you all.

GlorV1 said...

Thank you also for sponsoring this fun project Julia.

Jovita @ Inky Impressions said...

When I'm not creating organizing is the next best thing! I'm sure once you've completed your organizing you're going to be very happy that you did it. Have a great week. :)

Unknown said...

I always think when I see a blank page or surface, that the idea has not arrived on the page yet. We can't see the idea yet as no mark has been made as such, but I always have faith that the idea itself is alive. Developing, growing, forming. Creative hugs to everyone! *smiles* Norma
P.S. I have a giveaway on my blog so drop by and leave your name for a chance to get chosen, if you like the sketch!

Fuchsia said...

Hi Julia
Thanks for visiting but had to Pmsl at your comment !
I craft minimally as I don't have much room until my son and his fiancée move out 3 years and counting LOL.
but what was really funny you mentioned fruit on my table
well its a sponge with inka gold /red on it LOL

Polly Polkadot said...

I misread your blog, and thought that you were doing a workshop knitting, on your desk! Don't worry I've kept up my usual level of untidiness - enough for everyone

April said...

Good luck with the re-organising, this is something i really need to do :o( say it every week but never get round to it!

Hettie said...

Always good to use what you already have, then you don't feel bad about buying more in!! Good Luck with the reorganisation - I am trying to do a little here by encouraging Hubby to remove his fiction books so I have more room for MY stuff!! I even offered to buy him an e-reader!!

StampDancer said...

It can be fun to reorganize - sometimes it is how I warm up and wake up my crafting Mojo. Touching all my goodies to put them away puts me in the mood to create and mess it all up again. :)