That made me realise that I have passed a milestone in my own scrapbooking story. Man, how deep is that! We were in Southampton, so obviously Paperchase and Hobbycraft were in the mix. But my goodness interweb, we were grinning and smug at the sophistication of our purchasing decisions. Honestly, in many cases we considered need over want and indeed, even asked ourselves if we'd actually use it before putting it back or adding to the basket (which Paige carried). I'm pretty confident that we weren't dancing around trying to impress each other either; I'm so in awe of her that it wouldn'
t have been possible anyway.
The thing is, over pudding (which was the coffee and eaten-too-quickly-to-photograph-doughnut) we talked about the 'need' thing and cited moments where we and people we know, have bought two or three pieces (of paper for example,) so that one can be used and others kept for purposes of admiration. That 'can't-bring-myself-to-cut-into-it' thing. And I had the moment of epiphany. Whilst licking every shred of calorie off my fingers, I realised that I'm totally over that. I scrapbook stuff that I like. I use stuff because it's lovely and I can keep it. And I no longer have a problem using it. Actually, it may well be the relief of using it that adds to the pleasure of using it. Does that make sense? The hoarding was giving me the guilts, not the buying. Oh Paige, please bring me more moments of clarity. I'd like one that can help me stop buying the stuff faster than I can use it now please! As for the doughnuts - between us it went like this - one each for pudding = 4 Miss Dunnit and her chum came with us), 2 for Mr Dunnit to try, 2 dozen to be taken back to the Isle of Wight (they freeze, doncha know) and 4 for Miss Dunnit' s chum to take home to the family. See, split it down and it's not quite so outrageous. Just like the stash - use it, you'll love it!
The thing is, over pudding (which was the coffee and eaten-too-quickly-to-photograph-doughnut) we talked about the 'need' thing and cited moments where we and people we know, have bought two or three pieces (of paper for example,) so that one can be used and others kept for purposes of admiration. That 'can't-bring-myself-to-cut-into-it' thing. And I had the moment of epiphany. Whilst licking every shred of calorie off my fingers, I realised that I'm totally over that. I scrapbook stuff that I like. I use stuff because it's lovely and I can keep it. And I no longer have a problem using it. Actually, it may well be the relief of using it that adds to the pleasure of using it. Does that make sense? The hoarding was giving me the guilts, not the buying. Oh Paige, please bring me more moments of clarity. I'd like one that can help me stop buying the stuff faster than I can use it now please! As for the doughnuts - between us it went like this - one each for pudding = 4 Miss Dunnit and her chum came with us), 2 for Mr Dunnit to try, 2 dozen to be taken back to the Isle of Wight (they freeze, doncha know) and 4 for Miss Dunnit' s chum to take home to the family. See, split it down and it's not quite so outrageous. Just like the stash - use it, you'll love it!
i totally agree with you, when i first started scrapbooking i was in awe of everything, basic grey was a must even if i didnt like it!
I adore amy butler but now actually use the paper instead of just stroking it lol
I know where i am now with my crafting and I love to use use use it all, hence i'm on a stash diet until ive used alot of it, and do you know what i'm actually enjoying it :) rooting through my things to find the perfect match is much more fun :)
have a lovely weekend julia x
Hehe don't talk to me about hoarding stash - I helped Wipso re-organise hers on Monday - I think I need to gently encourage her to use a bit more ansd store a bit less!!!!!! Have a great weekend. I am off to the dentist!
Ha Ha..I enjoyed reading your post...I have to admit in my younger days,(I still think I'm 18...I'm 41)I used to buy lots of 'TUT' not just craft supplies...Household pretty things that sit on the window sill gathering dust! I remember sorting through a friends fabric supply recently and saying to her "If you sat sewing, everyday for the rest of your life, you would still never use half of this...Stop buying!"
I have enough stash that I can control! WOW I'm a grown up too!
I'm off to make something now!
oh my...I'm definitely not to that point. Just thinking about using some of my best things makes me panic lol. I have been better about buying things that I know I'll never use, but certainly have things that I may never get to use because I have so much. What if a friend were to come over and need to use something from my stash and use the last of it?! Boy I'd be in a pickle then! What if they stop making it, or I can't afford it when I run out? hehe they all sound like good excuses to me :P
One way my shopping has changed over the time I've been scrapbooking is that I rarely buy sets or packs of papers, as there are always some i don't really like, so they proved to be a false economy. Now I buy what i like and get chopping into it asap!!!
And being a scrapbooker i get to keep it anyway :)
I do still hoard stuff... but i tell myself that it is because I never know where I will be and perhaps not be able to get it again...but I also have reached a point when I cut the papers up without a twinge of guilt and tell myself I will ahve the finished article, so they aren't gone!!
Krispy Kreme Donuts.... you know we have one attached the supermarket and I haven't even been through the magic doors of the place yet? Yep, i'm pretty amazed too!!! LOL
Yes I've been there - had this box of Basic Grey that was just too precious to use. Getting through it now though! Don't talk to me about Krispy Kreme doughnuts - have been on a diet for SIX MONTHS ....
I sort of agree LOL ... but I'll be honest, I do still hoard ... not as much though as I used to. My worst bit now is still saving all my cut off's from paper, which if I'm honest, I nearly never go back to. Sounds like the perfect day, you had ... friends, chatter, shopping and Krispy Kreme! Life is GOOOOOD :)
Oh your post has made me chuckle. I will let you into a secret, I have three paper stacks of the Amy Buter Lotus design, one for stroking, one for using and one, well I just don't know but I NEEDED it! lol. I blame it on being relatively new to crafting only a year unlike you seasoned professionals so I am still hoarding stuff big time! Look like you had a fab day out! Have a great weekend. Tracey x
Ooh! You've had the chop since I since you! Really suits you :) But anyway - I'm almost there except I usually cut in totally the wrong place, faff it all up and then am mourning the paper that could have been safe and tucked up in my stash box ;)
What a fab day you girlies had this week! Lovely to see your photo enjoying your coffees.
One train of thought is that if you buy it, use it and then you can always buy it again?!
Keryn x
p.s did I ever tell you when I used to work in an all night convenience store we had a Krispy Kreme donut stand and every night the Krispy Kreme man used to come and replenish with fresh donuts. Everyone thought I was bonkers for being the lone female on the night shift. Oho no. Krispy Kreme man used to give me all the unbought donuts he removed from the stand to put the fresh ones on. So worth it! SO worth it! :P And did I ever let on? Nuh uh!
Aaawww lovely to see a 'proper' photo of you both. I'd still be in Krispy Kreme eating!
I know what you mean, I tend to 'save it for a special project' and not use it at all, but I'm trying xx
They dont have them in Scotland ....I looked it up ...I drewled over the pictures ....I WANT ALL OF THEM ... OMG ...I NEED one .... no ... 12 .... NOW.
Who cares about papers when they could have a KKD lol
Only kidding .... I never did the buy 2 to use and one to keep but I do tend to keep new ones for a while ...although not so much nowadays...however I do suffer from buying pretty and beautiful papers that infact I find hard to use as I would have to cover their prettyness. I actually have a box full that I regularly go through and get excited at the thought of a LO on them and then I find I cant make it work so away it goes again ....yet I cant part with them.
We are strange folk aren't we.
hmmmmmmmmmm I still remember at the last crop your reaction when I said the shop was busy and she might sell the Basic Grey!!!!!!! LOL
Fab piccie of you both and Julia as I said yesterday I am loving the hair it's fabulous.
As for the use one keep one nah I'm well over that, to start with I was too scared of ruining the paper but now if it goes wrong I have plenty of other papers to use. xx
Hmm, put it back you say? Not sure I would've done the same hehe. My friend says need is the same as want or vice versa, but whichever way it is, I agree!
Anne xx
not touching the donut
I am getting MUCH better with my stash and not going anywhere so that I can't buy any more until I use what I have, am even giving my scraps to the school instead of hoarding them in case I'll use them...digi papers are better, easier to find what you want and print off what you
hope to see you at this week challenge week's should be right up your alley too ;0)
well - I NEVER look at nice paper - I buy CD's then I can print my favourites out to my hearts content and KNOW that I can print more out when i've used it... and be frivolous with it - and cut it out wrong or right... maybe i hide behind the CD option because I KNOW that i would be in the buy two school - one to use (maybe) and one to keep (definately)... best not tempt fate then???
Great to see you - and a photo of you both together which is a bonus - wait til we have our mass get together and have LOADS of photos - don't mind arranging if enough people want it to happen - please could you mention it in your next WOYWW post as a ((small)) number of people ((might)) read it LOL - yeah 80+ again!!! Although know some where from overseas...
Paula x x x
Love donuts too but am supposed to be fat free at the moment to prolong the life of my dying liver. My prob is do I just eat what I want and have quality of life, or diet and be miserable for however long I have got. I am trying to take the middle line but some days I just can't resist the joy of something I really fancy. I have to have 2 of each sheet as never sure if the scrapping will turn into a double page spread!!!
I'm afraid that there's a very fine line between 'need' and 'want' with me. I'm not sure of the difference between the two. Maybe one day I'll find out!
I used to be the same. I used to think, this paper is far too gorgeous to use a teeny bit on a card, now i just think, i can always buy another sheet!
Mmmm hungry now thinking of Krispy Kremes!
I hoard the final layouts and love stroking them. I only ever use leftovers on my cards though I have to give those away. Ooh, this coment makes me sound really selfish and i don't like that!
What a fab pic of you both! Maybe this means you've "grown up" in scrappy terms??? Nah! Thanks for your comment over on my blog, the ripple is a gurt big blanket! x x
This is something I have been getting to grips with over the last few months & I'm proud to say that I too have been ripping & inking my way through a mountain of stash... heres to using it up:)
Like this line of thinking.I realised I had so much stash I had to use it or throw it away or give it away 'cos I wasn't going to be able to fit any more in. What does it matter if you spoil it you can always try again and you may just have learned something in the process. There's beautiful stuff out there to buy and stash in the cupboard is stash wasted anyway so let rip at the goodies and have fun.If you ruin it completely stick it in the bin with a clear conscience. Love you BettyXXX
I am deffo an hoarder I keep everything and anything just incase!! lol I now have three big boxes of off cuts and never think of using them! mmmmm dounuts, yummy.
I have a problem really....because I can't go to a shop and choose what I need (or want) as we don't have shops with cardmaking and scrapbooking stuff, I buy everything for future use when I can! So next week when I go to England I will be coming back with a suitcase full of punches, papers, and anything I can get my hands on (and my credit card can handle! ha, ha) But I must say that I choose what I like and do use most of it - ha, ha I have a few papers I just stroke...
Luckily they don't have Crispy cremes in our country but I ALWAYS have Crispy cremes when I am in England! LOVE THEM! YUM!YUM! YUM!!!
Great post! I'm okay about using stuff now too, in fact sometimes I can barely wait to get the scissors out. Having said that, I'm quite reluctant to use some remnants of thing I know have been discontinued - and there are little embellishmenty things that I can't bring myself to add to projects rather than have them in my boxes
they do freeze yes they do......... but mine didn't get the chance to!!! we ate the lot!!! all 24 and they were gone before they had the chance to go stale how awful is that??? by the way there are only two of us in our house!!!!! must go back soon for more ;)
I am a recovering "hoarder". This last year I finally thought...what the heck...use it all up...there will always be more to come! Now to use all the past stuff I have saved!
I have been crafting ages and I buy what. I want all the time! not just what i need!
I Have made a little promise to my self that from the end of this May, I will only buy essentials ie glue dble sided sticky etc no stamps (my big weakness, used to be papers and guess what? still got tons left) where was i? no stamps or inks sprays or anything else only essentials until I get enough money to goto Paris.
And the amount I have been clocking up on craft over the last few months I will have enough to go when all the kids go back to school! (Sept) just a few days of Parisian bliss! It's going to be one of the hardest things I have ever done! 3 months with out buying any wants I can't manage 3 days with no buying (honest)but I have promised my self this is for a few days in Paris with hubby and if I don't stop spending i can't go I really want to go to Paris ;0)
Love Dawn xx
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