I'm already willing myself to remember what it was like;
The loveliness of waking up and knowing that you don't need to look outside to check the weather. Or waking up to discover a fresh crop of mahoooosive mosquito bites because you have an allergy to the repellants...
The fun of a day on the beach with adequate shade and drink and food just a short stagger away. Or the reticence of four 18 year old gals who collectively don't like sand or swimming in the sea because there might be erm, fishes. And can't go to the cafe hut because the sand's too hot and they're too shy to speak any Spanish....argh!
The ease of preparing for the beach - sun cream, towel, book, shade, money for drinks - my needs are simple.
Finding 'lost' swimsuits (rinsed and hanging on a line, actually), collecting books, eight factors of sun cream, glasses, changes of towels, change of costumes, debating who's ipod, which games, how much shade, how much money, the need to re-do nail varnish and schlepping the whole lot across the sand.
The fun of driving a people carrier to accomodate the girls and all their chatter.
The freaking out at sand in the car, the aircon not being up to it, the radio needs turning up to 8 kerjillion watts and oh gawd, the music!
The pleasure of a leisurely meal out, most evenings.
The confusion of polite 'I don't mind' when faced with choices, the difficulty of strange eating habits - difficult not to eat foreign food abroad!
The pleasure in seeing the girls turn from pale to tan, enjoying the sun and fresh air.
Realising that your advice about care in the sun was going to be ignored in favour of the tan. Shovelling Sudocrem onto burnt shoulders, suggesting loose t shirts instead of cami tops...ignored ..I did not get involved for the burnt bum...that was self medicated!
The pleasure of seeing the girls enjoying their exclusive time together.
Watching as they used every cup, plate, knife and spoon
in the house....and left them wherever they finished with them; realising that they weren't going to hang a towel out to dry or tidy anything....and having to wade in and teach life skills in preference to being the slave....!
Enjoying conversation about life, their universe and their plans
Actually, mostly in a group they speak too fast to be understood, they use phone text shorthand as real words and the chunks of conversation that we were privvy to were about music, men and shopping...themselves, of course!
Watching as they wandered off, oblivious to us....
This was great, Mr D and I had real lovely quality time together, no-one can ignore you like four teenaged girls!
Watching them at the fair - eighteen going on eight, excited and giggly
No pleasure like it - everyone around enjoyed their shrieking excitement..at hoop-la winning 3 bottles of cheap plonk. I haven't/daren't asked how much they spent!
Seeing the pleasure on their beautiful faces when huge ice creams were delivered to the table
Oh yeah, you can't be a sophisticated eighteen year old with a Copa, complete with paper umbrellas and sparkly things! I think the waiters enjoyed it too!
Herding them...acting in loco parentis can be a bit stressful
They can do it, of course, but they don't pay a lot of attention, so we ended up just meeting
them somewhere and guiding them back to the car

....we did that front and rear type herding: Mr D at the front looking as English as possible, me bringing up the rear....of course!
It was great. I would do it again actually; I wonder if that chance will arise? They have to be 25 to hire a car, so maybe it will make us useful for at least one more holiday?!!
What a beautifully written post, Julia! As a survivor of an 18 year old and her friends, it really made me smile! Glad you and Mr. Dunnit were able to enjoy your time together both despite and because of them. :)
Brill post - very clever. Sounds like fun!! I took M's best friend to Turkey after their GCSEs (16 year olds). It was great for her to have company being an only child and really they were not much trouble and very good company.
Oh how this post made me smile ...so cleverly written....loved every picture you conjured up.xx
Julia I loved this post! Your alternative memories are just brilliantly funny and I can see (and hear) you trying to chivvie them along..... Love Mr D leading the way. Sounds like you had a great time - but you were very brave taking responsibility for them. Still, you are thinking of doing it again, so it must have been a success all round.
Its times like those that will make a fab memory fest later once Miss D's left home!!
Great time had by all it sounds! Including your readers Julia ;)
Keryn x
Sounds like you had a wonderful time. I love being surrounded by young people...their fun laughter and all the challenges they come with :-)
Happy happy memories...treasure them all :-)
A x
Hi Julia
what a fantastic post that so made me smile, glad you all had a fabby time, have a lovely weekend, sue,x
Oh fab - you've created a wonderful post that would make an even better scrapbook page! You've done all the hard work - throw it onto some 12 x 12 and sit back and take all the credit. Fab memories for Miss D too.... Glad you had a good time!
I never had kids, but I "herded" a bunch of teens on a four day trip a few years back. Your post was delightful and brought back some really fun memories. The only difference I saw was the teens treated me like one of them (guess because I can still act like one), since I was not one of their parents. That "privilege" is relegated to you, dear. Glad you had a good time amidst all the sun, fun, sand, and blisters.
A true Survivor methinks. Looks sublime especially in this Brit drizzle... Three 18 year olds - I wouldn't know when to be hip, ignorant, a nun or party gal...now back to it...is there still washing to do and sand to hoover out of the undies...
Terrific post Julia - really made me smile! Thanks for sharing :) Di xx
I love this post - you have really made me smile with your ideal and real comments and I can understand so much of it having an only teen myself. Not sure I would be that brave though :0)
Glad you enjoyed it.
Ah, yes! I remember it well..... make the most of it. Sounds like a great time was had by all and I bet the parents of the 2 extra girls would have been reassured to know you were there too. Maybe one of them can do it all next time! heh heh!
Try Avon original SSS (Skin So Soft) to ward off mozzies. Avon noticed that they sold masses of the stuff in some areas of the world and investigations proved that people in South America, Africa, Hong Kong etc., were walloping it on themselves to fend off the biters. We've been successful using it as my DH get bitten anywhere and everywhere without it!
Love JoZarty x
Wonderful post but you are a braver gal than I.
Glad you had a great holiday.
Toni xx
That made me laugh, I wonder if they remember the same parts as you?
Now this would be perfect as a mini book with gatefold covers... one side for the boldened version and one side for the other... what a fabby time you had and as a Mum of a single child it does make it easier to friends with their holidays even if the workload is increased!
Brilliant post. Should really be printed off and scrapped with thephotos you know :) I hope you will :)
sounds like you all had a memorable vacation!
Super weather for your hols there Julia and love the herding principal!! thanks for sharing Shaz in oz.x
Absolutely love the post!made me laugh...lol !Thanks for sharing youve made my morning!
Please email me at :andrewjude45@hotmail.com and will send out PIF Gift asap
thanks hunni hear from you soon
hugs judex:)x
sounds like a lot of fun, and a learning curve? for the girls , not you!! Can I come next please? I promise to do my own washing...lol
This made me laugh! I see now why my SIL sends her daughter off on holiday with her friends!
Sounds like u had a fabulous time! Lea x
Thanks for the slice of life Julia :-)
Glad you enjoyed the break and pleased you taught them some life skills - will they remember?
Anne x
oh you brave brave woman, will you be doing it again LOL
You took four 18 year-olds with you on your vacation? You definitely are a brave woman. I had to laugh at your dual memories, this was so much fun. It seems that 18-year-olds are just the same, no matter where they live (at least in the Western world). I would think twice before taking them, I'm afraid (I'm not brave). And you would even do it again, wow! So you did enjoy it! You certainly made some great memories.
Great post, Julia. You really captured the trip...sounds a little more exhausting than relaxing, but what a wonderful memory for your daughter and her friends!
Very funny, had to read it out to my hubby :)
My own three are quite grown up with families of their own now, but through circumstances I won't go into we found ourselves with a 14 year old Grandson living with us, he's now 21 and doing well at Uni but what an eye opener to live with the next generation.
Like you with your girls it was and is a lesson in life, some great times and some difficult but we wouldn't be without him.
Young people today have a hard time from all angles but they are just beautiful.......
Woo Julia... that was just SO well written, I LOVED it... I do hope you actually had a good holiday, despite the girls!!! I expect you did with all that wonderful sun!!
Chortle chortle! Loved the dual memories, bit like schizophrenic you kept taking over an reminding you to remove the rose tinted specs. You didn't explain how the one girl is on what looks like crutches??? Hope that happened before Spain, not during!
sounds amazing! glad you all had a wonderful time.
Ha, ha, ha what a great post - I have a single child - daughter and I have been there! I actually relived a few holidays reading this post! thanks for sharing - that one should go into a magazine - really excellant writing!
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