This shameful situation was recorded yesterday as the sun finished moving round the garden and finished up in my workroom - I even had to open the door - if I could remember how the locking mechanism works, it wo
uld have been the top half of the door - Mr
Dunnit created it as a barn door but the lock-one-half-lock-both-halves thing fools me at the beginning of each year; no doubt he will be patient when I ask for the 3rd lesson in as many years! The table is just covered in everything, even I can't pick out specifics; and really I call it shameful because I didn't do any 'work' at all yesterday, as you may well know, I went off to meet that Paige,
Ladybird, Ladybird. She's just as you think she will be, except she's nicer. We shopped, walked, enjoyed sunshine and chatted. The day inevitably involved the purchase of 34
Krispy Kreme doughnuts! I hasten to add that we didn't eat that number, but I also hasten to add - don't ever challenge me!
Anyhoo, I've tidied my desk out of respect for Paige's working method and because I really need to get things sorted today! So first thing, my desk looks like this

Bit gloomy in here; the promised sunshine even slower than me in getting it on today! Now, in terms of swing I have not much to offer, but I thought you may like to see the one thing that I continually move out of the way when I'm photographing the desk etc - my chair of choice!
It's a tractor seat with adjustable height. It's great when you're fit and happy to sit for hours; sorry to say at the moment that isn't me, so it's currently being alternated between stand and sit - the old yo-yo thing. Drives me nuts, so glad I don't have onlookers to see me fidgeting and crashing about! You can also of course, see how untidy I am under the desk....and how many times I miss the bin! Yikes. Will go tidy up presently.

Show us your work surface then, show us what you're doing. Doesn't have to be paper and doesn't have to be a real desk, our interest is in what others are doing with whatever you've got. Join in by uploading a pic or two to your blog and then link it here - loads of us will visit. Please bear in mind as there are so many of us now that it takes a while to visit; be patient! Grab a button from the left side of this blog if you want to go public with your Wednesday revelations. The worst thing that could happen? You might make some new friends.
Oops! sorry to say, yours looks a mess, or is that because creative genius is at work?? xx
No desk for me yet today :( Am trying to catch up on my blog hopping which I am severely behind on - if I get done before end of day I shall pop by again with my boring, non crafty stuff on it desk ;) So jealous you met Paige but it sounds like you had a ton of fun :P
your post rocks! Its good to know that you sound exactly the same as me. I get stuff out and keep on going and don't realise I have the desk covered in tools and items! hehe.
Have a great day! off to grab the blinkie
Wow what a transformation! i most definately like the second more organised desk although mine usually looks more like your first photo! How lovely to be able to open the door and have fresh air as well as that lovely view of your garden! Tracey x
Really lovely job you've done with the tidying there Julia. So thrilled you had a good day out with Paige. I'm really glad to hear how nice she is cos she is the adoptive mum to some of my little bears :-)
A x
Can I request a swing to show us those interesting looking stamp shelves next week please? I expect you've shared them before but not since I've been having a nosey!
** Kate **
Tidy Tidy.... i can bearly beleive it's your desk :) It was a realy good day yesterday and someone must have been smiling down on me because even though I was two hours late back to my car (missed a ferry by minutes :) I didn't get a ticket!!! bonus!!! sorry not to be posting a desk today so busy with dog grooming I'm only just able t to grab a minute or two here now. Hope you're ok after all that walking yesterday!
p.s One box of donuts already eaten!!!!!
Hee hee! I felt quite at home with your first photo Julia! Relieved to see your underneath is untidy too! Lol! x
It is obviously much easier to tidy a desk than I ever thought as you managed it brilliantly.
Sounds like you and Paige had a fab time and doughnuts too what more could 2 crafty girls ask for !! He he
Did you take photos of your day together (or should I say your doughnuts together !!)
Your chair looks cool, not that comfy, I admire anyone who can stand to craft my Garry stands for hours die cutting, it kills me I like my nice comfy bum rest of a fully padded mastermind style chair !!! Lol
Great desk and I love how that view/door opens out onto the garden
Hugs Susie xx
that's a great stool. And it's fab that you has fun with Paige. Wispso and Twiglet live in the same county as me - so maybe one day...
My Dad did a barndoor for the kitchen door when I was a kid - it opened into the lounge. So we couldn't get in the kitchen, but we could see them in there. ANd more importantly - they could see us.
Love to see a messy desk! Glad you had fun yesterday, sounds like a perfect day.
Hi Julia, Sounds like you and Paige had a great time! You couldn't really eat all those many - could you?!?!? You also took me by surprise with your tidy desk - WOW - for a minute throught I was in the wrong place! And your floor doesn't look as bad as mine today! I don't aim for the bin - it's out with the hoover! ikki
ps my minds foggy today with bills - so what's Pearls ex palette????
it's amazing you can sit on that chair, I would totally fall over =)
shameful??? never, its creative!
Much prefer the second version of the desk - and it was good to see the bin again last week. Can't imagine a chair without a back - I like to lean back in mine and cogitate ... well that's what I call staring into space! Krispy Kreme doughnuts are DIVINE and having been on a diet for six months sadly a distant memory ....
I have shown mine.. not very exciting, I am afraid :(. Yours looks very tidy:)
Mine is on my blog now if you peeps would like to visit.
Pat xx
Loving the tractor seat :)
My storage is the trofast system from ikea its ideal especially as I have one for my personal goodies and one for shop goodies which i take along to my crop, just pull out the drawer and away you go lol x
Wow! we don't usually see such a mess from you Julia. Well really it's just creative clutter ;) Glad you enjoyed your day with Paige :)
Anne xx
Julia, you have the sharpest eyes that don't miss a thing - I had forgotten this but as I said my brain is full of numbers this morning, but it's looking good in that there seems to be some cash over! Might go shopping tomorrow...but then there's that project to uncover, so perhaps not! Thanks for reminding me. ikki
Mmmm tidy desk, whats that all about!!! LOL Sounds like you had a great day yesterday. Hazelxox
Oh I love that door on your craft room, what a great idea even if it is confusing!
I have a floor like yours too. I thought it was the law to have white bits on the floor when you're a crafter?
Glad to see the tidy up didn't include the jar of flowers - any news on it's usage yet?! xx
Love your desks,glad you had a good time yesterday.
this makes me feel tonnes better about my workspace, looks like a bomb's hit it but i know where everything is which is what counts :-D
There's not much going on on my desk this week either, but I've blogged it anyway - 5 minutes after getting in from 2 days away... there's dedication (addiction!) for you... see you all when I can get there.
aw, dough-nuts...haven't had one of those in ages! Of course I love the top desk far better than the bottom desk, kinda makes me feel at home...but now, I'm wondering, with your 'bench' over the door way, I'm thinking that you don't get out much, and am very happy you managed to have a great day with Ladybug!
I finally made it to your blog party and this week I'm celebrating my first WOYWW. You sure can clean your desk up quickly. It would have taken me all day to make mine look better, but then I don't ever let mine get messy.
Thanks again for the invite and I am off to grab the doughnut, oops, I mean blog button for my sidebar. That breeze sure feels good from your window/door.
Krispy Kreme donuts!! Yuk! When I come home in May I want to see quaint little tea shops serving tasted tea cakes and cheese scones, not those yucky American things taking over everything lol!! I even read this weekend that the youth of today don't even eat marmalade on their toast any more! What is the world coming too???? Nice clean desk today, second pic; and glad you had a nice time with Paige, I bet she's lovely.
I got all excited when I saw the first photo - ooooh Julia's desk is messier than mine today, I though. and then I saw you'd gone and tidied for a second pic - sneaky sneaky sneaky!
My desk is on my blog, complete with freshly unwrapped new craft mat!
Hi Julia - I prefer your before pic than your after pic - It makes me feel a whole lot better LOL...
Never had a krispy kream donut - am i missing out!?!?!?!
So nice that you met another WOYWWer - we need more of these meeting stories...
Paula x x x
My floor's messier than your floor, so there! But I don't show you that!
As to your seat... well I couldn't cope without a back and arms!
If you fancy another trip down to Hobbycraft... I'm game!
How much fun to spend time with a friend. Even better to find Krispy Kreme. I love traveling and finding one with the Hot sign on. Thank goodness there are none close to me. LOL. You tidy up that desk well though. I was wondering how you handle that chair without back support, but after thinking about it, I realize I never sit back in mine while I'm scrapping, so that might be a good chair. I need a better seat on mine.
Yikes... ok, I officially broke out in a sweat when I saw the first pic... but you redeemed yourslef nicely with the second tidied up version!! So glad you had a fab day out with Ladybird but 34 Krispy Kremes??? 34? heck that is a lot of donuts!!
On the subject of chairs... I have one of those gadgets that you kneel on one bit and sit your bum on the other? It is really difficult not to keep your back straight when using them and it certainly helps with my dodgy neck!!
hey if you need help with those Kripy Kremes you only have to ask y'know lol! I love your 'under desk' shot this week - very interesting indeedy. I can't show you my floor this week - far too embarassed to do that!
Oh I so want your chair!
I dare not take a picture of my floor!
Mine desk is in me blog!
I love your tractor seat and door mat!!!! a very happy creative desk Julie...with your glasses parked ready for creative action again!
Managed to sign in after all ....couldn't miss a week. Wow that is a tidy desk now or did I get that the wrong way round and 'that was the desk that was' ...are you old enough to get the joke???? ...not sure it was even funny lol.
love your stool ....but would need the seat to be wider ...for comfort.
Did you take a piccy of the doughnuts so we can drool? ... how life changes ... 10 years ago ...well maybe 15 ... I would still be drooling over a film star not food lol
Donuts where?? I just finshed visting 3/4 of the desks and realised I had forgot to leave you a comment. Very brave to include the underdesk shot! Thanks for linking my desk your a star!
Hugs Pam x
Your comment about meeting friends here is so true and we have you to thank - you see -being just a little bit nosey is an important life skill isn't it!
hi miss j
glad you're having a good week. i can't believe your desk was that messy!!! glad to see it's nice and tidy now. i love your tractor seat, i sit on a very comfortable dining room chair. I have blogged for this week's WOYWW - bit of a long one for me (try not to get bored). have a great rest of the week xxx
Your desk looks strange today Julia I think I prefer the 1st photo I find it comforting lol. I see your enjoying the nice weather with the door open.
I have blogged a tour of my area today xx
I had to laugh at your comment about having to stand, then sit, then stand as that is how I am when I'm crafting. I can't manage to sit for too long before everything starts to hurt.
I know what you mean about Paige she is rather lovely but it's been far to long since I saw her and her lovely dogs.
Wow Julia I'm amazed how quickly you cleared up LOL. I am getting a slight complex re my desk, think I'm bit of a tidy freak, maybe I need to mess it up a little more ha ha ha. I've had withdrawal symptoms being at work all day and not able to post my desk, could not wait to get home, how SAD is that. What have you driven me to..... Have a good day Julia, what's left of it Tracy xx
Wow what a transformation hun! Can you come and do mine for me? I miss my bin just as often - it's actually a carrier bag - so every now and then the dogs and cats decide they are going to have a play with the contents....normally when it's full!!
Sam x
You did make me giggle with the door!!!!
Great desk this week too, I love before and afters !!!
Good grief woman ...that is some before and after LOL.
looks like a lot of creativity :)
Now Paige says on her blog she had 24 doughnuts so that leaves you with 10........ Glad you had a good time out, sounds a great outing with likeminded people.
Couldn't work out the door bit to begin with but have it now!
MMmmmmmm doughnuts.........I'm drooling!
That is the one good thing I need for my cupboard is a comfy chair.....but all the ones I like are to big to fit in my wee cubby!
Hopefully computer will behave tonight and let me leave some comments on all you lovely ladies blogs!
OK I'm going for it.You asked for this so you showed me yours I'll show you mine when I've managed to sort out the mechanics
Think you're as bad as me with the old punches, Ms Dunnit!!! I like the messy lived in look of the before pic! Juliexx
Joining in for the first time this week, it's fascinating to see other crafter's workspaces!
Hiya :O)
oooooh I love seeing others workspaces :O) Joining in for the first time this week too :O)
I have had so much fun looking at everyone's works spaces! Thank you for sharing!
Julia your desk resembles mine! A MESS!! But a working mess. Love to be nosey and see what your up too! :)
LOL Julia...I had the exact same dilemma when I did my chart!!!!!!!!!!
I am at blog no 31...but I really need to go and get some cards done....will check the rest out later!
Lovely space, doesn't make me feel so bad about mine now. I promise to take a wider picture of my spot next week :)
Well folks this is fun. If all those people who would like a rummage hire a coach you could come and choose some stuff yourselves. Bet you wouldn't make much inroads on it.Julia I cleared five carrier bags of card to give away to my teacher daughter-in-law before Christmas and nothing has changed!
If you have Krispy Kremes I'm coming round!
Glad you had a fab day hun.
Thanks for your comment, I did have classes of up to 10 ladies in that room untill the new year so it was kept kidy untill then....
not sure where to answer you.
stampin' up has many sets that are available in wood mount or acrylic block
email me if you want I can send you a catalog or it's viewable on the web.
thanks :)
Mmmmm Krispy Kremes! Sorry you distracted me! Yum! Kim
Your tidy desk doesn't look as cool as the messy one, but it does look as if you could sit down and create something!
What donuts, I don't see any! Better late than never, but it's on me blog. Will have to be a nosey parker tomorrow in my lunch hour, time for bed have to be up at 5.15am
Thats ace that you managed to meet up with Paige, dare I say it Julia but have these cards of late been..... cute?! x x
So pleased you had a good day yesterday ... I can't remember the last time I had a CC doughnut ... LOVE LOVE LOVE em ... but you can't get them round here :0(
Thank you for linking me too BTW X
I finally remembered it's WOYWW.
You've made me hungry now - doughnuts, yum!!!
Hi Julie
a bit scary the first photo haha, your room looks very sunny must be great to be creative in, is this week a record.
Christine x
You have organized a great space and love being near a window!!!
I am having a ball with this wednesday group and I always discover a tip or can say, "she has a lot of stuff too"!
Makes me feel better!
Hi Julia,
I love your after pics but truth be told, the "shameful" before pics made me feel right at home!
Don't flog me - would you believe that I have been so exhausted this week, I could not even pick up the camera to take this week's pictures? Sigh - at least I posted on the right day this week! So, the cat chat crew will be delighted - but I know you love to examine our workspaces with your magnifier (lol!) and you'll have to wait another week to get a peek at my shame (or salvation) - depending on how I feel!
Have a great week. It's always good to stop by and stay connected.
I'm a bit late today but, better than never, huh? I really look forward to Wednesdays, THANKS!!! kat
A good craft space next to the window. The messy desk is best, just like mine. Lynne xx
Hay Julia, you asked about the 'books' from my stash pic, they are actually metal tins in the shape of a book, i thought them so cool i had to have a couple lol
Loved this idea! I just did my blogpost about my workspaces http://wickysticket.blogspot.com/2010/04/outpost-workspace.html
I came here from Ann's blog. So glad I found you! I love your blog header (I love trees) and there's so much fun stuff here.
oh so many fun desks, so little time!
You are a lady after my own heart! A work in progress desk and more stash than you can use!
Here is my post!
This is my first WOYWW, hope it's ok
missyb x
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