Did I mention how small these stamp images are? Oh I did? Oh well, consider this a reminder! We, the two grown-ups in this family, are relatively early risers. Equally, we don't stay up late at night, so it works out. I love the couple of hours in the morning spent in my nightie, tooling around doing stuff or not doing stuff, as the mood takes me. It's quite often the time of day when I look at the card I made the night before and wonder how in heaven I thought the colours were a match. Bad light. Middle aged eyesight. Blah. So after some years of luxurious school runs and working from home, I have recently returned to work. Not full time and not, thankfully to a rigid schedule. But the couple hours I used to spend tidying and possibly keeping the ironing pile to something you don't need an oxygen mask to get to the top of, have gone. Pouf! Now I have to get up, shower, consider my wardrobe (the very hardest part), pack a lunch, tidy the kitchen, sweep the floor (I HAVE to, it's the Julia LAW) and leggit to work. Nothing that millions of women aren't doing the world over, and all the time, your mind is on the next job, huh. So why, at ten past nine am I sitting here typing this? Because I need a break already. In my insanity to get ready and get there this morning, I dutifully collected the card and notebook that I'd been making and writing in last night. Put them in my bag and went to work. I'm back home now, to collect the Health and Safety report and time sheets that I should have taken. I've put the card and notebook back on my workdesk for consideration later. On the upside, as I unpacked my bag, my collegue said that he quite liked the card. Obviously didn't mis-match the colours too badly then. Now, if I can just get my focus slightly adjusted.....
the colours look fine to me and you'll get into the swing of getting your stuff ready the night before soon, it really does make for easier mornings
Great smaaaaaall card! You've got me looking at these stamps now! Me thinks they would be okay if you didn't need glassses to view them!!.
at the moment Niall and I pass each other in the hall way muttering 'sleep is for losers' 'see you next week'...
I frequently pull the wrong document out of my bag, and have even been known to produce the wrong laptop "(wouldn't you all rather look at my artwork? rather than review the regulatory affairs and risk management plan?)", but I like to think my 'presence' is such that I am forgiven my strange ways and we all plod on regardless - our most important rule? ( not sweeping the floors I'm ashamed to say)
it is 'don't take yourself too seriously - it can damage your health'
Hehe thanks for making me smile [yet again :-)]. As you know I don't 'go' to work but I am up every morning at 7 and by 8 I am through here in my sewing room sorting out the order of work for the day. This morning my body was in here as usual but I don't really think I was awake til much later....just one of those days :-) Having just had a young man call in for his completed sewing and then proceed to show Twiglet [yes she was here again today! :-)] and I the tear he had in his jeans we were both really glad to be awake :-):-)....Think we are both in love :-)
A x
Well the colours look good to me ! I definately have to get things ready the night before or heaven knows what I would end up taking to the office...and I'm sorry but sweeping floors before work is just wrong on so many levels it's as much as I can do to get myself ready let alone do housework!! (I envy your motivation) Esther xx
LOL! I'm a morning girl but this could be one of my daughter's!!
lol! Im the owl to your lark but I still like to mooch around and sort everything when I get up too!
Hope your day goes better than the start of it!
Keryn x
I am definately a morning person, can't do late nights at all. Get up at 5.30, leave for work at 6.30. It's not necessary and there's a long and boring story behind it. Don't sweep any floors first though! Love the colours on this, they look fine to me. Have a great day - nearly Wednesday again, yippee!
Yes I am a morning person, I get up at 5.30 and do all the housework (sometimes even some crafting) before I go to work! At 10am I need a break and if I could I would go home at 1pm because by that time I am fed up with everything! Can I ???? No....
Love your card and the colors are perfect!
Hmmm I like to sleep in until I wake up (which is usually about 8) and am always in bed by 10.30. Does this make me a boring person? Hard luck that you have to go to work - the only thing I miss about my old job is the salary ...
Lol - yes I am giggling too - not just at your moment of forgetfulness but also at Wipso's comment. I need to be at hers more often if young men are going to come a calling!! Its the job of a much older sister to protect her younger sister isnt it!!!
Hi Julia, I just love your small card. It's a shame it not a boy instead of a girl, because that would be so appropriate for my son every morning when I tell him what the time is to get him up - he's now 26 !. Hugs Jo.xx
Bit of both here. Late to bed, early to rise, zombie by lunchtime. 4pm snoozle annnnnnnd repeat! ;) I have a reputation for being ditzy so people expect daft stuff from me ;)
Looks just like my daughter!!! love these images and I don't think they are small. I must admitt I used to be a morning person but over the last few months I'm rather grumpy!!! lol
Love Chanelle xx
Hi Julia
lol fabulous post, made me smile, im a morning person, not a night owl lovely heart, albeit small! lol, see you 2moro, sue,xx
Ha me neither!!!
Hope you are well? I've been so busy I keep missing your woywdw!!
I shall try remember tomorrow!!
hugs x
Hi Julia, you made me laugh once again! I can just picture you when you realised you had to go home for the stuff you should have packed in your bag!
Luckily, I'm a morning person, up at 6.00am and catching the bus at 6.30am. Don't actually have to start work until 8.00am but I love being able to get stuff done before everybody else arrives.
Can never keep my eyes open after the 9.00pm watershed though!
I think the card looks fab but agree with you about the size of the stamps.
I have a long commute to work so 'popping' home if I forgot something isn't an option but I have almost reached the station (1/2 mile walk away) on a number of occasions which has meant an about turn and a missed train.
Toni :o)
My problem is I'm neither an early bird or night owl, though I am sometimes up late. Anyway the card is very lovely and when you say mismatched colours did you mean the slight difference between her jimjams and the cardstock? If so they don't have to match exactly and the colours are aboslutely fine :-)
Just so long as you don't pull out something that may feel like a lipstick when rummaging round in your bag but most definitely isn't lipstick as a friend once did :-O
Get down Annie! calm yourself.
Anne xx
How did you ever get that heart to stand up in your easel? It's an engineering feat, if you ask me. I don't think the colors are mismatched. Guess I'm not seeing what you are. I know you're in bed about now, but I'm still going for the day. I'm both a late night and an early morning person. In fact, I don't sleep all that much. After all, I'll have time to sleep when I'm dead!
Oh gosh. I KNOW ALL ABOUT one's laws. Hahaha, Amy's Law is that There May Not Ever be cat litter on the floor. Ever.
With 10 cats, this law keeps me busy.
I, too, Must Sweep.
I think the colours are perfect too and I love the heart shape! It's amazing how much you miss that lovely couple of hours when you have to rush off to work, I know the feeling. Chris x
Deffo not a morning person, never have been. Grumpy if spoken to, best left for an hour or so, at least until after two cups of coffee and a shower. Lynne
wish I were more organized...always sleep deprived so always run late to work! Hope it all gels soon!
Colours arent miss matched - its a really cute card. I do love those stamps, although I too thought they were small. Congrats on going back to work, its not easy. I am only a morning person when I am not at work, during the week I just refuse to get out of bed.
have a lovely day
mm sounds like me..ever gone shopping in your slippers? lol I have!! doh. completely forgot to put on my shoes!! Canterbury High Street is fun in the wet when you have soft fluffy slippers on!! :)))))
Hugs xx
oh morning hun he he fab post,just what i needed,I am not a morning person either,when I went out yesterday rushing as usuall as spend so much time on the computer,always leave it till last minute to get ready,I sprayed my hair with fly spray,which I had left in the hall along with my other bits and bobs,still as least it will keep em off me,I usually sray with furniture polish,as have a habit of leaving that at bottom of the stairs,and I do my hair in the hall,anyway as for your post hun love the stamp you have used,good luck with work hun take care hugs cheryl xxxxx
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