Friday, 30 July 2010
You turn your back..
Wednesday, 28 July 2010
What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday? 60!
Welcome to my desk! It is actually pretty tidy since I cleared up after my last crafting session. You can see the tag that is (almost) finished for the Compendium of Curiosities Challenge and the new label maker to finish said tag. I also have another (almost) finished project...that seems to be a theme... made from an idea borrowed from Terri at thanks Terri! It's good to finally be a non-lurker! :)
One thing we must work out is the time diff Becky - it's 6.15pm here - I think you're going to have to send meyour Tuesday desk!
So my desk! I know, you can see the surface and I'm not even on holiday! See, I made a card last night but after taking it to work, was moved to clear up before I tackle some rather unseasonal cards. There's to be an announcement over at 2 Scrap Ladies soon, about a Christmas Card making Marathon day, so I have to come up with my share of the goods, and a clear desk will - apparently -really help my creative process. Clear except for the basket of waiting to be cleaned, and the box of scraps on the left. Looks like an advert for Scotch, huh, but promise that it was just a convenient place to stick it. (geddit?)
So inspire me then, show off your desk, workspace, tray, floorspace - wherever you work today. We wanna see what you've got and what you're doing. Link in here and we'll visit. Sometimes, it takes more than a day to visit - be patient!
Tuesday, 27 July 2010
Sunday, 25 July 2010
Two highlights from last week : meeting Chrissie for coffee on Wednesday. Winchester Cathedral coffee shop, sunshine, rows of fragrant lavender, lots of graduating students and a gossip that we could have sustained for several hours. You need to get to know Chrissie, her cards are gorgeous and precise and immaculate. And so is she. Happy Birthday for tomorrow Chrissie!
And the other: WOYWW had a record number of links. Gosh how marvellous a journey it makes!
Friday, 23 July 2010
Wednesday, 21 July 2010
What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday 59
Quite a few of you ask me how I manage to visit everyone that links in. I'm not the only one that does though, so don't rate me as special! Here's my secret: I don't get in a stitch about how long it takes - if I'm still visiting on Saturday, that's's meant to be fun, right?
Sunday, 18 July 2010
Joining the big girl crafters....
It is a monster, but actually, it's much , much lighter than it looks. I had a few seconds of misery loading the thing - because the tape is uber sticky aggressive. I say this at workshops about glue dots. You have to treat it like snot....roll it around on your fingers and flick it off. It's the only way.
I've been practising. Depressing the trigger isn't difficult to remember - letting go when you want to lift the roller off the paper is the bit I forget - and the tape is v e r y s t r e t c h y. I'm not perfect yet at where to start and stop, and straight lines - forget it. So far though, I like it. It's not difficult to find either, even when your desk looks like mine always does...although I can see that there will be days when there's no room to actually put it down! So, I can see why lots of you have made it your best friend. I can also see a huge similarity between this and US ArtQuest's 'Ah That's Great' tape. (ATG, see.....). Seems to do the same thing too. Anyone? Meanwhile, I shall go back to flourishing my new monster and feeling like one of the big girl crafters. Good grief, I might take myself seriously in a minute.
Friday, 16 July 2010
Work in Progress
My days are filled with this phrase now. For me it simpy used to be the sentence I'd trot out to justify leaving my workdesk covered in paper scissors and unfinished anything. Now it means the difference between getting an invoice out or not, accounting for the quoted hours spent and administrative stuff that helps work flow into and out of the joinery. The other phrases that I use often, to remind me that all these hours that I used to spend crafting are still being used in a worthy way is - 'hell-hole', 'only for Mr Dunnit' and 'I hate working'. I don't, really, but I don't want anyone at the job to think I'm doing it out of anything but loyalty to Mr Dunnit. His business partner has become very ill and so sudden, reluctant, administrative help was needed, see, and I can do reluctant. I may be in my cougar yers, but goodness, I can be reluctant like any teenager, still!
Well, the joinery work may satisfy his career, but deep down, he's a wood sculptor and cabinet maker. Over the years we've all benefitted from his creativity, you've already seen some of it! So last week he decided to carry on with the third rocking horse. He's hacked out the shape, set the face and eyes and is to be seen doing the detail sanding. You may look all you like at this picture, you may see a work in progress of a rocking horse. Personally I see those strong and beautiful limbs. His forearms and hands. Not the wooden legs! Anyway...I digress. The point is, everyone has creativity in them, and this is his expression. If he decides to sell this one, (we have two, can't part with 'em, although the second lives elsewhere )I might get involved in the label, but that really is the limit of my input. As it should be; you don't want people messing with your mojo, huh! The new one is destined to be painted, here is the one he made from a non-painty hardwood for Miss Dunnit about 12 years ago.
She's called Amy Oats, by the way. The new one will look the same but be painted; the last one was a dapple grey. Clever ain't he, my Mr Dunnit. So this weekend, there will be dust clouds emerging from our garage. And of course, I might be in the little room behind the garage getting my week's fill of paper play. I hope so. Have a lovely weekend!
She's called Amy Oats, by the way. The new one will look the same but be painted; the last one was a dapple grey. Clever ain't he, my Mr Dunnit. So this weekend, there will be dust clouds emerging from our garage. And of course, I might be in the little room behind the garage getting my week's fill of paper play. I hope so. Have a lovely weekend!
Wednesday, 14 July 2010
What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday 58
And talking of desks - show us yours. Get Mr Linky charged up - you know him - the cyber god that can link us all in a big ol' cultcircle thing whilst simultaneously arranging neat rows of numbered names and controlling gigabytes (as Linda might say) - show us your desk. Work surface. Where you craft. Or where you work....We wanna see what you're doing, and what you've got. So link in and leave a comment too, and we'll swing round to your place. Right now I'm off to put the kettle on. Join me, do.
Monday, 12 July 2010
I do, but I haven't...
It feels like ages ago, but as June only seemed to last for about 3 days, the beginning of May wasn't so far away for this story to be too shocking. More, proof that if you read here more than once a week, you'll know that my best and most impressive life skill is procrastination. It sure is. It sits comfortably opposite the skill that allows me to rush in and ruin an idea because I'm too impatient to plan properly. I must check with him, but I'm sure this dichotomy of characteristics is one of the things that made me Mr Dunnit's 'one'. *cough*
Now see all these identical little cards? They are obviously little pics of us about to damage a big wedding cake. There are 25 of them. Inside each is a question that Miss Dunnit came up with and our separate answers. We scattered them around the tables at our Silver Wedding Anniversary party. It was fun. For the guests. It caused discussion for the protagonists I can tell you! We weren't supposed to see each other's answers. Here's a couple of examples:
Q: even if it's a cliche - what sums you two up?
HIM: Friends first
ME : We like being together
Q: What's your secret?
HIM: Agree to disagree
ME : Give in. (But I had seen his answer!!)
Q: What are you still looking forward to?
HIM: the next party
ME : the next pay cheque (again because I'd seen his REAL answer about my spending ability!)
Q: ..and would you do it all again?
HIM: of course
ME : only with him
You have to have context for these answers though, and in the same way, I need to develop a context for the cards - what to do? Shall I store them inside the guest book in a nice envelope? Shall I stick them randomly through the guest book (which incidentally, will be produced at every 'special' party between now and my tragic demise --so many pages!). Or shall I come up with a LO for an album? Or shall I continue with the present strategy - move them around the surfaces in this workroom until they drive me mad? I dunno - what would you do?
Friday, 9 July 2010
Actively doing nothing.
I said I'd show you some of the Papermania range that I whinged about on Wednesday. This page is from the A4 paper pad. I love the character and the lovely casual outline style of the artwork...and there are three different designs, full page like this in the pad...that's 9 out of 36 sheets that I don't know quite what to do with. I shall of course use them to write a short note on when I next have a short note to send to someone, but as A4 isn't really a big scrapbook size, even her in Britain, what's the point please?
I would cheerfully buy a separate pad of these for letter writing, but I want background, useable papers in paper craft pads.
Wait though, for I fear I haven't finished whingeing.
Here are the stamps that I think are too small. The larger one on the right is the give-away on the cover of this month's Creativity! magazine, so a bargain at £2.50. And if anyone from DO is reading - you're welcome, the advertising is free if you'll note the whinges!
Lots of you where really kind and made lots of suggestions as to how to deal with smaller stamp images. I will of course. But I want them to be bigger. They deserve to be bigger, they are lovely, fun images that so so many of us will relate to; but at this size they aren't easy to colour or read. Waste. Shame.
Anyway, I've made a couple of cards; decided I don't like the pastel-y colours in the paper pad anyway so will move on and see what else I can conjure up.
This has been a lovely holiday week for us Dunnits, and we're going to try and pack in all of the things we said we'd do but haven't, over the weekend. It should be busy then! Hope you're able to enjoy the glorious weather.
Wednesday, 7 July 2010
What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday 57
I took these pictures yesterday, about 6.30 ish. If you read yesterday's post you'll know that I had a lot to tidy before I could be creative....and the creativity didn't come too easily either - as I haven't done anything since last Thursday, I think I'm getting rusty!
It looks quite calm and organised really - until I alter the camera angle - gah, I cannot work tidy, it just will not happen! 
I'm playing with the new Do Crafts 'Born to Shop' range for a workshop next week. Fab ideas, fab images and great texts...........but there's a but. The papers are A4 and some have the enlarged stamp image on them, so absolutely no good for card making (or scrapping either, unless you work in A4, I think). Biggest gripe of course is the stamps. They stamp perfectly, the quality is great. But each image is small - they get lost on a C6 card to be honest. I'll show you at some stage. Methinks that DO have gone for perception of value and squashed 5 images with text into each set rather than think about how much more valuable really good sized images will be. I notice for the second time that the DT samples in the magazine (and so far online) don't show any stamped images - the range of stickers and die cuts have been used extensively - and some of them fit a 'normal' sized card very nicely. But I can't do a workshop for up to 16 people when there's only one of each image in the sticker pack...and anyway, what's to learn in a workshop that uses stickers when you could be brushing up on a stamping technique? Oh sorry...I've dunnit again - here endeth Wednesday's whinge! I must go find a pill.....
Oh and spot the enormous double standard - after yesterday's post - there are 2 mugs on my desk!!
I'm playing with the new Do Crafts 'Born to Shop' range for a workshop next week. Fab ideas, fab images and great texts...........but there's a but. The papers are A4 and some have the enlarged stamp image on them, so absolutely no good for card making (or scrapping either, unless you work in A4, I think). Biggest gripe of course is the stamps. They stamp perfectly, the quality is great. But each image is small - they get lost on a C6 card to be honest. I'll show you at some stage. Methinks that DO have gone for perception of value and squashed 5 images with text into each set rather than think about how much more valuable really good sized images will be. I notice for the second time that the DT samples in the magazine (and so far online) don't show any stamped images - the range of stickers and die cuts have been used extensively - and some of them fit a 'normal' sized card very nicely. But I can't do a workshop for up to 16 people when there's only one of each image in the sticker pack...and anyway, what's to learn in a workshop that uses stickers when you could be brushing up on a stamping technique? Oh sorry...I've dunnit again - here endeth Wednesday's whinge! I must go find a pill.....
Oh and spot the enormous double standard - after yesterday's post - there are 2 mugs on my desk!!
We're waiting to see your work space please - photo it, upload it to your blog and use Mr Linky here to show us where - easy. Doesn't have to be paper crafts and it doesn't have to be a desk - just show us what you're working on, it's fascinating! Don't be shy- you don't have to be a member and there's no commitment - some of us regulars do it because it's a great way to stay in touch, is all.
Tuesday, 6 July 2010
A typical summer's day
Saturday, 3 July 2010
A traditional summer's day
Here I am, just getting things ready for the school fete, Jan and I are selling our wares again; Jan will also be playing in the brass band because she skilled like that. Jan's husband will be running the book stall (and perfect he is for it too). So there'll be bunting, brass bands, children, cups of tea and sunshine. Quintessentialy English, yah!
These are a couple of the cards I made using that gorgeous Papermania pad that was on my desk on Wednesday - perfect for layering because although none if it's the matches, it's all the same colour group., so it works really well. I expect there's a technical term for it, but of course I don't know what that is. Anyway, I love it and will be using this pad for cards in preference to layouts, definitely.
Meanwhile, I need to look out an old straw hat with faded roses on the brim so that I can get into the fete groove, I'm sure it's de riguer. Have a lovely weekend!
Thursday, 1 July 2010
And since my mind is a blank, would someone please explain what happened to June?
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